Eyes of the Unknown 1 [creepy...

By moonthorns

53.1K 1.8K 642

Felicity Hill is an ordinary girl, almost too normal for her taste. But since her eyes are a rather different... More

1; day one of madness
2; where in the world am I?
3; starting a trend, new and improved eyes
4; this is why i dont like camping
5; weird life styles amirite?
6; new weird looking people
my true thoughts....
8; job done? nah
9; the unknown temple p.1
10; the unknown temple p.2
11; the unknown temple p.3
12; the unknown temple p.4
epilouge; a time i was expecting
news news..
up to date..
you guys...thank you!
epilouge; a time for good-byes

6; in depth talking with a killer

2.9K 104 50
By moonthorns


Slenderman stood silent and said, "She has already been takin by the Unknowns for their evil master plan. It's already to late for her.."

I gasped lowly. Poor Lauren..if only she would have told me about having strange eyes, then I probably should of helped her.
Slenderman suddenly escorted himself from his chair, "Come now, I can sense that the food is almost ready.."

"This man has an appetite? Wonder how he eats.."

Slenderman chuckled, making me turn red from embarrassment.

"Crap..forgot about that."


We arrived to a different kitchen, aside from the more pots and pans, and an enormous table. Wonder why there were so many chairs?

As I began to walk, something started to tear towards my jeans. I was completely taken aback.

"Hey-!"I said as I quickly turned around to see a dog with red fur and a slit smile from ear to ear.
I covered my mouth from screaming in fear.

"Smile DOG!!"yelled Jeff, "You better finish your god damn dinner!"

Jeff quickly grabbed Smile Dog while the dog was biting Jeff's ear.

"......ok then."I said, brushing my jeans off.
Slenderman sighed, "Jeff-"

Slenderman was about to finish, but a loud, cheerful voice came abroad.

"DINNERS READY!!"yelled a voice behind me. I turned around to see a girl with hot pink slick hair, an apron which seemed to have dozens of different signs on. She also had on a necklace varying different looks and sizes of sharp horns.

Some people that I never seen before, walked out of the hallway chatting with one another, and sat down on the table.
I tried not to stare at their freaky looks like an eye as  clock, a girl that looked similar to Jeff, and a boy who had no arms and legs.
(Aka. ClockWork, Lost Silver, and Nina)

I walked over to the table and grabbed a seat at the far corner of the table close to Slenderman and Masky. I felt the safest around those two.

I was awaiting something gross like flesh, kidneys, and some more grotesque stuff but the girl handed me a plate of hot, sweet pasta, which creepily reminded of my mothers homemade pasta.

I sat questionably looking at the pasta picking at it and looking through it. It consist of just regular pasta with some juicy tomato sauce
"Is something the matter Felicity?"asked Slenderman.

"Oh uh, no."I said as I took a little bite. It tasted like the real thing except better. Way better than my moms.

"Thank you Pinkie.."said Slenderman as he passed out the plates for everyone.
"No problemo sir!"said Pinkie, who took a huge grin at me.

After the weird conversations, small food fights, and the interruption of Smile Dog, Slenderman finally concluded our dinner get-together.

Slenderman lead me to my room and said I was  sharing a room with Jane, which was obviously amazing.
I groaned as I sat on my bed and took out my phone, "No service?.."I muttered as I got up and started to walk around the dark, brooding room.

"Definitely suitable for a girl like her.."I thought, while frowning.

I noticed Jane's side of the room. I didn't want to be nosy, but I was so curious.

I walked over to her drawer and pulled the cabinet out. Black dresses and black socks showed. Next drawer showed something I wished not to see in an emo girls room.

"A knife?!"I said a little to loud. "Why would she keep a knife in her room?!"

Footsteps could be heard. I quickly pushed the cabinet back to its original spot, and ran, but fell faceplant on the ground. The door opened.

"Ugh what a-"said the person.

I looked up and saw Jane staring back at me.

Jane let out a huge laugh that made me turn red.

"Why are you on the floor?!"said Jane as she wiped her eyes.

"I fell.."I muttered as I got up and brushed my knees.

Jane concluded her laugh with a sigh, "The boss told me I'm  gonna be rooming with you for a while til your rooms ready."

I nodded sarcastically as I climbed to my side of the bed and took out my phone. I look towards my left to the door open.

The door swiftly opened and there, Slenderman was carrying a purple bag, a very similar bag.

"My clothes!"I exclaimed as I jumped off the bed and took the bag from him, "How did you find them?"

"I saw them laying in the forest while I was at work."said Slenderman as he handed the clothes to me.

I grabbed my clothes and placed them on my bed.

"Hey SLENDY I'm gonna go to work!"said Jeff racing off behind Slenderman.

"Oh! Hey Slenderman can I go with him?"I asked politely.

He pointed his head behind Slenderman, "This chick serious."said Jeff scratching his head.

Slenderman sighed, "You can.. I guess it wouldn't hurt you, Jeff you better make sure she comes back here alive."He said, darkly.

Jeff nodded his head quickly, "C-come on Felicity."

I happily skipped and followed Jeff out the door.

As I was walking out, Slenderman put a hand in front of me and said, "Take this with you.."as he handed me a knife that shined brightly.

I agreed taking the knife and put it in my inside jacket pocket, "Uhh thanks?"I said as I followed Jeff out.

The moon was shining so brightly I squinted to look at it.
Darkened trees were hung around us with a slight bit of wind brushing past them. It was as if a blanket have been draped over them.

"This way."muttered Jeff as the pointed to a path way with lots of leaves and trees following a pathway.

I gulped, "...Looks kind of scary."

I clenched the knife tightly as we set of to Jeff's job through the dark forest.


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