Stay With Me

By BritishLover1221

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He left me that night of the accident. He left for me, because of me. More

Your Highness 1.
Knock, Knock Jokes 2.
Inconsiderate 3.
Stubborn 4.
Costumes 5.

Party 6.

9 0 0
By BritishLover1221

After babysitting a couple times, Louis and I kinda got the hang of it. I mean Louis still struggles a little....a lot. So usually he just makes the bottles and cleans up whatever mess we make while I watch over the babies.

Andrew is honestly the best. He barely cries, and if he does he just wants to be held. Usually I'm the one that picks them up when they cry because Louis just makes them cry harder.

School was the same as usual, I ate with Lily in the cafeteria while the rest of her friends hung out in the library and Louis sat in his usual spot next to Katherine on a different table in the complete opposite side of the room from my table. I wasn't complaining though, we'd hang out after school, and its not like I don't see him everyday.

Anyway, today's the Halloween party and our costumes arrived late last night so we haven't tried them on. The party was at eight, so Louis and I had time to get ready considering it was like 11:30am

I scrolled through Tumblr on my laptop checking out the latest events. Nothing was really happening, just a few funny memes here and there.

Louis started moving in his sleep, muttering a few things. I chuckled and nudged him with my elbow.

He groaned and slowly sat up. I giggled at him. His hair was a freaking mess, and he only had one eye open, his tank top was wrinkled and it showed one of his nipples making me laugh a little.

"Morning, Sunshine." I laughed, and fixed his shirt so his nipple wasn't popping out.

"Ugh, leave my shirt alone." He muttered.

"Calm down, your nipples were showing."

"That doesn't mean anything."

"It's weird, Lou."

He shrugged.

"She just wanted to say hi."

I laughed shaking my head at him.

"You're so weird." I ran my hand through his hair trying to fix it at least a little.

"Does your mom know you spent the night."

"Yeah, I told her I wanted a sleep over with my bestie." he said in a mocking tone. He's so fucking sassy sometimes.

He pushed my hand away and laid back down wrapping the blanket around him.

"Bye." He mumbled.

And he was out. I never understood how people just fall asleep so easily sometimes. Louis usually just hits the pillow and he knocks out.

I rolled my eyes at him and got out of bed, letting him sleep for once.


I walked upstairs to my room and saw Louis laying on his stomach on my bed in a towel.

"Seriously?" I frowned.

Lou shrugged groaning.

"I don't wanna."

I rolled my eyes. About a half an hour ago I forced Louis to take all his clothes off so I know that he'd shower as soon as I left my room, and instead of finding him him squeaky clean and getting ready, I find him dirty on my bed naked with a towel around over his ass.

"Lou, we gotta get ready!"


I huffed and pulled the towel off his ass. Louis gasped looking at me. He got up immediately covering his crotch.

"Give it back!"

"Get in the shower." I looked at him sternly.


I walked up to him and grabbed him the the ear pulling it.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" he laughed and I dragged him to the bathroom.

"Oww! I'm naked stop!"

"Lou. If you don't take a shower I will pour cold water on you."

"Okay, okay! Just let go!" I let go of his ear, and huffed crossing my arms. He rubbed on his ear frowning.

"You're so mean to me."
"Love you." I smiled innocently.
"I don't."
"Yeah you do." I laughed walking out the bathroom closing the door. I heard the shower turn on and smiled to myself in victory.

I took my clothes off and examined the costume and how I would put it on. It was a regular wonder woman dress.

"what the fuuuckk?" The dress wasn't the one from the website. "Ugh!" i groaned. This was just a female version of superman.

I put on the dress and the cape and it looked okay, but a little short. I shrugged and did my hair. I put on the superwoman head band thing and nodded in approval at myself in the mirror. The wonder woman one would've looked better but i guess. i sat down huffing.

The bathroom door opened and out came Lou in his superman costume.

"Oh my god! You look so cute!" I squealed. He looked so 1900's with his hair styled down.

"Oh, shut up." He muttered.

I laughed and stood up.

"Woah. A lot of skin is showing." Louis said with wide eyes.

I shrugged. "I can't really do anything about it."
Lou nodded. "It looks good though."

"Thanks." I giggled and did a little twirl.

"Now let me do your hair better." it looked nice, but a tad messy. I sat Lou down in front of my mirror and tried fixing his hair a little.

