Traitorious Uchiha and the Ki...

By kankuro-chan

364K 10.9K 7.5K


Chap 1


36.7K 951 1.2K
By kankuro-chan

One Month Later

The sound of retching echoed through the quiet apartment. It had been that way for Naruto for the past week or two. He had yet figured out what was wrong with him, and Kyuubi wasn't talking! All Naruto had been feeling lately was the urge to throw up every morning when he woke up or smelled food, eating strange things that disgusted everyone else, and he had been feeling light-headed and a little tipsy. Naruto flushed the toilet once he had emptied his stomach. He turned the sink in the bathroom on before wetting a cloth under the water. He ran the soaked rag over his face, washing away anything that was stuck to his skin.

He went into the living room, plopping down the couch next to the window. He stared out to the colorful sky. The sun was rising, and Naruto knew it from the beautiful colors that painted the sky. Sighing, Naruto decided that he would try to get some sort of answer from the fox demon about his health. 'Kyuubi?' Naruto called out into his mind. 'You awake?'

'What's up, kit?' came the normal response from the demon fox.

'What is wrong with me?' Kyuubi was silent. He could practically see Kyuubi shift in his cell when Naruto meditated so he could speak to the fox face-to-face. "Kyuubi! I deserve to know! What the fuck is wrong with me?! Do you even know?!"

"Of course I know!" Kyuubi growled back until he continued in a hushed tone. "I didn't tell you before because I didn't know how you would react." Kyuubi sighed heavily and loudly. "Kit, I'm not sure how exactly to tell you this in a way that you won't freak out on me, but I guess I'll just have to be blunt with you." He looked at Naruto in the eye to see if he had his vessel's attention. Once he saw that he did have Naruto undivided attention, Kyuubi continued. "You are with child."

There was a long pause before, "I'M WHAT?!" Naruto was glad that when he spoke to Kyuubi face-to-face, the outside world didn't hear anything he said. "How the fuck can I get pregnant?! I'm a guy! I can't get pregnant!"

"Wrong," Kyuubi stated. "You are human, but you have me, a fox demon, sealed inside of you. And all fox demons, males and females, can carry kits. Gender doesn't matter to a fox demon. We can all carry kits."

"So, that night? That was when..." Naruto couldn't finish his sentence. He collapsed onto the floor in front of the cell. He shoulders shook as tears started to stream from his eyes.


"I can't believe it. I just can't. Why me? Why me? Why?!"

Kyuubi sighed at the sight of the even more broken teen that he considered as his own kit. He slithered one of his tails through the bars of his cell before wrapping the fluffy tail around Naruto. He placed Naruto close to his fluffy chest, right next to his left arm. "Kit? This is why I didn't want to tell you. I was afraid that this would be how you would react."

"Is there anyway to get rid of it?"

"If you are suggesting an abortion, no. The kit has already taken a form. It's too late for an abortion. I'm sorry."

"I don't want it, Kyuubi! I don't want a child created like that!"

"Kit, you have to deal with it. I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is."

Naruto wept into the red fur, clutching a handful in his tight grip. Kyuubi lowered his head, resting it next to the teen. Naruto had left Kyuubi's cell after the couple of hours that the fox had used to comfort the crying ninja. Naruto had returned to his bedroom and lied on the bed. He looked out to the bright sunny sky. He knew he was already late for training, but he didn't care. "Tonight," Naruto whispered out loud to himself. "I'm leaving Konoha. I can't stand it here anymore." He took out a kunai and forehead protector from his nightstand. He held the tip of the sharp weapon to the metal of the protector before slashing right through the symbol of the Hidden Leaf. "I'm a missing-nin now. No one really cares about me, so what's the point of staying here?" He tossed the forehead protector into the open drawer of his nightstand before lying on the bed. "I better rest up since I'll probably be traveling all night to get a fair distance away."

His eyes closed, surrounding him in darkness. He didn't want to talk to Kyuubi at the moment. All he wanted to do was rest and store as much energy as possible. When he woke, it was already midday and Naruto was starving. He got out of the bed and went into his kitchen. He quickly cooked the ramen that he wanted before he added a few other things such as spices and some uncooked salted pork along with a couple scoops of vanilla ice cream. Cravings when pregnant were weird and scary. Naruto, however, didn't seem to have a problem with what he was eating. Kyuubi was a little surprised that the kid practically had iron taste buds. 'Why you so silent, Kyuubi?' Naruto asked the stunned fox.

'Look at what you are eating,' cam Kyuubi's reply. 'You can stand'

'I don't know. It doesn't taste that bad to me.'

'...You are a strange kit.'

Naruto just shrugged his shoulders a little. Kyuubi's opinion didn't matter at the moment because all he could focus on was filling his stomach and then go out to buy some supplies, such as food. Once he finished his strange and very peculiar lunch, he grabbed his coat and went out to the marketplace. He noticed some of the glares that people were giving him, but ignored them all. He was used to those looks. Once he bought all needed supplies, he went back home and started to pack. He had finished quickly. He had lied on his bed, waiting for the right time to leave. Eventually, his sapphire orbs had closed and he drifted to sleep. Once they were open, it was already dark out. He looked at the clock, seeing that it was already midnight.

