My brothers

By goodornah

144 9 0

Hey I'm Aliyah GRIER and this is my life....if I see another book like this I will hunt you down then hurt yo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Hayes twin
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
The twins birthday

Chapter 10

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By goodornah

___1 month later___
I wake up early in the morning and just brush my teeth and take a shower. I go to the kitchen and make pancakes, then go to Hayes and Nash room and wake them up.
Hayes: *rubs eyes* what do you want  it  4:00 am in the morning
Liyah= it's sky birthday
Nash= no it's tomorrow
Liyah= we stillnshould wish her happy early birthday
Nash= may I ask you a question
Liyah= sure what
Nash= what time do sky usually wake up
Liyah= 12:00
Nash= ok and what time is it now
Liyah= 4:37
Nash= ok then goodnight again
Liyah= fine
Hayes= bye *walks to room*
Liyah= Ohana means family. Family means nobody get behind or forgotten
Nash= that makes no sense.
Liyah= you make no sense
Nash= bye *walks to room*
Liyah= ugh *walks to room* *calls carter*
____carter pov____
I'm sleeping when I hear my phone starts ringing. I take my phone and take a minute to adjust to the screen and it is Aaliyah. I pick up
Carter= *morning voice* hello
Aaliyah= how are you
Carter= fine how about you
Aaliyah= I can be better. What are you doing
Carter= I was sleeping
Aaliyah= oh I'm sorry
Carter= no it's fine
Aaliyah= are you busy today
Carter= no why
Aaliyah= it is sky birthday tomorrow  and we are going to Disney world. And you need to come
Carter=Of course
Aaliyah= well gn again
Carter= bye
I Hang up then go back in the living room and open the TV and just watch some shows. I eventually fell asleep.
____nash pov____
*2 hours later*
I wake up and take a shower and brush my teeth and put on shorts and a shirt. I get out my room and then go to the living room to see a sleeping Aaliyah on the couch. I shake my head then go and pick her up and take her to her room and put her in bed and kiss her forehead. I get the key and get outside to my car and drive to Taylor house.
Nash= *knock, knock, knock*
Cam= *still in sleep mode* what
Nash=well nice to see you too but wake the others and get ready for Disney land my homies.
Cam= fine what time is it
Nash= um *checks phone* it is 8:00
Cam= okay are we taking different cars
Nash= yeah well bye I need to go out gas in my car and I need to go buy some shades for Hayes he broke his
Cam= okay bye dude
I leave the house then go to the gas station and put gas in the car then buy Hayes a sunglasses then go home.
__at home___
Once I reach home I see Hayes standing in the living room on his phone. I hand him his sunglasses.
Nash= hey Hayes
Hayes= hey bro and thanks
Nash= no problem where is Aaliyah
Hayes= I think she's in her room sleeping or taking a shower idk
Nash= oh cool how about sky
Hayes= still sleeping
Nash= cool you hungry
Hayes= yeah I'm waiting for Aaliyah
Nash= do you not know how to cook
Hayes= no. None of ya ever taught me
Nash= oh then what you want.
Hayes= pancakes
Nash= I'll make it for you
Hayes= thank you so much
Nash= no problem
I walk to the kitchen and make Hayes pancakes, after I give it to him then I go to my room and take a shower then go put on my clothes (on top). I get our suitcase and put it in our car. We all are going to stay in Disney land for A week but jack and jack. They are going for just 4 days because they have to come back early for a concert. Once I finish with the suitcase I go back inside and get sky car seat and her stroller. After all that I end up finishing with packing everything in the car. I get back inside to see Hayes all dressed (on top).
Nash= you're already done. Did you even shower?
Hayes= yeah while you was getting everything and putting it in the car i showered and took a shower
Nash= cool how about Aaliyah
Hayes= she's showering sky now
Nash= okay good
Hayes = Can you believe it
Nash= what
Hayes= If mom didn't die then dad wouldn't marry that whore and if all that didn't happen we wouldn't get that little cute booger name sky
Nash= that's true
Hayes= bruh i can't wait for today
Nash= I need to ask you a important question
Hayes= what's up bro
Nash= who do Aaliyah like
Hayes= carter....everyone knows that
Nash= oh then that's bad
Hayes= how
Nash=do you remember Maggie
Hayes= a little
Nash= carter is dating her now
Hayes= oh shit!!
Nash= and he's bringing her to Disney land today
Hayes= what the holy shit
Nash= I know right
Hayes= wow!! That bitch again
Nash= well I'm done!!
