All that glitters, ain't gold.

By Aumbellina

595 19 3

Megan has a normal life, with normal friends, and a daily normal routine. That is, until one of the worlds bi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (pt I)
Chapter 8 (pt II)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (pt I)
Chapter 19 (pt II)
Chapter 20 (pt. III)
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 25

6 0 0
By Aumbellina

| Megan's new apartment |

"Where to now?" Conner asked as we climbed into our uber. "LA, I want to talk to Jake now." I say happily, clapping my hands like a seal. My day was so much better than planned and I couldn't wait to find Jake and tell him everything. I don't expect him to run into my arms with a smile, I actually think he'll be upset with me for lying to him for so long but I know he'll get over it because we're best friends and best friends will always be there for each other. Plus, if Tiffany forgave Conner after a slap, hopefully it'll be good between Jake and I. I squeal and pull my phone out of my pocket and try to call him. He doesn't answer me, but I don't dwell on it too much.

Instead of watching "Breakfast at Tiffany's", this time I decide to watch "To Wong Fu", my second favorite movie of all time. Patrick Swayze, Wesley Snipe, and John Leguizamo were too fabulous in that movie for it not to be great.

After hours of being on the plane, we finally touched LA soil and I couldn't keep my giddiness from showing. "Conner," I say, turning to him once were out of the plane. "I want to thank you for everything, the amazing months we dated and our very short time together being engaged. I wouldn't change a thing about it, you're a wonderful person." I hug him and kiss him on the cheek. "Meg," he says while hugging me back. "This isn't a goodbye, I'd still like to be in your life." He said pulling away, smiling. "I would love that. You, Anna, and Tiffany." We talk for about five more minutes before I can't stand still much longer and we head our separate ways.

I thanked my driver once I arrived at the dorms that Jake lives in. I tried his phone again, but he still didn't answer. I shrugged and kept on walking in the direction of his dorm room.

When I get there, I hear music blasting from inside and the smell of something pungent drifting through the air. Aren't there suppose to be RA's watching over the floors, what the hell? I knock on the door a couple of times with no answer. I know they're in there because of the music, so I decide to let myself in and immediately wish I hadn't.

Jake was shoving his tongue down some girls throat, I assumed to be Celia until she turned around and wasn't her at all. On the other bed, this blonde kid that looked to be a junior in high school, was smoking. I guess that's what I smelt. The blond guy stopped the music quickly and Jake just looked at me. We stared at each other for a couple seconds, before the brunette b.itch started kissing him again. I could literally feel my whole body heat up with shock, anger, and embarrassment as I started walking towards them. I pulled them away from each other and just looked at Jake before slapping him. I heard the guy on the other side of the room suck in a breath, "shit!"

"I hate you!" I said before running towards the door. "Megan!" I could hear Jake shuffling off the bed as I kept walking away. "F.uck, man that's Megan?!"

"Yes!" I heard Jake shout.

I made my way to the elevators and repeatedly pressed the down button but it couldn't come fast enough. "Megan please listen to me!" I felt Jake's hand grab my arm to turn me around. "Leave me alone, Jake!" I say not looking up at his face. "That's not fair, Megan!" He shouts. "You can't just get engaged and then pop up and expect me to be waiting for you!"

"I asked you to wait for me Jake! It hasn't been a week since I asked you! It hasn't even been 4 days! You couldn't wait at least for a couple days? You couldn't pick up your phone for me either, could you?! I was going to do something important for us both, but you couldn't wait!" Tears were flying down my face now and I didn't care. He tried lifting my chin, so he could look me in the eyes but I just shrugged him off. My elevator finally arrived and I hurried in, not waiting for him to finish talking. The doors began to shut when he stuck his arm through so it wouldn't close completely. "What were you doing, Megan?" He wasn't shouting anymore, but his voice was urgent. "It doesn't even matter now. Go back to your other girlfriend." I shot nastily at him. "She's not my other girlfriend, Megan. I don't even go out with Celia anymore-"

"I don't really care, Jake. It's over, I'm done." I whispered, suddenly tired. "What..." Jake sounded breathless. "Megan, you don't mean this." Jake pulled me out of the elevator and slightly shook me. He pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head. When I didn't hug him back or say anything, he trying lifting my face to look at him and I didn't oblige. "I'm tired, Jake. I want to go home now." I said honestly. "So this is it?" I could see tears rimming his eyes, even though he tried to make himself seem though. I shrugged my shoulders, looking away. I know if I saw him cry I would give in and I definitely didn't want to. "Oh yeah, you can go run to your fiancée. It's okay I get it." Those words felt like a sharp hit against my heart and I shuttered, involuntarily. He turned away and walked towards his dorm room and I turned around pressing the down button again. In the elevator, I called my driver to come pick me up and let my tears free fall from my eyes.

