Picking Up The Pieces

By pleasedontcutily

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Tony and Jaime have been bandmates and best friends for years. But with Tony's girlfriend's passing and Jaime... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Twelve

66 5 1
By pleasedontcutily

Tony's POV
"Wake up!" I shook Jaime.

"What do you want?" he groaned and pulled the covers over his head.

I ripped them off, "Baby! It's our sixth month anniversary!"

He rolled back over to face me, "Oh, that's right" he sat up, "I guess that's a big deal."

"It is!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around him and smooching all over his face.

"Let me breathe, turtle!" he laughed.

"I'm sorry, baby, I just love you so much and I'm so happy that we're together!"

He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in slowly for a hug, "We can keep celebrating after I go help my parents with some stuff."

My smile faded a tad, "Do you have to?"

"Tony, we'll still have our special day together, I promise" he kissed my nose.

"Okay, but be quick."

"I will be" he got up and got changed quickly, taking a bag with, and headed downstairs.

I ran downstairs after him and koala-beared him, "Don't go!"

He laughed for a long time and then slowly put me down, "Turtle, I promised you, I won't break a promise I make to you."

"Fine" I groaned, "bye, I love you."

"I love you too" he said walking out to the garage.

Jaime's POV
Fuck, I hated lying in general, but to lie to Tony on our anniversary? That really sucked. I mean sure, it was a good lie, I was keeping the surprise on the down low, but I still felt really guilty.

I continued driving down the road to Vic's house.

I pulled in the drive and reached to the passenger seat and grabbed my duffel bag and headed inside.

"Alright, let's get you all dolled up for your boy toy!" Vic said.

"Are you excited? I mean you're fucking proposing to him!" Mike yelled at me.

"Yes, of course I'm excited."

"Don't worry, we got the whole thing planned out, it's going to go perfectly" Vic assured me.

We spent the next hour getting me ready and me reminiscing on the past six months with Tony. It had honesty gone by so quickly. I guess time flies when you're with someone you love. I was really excited to propose to him, I really wanted to on his birthday, but I wanted to be engaged before we told our fans next month. January was the beginning of the next tour and his birthday is February 25th and it just didn't line up. But on our sixth month anniversary is really special too.

The plan was to have him go to some of our favorite spots around the city. Then he would end up at Way's, where we first kissed. That was the most special place to us and I wanted it to happen there, where it all started.


"Oh, what?" I was daydreaming so much.

"Should you text Tony to come over now? Put the plan into action?"

"Oh, duh" I pulled out my phone and texted him, "hey, babe, change of plan, head over to Vic's to meet up, wear a suit, love you, Hime."

"Now this is really going to happen!" Mike was squealing like a girl, it was pretty funny.

"Get out of here! Go!" Vic said. I was supposed to wait patiently at Way's until Tony got there.

"See ya! Wish me luck!" I headed out the door and to my car. Oh my God, I'm about to ask Tony to marry me!

Tony's POV
I arrived at Vic's house, still a little confused on why Jaime wanted me there especially all dressed up like this.

"Tony!" Vic said beaming with joy.

He ushered me quickly inside and handed me a letter. He watched me eagerly as I read.

Dear Tony,
We share so many memories with Vic and Mike and the band. Rehearsing for hours, so many shows, so many fans, so many memories I will never forget, and I got to do it all with my best friend. The next location is Coronado Beach. Drive there and someone will meet you there with another letter.
Love, Jaime.

"Vic, what is this?"

"JUST GO!" he said pushing me out the door.

I got in my car and drove the familiar route to Coronado Beach. I pulled into the parking lot and walked out to the sand, searching for someone I knew.

"Tony!" a familiar voice squealed.

"Alysha?" I quintet to see if it was her running at me.

"Read this!" she shoved another letter in my face.