_____aaliyah pov______
After I finish showering sky I put her early birthday outfit on (On top). I put her hair in Elsa braid. And put on a little pink lipstick and then a pink bow in her hair.
Liyah= you are almost 5 and you look so beautiful
Sky= thank you sis.
Liyah= oh my god. I need to take a picture of you *get phone and take a bunch of pictures of her.*
Sky= I'm hungry
Liyah= I forgot you didn't eat yet * I get make up remover and take out her pink lipstick*
Sky= I liked the lipstick
Liyah= I'll put it back after you finish eating
Sky= okay *walks out room and go to kitchen*
After sky leaves the room I get dressed (on top) and put my hair in a bun. And I already ate so I do my make up. I put on foundation, and I do a winged eyeliner, and last of all I put on black lipstick on and get my purse. I put everything inside like hair tie, brush and I put lipsticks and some Essential stuff in my bag. I grab my phone then head outside into the living room to see Nash and Hayes talking, I just look at them and walk to the kitchen and see sky eating while on her iPod. I take a picture of her and just sit down on the chair by her scrolling through Instagram.
_6 minutes later____
She finally finished eating her food. She gets up and go to her room and brush her teeth. After that she finally comes out and go in the living room. She just sits on Hayes lap and snuggle with him.
Hayes= hey babe
Sky= hey
Hayes= you are almost 5 years old yayyy!!
sky= I know right Tomorrow I can officially go to school
Hayes= you are happy about school
Sky= yeah
Hayes= trust me don't be. Once you reach middle school you will start regretting being happy
Sky= but you are high schooler and you are homeschooled
Hayes= I know. But Me and Aaliyah are going back once we reach college and we are graduating this horrible year
Sky= wow!! *gets of Hayes sit on Nash lap*
Hayes= why did you leave
Sky= you are a buzz killer
Liyah= oh shit!! Hahahahahah I'm done
Hayes= you are so rude
Sky= and you are so ugly
Liyah=*high fives sky* I raised a savage
Hayes= when are we going to go
Nash= when the boys finally come
Liyah= what should we do while we wait
Hayes open the tv and we all just stare blankly at abc family show doing nothing when I get a text from Taylor.
Tay= we all are outside
Liyah= no you come inside and pick me up
Tay= im going to really beat you up
Liyah= square up lil dick
Tay= I'm in front of your door
I get up from where I'm sitting and open the door for Taylor. He gets in
Tay= square up bitch
Hayes= don't call my twin a bitch you dick
Liyah= where's the others
Tay= down stairs waiting for ya
Liyah= who's driving with who
Tay= I brought my silver Lamborghini so I only can fit 4 person. Cam bought his black Lamborghini so 4 for him and carter bought his mom Range Rover so that fit 6 people and of course Nash and his red Lamborghini.
Liyah= why so much cars
Tay= there is going to be 16 people with us.
Liyah= shouldn't there be only 15 people
Tay= oh....well there is 2more girls coming and well you hate both of them
Liyah= I hate a lot of girls so be more specific
Tay= Maggie and mahogany
Liyah= oh shit
Tay= Ikr
Liyah= why
Tay= matt is dating mahogany and carter is dating Maggie
Liyah= oh wow. But why Maggie out of all girls in this world
Tay= I know what you mean. She a hoe
Liyah= oh shit!! Come on
We walk to the living room and Nash and Hayes gets up and walk to Taylor and do some bro hug.
Nash= how are you man
Tay= good but let's go
Nash= yeah let me go get my phone
Tay: Sure.........hey Hayes
Hayes= hey bro what's up
Tay= tired as hell how about you and where's the almost birthday girl
Sky= right here
Hayes= well that's rude
Tay= what
Hayes= we were just talking and you just wanna talk to sky
Tay= is it almost your birthday
Hayes= fine
Tay= okay then * pics up sky* how are you
Sky= amazing how about you
Tay= tired and I have a Gift for you in my car
Sky= yayyyyyy
Tay= hahah you are so cute *starts kissing sky face and cheeks over and over*
Sky= hahahahah
Nash= come on
Tay= okay *put down sky*
We all just walk downstairs. I see Maggie and carter talking. I just skip over them and say hi to Aaron and everybody else. In the corner of my eye I see carter scrunching his eyebrows. After some minutes he just shrug his shoulders and continue talking to Maggie.
__20 minutes later____
matt= guys it's time to go
Everyone= okay
We all get in our cars and started driving.
Driving arrangements
Carter car: Maggie, Tez, jack dail,
Cam: Matthew , mahogany, jack Johnson, jack gilinsky
Taylor= Shawn, Aaron
Nash= Hayes, sky, and Aaliyah

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