[1]. Fasten Your Seatbelts!

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Fasten Your SEATBELTS!

Can the government require you to a wear seat belt while driving? What is the argument that it can, and what is the argument that it cannot? How would such seat belt laws differ from the requirement that infants in cars be in car seats? Respond in approximately 100 words.

The government can require the use of seatbelts of any motorist and does (otherwise none of us would ever have received warnings, citations or tickets for not doing so). In the state of North Carolina, seatbelt laws are designed almost specifically to protect the lives of non-commercial drivers who might otherwise be killed in the case of a serious accident. According to the NC legal statutes, drivers of commercial vehicles that make a lot of stops (mail carriers, sanitation workers, school bus passengers, and individuals with physical disabilities that do not allow for the comfortable or practical use of seatbelts (pregnant women is the best example) (GS 20‑135.2A., 2011). As far as any "right" or "wrong" in the matter, the infraction of seatbelt laws being less than a misdemeanor in many cases, it is pretty much up to the driver if he wants to get caught and forced to pay hundreds of dollars in fees and court costs...

...Or simply be flung through his windshield like a weighted rag doll when he gets side swiped by a Mac truck. Seatbelt laws are enforced for the safety of the drivers themselves and not necessarily to the detriment of the drivers. The Government has every bit as much right to require driving adults to protect themselves as they have to enforce the protection of children and infants who do not have the capacity to do so for themselves. In the Utilitarian view, the government enforcing seatbelt laws is correct in that the law is designed as a "way to see if an act is the right thing to do (or the wrong thing to do)" by looking "at its results, or consequences" (Mosser, 2010), as we have already discussed. As far as the Government is concerned, driving with seatbelts on is safer for everyone concerned so, if some knucklehead wants to pay fines, getting caught without one while driving then not only does the Government get paid to do their job perhaps the offender will learn a lesson and put his seatbelt on after the fact...

Prefereably before he ends up splattered all over some highway for his own hubris.

Works Cited

Mosser, K. (2010). Ethics & Social Responsibility. (S. Wainwright, Ed.) San Diego, California, 92128., United States: Bridgepoint Education.

Vehicles), N. (. (2011). GS 20‑135.2A. Durham, NC, USA.


[1]. Not Wrong? No Worries!

Kenn gets online and checks his message boards, emails, jobsites, chat logs, private messages and Network Statuses, and he doesn't have a care in the world that he's being monitored. He scrolls through his homework assignments and other academic endeavors online, looks at possible employment activity as he fills out another application, click and drag resume, tighten up the loose fields... and the fact that theres someone out there scrabbling at the Edges of his virus protection, just dying to get in doesn't bother him in the least...

Now sure, there are other surveillance "threats" lurking about out there but the best rule EVER when it comes to the internet and all the modern devices that exist with access to it:

If you don't want trouble... don't go looking for it! The ones who are doing the MOST wrong online are ALWAYS the ones out there just waiting for YOU to let THEM in. If you want perverts hammering at your cyber doors then go look at some PORN. If you'd rather cyber thieves then, go right ahead! Make a bunch of unprotected credit card purchases online and see how fast you get robbed! And what about those Cyber-Pharmacologists! Cooking up all kinds of nasty ways to KILL YOUR COMPUTER!

•L.1.F.3.•MeMe•E-Zine•Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt