The Long Lost Daughter (Bandi...

By BuryYourHeart

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Bailey Leela Wayland has always felt weird around her family. She knew she was different. So, she thought she... More

Chapter 2: I Am What?
Chapter 3: Getting Information
Chapter 4: After So Long
Chapter 5: Suspicious of My 'Parents'
Chapter 6: Plan
Chapter 7: Part B Of The Plan
Chapter 8: Kidnapping Bandit
Chapter 9: Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back
Chapter 10: Shot
Chapter 11: Safe And Sound
Epilogue & Authors Note

Chapter 1: 16 Years

3.3K 149 137
By BuryYourHeart

Bandit P.O.V. 

 "Happy birthday, Bailey!" Both my parents said. 

 "I know it's my birthday and all, but, did you have to wake me up so early?" I asked rubbing my eyes. 

 "Yes darling. Today you are getting your driving license!" Mom said in excitement. She kissed my forehead and left the room along with my dad. 

 I sighed and looked at the door. Sixteen years of feeling different from my family. They have blond hair, I have a dark brown hair that can be mistaken for black. They have tan-ish skin, I had pale skin. They all have blue eyes while I have hazel eyes. They liked mainstream songs, like pop and rap and stuff like that. I liked rock music, punk, etc. They disliked reading and art, I love reading and art, hell, I even like comic books. I love making music, too. 

 I am completely different from my family. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm adopted or something. 

 I sighed and put on a black shirt with skulls on it. Black jeans, black Vans and left my room. 

 "Bailey," Mom began. "We're working today, we'll be home around one, okay?"

 "Sure." I said.

 "Your brother, Brady, he will be home around two." Mom said. "Bye Bailey." Both my parents said. 

 "Bye." I said. 

 Brady, he's my younger brother. He's two years younger than me. The only reason he's coming home around two was because he stayed over his friend's house. Brady and I are cool, sometimes. But, we're so different. 

 Even Brady thinks I'm adopted since I don't have any genetic things from any of our parents. He's good at science too. 

 I ran to my room and turned on my laptop. I got on Tumblr first. 

 I sighed at the many drawings and a new born picture of the long lost daughter of two of my favorite bands. Today was her birthday, too. 

 Her name is Bandit Lee Way, daughter of My Chemical Romance's front-man, Gerard Way and Mindless Self Indulgence's bassist, Lindsey Way. 

 Sometimes, when mom or dad gave me a cupcake with a candles on it, I usually wished both Bandit and I happy birthday and, that she may be found. 

 I can tell how sad it was for both of them to loose their daughter. Gerard even made a song for her. That song was called The Only Hope For Me. I believe Lindsey was't herself anymore. She seemed more gloomy. 

 I saw the cupcake with a candle stuck on it and a lighter on my desk. I went up to the cupcake. I grabbed the lighter and turned on the candle. 

 I closed my eyes and thought of a wish. Well, I really didn't have to think about a wish. I already knew what it was going to be. 

 "I wish they find Bandit Lee Way. That's all I ask for." I said to myself then blew off the little flame. 

 I went back to the laptop. I stayed at the same spot until my mother comes back. 

 "Bailey, come on, we're going to get your license. Then, you can go to Sam's Club." Mom said.

 I close my laptop and head to the car. It was going to be a long drive. 

 Our family lives in a town in Kansas, close to Nebraska. It's call Belleville. Quite small. If we wanted to go to Sam's Club or any big story like that, we had to go to Concordia, Kansas or  Fairbury, Nebraska. 

 Since half of the day was gone, we went to Concordia, Kansas. 

 "I GOT MY DRIVING LICENCE!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. 

 "Great job, Bailey," mom said. 

 I got in the car and mom drove me to a dealer. 

 "Mom, you don't have to buy me a car now," I said.

 "Oh I do. You're sixteen and with a drivers license." Mom said. 

 After an hour of looking at cars, I really liked a black truck. It wasn't huge and it wasn't small. It was perfect for me. 

 "Now, Bailey, you are going to Sam's Club by yourself. I have to go back home to see Brady. You know your way back?" Mom asked. 

 "Yeah mom, don't worry." I said. She gave me one hundred dollars and left. I drove to Sam's Club. 

 There, I bought three new books to take home and ate pizza. Once the man marked my receipt, I started to leave to building. But, something had caught my eye. 

 The missing children board is what caught my eye. I looked at every single kid up there. One name stood out from the rest. That name that I've seen every single year on my birthday. 

 Bandit Lee Way. 

 I looked at the same picture I saw every year. She was last seen at Los Angeles Downtown Hospital on May 27, 2009 at eleven PM.

 That is exactly the date and time I was born. But, there was also a wanted sign next to the new born baby picture. 

 Bandit wasn't missing, she was kidnapped. I knew that. As I looked closely at the lady that kidnapped Bandit, the face was familiar to me. 

 It looked like mom...

 I shook my head and looked at the next picture. It's a picture designed by computers to see how she will look like now. 

 I froze as I was the picture. She looks like me. She had the same hazel eyes, hair color, pale skin, everything! 

 "You look a lot like that Bandit girl," said an African-American man. He was one of the workers here. 

 "I kind of figure that out," I said breathless. 

 "Yeah. She was kidnapped. Really sad. Her parents are in some punk rock band. I think the mother was in a bassist in one band while the dad was a singer in another band." He said.

 "Yeah. She's the daughter of Gerard and Lindsey Way," I said.

 "Oh, you know who they are?" The man asked. I read his name tag, his name was Ty. 

 "Well, Ty, I happen to be a fan of both of the bands they're in," I said.

 "You look a lot like their daughter. Hold on," Ty said getting his phone out. 

 He search for something and put the phone on the side of my face. I didn't see what was on the phone. 

 "Oh my," Ty said speechless. 

 "What?" I asked. 

 "You look a lot like Lindsey," he said.


 "The mother. You look a lot like the mother. Just, smile for me," Ty said.

 I smiled. His eyes widen. 

 "Don't freak out dude but I think you're the long lost daughter of the Ways."

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