sent back (a naruto fanfic)#w...

By naruto_saves_me

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By naruto_saves_me

"Are you going to get up any time soon, or do I have to bite you?" Kyuubi sighed as he poked at the sleeping figure of Naruto. It was getting late and the competition would be starting soon. Naruto was out like a light, snoring loudly. Kyuubi silenced the alarm clock, which had been ringing for close to thirty minutes, knowing it wouldn't do anything if it hadn't already. The fox snorted as he tried tickling underneath the blonde's nose with the tip of his tail. Somewhat defeated the fox stalked off only to return a moment later pushing a large plastic container filled with ice and water. The container's original contents, Naruto's dirty laundry, now lay scattered across the floor.

Kyuubi looked to the floating ice cubes wondering if it would be enough to wake the sleeping Nin. The fox shrugged slightly and then proceeded to dump the icy water over the blonde's body. A small gurgling noise was made as the water sprayed out of Naruto's mouth, a shiver as the cold seeped in, and then a scream as Naruto awoke to a rather amused Kyuubi.

"I hate you." Naruto said with a shiver as he rose out of his bed.

"Good morning to you too, Sunshine." The fox said sarcastically.

"Did you have to get my whole bed wet?" Naruto said as he went to get something dry to wear.

"With all the drool oozing out of your mouth, I thought a little more water wouldn't make much difference." Naruto sighed and continued to get dressed, trying hard to ignore the fox. "Well, you don't have to give me the cold shoulder you know."Kyuubi smirked.

Naruto scowled. "Must you constantly torture me?"

"And now I get an icy response? Didn't mean to dampen your spirits."

"Your jokes are all washed up..."

"See? Now you're getting the hang of it!"

"Nice day, isn't it?" Naruto asked Hinata, who he had met on the outskirts of the shopping district. The dark haired girl had been on her way to the competition when she met up with the blonde.

"Yes it... it seems really calm" Hinata said after a short pause, realizing just how eerie everything seemed. As they walked, Hinata noticed how little wildlife they encountered. Although there were birds chirping it still seemed somewhat odd. "Like the calm before a storm..." She trailed off as she took a look into Naruto's worried blue eyes.

"That may be an understatement" he sighed. "Listen Hinata... I want you to be prepared because..." Naruto turned to the girl, looking her straight in the eye. "This might be the start of a war today..." He stopped short as Hinata gave a worried gasp.

"A-a war?" she asked somewhat shaken. "Who?..." She was unable to finish.

"Sound and Sand, but listen I want you promise me that you'll keep yourself safe." Naruto stared at her a while before continuing. "If there is going to be an attack, it's going to be during Sasuke's and Gaara's match." Naruto let the news sink in.

"D-does the Hokage know?" she asked, only her stutter letting her worry show. Naruto nodded. As she looked deep in to his eyes, Hinata suddenly thought he seemed older, his eyes seeming to hold pain and wisdom one would only see in an elderly man.

"What ever happens promise me you'll be ok... I don't want to loose you." Naruto said.

Dumbfounded, Hinata could only nod. "Will you do the same?" Hinata asked, worried. "I-I don't wanna loose you either, you know." She said as an attempt to lighten the mood.

Naruto gave a soft smile and nodded, grinning as he raised a hand with his pinky up. Hinata smiled as well and wrapped her pinky finger around his. The simple gesture sealed their promise.

"Now then lets stop with the mournful tone! It's not my style!" Naruto said with a huge grin. Hinata couldn't help but giggle at the quick change back into a lighter atmosphere. The pair walked the rest of the way, making idle chitchat about matches.

When they got to the Colosseum it was already crowded. People were wandering every which way trying to find a quick entry and get a good seat. Naruto scanned the area before spotting what he was looking for. The doors were reserved for competitors and were guarded so they could get through the crowed. The pair walked up to the guards who nodded and opened the doors for them to enter.

Naruto and Hinata looked up at all the people in the stands and watched as more and more flooded in, taking every empty seat. Naruto stole a glance at the lineups and smirked a little

Naruto vs. Neji

Gaara vs. Sasuke

Shino vs. Kankoru

Tamiri vs. Shikamaru

Haku vs. Dosu

The sea of faces all turned in random directions focusing on different things. Naruto knew how soon all those eyes would be looking at him and he grinned. Hinata followed Naruto up into the high ledge where all of their teammates were waiting. Naruto escorted Hinata over to where Sakura, Kiba Shikamaru and Choji were standing.

"Honestly Shikamaru I wouldn't have thought you of all people would be early..." Choji said licking his fingers having finished a bag of chips.

The lazy Nin yawned and looked to Choji in a mock glare. "I'm lazy not late..." He stated simply.

"Who are you kidding? You spent the night here so you wouldn't have the 'troublesome' task of getting here in the morning." Kiba stated flatly.

"Pfft... Anyway, I think we should be going down there. They want all the competitors on the field before they start..." Shikamaru said, indicating to Naruto.

"Yeah, they probably just want to let the aristocrats size us up." Naruto said. "Or their doing it for people who want to bet on the matches..." Naruto said after spotting Tsunade.

