The Great Sea (One Piece fanf...

By CeganTheAyugipi

623 20 1

A horrible fanfiction about the comedic events that occur when the paths of two thieves and the Straw Hat pir... More

Part 3: It's the Life of a Pirate, After all.
Part 4: Don't Hassle The Flashback!
Part 5: The World's Greatest Thief
Part 6: Don't Call Me an Asshole, Asshole!
Part 7: Heart-eyes
Part 8: A Road...?
Rope Rollercoaster?!?
Part 10

Part 2: Yeah Right You Purple Afro!

80 2 0
By CeganTheAyugipi

A/N: Welcome back, my dear readers! By the way, I doubt if this story will ever get very serious, but this story will have an OC x character thing going along. Oh, and for Cegan and Izumi's backstory. You'll find out later, but it's not very important at the moment. I'll be updating weekly, so happy reading!


Third Person

Zoro climbed down from the crow's nest, tired after a tough workout. Luffy had just left the kitchen after a failed attempt to steal some food from the kitchen, and was sulking on the lawn.

"Oi, Luffy, we're stopping at the next port, right?" Zoro questioned.

"Yep!" The captain replied, his mood suddenly becoming happy again. "Would you mind telling the whole crew? Oh, and ask Izumi or Cegan to watch the ship while we're there."

"Sure thing," Zoro turned around to head to the top deck first.

"Man, I'm so excited to have new nakamas!" Luffy could be heard jumping around as Zoro climbed up the stairs to find Cegan and Izumi. The shorter blonde was sitting up on the railing with a sketchbook while the taller purple-haired girl was sitting on a lawn-chair, relaxing in the sun.

"Oi, we're docking at the next port." Zoro informed them.

"Yay! I can buy some drawing stuff there!" Cegan replied happily.

"I wanted to buy some more nail polish and cute clothes," Izumi stated, checking her fingernails. Zoro resisted the urge to face palm.

"Hold on, one of us have to stay here to watch the ship, so whichever one of you-"

"Not me!" Cegan cut Zoro off, raising one hand in the air.

"Okay, Izumi is staying." Zoro shrugged, turning back around.

"Dammit," Izumi grumbled, gently pushing Cegan. However, from the slight push, she easily lost her balance and toppled off the railing, letting her sketchbook fall towards the deck as she dropped into the ocean. Zoro immediately turned around as he heard a splash behind him to find the poor blonde missing.

"Well shit." Izumi grumbled, looking over the railing. "That idiot. She knows she sinks like a hammer in water."

"Don't tell me-" Zoro stopped speaking and immediately jumped overboard, leaving his swords and a grumbling Izumi behind.

Zoro felt a cold rush of seawater as he dove. He could see Cegan sinking slowly before him -- just like a hammer. He felt annoyed that there was yet another clumsy fool on this ship that he had to look after. Gripping onto the back of Cegan's shirt, he began to swim upwards again.

"Oi, moss face!" Izumi shouted once she spotted him. "The boat's still moving, stupid!" She tossed a rope down before they could leave Zoro and Cegan behind.

"Thanks," Zoro spoke once he climbed up to the main deck. Once they had wrestled yesterday, they respected each other much more while at the same time they annoyed the shit out of each other. Even though he still didn't fully trust the purplette, Zoro now acknowledged that he had greatly underestimated Izumi's strength when they were battling the guards on Driust Island. Unlike Impel Down, the prison on this island was where political prisoners and people with dangerous knowledge are held. Zoro had no clue as to why they were on that island in the first place, which only made him more suspicious.

Tossing Cegan onto the deck with a thump, she let out a cough and spat up water. "Thanks a lot, Zumi," she sputtered, sitting back up. "I get all weak in water!"

"It's your fault for being so stupid," Izumi grumbled. Zoro watched as this spectacle unfolded, or rather evolved into a slap-fight between the two girls.

"Ew, Zumi! I'm all wet!"

"That's what she said!"

"It's your fault for pushing me in!"

"It's YOUR fault for eating MY devil fruit!"

"Shut up, you thick-headed snob!"

"You're the stupidest bookworm I've ever seen!"

"Yeah right, you purple afro!"

