Being A Housewife

By Sagittarius99

57.5K 2.1K 495

If You Haven't Read Book 1 : Who Said You Can't Turn A Hoe Into A Housewife Then Go Read Because Your Just G... More

1. {5 Years Later}
2. {Decisions}
4. {New Things}
5. {Unexpected}
6. {One Come They All Come}
7. {All Bad}
8. {Noooo}
9. {Tables Turnt}
10. {When The Kings Down. ...}
11. {Unanswered Questions}

3. {Surprises Surprises}

5.3K 198 25
By Sagittarius99

Evelyn POV

I looked at myself in the full body mirror for the 4th time.

"Girl you look good boo trust me" vicious said. I sighed. I had on a green and black crop top with white ripped jeans and black sandals. Something simple. I didn't know what else to wear to a lil 6 year olds birthday party.

"Okay well lets go" I said grabbing my clutch. We walked downstairs and brae was holding princess watching TV.

"Brae put princess down and grabbed the gift bag so we can go" I said. She cut off the TV then grabbed the bag.

"Mommy where are we going?" She asked.

"To a birthday party baby" I said as we all walked out the front door. I locked up as we walked across the yard.

"I heard its gonna be in the back so let's just walk around" vicious said. We walked around the back of the house and to say aj was spoiled would be an understatement. I mean he is truly treated like a king. This is just too cute.

There was bouncy houses everywhere and these weren't just little bouncy houses they were like she went to the factory and bought the biggest ones she seen. Trampolines. It was all spongebob themed. People were in the pool mostly guys playing on the basketball court. Spongebob himself was getting chased by kids. It was atleast 200 ppl here. The decorations and cake was beautiful.

"Oohh mommy can I go play with spongebob?" Brae asked pulling and pointing.

"Yes go play but stay where I can see you come back to me whenever your ready to do something different" I said letting her go. She ran over to spongebob and hugged him. Me and vicious walked in the backyard trying to find a place to sit. Ian wanna be noticed and vicious knew that.

"Just sit here I'll be right back I gotta go talk to my lil boo so he won't get mad" she said. I nodded and sat down while vicious wondered off. I watched as braelynn interacted with the other kids. She would be starting school in 2 days and I just couldn't even believe it.

"Hey your sitting here alone you ok?" A girl asked. I looked up and it was dres baby mama with a plate of food.

"I'm okay just watchin my little girl" I said. She sat down next to me and ate.

"Im Faith dres girlfriend and as you can see mother of his child" she said. I nodded.

"I'm Evelyn" I said.

"So how come I never heard about you?" She asked .

"Well I was away for awhile but before I left me N kim got into a lil altercation so I didn't expect for her to mention me" I said.

"Yeah I was wondering why you haven't spoke to anybody and your in the cut by yourself" she said .

"Yeah I got a bad past with a lot of people here but I put all that to the side for her because she knows none of her family. So I just came for her" I said. She nodded .

"That's what made you come back right?" She asked and I nodded.

"Exactly" I said. She went back to eating.

"So is king her dad?" She asked. I nodded.

"Yeah they look so much alike you don't seem like you would date a guy like king though" she said. I looked at her funny.

"Its just that your so nice and quiet and king is so damn rude and angry its like he has no respect for women" she said. I looked down at my hands.

"Yeah he wasn't always like that" I said.

"You want some food or drink or anything?" She asked changing the subject.

"I am a little thirsty but I gotta keep my eye on her" I said.

"You'll just be gone for one second she'll be fine I promise" she said. I bit down on my bottom lip for a moment before deciding to get up and get me something to drink. We walked through the crowd and into the house. I shut the back door and we walked over to the punch table.

"Here you get something to drink and I'll put this with the rest" she said taking the gift bag out of my hand. I grabbed a cup and poured some punch into it. I took a sip before heading back outside.

King POV

"Ayy y'all pause the game" my nigga Derek said. He knew to the crew but he chill as fuck. I fucks with em cause he real. He don't just tell me what I wanna hear. I respect him for that. This fine ass girl with one of the biggest booties I ever seen came up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. They kissed exchanging tongues.

"Damn they finna fuck right in front of us let me get front row" Mikey said sitting down at the picnic table. We all chuckled as the pulled apart.

"Y'all this my baby Viala V that's Mikey silly ass , king, and dre" he said introducing us. She smiled and waved but then mugged me. I chuckled.

"Ma you don't know me so chill with them stank ass faces" I said. She rolled her eyes.

"Trust me I know about you how you did my home girl was petty ion know what she seen in you anyway you not even that cute" she said and I laughed.

"Ma whatever ya girl got she was asking for" I said.

"Damn so she was asking for a STD? You foul Mann" Mikey joked shaking his head.