We've shared a million memories on this beach. The most vibrant ones were the first time we came here almost five months ago. I hope we come to this beach with our kids and when we're old and can barely walk to the sand. The next location is the record store on 41st Street. Where we played many small shows and we thought we made it big.
Love xojaime.

"Good luck!" Alysha squealed as I got in my car.

I headed off to the record store, probably to this day my favorite venue. Sure it was small and what not, but it always made the shows so personal with the fans.

I arrived as soon as Brendon Urie was done singing Nine In The Afternoon. I opened the door and the small little bell made a noise.

"Tony?" someone called out.


"I have a letter!" Deryck said from across the racks of vinyls.

I really loved Deryck, he really helped shape us and took us under his wing when we first started out, I was really thankful for that.

He handed me the letter and waited patiently as I read.

Remember this place? Of course you do. We played our first show ever with the band in this record store. Remember how you broke a guitar string and just pouted for a little bit? I remember. It was pretty adorable. Remember our show with Trigger My Nightmare here? We have many memories and I hope to make many more in this place. Head over to the park by the ocean.
Love, Jaime.

"Go get him" Deryck said with a smile.

"Thanks, man" I smiled back.

I headed back to my car and headed off to the park. I guess I could've just walked there since it was a two minute drive, but oh well.

I pulled into a parking spot and walked over to our special spot and waited.

"Boo!" I heard from behind me.

"Read this!" Danielle handed me a letter.

How many good times have we shared in this park? Like a million probably. I hope one day we can bring a dog or a kid here and share memories with them. The last spot I need you to go to is Way's.
Love always, Jaime.

"Good luck!" Danielle hugged me and sent me on my way.

I was getting a little nervous. Not bad nervous, excited nervous. I turned on the radio and headed to Way's. I don't have no idea why I wasn't listening to music earlier, I liked it better when my car had sound.

Check Yes Juliet finished playing as I pulled into the parking lot of Way's. I walked inside and the lights were dimmed and Jaime and I's song was on, "Three Cheers For Five Years".

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned and Jaime was behind me looking me right in the eyes. Smiling bright, he took my hand.

He was not about to do this.

"Tony" oh my God, he was!

"You and I met by joining Trigger My Nightmare. Then we both joined Pierce the Veil. We were a package deal, best friends, we went everywhere together. You were always my best friend. Always. But then things happened and we ended up together. It happened here, in this bar. To me, this is the most special place in the world. This is where I fell in love with you. It changed everything for the good. My life has been an upward climb from then on and it's all thanks to you. You inspire me everyday, Tony. To be a better musician, a better friend, a better boyfriend, just a better person in general. I love you so much and I can't imagine spending the rest of my life without you. I want you there when we go on tours, when we have kids, when we grow old and can barely hold our instruments. I want you there forever"

Oh my word, I had tears streaming down my face at this point. I love Jaime so fucking much.

Then he knelt down on one knee.

"Cesar Antonio Perry Soto, will you marry me?"

I sniffed a little and wiped away some tears, nodding my head violently, "Yes! Oh my God, yes!"

He jumped up, hugging me harder than ever before. Our lips found each other and we kissed with so much passion, so much love, than ever before.

He pulled away and we rested our foreheads together, "I love you so fucking much, Tony."

"I love you too" I smiled.

"He said yes!" I heard Vic scream.

A chorus of cheering followed him. Turns out literally all of our friends and family were here.

"Mom!" I ran over to her and hugged her tight.

"I'm so proud of you baby boy!"

"Thanks, mom, thanks for being so supportive, I love you."

"I guess I'm pretty excited too" I heard a very familiar voice say.

"Come hug your big brother, Rebecca" I said.

She reluctantly walked towards me and then threw her arms around me, "Dad would be really proud of you, kid."

"I know" I smiled, I love you, dad. I sent up to heaven.


Jaime's POV
"Let's sneak out, baby" I cooed into Tony's ear. We were sitting in our back booth, where we first kissed.

"Baby, we can't" he said.