"That curl you did makes me look gay." he tugged at the little curl on his forehead.

"No it makes you look like superman." I chuckled.

Louis shrugged standing up. "Shall we go?"

I nodded grabbing my phone and putting it in my small purse. It was red so it went with my costume.

Louis handed me his phone and I put it in my little purse too, along with like thirty bucks, just in case.

"Let's go superman."

Outside wasn't that cold, so I felt fine in the skirt.

We got to the party and it was packed. Lily's house was big but even as big as it was some people had to stand outside. I saw like eight other Superman's, and Batman's and slutty cats, I should've known superman was a common thing. I spotted Lily in a short black dress with a witch hat on.
"Let's go say hi." I pulled on Louis's arm and walked towards her.

She immediately spotted us and smiled.

"Charlotte!" She said tackling and wrapping her arms around me.

"Hey Lil." I laughed.

She let go of me and waved at Lou. "Hi Lewis."

"Hi." He said.

I laughed a little looking away from Louis' fake smile.

"Wow you two are looking very sexy tonight." She winked at me and I laughed out loud.

"Why thank you!" I said posing a little.

She nodded and grabbed my hand. "Cmon, I sneaked some drinks from my moms secret cabinet, they're in the kitchen."

I looked at Lou and he shrugged. "Erm...okay." I hesitantly followed her through the crowd. Louis was right behind me.

"My parents are spending the night at some hotel." Since my dads leaving tomorrow they want some alone time. My brother got the liquor. He's somewhere around here. Maybe you'll meet him."

I forgot all about her having a brother. He was only a year older than her. Peter, I think his name was.

When we got into the kitchen all of Lily's friends from school were there. I already knew all their names, she tells me all about them.

Jake Powell, he's in two of my classes with long curly hair and is known as the stoner of the group. I could tell because his eyes were red and he he was holding a cigarette in his hand right now. He was held back twice I heard. So he looked like he was about sixteen.

Then there's his girlfriend Sophie Jackson. She was pretty and short. Her hair was short and brown and she's in only one of my classes which is my art class. She was known as the creative one in the group. From what I've seen she's really into drawing eyes. Like really creepy eyes.

Next to Sophia there was Steven Jones and his girlfriend Mia Smith. Steven was in most of my classes, and I didn't know much about him but he liked throwing a lot of piece signs. He wore big squared glasses and his hair was all over the place. Mia on the other hand was quiet but funny.I heard she was bossy as hell. Her hair was cut to a pixie cut and her eyes were beautiful and blue.

"Guys! This is our new friend! She's really cool. And I think she's earned a spot with us at the library.

I grinned. Lily told me about this rule they have were if one of them had a new friend they wanted to add to the group one of them had to make sure they were trustworthy enough to be in the group, so like they'd investigate or something.. Knowing that I was trustworthy made me feel happy.

They all smiled and rose their cups. "Welcome superwoman." A guy with curly blonde hair walked into the room smiling at me. He rose his cup with the rest of the group. "Let's have a toast to the new groupie!" He laughed and drank whatever was in his cup. Everyone else did the same.

I turned smiling at Louis, but he wasn't paying attention to me at all. He was craning his neck looking for someone. I was looking around trying to see what he was looking at and I saw her. It was Katherine. I rolled my eyes. "Hey Lou. You're not gonna ditch me are you?" I asked. He quickly turned his attention back to me. "No, of course not." I nodded smiling at him.

The guy with curly blonde hair walked up to me and held out his hand. "Hey, I'm Peter, Lele's brother." He introduced himself. I shook his hand smiling. "I'm Charlotte, everyone calls me Charlie."

He nodded. "You're very pretty Charlie. Is that your boyfriend?" Louis was next to me with his arm around my shoulder. I chuckled. "No, this is my friend, Louis."

"Hey." Louis waved. Peter nodded and waved back.

"You guys want a drink? I make great drinks, they're not strong but they get you drunk real fast." He laughed. I hesitated but nodded anyway. Louis frowned at me and I shrugged. "Just one." I smiled. He hesitated also, but nodded eventually.

Peter handed us our drinks in red plastic cups and Louis and I went off to find some where to sit. The living room was filled with drunk people and some people dancing to loud music. "Let's sit on the couch!" I yelled to Lou. He nodded taking a sip from his drink he cringed and coughed a little, I chuckled and sat on the soft leather couch. Louis was squished next to me sipping on his drink. I sniffed my drink scrunching my nose.