Naruto and Shikamaru joined the rest of the competitors on the floor. Naruto took a quick look around and half smiled at the fact that Sasuke wasn't there. Although Naruto couldn't help but wonder why he wasn't there. Last time Kakashi had shown up with the black haired nin just under the wire, but this time with Kakashi not training him as much Naruto had thought Sasuke would be in the Colosseum on time. 'ah well I guess he'll arrive under the wire again... though I'd still like to know what's holding him up.'

Sasuke was snoring, blissfully unaware of the world around him. He had been training late into the night and barely had enough energy to get himself into bed. Unbeknownst to him, however, someone had done something to his alarm and so the young nin just slept. Sasuke gave a short moan as he rolled over to try to find a newer more comfortable spot. A little bit away, Jiraiya smirked. Earlier that morning, as ordered to by Tsunade, the white haired man crept in, set his trap, and crept out. Tsunade's reasoning being that if the tournament went like how she remembered, it would be easier to spot any changes.

Unfortunately for Sasuke, however, the perverted sennin also left Sasuke a few extra... presents to slow him down even more incase he woke up before the alarm went off. Jiraiya had made it so the jutsu he planted would be cancelled out by the ringing of the alarm. The alarm had a seal placed on it so that Jiraiya could set it off when Shikamaru's match started, giving Sasuke enough time to get to the stadium before his time ran out, but after all the other matches had their outcome determined. The seal on the alarm, and everything else for that matter, also ensured that Sasuke wouldn't be leaving his house until Jiyria wanted him to.

A sigh escaped from the dark haired nin as he once again rolled over wondering to himself when his alarm would go off. Not really wanting to open his eyes Sasuke stretched and sat up to look at the window. He opened his eyes slowly letting them adjust to the bright mid-day light. 'Wait... mid-day light?'

Sasuke's eyes fluttered open as he focused on the sunlight outside the window. As soon as he could wrap his mind around the concept of time he turned to his clock to confirm his fears. He was late. He wouldn't be overly late if he left with his breakfast. Sasuke shot out of his bed somewhat franticly and headed for his clothes. As soon as he took his third step however, the sannin's plan sprung to life. Sasuke stopped dead eyes widening at what he saw, "what the he-" his words were cut short as Jiraiya's stalling tactics were put into action.


Naruto and Neji jumped back from where they were standing keeping their distance from one another. Neji smirked smugly as he sized up his opponent. Naruto on the other hand smiled and simply waited for Neji to make the first move.

Neji huffed at Naruto's relaxed posture. "You might as well give up now. I can see from here you are no match for me." Neji said as the veins around his eyes began to show, signaling the activation of Neji's Byakuugan. "I also know that you failed the academy three times before finally passing... barely I might add, and due to a fluke no less."

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Your point being?" He asked, already getting annoyed at the pale eyed nin.

"Simply that you have no hope in beating me, because raw talent will always top a loser's constant flailing attempts." Neji said smugly.

Naruto snorted trying to hold back a laugh at how dumb Neji sounded. Sadly, he failed, and Naruto let loose a few chuckles making Neji both infuriated and confused. "Well, this loser will just have to kick your ass then, won't he?" Naruto smirked.

"You mock me?" Neji said giving a disbelieving laugh of his own. "It is fate that determines the outcome of our lives! The hands of fate choose who will live and who will die. It was fate that made you a loser and me a prodigy, fate that brought us to fight! The fates have shown me I am to win simply because a loser will always be a loser there is nothing more to it! This is your last chance to give up." Neji finished with a huff eyes narrowing.

"Nice speech, but I still believe that people control their own fate." Naruto said shrugging.

"Is that so? Then allow me to change yours. You are now fated to die here." With that Neji sprang forward, using his speed to try to catch Naruto off guard. Naruto was ready for his however and just before Neji went to strike Naruto made several clones. They all poofed into existence just before Neji's hand made contact with Naruto. A pop was herd as the clone was defeated.

"So you can make shadow clones? Nothing my eyes can't see through." Neji looked around the mass of clones for only a second before lunging towards one. He attacked it with a light hit, it didn't poof away. 'Thought so.' He quickly began sealing off his chakra points. In a rapid flourish he managed to seal a little more then half before jumping back.

The Naruto he had been attacking clutched his stomach and coughed up a small splatter of blood. Neji smirked, clearly pleased with himself, and was about to turn around to tell the proctor the match was over when he heard Naruto's rasping voice. "Heh, your fast... although you did fall right into my trick."

Neji's eyes narrowed as Naruto coughed up a bit more blood. He was about to reply when he received a kick to the head. Neji had barely enough time to block but still was punched back by the force of the attack. Neji quickly dispatched the clone and moved to finish sealing the chakra points of the Naruto coughing up blood.

"It seems you were still able to make clones with half your chakra points sealed. I'm somewhat impressed." Neji said as his hands moved rapidly around Naruto's body each hit making the blonde cough more and more. "Too easy." He mumbled to himself as he let Naruto fall, his work done.