"Nigga shut yo ass up" I said. He stood up.

"You not go disrespect me king I'll beat yo ass" he said. I walked over to him and he sat down.

"Ima shut my ass up" he said and we laughed.

"Nahh forreal who yo home girl?" I asked.

"She's right over---" she pointed to an empty space and looked confused.

"Damn who dat bitch is ? Casper the friendly ghost" Mikey joked we laughed.

"Oh there she is coming out the back door" she said pointing to the door. Candy walked out with a drink in her hand looking down.

"Now tell me was she asking for that" she said.

Evelyn POV

I sat back down where I was before I got something to drink. I searched the crowd for brae and found her still talking to spongebob. I smiled and shook my head. She probably talking his head off.

"I thought you were gonna wait on me" faith said walking back up with another plate of food. I laughed.

"I didn't know I was supposed to" I said . She sat back down and started eating again.

"I feel like I'm a cow" she said.

"Girl your just pregnant I remember I ate like 10 times a day with Braelynn I'm surprised she was as little as she was" I said.

"How was giving birth?" She asked.

"Well I had an induced labor so I really didn't have to experience contractions they ask you if you would like to see yourself pushing and I said yes so they put a mirror in front of me and I got to see her as she came out and It look so nasty but I was just so excited but scared. When i held her for the first time thats something I will never forget" I said smiling.

"Awwnnn see you got me all excited now I'm ready for her to come" she said. I laughed.

"You should be girl they are truly a blessing from God. Yeah they do things to make you mad and talk back but trust me I wouldn't trade her for the world that's my heart and soul right there" I said looking at braelynn and smiling.

"You look so good how did U lose all your baby weight?" She asked.

"Well I didn't start back working out until she was about 10 months but I started off just by simply walking nothing big nothing hard just walking" I said.

"I'm sorry I have so many questions I'm just scared what if I'm not a good mother?" She asked.

"Your gonna be fine I mean yeah its hard but its worth it your gone mess up and make mistakes but your gonna learn from em first time I ever changed a diaper I had to realize that I gotta be quick unless I wanna get my sheet peed on but that's okay I learned lil stuff along the way what not to do and what TO DO" I said.

"Why didn't you just come back ? Why didn't you tell king?" She asked. I looked down at my hands.

"Baby I gotta talk to you about something" dre said scaring me. I looked up and he was tapping on faiths shoulder.

"Dre I aint got nothing to say to you" she said shaking her head.

"Hey evelyn" he said. I smiled and waved.

"Hey dre" I said.

"Just come holla at me for one quick second I know you mad at me but baby please come talk to me" he begged. She sighed nd rolled her eyes.

"Excuse me candy I'll be back" she said getting up. I nodded and went back to watching Braelynn play. She was now on her way over to me.

"Mommy I'm thirsty!" She whined putting her hand over her forehead.

"Let's go get you something to drink then baby" I said getting up and grabbing her hand.

Kenya POV

I pulled up to Dres house and sighed. I'm so tired I'm literally getting no sleep. I'm juggling school plus work plus Mikey. I'm only 21. I grabbed the bag off the floor on the passengers side then got out. I walked up to the front door and opened it. King Mikey Derek and sum girl I'm not sure of her name was sitting on the couch.

"Hey y'all" I said waving.

"Wassup" king said with a head nod. Mikey winked at me and I ignored him. This secretive shit is really killing me. Dre and faith walked by.

"Oh hey where y'all want me to put this?" I asked.

"Just put it over there" faith pointed before they walked up the steps. I went to the table she pointed at and put the bag down. I walked in the kitchen. I made me something to drink and when I turned around I bumped into somebody spilling drink all over them and me.

"Oh my fucking gosh" the person yelled. I looked up and could not believe who I saw.

"Mommy you said a bad word" a little girl beside her said.


"What is it dre?" She asked impatiently.

"What are you ignoring me for? I Aint did shit" I said.

"You know what there's a party going on downstairs and I was having a good time please don't ruin my day with this bullshit" she said. I shook my head.

"Its the same shit everyday" I said.

"Well if you feel that way then maybe you shouldn't be with me" she said . I sighed.

"Every time we argue you always bring up leavin do you want me to leave?" I asked.

"Do what you gotta do Dre I'm good nahh fuck that we go be good" she said pointing to her belly before walking out.


I wiped my eyes. I have never laughed this hard before but I am just dieing laugh.

"You are so stupid" I said. She shook her head.

"Here come yo mama" she said. I looked up and mama was cing towards me . I rolled my eyes.

"Yes mother?" I said.

"Kim why don't U have the lil kids play some games before we sing happy birthday" she said.

"Okay I will" I said.

"Like now" she said.

