Chapter Four

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I feel pretty proud of myself, posting one chapter each day. I'm going to try and update at least once a week if anyone actually cares.

*Elizabeth's point of view*

I walked down the street, quickly zipping my jacket up and pulling my favourite green scarf tight around my neck. It was 1:30, I was hoping I wasn't too late. I also kept constantly checking my phone, seeing if suddenly a family member would die or Josh would get food poisoning and cancel on lunch. But standing outside the diner, there was no message. This would be the perfect moment for a zombie apocalypse.

Inside the deli was the same as it always was throughout highschool. We would eat here almost everyday at lunch, or just come here when we wanted to get away from boring classes and evil teachers. It reminded me of happier times. Really, it reminded me of Josh times. Like the time we first met. Almost fifteen years ago, my first year of high school.


"Where are you taking me, Sara"?

My best friend smiled back at me; "you're gonna love it. I promise".

I had only known Sara for a week, but she had grown on me fast. She was in grade 10 while I was in grade 9 and she was always really nice to me. Being new to Vancouver she decided to show me around school, and we instantly clicked. It was nice to have such a caring friend.

"What's up, Ramsay"? I heard a guy call to Sarah from the other side of the sandwich shop.

She smiled and waved with her free hand, her other still digging into my arm. "Hey, Matt", she called, pulling me deeper into the crowd of students until she found a table for us to sit at. "I'll be right back, they have the best turkey sandwiches"!

I laughed and leaned back in my chair, looking around to see if I recognized anyone from any classes. Matt was in my gym class, I saw a couple of girls from English give me shy smiles, but other than that I didn't see anyone I knew.

"If you're scoping for hot guys, you don't have to look any further".

I spun around in my chair to see a boy, about my age, with extremley shaggy dirty blond hair and piercing blue eyes that twisted my stomach into knots. He was wearing a worn out leather coat, with a bright green scarf hanging loosely around his neck.

Smiling sweetly at the boy, I folded my hands in my lap neatly and looked at him leaning over me.

"Someone's cocky".

He smirked; "not cocky, confident in the fact that i'm drop dead gorgeous".

A smiled played at my lips. He was attractive, but I wasn't letting him know that.

"Joshua, stop harassing my friends. It's getting old".

Sara elbowed 'Joshua' out of the way as she placed two turkey sandwiches and two lemonades down on the table.

I felt his eyes on me as I casually sipped my lemonade. "I didn't know it was harassment. It's just not that often I get to meet your pretty friends, sis".

His eyes hadn't left mine yet, and I could tell my face had gone beet red. Quickly I diverted my eyes to Sara, a cry for help.

She saw the way I looked at her and smirked. "You know what? I'm not that hungry. In fact I have some homework to catch up on. Do you mind walking Elizabeth back to school, Josh? She's new here".

He nodded, she gave me a wink and an evil smile before ruffling her brothers hair and floating away.

We sat there in silence, me nibbling on the crusts of my sandwich, him sipping at the lemonade Sara had left behind. After a while he stood up and stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "Ready to go"? He asked, already making his way to the door.

Once outside, I had to practically jog to keep up with him and his long legs. I hoped I would have a growth spurt soon, 14 and I'm only 5 feet tall. He noticed I was struggling to match his pace and slowed down, shortening the length of his steps.

"So".. he said, breaking the silence as we cut across the school's front lawn. "Where did you move here from"?

I cleared my throat, putting my hands in the pockets of my sweater. "Washington. My dad got a job promotion and we moved over the summer. I actually live right beside you and Sara".

"No kidding! We should walk home together sometime. You know, with Sara too".

A cold breeze seemed to engulfed us, and I was suddenly freezing. Noticing me shivering, Josh wrapped his scarf around my neck. We had reached the front of the school by now, and he stood in front of me, fiddling with the ends of the scarf.

"I'd like to hang out again, if that's ok with you. If you dont want to, thats okay. But if you do we really should".

I looked up at him, smiling just  a bit. "I'd love too".

He smiled at me, teeth and all, before kissing my cheek and turning to walk away. "Bye, Ellie" he called.

"Wait, your scarf"! I yelled after him.

He turned around, still smiling. "Keep it, as a memory of today".

*Real Life*

That was the first time anyone had ever called me Ellie. And I did keep it, I still wore it all the time. I wasn't sure why, but it was almost like a piece of home that came with me where ever I went.


I turned around and I got that feeling again. My stomach twisted into a thousand tiny knots. God, why did he have to be so fucking perfect?

*Josh's point of view*


So it had been her, in the coffee shop yesterday. She looked so week. She was too thin, her bones peeking out everywhere. Her gorgeous blond hair she always wore long and wavy was cut short, and it was really thin. But she was still the beautiful girl I promised to marry five years ago, and I still loved her with every inch of my body.

"Hi, Josh".

Well this was going to be awkward.

I did want to fit in their conversation but I don't have time to write it now so that will probably be up either tomorrow or Wednesday. And sorry about the flashback going on for so long, I'm a rambler. Vote/comment and let me know what you think! Also let me know if there's anything you want to happen during their conversation because I'm not entirely sure of what I want to do yet.


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