"It's bad at first but after a while its actually pretty good." Lou laughed, taking a gulp from his drink.

I took a small sip from mine and coughed cringing it burned my throat. I took another sip and it still burned when it went down my throat but a little less. Eventually I got used to it and finished it.

We got another drink and sat on the couch again watching couples grind on each other. We'd get up occasionally when our favorite songs came on. I felt really warm and my brain was a little loopy. I finished my third drink and kept slurring my words. Peter came by a while ago and he kept laughing at us whenever we talked. He asked how I was feeling and I told him I felt great. He laughed and replaced my drink with a cup of water and walked away.

"Yo, look at them." Lou pointed out. It was two guys wearing dresses one was blue and the other one red. They looked miserable.

"What....what the hell!" I laughed my ass off and Louis did also pointing at them. They noticed and rolled their eyes. "It was a dare!" The blue one yelled.

We roared in laughter and they both flipped us the finger. Louis and I kept laughing. We crossed our eyes and stuck our tounges out flipping them off back.

We couldn't stop laughing and at one point my stomach started hurting. Louis stopped laughing and examined his cup. He turned it over and nothing came out.

"Emptyyyy." He slurred laughing. I looked down at my cup and turned it to the side a little and it spilled down to the floor. I laughed. "Fuuuullll."

"I'mmm...I'm gonna, gonna go get s'more." I looked at him with a straight face and nodded. "Okay." I said. He stood up and walked away weird. I slumped into my couch and looked down at the ground.

"Hey." I looked up squinting. It was Louis in his superman costume.

"Helloo Louis." I giggled.

"You have a nice chest."

I looked down at my chest. "Boobiessss" I nodded.

He laughed. "Damn, you're wasted."


"You wanna dance?" He asked.

"Sure." I giggled. I finished my cup of water and stood up.

"Woahh." I grabbed onto Louis' arm feeling dizzy.

"Where's your cape?" I asked.

"Uh, I don't have it." He said. "Aww, you lost it." I giggled. Everything was alittle blurry, and Louis didn't look the same. Before I could question it, Lou dragged to the dance floor and turned me around. He grabbed my hips and started dancing. I giggled and swayed my hips to the music.

"Oh you're bad"

Louis' voice sounded different. It was deep and raspy. I frowned and started getting my senses back. The room was more clear. I frowned and turned around facing the guy. I gasped, he was one of the seniors from our school. He's dumb drunk. I tried squirming out of his grip. He groaned and pulled me closer to him grinding his hips against mine.

"Stop." I said. Trying to push away from him. "Hmm, cmon baby, keep dancing." He ordered. He ran his hands lower from my hips and squeezed my thighs. I felt uncomfortable and I shook my head. No stop, let go!" I yelled at him. I hit His chest and he chuckled. He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me into a kiss. His lips were rough and disgusting. They reeked of alcohol I frantically shook my head pulling away. Who the hell does this guy think he is?! I rose my hand up to smack him and he grabbed it.

"Don't even try it, babe. C'mon." He grabbed my wrist and dragged me across the room, and up the stairs. I panicked searching the room for Louis. "No! LOUIS!?" I yelled freaking out. "LOU-" the guy covered my mouth and locked us in a room.How the fuck did nobody notice this? the room was dark and big. I looked up at the stranger, backing up.

"Please, just let me...let me go." My breathing was all over the place. My heart was beating fast. And my head was starting to hurt. I didn't wanna cry but I felt the tears go down my face.

He hummed. Licking his lips. He walked closer to me and grabbed me by the waist. "Dont worry. I'll make you feel great." He chuckled. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pocket knife. "Don't make this harder then it has to be." He said holding it up to my face. what the hell is he talking about? I gulped shaking my head. "Please....just let me go." I cried.

He chuckled, placing the knife next to the bed on a nightstand.

He pressed his lips to my neck and lay me down on the bed. I shook my head crying. "Please..." I cried.

He hoveed over me sucking on my neck. I closed my eyes shut, he lifted up my skirt with one hand and reached for my panties.

