Knock, Knock Jokes 2.

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The week went by pretty quick, and pretty good actually. High school wasn't as horrible as I was expecting it to be. I got few 'happy birthdays' when it came to my tiara but no mean comments or dirty looks so far. Louis got teased about his hat a few times but being the charismatic boy he is it was easy to crack a few jokes about it and it simply became a part of him. 

 Yesterday we got news my dad was going to visit for Thanksgiving which is just under two months away, my mom has been hysterical about it taking two days off of work this week just to buy nice decorations for the house to make it more "welcoming" for dad. 

Louis and I did our usual routine every night for the past week. He comes over in the morning and we eat breakfast, then we go to school, come home and do our homework at his or my house every other day and watch TV. By nine o'clock we're done watching our Big Bang Theory episodes and each go to our own houses to shower and finally sleep.

Louis just left which usually means it's time to get ready for bed so I dragged myself into the bathroom and began brushing my teeth.

This week I also noticed Lou had been more quiet than usual. He said he was okay but I'm starting to think the break up with Lily really affected him because this isn't him. He's usually annoying me with crappy jokes or making fun of mine, but this week our afternoons have been mostly filled by background music when we do our homework instead of our usual bickering. 

I sighed and rinsed my mouth out. Walking into my room I threw myself onto bed with my arm over my eyes. I couldn't help but imagine those big sad blue eyes sitting alone in his own room. What was he thinking about right now? Quickly I turned on my side and picked up my phone from my nightstand. 

"Charlotte?" He answered on the third ring.

"It's 'your highness' actually."

He chuckled and I could instantly imagine him shaking his head too. 

"What's up?" He asked.

"Are you in your room?" I asked.

"Yeah, playing video games. Why?"

I jumped onto my couch and sat with my legs crossed. I looked out my window and spotted him sitting on his bed with the phone between his shoulder and cheek as he held the controller with both hands.

"Look out your window."

"Kay. Hold on."

Louis put his game on pause, then grabbed his phone and jumped onto the couch by his window.

"Hi." He smiled waving at me.

"Hello." I waved back. "You know" I say "you never close your blinds. Yet I'm always accused of being a stalker. I'm starting to think you want me to see into your room you perv." 

Louis lets out a dramatic gasp and clutched his chest as if I hit a soft spot. "Are you victim blaming Charlotte Jay?"

"You'd have to be a victim first Louis Tomlinson!" I scoffed. He shrugged his shoulders and walked over to his window, letting the blinds for once shield my view into his room. 

"Is this better?" He asked. "Well if you like it, I love it." I joked back. Honestly, it was unusual for his blinds to be closed and it made me feel uneasy. It was comforting to look over and see that he was always there. Biting my lip I sighed into the phone "But, y'know if you keep the blinds closed you'll miss out on this gorgeous tree outside our window." 

Immediately her ripped the curtain back "My god! You're right Char, it would be such a shame not to see this twisted thing all the time. It's so...unique" He said playfully. "I'll keep it open...solely for the tree." 

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