New York To Los Angeles

Por Hidden_shadows98

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A surprise move from her home city of New York, to Los Angeles has Amelia in a whirlwind of emotions. But it... Más

Chapter 1- New York To Los Angeles
Chapter 2- Los Angeles at last
Chapter 3- Sleepover and Pranks?
Chapter 4- A Game Of Soccer Anyone?
Chapter 5 - First Day Of School Joy!
Chapter 6 - The Diner and Bella
Chapter 7- Midnight Misfits and The Carters
Chapter 8- Dodgeball and Bonding?
Chapter 9- What You Aren't A Fan Of 1D? ;)
Chapter 10- The Drama has only just begun....
Chapter 11- WestOak gains an Oompa Loompa
Chapter 12 - Chase finds a girl and Alex throws a fit
Chapter 14 -Secrets...How Stupid Could I Have Been?
Chapter 15- Screw My Hardened Heart!
Chapter 16 - An Afternoon With The Player
Chapter 17- The She-Devil Has A Little Sister?
Chapter 18 - Sasha's Point Of View
Chapter 19 - Soccer Season & Sasha
Chapter 20 - A Party With A Side Of Drama
Authors note
Chapter 21 - Confusion, Jealousy and Reese
Chapter 22 - Music And A Whole Lot Of Awkward
Chapter 23 - Just A Kiss Goodnight
Chapter 24 - Like You Never Existed
Chapter 25 - Christmas And Unwanted Guests
Chapter 26 - Jake's POV
Chapter 27- A Heated Apology
Chapter 28 - The First Date
Chapter 29 - Love Is In The Air
Chapter 30 - 'These Words'
Epilogue - Part one
Epilogue - Part two
Epilogue - The End

Chapter 13 - I Ditch School

3.8K 110 7
Por Hidden_shadows98

I couldn't seem to stop crying, the tears relentlessly pouring down; feeling cold and lonely I hugged my knees to my chest. Maybe I was overreacting, so Alex called me a bitch, it shouldn't affect me this much, but it does. He was-is my best friend, I've always been closer to him than the Julia and Michelle. Alex and I have been inseparable since our diaper days, constantly getting into trouble and having fun together, he was usually the peace maker in our group. The one to settle little arguments between us girls and the three of us usually calmed him down when he got in a fight with guys; but Alex never took sides in our arguments.

But he did this time, Julia's. The voice in my head corrected me, it only bothered me further. I was so damn confused! Why the hell did he blow up like that?!

"Mia honey, what happened? I could hear you shouting from downstairs" My Mum walks in wearing her robe, a block of chocolate in her hands.

"Alex and I had a fight" I lifted my head to look her in the eye, she gave me a look of surprise.

"Want to talk about it?" she asks gently, moving me to my bed and handing me some tissues.

"Not really-yes. It's just he blew up at me! He was all angry over the fight Julia and I had, Mum he called me a...bitch. I just don't get what I did wrong!" I shout crying harder.

"Oh Mia he was probably just angry. You know teenage boys and their hormones" she says pulling me into a comforting hug, I held onto her tighter feeling calmer in her presence.

"Try to get some sleep sweetheart and don't worry about school, I think you can afford to miss tomorrow" she places a kiss on my forehead and hands me the chocolate. Ah my Mum what would I do without her?

Unwrapping the chocolate with a small smile on my face I nibble away quietly, going over the fight again. Despite not knowing what it really was about, one thing was clear, my best friends were keeping secrets from me and I didn't like it one bit. The thought saddened me, best friends don't keep secrets from each other but it seems me moving to Los Angeles was the perfect excuse for them. I don't want to admit it but I have to face the truth, we were growing further and further apart just like I feared. If this was the outcome of me living in LA for two weeks what would happen after a year?

I fell asleep thinking on the possible things I could have possibly done wrong, the tears still streaming.

"Mia wake up kiddo" my dad's voice greets me, pulling me from my restless sleep. Groaning I sit up rubbing my eyes. "I'm leaving the key to my car here, when you feel better drop by the diner so I can keep an eye on you okay?" he looks at me and worry is clear in his eyes.

I nod managing to give him a weak smile as he ruffles my hair, "How are you going to get to work?" I ask.

"Your brother is dropping me off" with that he walks out leaving me to get ready for the day. I walk to the bathroom and cringe at the sight, no wonder my dad looked worried I thought staring at my reflection. Tear tracks lined my face and my nose was red, my messy bed hair didn't help either. My eyes were the worst feature however, rimmed with red and slightly puffed. Sighing I wash my face deciding to take a shower after my jog. Slipping into some track pants and a loose shirt I brush my teeth and comb my hair into a ponytail.

Picking up my phone and IPod I put them in my pockets and grab a breakfast bar from the kitchen. Locking the front door after me I jog happily down the street thankful for the time to myself. Twenty minutes into my jog my phone buzzes with a text from Courtney.

