You are my Sunshine

By imposslblegirl

1.8K 84 23

Josh and Elizabeth were together for eight years. They were the perfect couple, everyone knew one day they wo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen


97 10 2
By imposslblegirl

I am SO sorry for bothering you with ANOTHER update. But the un-edited version got posted and I had to fix it!!! I'm so so so so sorry.

Read the authors note at the end of the chapter, please and thank you :)

*Josh's point of view*


"You guys are amazing"! I shouted into the microphone. The crowd went crazy, screaming and taking pictures. I smiled, looking out at the crowd. This was the only place I had felt truly happy over the past few weeks. The fans love kept me going, when everything else started to seem hopeless.

As the crowd died down, I strummed my guitar a bit. This was going to be hard.

"This next song, I want to dedicate to someone very special. Someone who means more than the world to me. This person, I miss her a lot. It's been one month since I've seen you and it hurts, but I'm keeping my promise".

I glanced back at Matt, standing just behind me. I couldn't really see him that well, but I could tell he had begun to cry.

"This one's for you, Ellie"

"When your tears are spent, on your last pretense

And your tired eyes refuse to close, and sleep in your defense

When it's in your spine, like you've walked for miles

And the only thing you want is just to be still for awhile"

As we continued the song, I let my mind wander. I thought about the past few weeks, the funeral, everything that had been happening in my personal life. I sang louder, putting everything I had into the song. It seemed like everyone was trying harder as well; Ian on the drums a little bit louder, the guitar less sloppy. It was the best song we had played all night, the best performance of Beside You we had done all tour.

"I'm just trying to keep it together

'Cause I could do worse and you could do better".

As I wandered around stage, trying to hold back tears, I noticed Ian, Matt and Mike were all crying. I walked up the stairs to stand with Ian and finish the song, followed quickly by Matt and Mike.

"If your heart wears thin, I will hold you up

And I will hide you, when it gets too rough

I'll be right, beside you

Nobody will break you"

The song finished, and the crowd erupted in screams. I glanced around at the band members, all crying. Even Brett who stood off stage, was tearing up a bit. I had to admit, I was too. Halfway through the song I forgot to care. I knew I wasn't the only one who missed Ellie. She had played such a big role in all our lives. Knowing that now, she was gone for good, and there was no chance of getting her back, really stung.

The moment I kept going back to was the day she left. What if I had been home, she might still be here. I blamed myself a lot, even though I knew Ellie would have hated me for it. Jamie had told me on numerous occasions to get over it, that I couldn't have done anything. But who's to blame me for the way I feel?

I also kept going back to the day we saw her in the coffee shop. What if I had never called? Had let her live her life the way she had before. Would she still be here? Would that have been the better choice?

Ellie really had been the highlight of my days, the sunshine in my life. Without her around, everything just seemed, grey.

I looked over at Matt as the crowd died down, he was wiping tears from his eyes. Suddenly Ian stood up and took my hand on his left, Mike's on his right, like we did at the end of each show. It wasn't normal to do it in the middle of the show, but it felt right. We raised our arms in the air, as a salute.

"Goodbye, Ellie", I whispered.

The End

*******PLEASE READ*******

Again,really sorry for the annoying re-update.

It's done.

I'm still kind of in shock, honestly. Yesterday, as I wrote the last official chapter, I hadn't felt this way. I just can't believe the story is finished.

I really enjoyed writing this. I hope that everyone who read it is glad I wrote it. I know I am.

When I set out to write my first fan fiction, I thought I had my hopes up when I wished for 50 reads.

I never thought I would get over 200 reads on one of my stories.

I have a couple of thankyou's..

First, a couple of friends who I know have been following my story, Hannah and Kasia. You guys are both so great, thank you for any help that was given to me during the process of this fan fiction. They both are amazing writers and all of you reading this should go and check them out. They're both working on Marianas Trench fan fictions at the moment too.

Also, my friend Kaitlyn just started one. Go give her some love too.

Next, I'm gonna be cheesy and thank my readers. Because I love you guys. Simple as that. if you guys liked this story, I'm going to be writing another fan fiction that I should be publishing sometime in May. And it's all about out special little Matthewq if you're interested.

My only dedication goes out to my readers. Thank you to every single person who took a minute out of their day to read even one single chapter. It literally means the world to me

Kasia: Kittykat2001 (She just started one called "It's complicated" and it's brilliant)

Hannah: fangirl08 (She's working on a series, starting with "I Love You Wherever You Are" which is one of my all time favourites; and is right now working on "Coming Home")

Kaitlyn: Kingdomcomexx (Freaking amazing beginning to  All To Myself has been written so far.Go give her  a read).

These people mean the a lot to me, it would be greatly appreciated if you searched up their stories.

21,577 words.

So long for now, Lovelies.

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