"Weak string-user!"

"Nail-obsessed freak!"

"Stupid artist!"


"Bitch!" Izumi finished, the two of them heaving from the storm of insults and uselessly flapping their arms around.

"You done yet?" Zoro questioned, wringing out his shirt.

"If this bitch will shut up for-" Cegan stopped as she caught sight of Zoro's rock-solid abs. She nearly fell forward but quickly caught herself, blushing madly. Izumi was sure her jaw was touching the ground, yet Zoro hadn't noticed the internal nosebleed Cegan was having. She let out a short chortle, looking towards the clueless swordsman. Cegan elbowed Izumi in the ribs, and they both glared at each other. Then they laughed.

"What?" Zoro asked, completely oblivious of what was going on. "Aren't you going to dry out your clothes too, Cegan?"

"E-eh...? Oh, yeah. I guess it was a bad day to wear a white shirt." Cegan tugged at the hem of her soggy crop-top, deciding that taking off the shirt would be the same as keeping it on since the material was so see-through. She thanked the highest heavens that she happened to just be wearing a plain white bra.

"I'll be in the kitchen," Izumi waved to the two as she walked away.

"To go manipulate Sanji," Cegan added after her. Izumi stuck her middle finger in the air as she headed across the lower deck and Cegan scoffed.

"That's all they ever do to that stupid love-cook." Zoro grumbled.

"He creeps me out," Cegan shivered from the thought as she pulled her shirt over her head.

"I'm glad someone thinks the same," Zoro grinned.

"Yeah, yeah," Cegan waved him off. "I'm gonna change." She walked down the stairs and towards the girls' room.


"Heeey, Sanji-kunnn," Izumi sang as she entered the kitchen.

"Oh, Zumi-chwaaan!" Sanji replied with heart-eyes. "Are you excited to stop at the port?"

"Yes, but it's too bad I have to stay and watch the ship." Izumi grumbled.

"Oh, my love, I can watch this ship for you!" Sanji immediately replied.

"Oh, no, I could never ask that of you!" Izumi replied sweetly.

"Oh Zumi-chwan, you are so sweet!" Sanji swooned, dancing around.

"Let's go see if long-nose-san is free this afternoon instead," Izumi giggled.

"Oh, of course! He is so easy to manipulate!" Sanji added. Izumi mentally laughed at how evilly manipulative she was. She had manipulated Sanji into manipulating Usopp. Since Izumi was a master thief, manipulation was the key to getting her way almost all of the time.

"So, would you like to go shopping with me?" Izumi asked the blonde chef. "After all, Cegan and I lost all of our stuff on Driust island."

"Oh, of course for you, Zumi-swann~!" Sanji skipped after the Purple-haired girl as she headed towards Usopp's workshop.


"Yoshaaaaa! Cegan, we're docking right here!" Luffy called down from the helm.

"Okay! I'll do the unrigging!" Cegan shouted in reply. She stood in the center of the main deck and lifted her arms, causing the heavy ropes that pulled the sails to gracefully uncoil and move in sync, slowly letting down every sail and tying every buoy at once. They coiled back up again neatly. Finally, Cegan let down the massive anchor and tied another four ropes to the docking hooks, successfully securing the boat to the dock.

"Woah," everyone looked at the unrigged boat that was ready to sail only a few seconds before.

"Wow! I'm so glad you're on our crew!" Luffy exclaimed.

"I had to say, for a weak person like you, that was pretty cool." Zoro commented.

"Shut up, so what I'm weak!" Cegan's face went bright red as she smacked Zoro's head.

"Bye guys!" Usopp waved from the ship deck, however reluctantly.

The rest of the crew marched down the gangplank — Izumi and Cegan felt lucky to be a part of such a famous pirate crew. However, they had no clue about the downsides of being pirates and they weren't trusted by the crew quite yet either. Nico Robin still kept her distance from them while Roronoa Zoro watched the two carefully, be it near or far. The clueless duo still hadn't proven their loyalty yet.

"Yo, Cegan, I'm going with Sanji-san. See ya later!" Izumi waved to Cegan and marched away, dragging the lovesick chef behind her.

