
By KennJamisonJr

661 3 3

Table of (Unwritten Chapters) Contents. Nothing has been added beyond the following 5 chapter headings. Y'all... More

[1]. Fasten Your Seatbelts!
[2]. Now That's Just Wrong!
[3]. John Wants Prayer...
[5]. Not Wrong? No Worries!
[7]. Someone has to be in Charge
[11]. Turn off that cell phone!
[13]. Jamison Jr. High School
[17]. Social Evolution
[19]. We, Remote Controls
[23]. Teach a man to kill
[29]. The Corporate Person
[31]. Helping Dad
[37]. Doppleganger
[41]. Hearing Problems
[47]. Men, Women, Different Worlds
[53]. I'm Always Right...
[57]. Flaming Synchronous Natives
[67]. How To Kill A Dream?
[71]. Prince Hall: Unsung Hero

[0]. Science Laughs So I Do Too.

149 1 2
By KennJamisonJr


Laugh at it, DAMMIT!

(There's this spot I often hang @ [look out my window] where there's this cool but HARD NOSED science guy named Rob Jones. I like posting against him 'cause he just gets SO INTO his responses. And he's HEAVY on the intelligence insults... but he's pretty frickin' FUNNY at it...

The following is an example:

"...I don't think our concept of the atom is the "end of the truth". My point is thinking that the concept was laughed at just a little over 100 years ago is the exact opposite of the truth. The concept was never laughed at, it was always taken seriously even before we had a means to decide the issue..."

To which I just HAD to respond:

"Science" has "laughed at" concepts that today are taken for granted. In the cosmic scheme of things, only yesterday human beings thought the world was flat and that our world got around the universe on the backs of elephants. We once took seriously the assumption that the sun revolved around the earth. Some kids are still taught that babies come from cabbage patches.

People generally laugh at the things that are beyond their ability to conceive. I, myself, can see the shape and color of every sound I hear. "What kind of drugs are YOU taking?", you're probably asking yourself right now. I was born this way. I'm a synesthete. It's a scientifically researched sensory condition...

But because YOU can't see things the way I do then I'm probably at least a bit "wierd" in your initial estimation... but I'm only ASSUMING that. I've lived my entire life seeing things in a way that no one else around me hardly ever even imagines. That doesn't make my reality any more or less REAL than any one elses. It simply makes me different and, by the very weight of personal experience, I KNOW that people generally FEAR what they do not understand...

One way that people generally deal with their fear of the unknown, the implausible and/or the inexplicable is to LAUGH at it. Scientists generally laugh at folks who believe in UFO's. They snicker behind their hands at the folly of those who continually search for bigfoot, the lochness monster and Santa Claus...

Hell, LAUGHTER is the BEST medicine, or so some say! Just because folks laugh at things doesn't mean they won't or cannot overcome their initial reticence of the matter and EXPLORE the options they represent, however...

Otherwise, we wouldn't have TV, airplanes, automobiles, digital phones and the list of technological accomplishments goes on and on and on. LAUGH all you want, I say...

I used to think Captain Kirk and his funny little flip top communicator were pretty hilarious as a viable concept for common communication... But I have a digital phone on my hip right now, as you're reading this and so, probably, do you!



[1]. On Indigo Children

Though the designation "Indigo Children" is a pseudo-scientific one, I'm determined that it must apply easily to any Autistic and Autistic related individuals. Such people who can and do learn to not only live with their conditions but also excel by applying what would otherwise be considered a disability to RL circumstances...

That kinda will power is nothing less than an expression of at LEAST near psychic potential, just having the ability to actuallySEE THROUGH all of that Extra Sensory Information that Autistic folk are basically "Blinded" by and still create what can readily be considered "Miraculous Accomplishments", wouldn't you agree? Such an expression of the Human power of Will alone should always be considered PROOF by the Autistic mindsets example, instances that we can definitively deem EXTRA sensory. That's qualification enough (to ME, at any rate) to be classified ExtraSensory Perception, which is (according to Wikipedia.com): Extrasensory perception (ESP) involves reception of information not gained through the recognized physical senses but sensed with the mind...

Which further can be recognized as achievable through a BLENDING of the available 5 senses as well as any absence of, above and beyond the 5 which already exist; I.E., the neuro-typical human being already possessing the 5 basic means by which EXTRA information might be received; via any permutations of/or combinations of the common 5 must then be recognizable as extraneous perceptions of what is considered "Reality". Thus saying is confirmed the fact that to SEE what one HEARS or TASTE what one FEELS or FEEL what one SMELLS should then be considered EXTRA sensory as well...

So, the Synesthetic Effect being classified as at LEAST PRE-Psychic in nature, Human Beings are already capable of exhibiting "PSYCHIC" ability, as is evidenced in Autistic children who can count the stars to exacting measures and Asperger folk that create astounding works of musical art and synesthetic affected people standing back and watching it all unfold behind rainbows of sensory stimulated Extra Perception... Indigo Kids... Got Black Light?