"No!" I cried out squirming I put both of my hands on his chest and tried pushing him off of me. He growled lifting his hand up to smack me. I cried out grabbing my cheek. He stood up and walked over to a dresser by the door. He took off his belt.

"No, no, no. Don't please!" I cried out and screamed for help. He ignored it walking over to me and trying my hands up tightly with the belt. I squirmed screaming and kicked around. He pulled his pants down and got on top of me again. He forcefully pressed his lips against mine. I tried moving my hands around to smack, scratch or anything really but I couldn't move. I cried and just gave up. I laid there limp and crying. I could feel him getting hard as he pressed himself against my thigh. He pulled my dress up and pulled my underwear down. He pressed his sweaty dirty hand against me and I started screaming and sobbing. Nobody could hear me over the loud music.

"Stop...please." At this point I was crying so hard that I could barely see anything and my throat was starting to hurt.

I heard the door swing open and talking.

The guy quickly got off of me and froze.

"oh..oh my god!"

"Lele, call the cops."

"Hey, listen dude we were just-"

"You son of a bitch!"

I heard grunting and things being knocked over.

"Stop! Peter! You're gonna kill him! Oh god, Char." I saw Lily looking down at me with tears in her eyes. She undid the belt and sat me up hugging me. I sobbed on her shoulder clinging on to her.

"It's okay,'ll be okay." She rubbed my back.

"Lele, take her to your room. And get everyone out of here." It was Peter talking.

"Cmon, Char.", I nodded still sobbing. I looked down and the man was on the floor, Peter standing over him. He had a bloody nose and his lips were busted open. Lily led me into the room across the hall. I kept crying and the more I wiped my eyes the more tears fell. I sat on her bed as she pulled out clothes from her drawer.

"Here, so you can change." I nodded and took the clothes from her. I put on the white tank top and gray sweatpants. I stopped crying eventually, just continuously sniffing and harsh breathing. I sat on the bed staring at the wall listening to Lily yelling that the party was over downstairs. Soon after, she walked back into the room and kneeled down in front of me.

"Everyone's gone. Louis is passed out on the couch. He's just a sloppy mess. Now, I need to ask you something very important." Lele said slowly.

I nodded.

"I didn't call the cops."

I frowned looking at her. "Why?" My voice was hoarse and it hurt to talk.

"I wanted to ask you if you wanted me to. I think you should all depends on what you want." She said.

I frowned thinking. Should she call the cops? If I did he would get arrested and my mom would know I was drinking, and I'd be questioned, and court, and then everyone would know then I'd be treated differently, and what if he tries coming after me for getting him arrested? But surely I have to call the cops. I have to, but what if it's too much trouble.

I shook my head frantically tears pouring out my eyes. "No, please, no dont."

Lele hugged me "I won't. Not unless you want me to." She said rubbing my back. "I'm going to go tell Peter." I nodded and stood up walking around the room trying to calm myself down.

"What?....What do you mean she's not calling the cops!?.....What the fuck!... Fine! And you! If I ever see you near her I will end you!" I heard grunting and Lily came back. "Peter's gonna drive you and Lou home. Ryan is staying the night here until he gets sober. After that you don't have to worry about him at all." She explained to me.

I nodded slowly. still thinking on whether or not it's okay to not call the cops. I mean of course its not okay, but would it make a difference? I'd still have his image stuck in my head, it wont change anything. Right? this whole night was fucked up. Trying to process everything that has happened tonight I sat down. My fucking head is pounding.

"Charlie, I'm so sorry."

I nodded.

Lily grabbed my costume from the floor and threw it in her closet. She grabbed my hand and led me down stairs. Peter was downstairs grabbing Lou trying to take him to his car, Louis was so drunk he couldn't even walk.

"I already gave Peter your address. Call me as soon as you get home, yeah?"

I nodded.

I got into the passenger seat of Peter's car and waited. He got Louis into the car and we drove to my house in silence. He parked in front of my house. "Why don't you want to call the police?" He asked, breaking the silence.

I shrugged. "I just don't."

He nodded, gripping onto the steering wheel.

Louis shuffled in the back seats and eventually woke up yawning. "Fuck." He cursed. He sat up on his seat looking at his surroundings frowning. "Oh we're home." He chuckled, "Did I miss anything?" He asked rubbing his red eyes.

Peter and I looked at each other for a moment.

"No, Lou. You just had a bit too much to drink that's s all."

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