"Yes we can."

He looked around, "Fine, but let's sneak out the back way."

We both got up and walked by the dance floor quickly, hoping not to get caught by anyone. We made it through safely and bolted for the back door.

"Let's go out to eat, we have plenty of time, it's only 7:30" I suggested.

"Let's go to the one restaurant on Division Street."

"That place is pretty romantic, I'm in."

We walked hand in hand down to Division Street.

"After you" I said, opening the door, then slapping his assaulted he walked by me.

"Hey!" he whisper-yelled hoarsely, "We're in public!"

"Oh, hush. No one cares" I kissed him, "Table for two, please."

"Come right this way" the hostess said, who's name tag read Jenna.

She led us to a table and seated us. Handing us menus, she took our drink order.

"Okay, coming right up, by the way, you guys are very cute together" she smiled.

Tony blushed a little and looked away. I looked over and smiled at him, "Thank you, I think we're pretty cute too."

She giggled and walked off, return with our drink after a few minutes.

"Are you ready to order?" she asked.

"Yes, I'll have lobster" I said.

"I'll have salmon, please" Tony said.

She scribbled our orders down on her little notepad, "Alright, coming up."

She walked off, her ponytail swaying with each step.

"I love you" I said.

"I can't believe this is happening!" he said excitedly, I don't think I've ever seen Tony smile this much in his life. I was so happy to see him so happy, I wanted him to be this happy all the time, whenever he's smiling he looks beautiful.

"I can't believe I'm going to marry Tony Perry" I winked at him, "that guy is pretty cute."

"Eh, he's alright" he said, being modest like always.

"Well, from what I hear, he's like the best guitar player ever, sweet, caring, and very, very cute." I countered.

His smile some how got even bigger, "I love you."

"I love you too, turtle."

We talked and laughed over way too many glasses of wine until Jenna brought out our food.

"Here you go, hope you enjoy it!" she said with a big smile.

"Thank you" Tony said politely.


"No problem!" she bounced off and back to her post.

"She's really sweet, isn't she?"

"I know! I hope a lot of people are nice like her, you know, since we aren't a normal couple" Tony said.

I nodded my head and we turned to our delicious looking food.

"Wow, this is great" Tony said.

"I'm glad, mine is really good too."

We are the rest of our meals, laughing over each other's joke and being obnoxiously loud to the very quiet, reserved restaurant.

Jenna brought us the check at around closing time, which was 9 pm.

"I hope you guys had a good time!" she said.

"The best" I looked over at Tony and smiled.

"We'll definitely be coming here more often" he said, making her smile big.

"Have a great rest of the night!" she said as we walked out into the briskly cold air.

I saw Tony wrap his arms around himself and shiver a bit, "Do you want my jacket?" I offered.

"Well, we're almost back to the car, I'll be fine."

"Don't be ridiculous" I said putting my jacket around his shoulders.

"Thank you, baby."

We walked back to Way's to see both our cars deserted in the parking lot.

"Oh, shit, we can't even drive home together."

"Yes, you can" I heard Frank say as he walked towards us, "just leave one here and come pick it up tomorrow, not a big deal" he offered.

"Thanks, Frank!" Tony said eagerly.

"Anytime, and good luck to you two, people may judge you, but it doesn't matter as long as you're with the person you love" Gerard walked up and Frank took his hand, "believe us old guys, we're pretty smart" he beamed a smile up at Gerard.

Man, they were fucking adorable, I wanted that to be Tony and I forever.

"Thanks, Frank and Gee" I said, taking Tony's arm around mine, escorting him to my car.

They waved goodbye as I drove home with my now fiancé.

The drive home was quiet. Not awkward quiet, beautiful quiet. The quiet where you just appreciate someone's presence, their existence. Because for that twenty minutes, it was just Tony and I in this world and nothing else mattered.

I slowly pulled into the drive way and we both got out, our hands quickly finding each other as we walked inside through the garage door.