'Where are you? Are you okay? Chase told me he doesn't know either'

I reply smiling at her concern 'On a run, got to keep fit. Will explain later'.

Putting my phone away I break into a run heading back home so I can meet Dad at the diner, I don't need to worry him any more than I already have. Entering the house I text my dad on whether I should wear my uniform. Seconds later I get a reply on how understaffed they are, so I grab my uniform on my way into the bathroom.

Stepping into the shower I run my hand through my hair which was slick with sweat. After washing my hair I step out of the warm shower and into my uniform. I apply lip gloss before packing a small shoulder bag with my IPod, phone and a Percy Jackson book. Making myself a quick plate of toast I scarf it down and grab my dad's car keys eager to behind the wheel again. It sucked how despite having a driver's license I didn't get to drive often seeing as I don't have my own car.

Fingering the leather on the steering wheel I smile brightly before putting the key in the ignition, reversing the car out of the driveway. Humming to myself I realise with a jolt Chase was going to interrogate why I was shouting last night and he'll be angry, probably why my parents didn't tell him. I reach the diner and sigh knowing I won't be driving again anytime soon.

I walk past Matthew working at the register and knock on the door to my dad's office.

"Hey Dad" I plop myself down on the seat opposite his desk.

"Hey kiddo how was the jog?" he asks his brown eyes twinkling.

"How did you know I went for a jog?" I ask mouth agape.

"I'm your dad kid give me some credit. I also know you and Alex had a fight last night, of course that fact was passed down to me from your mother but it still counts"

I laugh "Right, Dad's intuition huh?"

"You got it. Oh and have fun explaining to Chase why you were yelling last night. You should have seen him; he looked ready to rip some one's head off. He makes your old man proud" he laughs shaking his head.

"He takes his job as an older brother seriously" I smile "Too seriously at times; I'm so not looking forward to the interrogation. Knowing him he'll book a flight to New York just to yell at Alex"

"That bad huh?" My dad asks looking at me closely.

"Well there was a whole lot more anger involved compared to our petty arguments" I shrug it off feeling the questions arising again.

"Well why don't you help Liam in the kitchen, you still haven't met him yet have you?" He asks changing the subject to the head chef.

"Cool" I follow him to the kitchen where a Denise and a man were working.

"Liam this is my daughter Amelia. Amelia this is Liam. Oh Denise you can work at the front now, Mia can take over here" My dad introduces us.

"Thank goodness. I'm not suited for the kitchen" Denise sighs flashing me a relieved smile that I return.

"Are you any good at baking Amelia?" Liam addresses me; he looks to be in his mid twenties. His blond hairs short his brown eyes twinkling with reluctance to be asking for my help.

"No one has complained yet" I reply crossing my arms.

"Well then....could you make some chocolate brownies?" he asks a condescending smirk on his face. I narrow my eyes annoyed.

"Of course I'll get right on it" I move to get the ingredients and start the batter aware of Liam watching my movements from the corner of his eyes. The prick really thinks I'll muck this up.

"So how old are you Amelia?" He asks looking up from whatever he's cooking.

"Sixteen, seventeen in July"

"Shouldn't you be at school?" he asks raising an eyebrow.

"I didn't feel well...emotionally" I reply hesitantly already moving to put the brownies in the oven.

"Wait! Let me check the batter" Liam interrupts.

"You really think my father would let me work in the kitchen if I didn't cook well?" I ask allowing him to taste the mixture.

"Just double checking, rather safe than sorry" he replies allowing me to put the tray in the oven. "So you moved here from New you miss the place?"

"At times, but I've made some really good friends here, can't really complain I guess" I shrug

"Oh I bet! That Jake is one hot piece of man isn't he?" Denise asks coming into the kitchen with orders, a smirk on her face.

I laughed a blush on my face "A bit old for him don't you think?" I ask her with a smirk.

"Oh I'm not talking about him for me girly..." she waves her finger at me "I'm talking about you. You two were looking cosy" she wiggles her eyebrows and Liam watches amused.

"WHY does everyone think that! We're just friends, sure he's hot but he's the school's biggest player. He is probably cosy with every girl in our year" I exclaim

"So you think he's hot?" Liam asks smirking

"Is that all you got? He. Is. A. Player" I state slowly

"Psh people can change" Denise waves my objection off.

"Well I won't be the one to change him" I reply "Now do you have anything else for me to do?" I ask Liam annoyed with the whole Jake talk.

"Sure some chocolate cake. That's if you can handle that..." he smirks knowing I'm annoyed at his constant doubts. Gosh he's annoying ...and asking for it. "Jake tells me it's his favourite"

The two chuckle and at the same time Matthew comes in "What's so funny?" he asks

"Oh just teasing Amelia about Jake" Denise answers.