He grabbed something to eat before picking up his stuffed bag and leaped out the window. He jumped from rooftop to rooftop until he came to the gates. Not wanting to be caught, Naruto concentrated his chakra so he would walk up the wall, or run up it as fast as he could. Before he stood on top of the wall, he looked around to see if there was anyone around. There wasn't. He ran across the top before running back down the other side of the wall. He smirked and started to mumble something about Konoha needing better security. He ran at top speed into the woods. Leaping from branch to branch, sending out shadow clones every now and then to go in another direction in case his friends would try to come out and look for him and Kiba would try to track him by scent. He even sent shadows clones to keep going straight whenever he went another direction before he went back to the direction that he was originally going in. He wasn't as moronic as everyone believed.

Even when the sun rose, he kept going, only stopping long enough to eat something or to rest for about ten minutes before continuing on his way. Around noon, he finally stopped in a tree. Leaning against the trunk, he gave out a sigh. He was starting to get a little tired. Going through his bag, he pulled out something to eat and his scratched forehead protector. He tied it to his head while he was eating. A few minutes after he was done eating, his eyes closed before he drifted into his sleep. The last things he heard were a couple of familiar voices and some rustled clothing before he felt someone picking him up. He didn't have the energy to fight whoever it was off. One name met his ears before he drifted completely into sleep. 'Itachi?' he thought to himself.

The Next Day: Midday

Naruto's blue eyes slowly opened, looking around really confused. He was in a room, that much was obvious, but he was trying to remember how he got there. 'Oh yeah,' he thought to himself. 'I left Konoha and when I rested, I fell asleep. I heard Itachi's name. I thought it was my imagination, but I guess it wasn't. Kyuubi?'

'Yeah, kit?'

'Where are we? Like, do you even know?'

'All I know about our location is that it's the Akatsuki hideout. Sorry, but that's all I know.'

"Hm," Naruto hummed a little before he got off of the bed that he was on. He went over to the window and looked out. He couldn't tell how long he was unconscious. He figured Kyuubi knew, though.

'24 hours,' Kyuubi stated before Naruto could even ask him.

"Damn. I've been asleep that long?"

"I see you're up, un," a voice from the doorway stated, making Naruto turn around quickly. At the doorway stood someone who looked like he could be related to Ino, blond hair tied up in a ponytail and stood tall and proud. His face gave away the fact that he liked to play games from time to time. "Been wondering when you would, un. Been knocked out for a full day, un. Thought you would never wake up, un."

"Do you have to say 'un' after every sentence?" Naruto asked, getting a little annoyed. "And who are you?"

"I just talk that way, un. And my name's Deidara, un."

"Stop saying 'un'!"

"Un," Deidara said with a smirk on his face.

"Now you're just saying it to get me pissed off, aren't you?"


"That's enough, Deidara," someone who sounded really familiar stated.

"But Itachi-san, I'm having fun, un."

From behind Deidara, Itachi had stepped into view. He looked at Deidara with his Sharingan eyes. "Leave."

Deidara sighed heavily. "Fine, un. I'll just go see if Sasori-danna wants to do anything, un." With that, Deidara turned and left.

Itachi had walked into the room, stepping closer to the blond Kyuubi vessel, who was gripping the windowsill tightly behind his back. "What are you doing outside Konoha, where you were safe?" Itachi asked.

"I wasn't safe there," Naruto replied. "Not as much as I thought I was."

"I noticed your forehead protector. Tell me, does it mean that you have decided to become a missing nin? To betray your own village?"

"I've decided to join the Akatsuki," Naruto replied. "And I wouldn't call Konoha my village. I've had enough of that place! I want to become stronger, so I can take my revenge on the very place that had caused me more pain then anyone could imagine."

"Follow me," Itachi said before he turned and exited the room. Naruto, who wasn't being very hesitant, followed the older Uchiha. Naruto didn't see any other member of the Akatsuki as they walked down the hallway. Eventually, they came to a couple of large oak double-doors. "Leader-sama has told me to bring you to him once you had awakened," Itachi answered Naruto's unasked question. Itachi had opened the large doors before he and Naruto had entered the dark shadowed room. The only light source came from the candles that were spread around the room, close to the door. The light from the hallway only stretched halfway across the room before the door closed, exiling the light. "I have brought Kyuubi's vessel, Leader-sama. As you had asked."

The shadowed figure on the throne-like chair nodded his head. "You may leave, Itachi," the Akatsuki leader had said before Itachi bowed his head and left. Once he was out of the room and the door had closed again, the red eyes stared at Naruto's still figure. The blond was still from fear. He wasn't going to show that anytime soon. He was still to show that he means what he was going to say. "Tell me, Naruto Uzumaki. Why have you left Konoha of your own will without a team?"