"Okayyy ma dang" I said. She walked away and I sighed.

"So have you told her yet?" India asked.

"I haven't told anybody yet but I will" I said. She shook her head.

Lol I gotta be sure that this is something I really want before I can go around telling everybody I mean I might not be--"

"See that's the bullshit I be talking bout I love you and I wanna be with you all of you not half of you if you don't like girls just say so but don't be having me out here looking stupid Kim don't be selfish" she said before getting up and leaving. I sighed and placed my head in my hands. I really do like India I think I'm in love with her its just so hard to come out to everybody. People are so judgemental and I have a son. What's he gonna think? I don't wanna lose her but I don't wanna lose anybody else either.

Evelyn POV

She wiped my shirt off in silence and it was getting awkward.

"You aint have to come in her with me" I said.

"No I did it was my fault im sorry I ruined your cute outfit" she said.

"Its okay you can barely see it this outfit wasn't that cute" I said as she threw the napkin in the trash. I looked at myself in the mirror fixing my hair.

"Candy I--"

"My names Evelyn now candy is in the past she's gone and you don't have to explain anything" I said before walking out of the bathroom. I walked outside and sat down.

"Mommy mommy can you go play a game with me pleaassee?" Braelynn came running. I nodded and got up.

"Let's go play" I said.


I sighed and heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Someone's in here" I yelled. The door opened and Mikey walked in.

"What are you doing in here did king see you?" I asked.

"Nahh and I just couldn't wait I missed you baby" he said hugging me. I wrapped my arms around his chest and kissed em.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Its crazy how he could know somethings wrong without me even having to tell him.

"Candy's here" I said. He nodded.

"I know dre told us he invited her she live right next door" he said.

"She hates me" I said.

"Baby no she doesn't" he said.

"She does. I mean I would hate me too Mikey we just left her there she was all alone hurt and scared and we just left her there" I cried.

"Baby calmmm down something must've happened between her and king because he wouldn't do all that shit for nothing he kept calling her a liar so she must have not been real about a couple things but that's not your fault" he said.

"It is I should have called and checked up on her I should've did something" I cried into his chest and he held me.

King POV

I watched them play basketball and how much fun they was having. I ain't remember how beautiful she was.

"Damnnn nigga you staring a lil bit too hard" dre said sitting down beside me.

"Man I aint staring" I lied.

"Yeah your staring" Derek's girl said.

"Yo D man tell yo girl to shut up" I said.

"Nahh he not go tell me shit it's okay to stare thou boo shes yours" she said.

"King she do look like she could be yo twin" dre said.

"Hell yeah my nigga genes strong asf" Mikey said sitting down.

"Shut the fuck up all y'all" I said. They laughed.

"We just keeping it real I don't know what candy my bad Evelyn lied about in the past but she aint lien about this" dre said. I looked at him.

"Why you call her Evelyn?" I asked.

"Cause that's what she go by now she snapped on my ass when I called her candy" he said. I looked back at them playing.

Evelyn POV

"Good job baby" I said clapping. She definitely loves playing basketball. Besides drawing this is her second favorite thing to do. Faith wobbled over to where we were.

"Sorry about that girl" she said sitting down.

"Its okay are you okay?" I asked.

"I feel like ima lose him to her" she said.

"Braelynn come on my mommy said we are finna play some games" aj said grabbing Braelynns hand and them running off. I sat down across from faith.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"He literally flirts with her in my face he spends more time with her than me I mean am I tripping?" She asked.

"That is the mother of his child they are gonna have to talk and communicate that doesn't mean your in the wrong yeah thats my sister but she's sneaky so be suspicious" I said.

"I like you" she said and I laughed.

"Well I like you too" I said .

"We should hang out" she said.

"Ok that's fine well I live right next door so anytime you wanna hang out just come on over" I said.

"Whoos child is this!" I heard someone yell.

"That might be mine I'll be right back" I said getting up and walking towards the crowd. I pushed thru the crowd and saw Kim holding Braelynn back and my mother holding another kid back.

"What happened?" I asked Braelynn. She came running towards me and I picked her up.

"Candy?" Kim looked confused.

"Baby girl is that you?" My mother asked.

"What happened Brae?" I asked.

"It was my turn to go and she skipped me so I pushed her" she said. I sighed.

"I think its time for us to go" I said walking towards the back door.

"Candy wait" I heard Kim yell but I was already in the house. I walked thru the crowd trying to find the front door. I finally got to it and opened it. There was a girl standing there about to come in. She looked so familiar.

"Do I know you?" I asked. She looked down.

"Sorry umm I don't know you" she said pushing past me into the house I looked back at her trying to figure out who she was but she was too fast. I shook my head and walked out the front door.


Evelyn In MM

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