"Don't you guys have work to do?" I ask

"It's only ten thirty not many customers" Matthew answers. "So Jake huh?"

"You lot are more into gossip then the staff in our cafe in New York" I mutter

Two hours later and I take my break deciding to read. I look at the time and realise that it would be lunchtime at school, I wonder if Sasha would've created another scene if I was there?

"Excuse me, but do you mind if I join you? My stupid husband decided to park three blocks away" a sweet voice interrupted my trance. I look up to see an elderly woman dressed in a blouse and loose fitting jeans smiling at me. I give her a small smile in return. Her black hair had some grey intertwined and her brown eyes sparkled with warmth.

"Ah sure" I reply hesitantly moving over to give her some space.

"Thank you dear. Do you work here?" she asks pointedly looking at my outfit.

"Uh yeah my dad owns the place actually" I smile.

"It's a lovely place. Oh silly me I forgot to introduce myself, my name's Lily dear" she laughs lightly at her mistake.

"Thank you it was my design actually. And my name is Amelia" I shake her hand politely.

"Lily you couldn't wait could you?!" a male's voice scolds playfully. Turning my head I see an elderly man with greying black hair and navy blue eyes. The eyes look familiar...I just can't put my finger on where I've seen them before.

"Well I'm not going to walk three blocks you foolish man" Lily chides smiling at the man, her eyes twinkling with love. I couldn't help but smile at the sight it was easy to see these two loved each other.

"Ah you stubborn woman. And who is this beautiful girl?" he asks taking a seat next to his wife.

"Oh Amelia this is my husband Jeff. Jeff this is Amelia" Lily introduces us.

"Nice to meet you" I shake his hand and he smiles kindly.

"So Amelia what school do you attend?" Lily asks

"Oh Westoak High school, not far from here"

"Our grandsons attend that school perhaps you know them?" Jeff asks me.

"Well I only moved here from New York a few weeks ago so I don't know many people yet" I reply and the two nod their heads. I look across the diner and notice business has picked up a bit.

"Would you like to order? I don't think my co-workers will like my extending my break too long" I smile at them and take their orders.

"Dear do try and join us later on?" Lily tells me and I nod happily back to her.

Ten minutes later and the rush of the lunch crowd died down allowing me to talk with Lily and Jeff easily.

"Sorry it took so long" I smile at them sheepishly.

"That's alright dear I was just telling Jeff on how stupid our eldest grandson is" she scowls and Jeff laughs.

"What did he do?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"My grandson has a liking for girls unfortunately he can't stick to one" Jeff explains and I laugh.

"So he's a player?" I ask and they nod "I know exactly what you mean my brother and my best friend are both players".

The three of us carrying on talking for a while before I head back to work and the pair go home, promising to be back another day. I spend my time waiting for school to end in the kitchen helping out Liam who finally trusted me to bake without supervision. Ass.


"MIA!" I lift my head to see Zach power walking towards where I stood behind the counter. The customers shot him strange looks but he ignored them reaching towards me and pulling me into a bear hug.

"ZACH" I mimic him but in a stage whisper so we don't get any more attention.

"We missed you at school today...some more than others" he muttered the last time in a cryptic voice.

"What do you mean 'some more than others'?" I pull myself out of his grip and Matthew takes over the register.

"Just a warning but rumour has it that Jake wants to kill you" he replies and Liam pops his head out of the kitchen.

"Well that romance went down the drain fast" he snickers and Matthew joins in.

"It wasn't a romance to begin with Liam! Geez you're such a girl!" I scoff

"Hey I'm a twenty four year old man" he defends.

"And since when, did twenty four year old men talk about possible relationships?" I counter and walk away so I don't hear his answer. Unfortunately I faced a pissed off Jake.

"Amelia Kate Johnson where the hell were you today?" he whispers low and deadly.

"Um here" I reply confused.

"Here. Meanwhile your English partner A.K.A me, was left without a partner to practise the romantic play today" and my eyes widen in realisation.

"Ooops!" I squeak "Oh well so you probably had to practise by yourself no big deal" I shrug my shoulders.

"Not a big deal?" he takes my hand and leads me to the staffroom where Denise was taking her break. "I had to practise with Jamie who practically assaulted me with her LIPS!" he shouted.

Denise and I both jump "Who is Jamie?"

"Random cheerleader" he mutters shuddering at the name. Before I can stop it, loud laughter erupts from my mouth and I clutch my stomach from laughing so hard.

"You find this funny?! Why the hell didn't you come to school today?" he shouted and my laughter abruptly stops.

" " How the hell will I get out of this one?


Thanks for everyone who voted on the last chapter! Thanks for reading please comment and vote :) More drama to come in the next chapter..........

This was more of a filler chapter so sorry if I bored you guys :)

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