"I have left Konoha, sir," Naruto replied, staring at the red eyes that were staring right back at him. "I wish to join the Akatsuki. I know you have been after many demon vessels, including myself and Sabaku No Gaara. With your permission, I wish to join this organization."

A smirk found its way to the leader's lips. "Very well," he said. "You shall be accompanied by Itachi until you learn everything you need to. He will be in charge of your training. Is that, in anyway, unclear?"

Naruto bowed. "No, sir."

"Good. Tell Itachi what I have told you."

"Hai, Leader-sama."

"You may leave now." Naruto rose from his bow before he exited the room. The Akatsuki leader had shifted very little in his seat. "He is not as innocent as I thought he would be," the leader said to himself. "I wonder. What has Konoha done to him?"

Naruto had been searching all over for Itachi. He had no clue where he was going. "Damn teme could have at least waited for me," Naruto mumbled before he bumped into someone. He stepped back instead of fall on his behind and looked up, staring at someone wearing a mask that was a swirl of orange and black. "Um, hi. Sorry for bumping into you."

"It's okay," the masked one said. "Aren't you the Kyuubi vessel?"

"My name's Naruto, but yeah. Can you help me out? I need to find Itachi."

"Sorry. Didn't mean to offend you. And Itachi's in the dining hall. Follow me!"

"Thanks. What's your name?"

"Tobi." The masked one had turned and started to walk away. Naruto followed him. On the way there, they just talked about random subject. Naruto had figured that he and Tobi would get along well. Tobi had opened a couple of doors that revealed the rest of the Akatsuki. Naruto didn't know all their names yet, but they did look familiar to him. The past didn't really matter since Naruto had joined them.

Seeing Itachi sitting next to the annoying blond that kept saying 'un' and a seat empty on the other side of him, Naruto had claimed the empty spot. Itachi had looked at the younger blond curiously. Naruto looked up at the older Uchiha before he said, "Leader-sama has allowed me to join. He says that I am to stay with you until I learned everything I need to know and that you are in charge of my training. Have any questions, talk to him about it."

"Only been conscious for a little while and he already has quite the tongue," the familiar shark-looking missing-nin stated.

"Shut it, Sharky," Naruto said. Tobi started to laugh at Naruto's nickname for the water-nin.

"Insults, huh? Better then the first time we met. You were so scared you couldn't even move."

"That because you looked like you were about to eat me!"

"The only one you have to worry about eating you is Zetsu," Itachi stated, pointing to the ninja that had something like a giant Venus Fly Trap on his head and half of his face, which was pretty much the only visible thing, was black and the other half was white. "Though he won't eat another teammate or any members of the Akatsuki. Also, don't respond to everything he says. He has a bit of 'split personality'."

"That would explain his face," Naruto mumbled before speaking clearly. "Who are the others?"

"You already know Deidara, and you came in with Tobi. You and Kisame have met and you were just introduced to Zetsu. The others are Hidan, the one with the white hair, Kakuzu, the masked one, and Sasori."

"Wise words of advise when it comes to Sasori-danna, un," Deidara said. "Don't run away with his arms because once he gets them back, you are going to regret it, un." Naruto gave the older blond a funny look, like Deidara was really crazy or something. "Sasori-danna's arms can come off, un."

"Stop saying 'un'," Naruto growled out.


"Deidara," Sasori called out. "Knock it off."

"Yes, Sasori-danna, un!"

"Why does she call you 'danna'?" Naruto asked Sasori, who just shrugged in reply.

Deidara was glaring at Naruto with fury in his eyes. "I'm a man, un!"

"You look like a girl."

"So I'm a little feminine, un! I'm a man, un!"

"Whatever you say, girl. Whatever you say." Naruto rested his cheek on his palm, facing the opposite direction that Deidara was in, completely unaware to the artist who was making a clay bird. Deidara channeled a little of his chakra into the bird, making it fly over to the new Akatsuki member, before having it blow up in front of Naruto's face, causing the younger blond to fall back in surprise. He looked at the small specks of clay that were still falling before he fixed his gaze into a glare and looked at Deidara, who was holding back a laugh. When the demon vessel was about to jump the older blond, Itachi had stopped him before Naruto could do anything.

"Trying to attack him will only encourage him," Itachi had stated.

"Just like glaring at a Uchiha when they glare at you!" Tobi had said in a loud and happy voice. Itachi had sent the spiral-masked ninja the famous Uchiha glare. "And never give them a reason to glare at you!"

"Tobi, shut up!" Zetsu said in a demanding tone.

"Zetsu's the only one who can really control Tobi," Kisame stated. "The rest of us just can't handle the moron."

"I am no moron!" Tobi exclaimed.

"Shut up, Tobi!" Zetsu nearly yelled that out this time. Naruto just sat back a little. Hanging with the Akatsuki wasn't as bad as he thought., He figured that he was going to have fun here.

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