We walked through the moonlit kitchen, still hand in hand. Tony stopped and pulled me into a hug. I put my hands on his hips and kissed his forehead slightly. He put his head in my neck and kissed me softly.

"I love you" he whispered in my ear.

"I love you too" I whispered back.

Our lips found each other in the darkness, pulling each other in. Our hands moved in every direction, never stopping in one spot for too long. I cupped his head in one hand, with the other one firmly on his hip. I pulled him closer, wanting every inch of him. I slide my hand in his pants and squeezed his ass, making him moan in my mouth.

He wrapped a leg around mine so I picked him up and he wrapped his legs around my waist. I carefully walked towards the stairs, moving my kisses to his neck.

I walked upstairs slowly, making sure I wouldn't stop either of us. Tony started unbuttoning my shirt as I kissed his neck.

Soon we were in our room, I shut the door behind us and set him down. I slowly unbuttoned his shirt as he kissed me. As soon as he finished I whisked him up again and laid him on our bed. We continued kissing, each one growing deeper with passion.

I slowly moved one of my hands downward, palming him through his pants. His kisses were replaced with moans as a I continued palming him. He moved his hands down my chest and to my pants, unbuckling my belt and pulling at the zipper. He slowly took them off, tucking his hand in the waist line of my boxers.

He slowly moved them down and I kicked them off. He grasped my throbbing member in his hand softly, pumping his hand slowly. I flipped us, so he was on top. He started kissing my neck, still stroking me slowly.

"Tony, oh God."

He kissed his way down my chest, to my stomach. I moaned, closing my eyes and bucking my hips up a bit when I felt him put me in his mouth.

He started off slow, licking up my shaft and kissing tip softly. He then, inch by inch, put me deep in his mouth. He kept sucking till I thought I was going blow right then and there.

"Uh, Tony, fuck" I grabbed his hair, pushing him down just a bit further. He pulled away slowly, sucking each inch of me. He sat up on his knees and I got up on mine. Kissing him slowly, I unzipped his pants and pulled them down. He kicked them off the edge of the bed into the heap of clothes we had already shed.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked him.

"Yes, Jaime, I want you so bad" he whispered on my lips.

He laid down on his back and I positioned myself between his legs. I reached down and kissed him. He held his breath as I slowly eased into him.

"Are you okay?" I asked, kissing his neck.

He nodded his head and I slowly moved in and out of him, kissing his collar bone as his hands stayed wrapped around me. His grip tightened as I sped up.

"Baby, relax, I won't hurt you" I whispered to him as I nibbled his ear.

"I'm sorry" he loosened his grip on my back.

I sped up just a bit more and he moaned loud, it didn't sound very pleasure full so I went back to long, deep strokes. With each one, I felt more and more passion. His hands relaxed and explored me as I pumped in and out of him.

"Oh, fuck, Jaime."

I kept going, kissing all over his gorgeous body. He arched his back and moaned, a moan that sounded like a whimper, of how bad he wanted this.

I grabbed his member, slowly stroking him as I pumped in and out of him. He wrapped his legs around me tighter and buried his head in my neck, softly biting my shoulder, moaning into me.

He threw his head back as he climaxed on his stomach, moaning at the top of his lungs. I went in one more time, coming inside of him.

I laid my sweaty body on his, both of us panting. I rested my head on his and looked deep in his eyes. There was so much passion in them. I planted a kiss on his lips and pulled out.

We both got up to clean off. We hopped in the shower just to quickly rise off. I pulled him close to me, kissing him softly all over.

We got out and dried off and got back into bed. I pulled him on top of me, our naked bodies sharing warmth.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you too, angel."

He rested his head on my chest and kissed his forehead softly.

"Go to sleep, baby" I whispered to him, tracing my fingers up and down his back.

"Goodnight, love you."

"Night, turtle, I love you so much."

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