Naruto looked up at Neji and just smiled. "Think again!" And with that he promptly poofed out of existence.

Neji was stunned although he didn't show it. He looked around, searching for where the blonde was hiding now, but saw no sign of him anywhere. He had been so focused on the Naruto he was attacking he didn't see what the real one had done to escape. Neji smiled "Well it seems you'll be a bit of a challenge after all!" He attacked something that came up from behind. "Then again maybe not."

Neji turned around and saw a few hundred Naruto's cracking their knuckles. "ATTACK!" All the Naruto's moved as one as if to dog pile on the dark haired nine. Neji simply dropped into a different stance.

"KAITEN!" For a few seconds the field was covered in smoke. As it began to clear the onlookers were able to begin to make out the two figures on the field.

"Naruto..." Hinata blinked moving her eyes to the figure that wasn't in the Kaiten stance.

"Whoa! This is getting intense!" Choji said, mouth gaping. Luckily he closed it before any chips fell out.

The smoke thinned further, and all of the rookie nine, plus Tenten, and a few of the sensei's turned to look at the new loudest and closest noise. "YOSH! I HAVE WAITED SO LONG TO SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL SIGHT!" Lee screamed at the top of his lungs.

"INDEED IT IS A SIGHT TO BEHOLD!" Gia cried tears streaming down his cheeks, soaking a few spectators below him.

"FOR HIM TO DO THIS, PROVEING TO NEJI THAT DETERMANATIN CAN TOP TALENT!... I WILL FOREVER MARVEL AT HIS YOUTH!" Lee cried with his sensei as the two hugged and sobbed together.

Tenten squinted a bit and was eventually able to see through the smoke. Once she was able to see that it was in fact what she thought it was she laughed. Hinata smiled. She tried to hold back her laughter but when she snorted from the effort she gave in and she too broke out in a laughing fit. As the smoke cleared completely most of the ninja were laughing at the 'joke' Naruto had pulled on Neji.

Neji himself was at a loss for words, both out of surprise at what was standing before him and out of anger. A visible twitch formed on his brow, and his jaw parted slightly.

Sasuke sat on his bed, holding onto a lamp. His eyes darted nervously around the room and he flinched slightly at any movement he thought was there. He had been sitting like this for some time now waiting for his 'attacker' to make another appearance. He looked about his room. "I can't belive this..." He said to himself. He cautiously slid off the bed and on to the floor. All his senses were on alert his eyes shifted back and forth suspiciously eyeing everything in his room. He took a step, sliding his foot across the floor. The board creaked slightly making him jump, lamp held ready in the attacking position. "I had to leave my weapons in the kitchen." He growled out. He looked at his pillows and at the various bedroom things littering the floor. "Second thought, I think I'm better off with out them..."

He cautiously took a seccond step, only three more and he'll be out into the hall, two more after that and he'll be in the room he wants to be in most. He glanced around again and cautiously took another step. As soon as his foot touched the floor on his third step his attacker appeared once more. Sasuke held his lamp high as he faced his attacker, its eyes shining in the light from the window. Sasuke kept his eyes on it as he made a wide circle around it heading for the door.

No such luck however as he forgot that his 'attacker' had friends. Immediately he was tied up and squeezed. Sasuke gasped out as he felt himself being dragged back to his bed. His attacker was on him now, pulling his hair and nose, and hitting his head with small hard beads. As Sasuke was thrown back down on his bed he glared at the attacker who held up the beads in victory. "I never should have kept you..." He growled. He looked down to what was tying him up and scoffed at it. "Living laundry now too?! Fantastic." He struggled to get free but knew the only way he would was to rip the cloth.

Sasuke heard a squeaking noise and turned to the leader his main focus and his tortours attacker. "I'll rip your stuffing out! Damn you Mr. Fuzzles... I NEED TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!" The teddy bear sat back down by the closet, its beady eyes taunting, its beaded paw held out. Sasuke twitched. He was being out smarted by a stuffed toy!

He growled as his clothes loosened their grip. He promptly threw them to the floor and glared at them. He then reeled in his lamp by its cord and set it back on the stand. In a huff he stood and took a few steps towards the stuffed bear. "RELEASE!" He yelled at it. He waited a few seconds before trying to take a few more steps. A pair of boxers flew out of the half opened drawer and attached themselves to his head. He heard a metallic clang as a few clothes hangers came out of the closet and flung at him.

Quickly he scrambled back to his bed, and the attacks ceased. He had learned that everything goes back to normal when he's on the bed. He had originally thought it was the floor that triggered it and had tried to cling to the ceiling. This resulted in the pillows flying towards him as well as a few much harder, more solid, items. Unfortunately, until he thought of a way for everything in his room to stop attacking him, he'd have to sit on the bed. "If it wasn't my own things that were being used, I'd just destroy everything... If I ever find out who's doing this... so help me..."

A little while away, Jiraiya was laughing at what appeared in front of Neji through the smoke. His fits of laughter were broken by a sneeze for a few seconds before he began laughing anew.

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