"Nee, Zoro, will you go with me?" Cegan asked nicely.

"No, you'll probably get lost." The blonde fell over at his rude comment.

"Don't worry Cegan, I can go with you!" Chopper spoke up nicely. Cegan felt her heart soar with his kind words. "But you should really go with him. He gets lost easily." Cegan nearly fell back over. Chopper gave her a gentle push in Zoro's direction.

"Oh, okay." She turned around and ran to catch up with the swordsman.


"Okay, that's it for the groceries." Sanji stated as he and Izumi lifted the final crate onto the Thousand Sunny. "I'm very sorry for asking a beautiful woman like you to do such hard work like this!"

"That's okay, but why so much meat?" Izumi questioned.

"Our captain loves meat."

"Oh," Izumi shrugged. "We've been getting all the food together for nearly three hours, so can we go shopping for me next?"

"Oh of course, Zumi-swan~!" Sanji danced around with heart-eyes, and Izumi laughed at his idiotically lovestruck behavior.

"Do you act this way towards all women?" Asked Izumi.

"I treat all women with the highest regards," Sanji replied honorably. Izumi was surprised by his chivalry.

"Wow," Izumi replied. "Let's go, then."

"Of course, Izumi-swan~!" Sanji replied as he followed after her.


"Hey mossy! we've been wandering around the entire town for hours!" Cegan shouted angrily at Zoro.

"You must've gotten lost. I'm on my way to the liquor store." Zoro grumbled in reply.

"I've been following YOU the whole time, and while I was at it, I managed to map out the entire town in my head. The liquor store is up the road and to the left." Cegan retorted.

"I-I knew that." Zoro waved her away and walked faster down the road.

"Sure," Cegan rolled her eyes, mentally face palming. "If you don't mind me, I'm going to the art store we passed earlier.

"Do whatever, shortie." Zoro spoke from ahead. Resisting the urge to give a quick comeback, she spun on her heel and stomped down the street in the opposite direction. She was immensely annoyed by the green-haired man, to the extent that she wanted Izumi and him to have a rematch. She knew Izumi's super-human strength was greater than that bastard's. However, remembering Chopper's words, Cegan spun back around to catch a glimpse of the swordsman going right instead of left.

"That idiot..." She grumbled, running after him. Once she caught up to Zoro, she grabbed his hand and began to drag him towards the liquor store. Zoro had known she was coming up behind him, but he was caught off guard when she grabbed his hand and began to drag him.

"Wha- What are you doing?" Zoro questioned.

"You're going in the opposite direction from what I told you," She stated, dragging him along the sidewalk.

"I thought it would be faster," Zoro spoke, He noticed she was struggling to drag him and stood up, walking beside her.

"Yeah right, marimo." She rolled her eyes, pointing to a store down the road. "That there is the store you have been walking around for hours to find,"

"Thanks, although I didn't need your help." At this remark, Cegan fell face-first on the cement.

"Idiot." She grumbled angrily. Cegan eventually recovered and the two of them entered the liquor store. There were bottles of every type of alcohol, and Cegan was familiar with most of them. She decided, that while she was there, she might as well get some herself. However, instead of looking around first, Zoro headed straight to the counter.

"I'll have four crates of o-sake, please." He spoke.

"Wha- four?" Cegan's eyes nearly fell out of her head. She walked up to the counter in shock. Zoro was spending all of his money on alcohol. Then she noticed that Zoro just happened to be ordering Izumi's favorite type of sake, although she preferred green tea. Figuring it wouldn't do any harm, she walked up to the counter and slapped half of the money Nami had given her on the counter. "Make it six."

"You drink too?" Zoro questioned.

Cegan shrugged, "You seem like you drink a LOT." Zoro was surprised by her kind gesture.

"Miss, are you old enough to be buying here?" The cashier asked.

"I'm 18, you old fart." Cegan grumbled, turning away and crossing her arms.

"It's a sensitive subject." Zoro replied, handing the cashier all of his allowance.

Once the two paid, they carried their six crates of sake in a large wagon.

'what have I done,' Cegan thought, following Zoro who was tugging the wagon along.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed! see you next chapter!

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