It didn't take long for my driver to arrive and thank god I had sunglasses with me. I don't know how I would have survived without them. Before I could climb in and leave, I heard someone calling my name. I turned around and it was the same blond kid that shared a room with Jake. "Yes?" I answered confused. What did he want?

"Hi, I'm Jake Jackmen." He introduced himself and stretched out his hand for me to shake. I stood there for a moment just looking at him, confused. I finally shook his hand, before greeting him back. "Hi."

"Um, well this is awkward. I never thought I'd be seeing you around here anytime soon." Taken back by his words, I snatch my hand back quickly. "And what is that suppose to mean?" I say, getting angry all over again. "Oh, that sounded incredibly rude. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it that way!" Getting impatient now, I asked him what he wanted. "Well, I just wanted to say that Jake is a great guy. He talks about you all of the time and by the things he tells me he loves you." I laugh dryly. "I believed that once, too."

"No, he does. He broke it off with Celia yesterday because of it, but then he said it didn't matter because you were engaged. I wasn't suppose to say anything, shit." He looked down at my ring finger to find it bare. His eyes grew bigger as he put two and two together. "....but you aren't engaged anymore, are you?" I shook my head "no". "....and you were coming to tell him that, weren't you?" I nodded my head "yes". "Oh man.. Look it wasn't Jake's idea for Michelle to come over." Jake says, picking with his finger nails, looking nervous. "It was my idea, I called her. He was in this bad mood, so I tried to help him.. You know, feel better. I'm really sorry."

Before I could think about what Jake just said and feel regret for hitting Jake, I shake my head clear of any of those thoughts and climb in the car. I rolled down the window to say one last thing, "It doesn't matter anymore. Thanks for all of the help.. Jake, but it's over." With that my driver rolled up the window and pulled off. That was probably the most b.itchiest thing I've done in my entire life, but I couldn't talk to him anymore with out feeling bad.

I called and made reservations at a hotel in LA for the night, before we pulled up in front of my famous Calabasas home. The home wasn't actually mine or Conner's and we had a month to remove all of our personal belongings. I packed up most of my things, left my engagement ring on the kitchen table, and headed to my hotel room for the night. Once at the hotel, I called room service for ice cream and opened my laptop to begin the search for a place to live in NYC. When I found a one that I was interested in, I contacted the manger and made an offer. She asked me if I wanted to come check the place out, but I assured her that I wanted it, regardless, and we agreed to finalize any paper work next week and I'd be free to move in.

I sighed, feeling relieved that I would be back on the East Coast by next week and away from the West Coast drama. I then called my mom to tell her the good news and she tried to convince me to move back in. We joked and laughed for a bit before we ended the call. Then, I decided to text Ashely the news.

Omg, YAS!!!!! That's so great, bb!!! I'm so excited for you to come home!

I am too, hopefully I can catch some of that beautiful snow before the spring comes!

It's been snowing like CRAZY. I'm sure you will!

Yay! So excited! But I have some bad news to deliver, so can you call me?

She didn't hesitate to call. Not three seconds later was my phone ringing. I told her everything that happened and she wasn't happy. "Megan Ray Holmes!" She went on to curse me for lying to her and everyone for so long before comforting me about Jake. "Things will get better babe, I promise." She said and I can hear her making kissing noise through the phone.

"I love you, too." I told her before hanging up.


After my hour long bath, I wanted to call Jake but decided against it. Instead, I wrote him a letter.

Dear Jake,

After I left today, your roommate, Jackman, found me and explained everything. I wanted to start off by saying I'm sorry for hitting you. It was truly out of character and uncalled for. Conner and I signed a contract back when I first got signed to Golden Globe to be in a "relationship" with each other for a couple of months. When I first signed the contract, I never thought it would turn out this ugly and would effect someone I care about deeply. Conner and I both looked at it as a business opportunity for us and it was more money, so why not? I see now that it was a tremendous mistake I made and I can't apologize enough to make myself not feel guilty anymore. In the beginning, Conner and I may have had feelings for each other but it stopped immediately when I started developing something for you. Our first kiss, at Anna's party made me want to rip the contract in shreds, but that wasn't an option at the time. I was so close to telling you about it the other day before leaving for my flight for NYC, but Celia came and I couldn't tell you in front of her. I didn't, nor do I now, expect you to come running to find me and make up, this is just a letter to get things off my chest.

I ended my contract with Golden Globe today- that's what I came to tell you. But that turned into a disaster. I'll be moving back to the East Coast next week, I found an apartment over there and hopefully I'll be able to attend NYU or get into some modeling. Which ever way the wind blows.

Anyway, I hope this letter gives us both closure and I want you to know I'll always love you.

January 2nd,

I folded the letter and stuffed it into an envelope and put it on my dresser next to my bed, along with my phone, and finally drifted off to sleep.

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