[2]. 7 Billion Souls

Here's a link to a discussion over at !@#$ that I just couldn't help responding to. The original thread title is "stupid christians" but I posted my response to ALL and it is the third post in that thread. I will repost my position here as 7 B1ll1on S0uls:

(This message in response to HPeeler's response to Exposevil's post and posted to ALL)

God exists in all things because God is Everything is God. The days of the Old Testament, when there were comparably only a handful of people living on the face of the world (less than 100 million) as opposed to the nearly 7billion we have crowding the face of the planet now is one reason why people have a harder time "finding" God than ever before...

...and the world population is never going down! Is it any wonder that people are blinded by other people (Celebrities, politicians, charismatic world leaders, other ordinary folks broadcasting the goofiest shit on YouTube, TV, Radio and even on their cellphones)? The things that men have created, the idols that we perpetuate on a daily basis (Hell dude, you're looking at one of them right this second! What do you think a computer is, if not an invention of man that exists to take up the attention of man away from the glory of the greater God?) far outstrip even the most proliferate of our religious communities means of mass communication.

Back in the day all any Supreme Being had to do was drop a meteor storm on a few desert bound unbelievers or stick a rainbow in the sky and dazzle the scattered masses. Now-a-days meteor showers are less than 5 seconds worth of special effects in most big budget sci-fi films and you see rainbows every time you turn on your friggin' computer. Wars keep out attentions for mere seconds before the next glitz-glutted advertisement whisks us way to la-la land and the alluring realms of instant gratification.

God is here, there, everywhere, always has been, always will be but that people are the blind ones is not only evident in the staggering number of us on the face of our ever shrinking world but in that our blindeness issupposed to be happening. Doesn't it say in the Bible that this is the way things are going to be, exactly as they are right now? In the Koran? In the Vedic Scriptures, the ancient writings of the Egyptians, the Mayans and the Olmecs? The Norse of old called it Ragnorok. The Hebrews say it is the Apocalypse...

Christians say that Armageddon will happen. And it's happening right now, tsunamis wiping out whole cities, tornadoes and hurricanes decimating hundreds of thousands of lives, earthquakes swallowing people by untold numbers annually and warfare being commited across the globe on a genocidal scale...


Why are we even wasting time arguing over the inevitable? We've been talking about these very events for thousands and thousands of years and, that the very things that we've discussed as Human Beings over this comparatively short amount of time (the world is far, far older than the paltry amount of time we tiny humans have existed on its skin) are actually coming to pass is a pretty huge thing. Whatever we wish to call it, no matter how we try to make sense of it or come to grips with it, the fact of the matter remains...

SOMETHING is going down. It's time to stop talking about it and just wake the fuck up, folks. It's going down,right now and there is absolutely nothing that any of us nearly 7,000,000,000 souls can do to stop it...

And when whatever IT is finally DOES happen, we're all going to see the SAME END, experience the SAME CHANGE, watch the exact SAME THINGS in the sky, the earth, the waters and the very atmosphere of our SAME SHARED WORLD...

In the END, all seven billion plus of us will see the SAME GOD because there is only ONE GOD...

And there are so very many of us that we are, inevitably, stuck on ourselves and the many, many great things we have accomplished in our infintesimally short time on this tiny little world that God has given us to do with exactly the things we are doing right this very moment...

Seven BILLION of us, my friends...

And only ONE GOD.

Who of those mentioned above had the very first say and set all this into motion?

And who's going to have the last say, when it's all said and done?

Where is your God?

And why are you so worried about where anyone elses is if you can't answer that very question for yourselves?


[3]. 3l3v3n P3rc3pt10ns

...Ar0m4s1z4t10n... scent=(O,o

...4ud14l1z4t10n... sound=))[o'o]((

...P4l4t14l1z4t10n... taste=)0\v/0(

...T4ct1l1z4t10n... touch=(o)V(o)

...V1su4l1z4t10n... sight=[[o'o]]

...R34l1z4t10n... concept=>o'o<

...4n1m3'z4t10n... motion=>>0;o>>

...3m0t10n1z4t10n... emotion=>>o,0[}

...Num3r4l1z4t10n... summation=>>o'o

...Sp4c14l1z4t10n... space=)))o'o(((

...Sp1r1tu4l1z4t10n... soul=)[{(o)}](


[5]. The Games of the Rules

The Games of the Rule...

Where the first rule is...

to figure out all the rules...

And then make the game...

From those rules...

Til all the games rule all there is...

For, what is life, if not a game in which we must learn the rules as we live?

Rule#1: You WILL be watched...

Rule# 2: We WILL be watching...

Rule#3: Experience the Experiment...

Rule#4: Experiment the Experience...

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