Uniquely Three - Larry Stylin...

By LarryWriting

1.7M 46.9K 47K

Harry and Louis have been together nine months when Harry develops a strange illness. Much to everyone's surp... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (mature)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (mature)

Chapter 7 (Mature, read authors note!)

62.7K 1.5K 2K
By LarryWriting

[A/N]: I know I said time would go faster, and it shall! Like.. A month or so every few chapters though! Or else we'd meet Jelly Bean way too soon! Anyway... this chapter is dedicated to  HachiLoves1D for making me the multimedia! :D It's Niam at their wedding scene and isn't it just fantastic?! Also, this chapter is a bit more... mature... than usual, as it was requested that I try um... rimming? So yeah. When you see the ***, and if you don't want to read about it, scroll till you see the next *** and the chapter from then on out isn't mature anymore xD Hope you enjoy!
[Liam's P.O.V]

Harry didn't let Niall come anywhere near him for about a week. The lad would tuck himself into the recliner with a protective hand on his growing bump. On this particular morning, however, Harry was sniffley after Louis left, so Niall offered him some chocolate. Harry still pouted, but spoke directly to Niall for the first time in several days, "Thank you..."

"Yay!" Niall screeched. "You forgave me!"

Harry rubbed his stomach gently, "Jelly Bean might be sleeping... so we have to talk quiet."

"When is Jelly Bean not sleeping?" Niall asked curiously, sitting in front of the recliner.

Harry continued to caress his stomach, "Dr. Shell said that babies sleep a lot. Sleep is healthy though and if they are healthy they grow!"

"But the baby can hear you now?" I spoke up, plopping down on the couch. Niall got up and hurried to sit on me.

"Yes," a smile formed on Harry's face. "Jelly Bean can hear mu-... mufgled?"

"Muffled," I chuckled.

"Muffled! Muffled sounds," Harry nodded. "I think Jelly Bean likes it though when Louis sings."

"Can you feel Jelly Bean moving?" Niall asked.

"No..." Harry frowned. "On the ulprasound I see when Jelly Bean moves... I just cannot feel yet."

"Maybe by the time you move into your new flat," I assured.

"We should move too," Niall pouted. "Lou said there was a flat building with lots of flats for rent down the street aways."

"I know Niall," I sighed. "You know us. We're never far from Lou."

"We are going to have the new flat and Jelly Bean's room ready before Jelly Bean comes," Harry announced happily.

"I heard that you all had a scare at Dr. Shell's last week?" Niall said. Harry, Louis, and I... or mainly Louis and I... had discussed it while Harry hid from Niall behind Louis.

"Do not like talking about it!" Harry moved both hands to his belly.

"Okay, okay," Niall soothed. "You don't have to..."

Harry nuzzled into the jumper he wore, petting at his stomach. I pressed a kiss to Niall's hair, "So Prince. What do you have on the agenda for today?"

"Maybe Harry will play cards with me," Niall shrugged.

I glanced at the younger boy to find him rubbing circles on his tummy and speaking softly, "My silly baby Jelly Bean, when will you let me feel you move?"

I chuckled, looking back to Niall, "He may be talking to you again but I don't think he'll play cards with you. You told him he had to give you his baby. Look at him. Do you think he would be alright with just giving up his kid?"

"I was kidding!" Niall whimpered, his ears falling into his hair. "I want a baby..."

"I know you do," I sighed. "Someday we can try to adopt."

Niall leaned his head on my shoulder, and I hugged him close for a few minutes. Harry was dozing off as he cradled his tummy, but then someone knocked rhythmically on the door. Niall and Harry both jumped, and Harry squeaked hopefully, "My Lou-Lou?"

"I don't think so," I patted Niall to slide him off my lap.

Harry covered his belly suspiciously, watching as I moved to open the door. I peeked out first, making sure it wasn't some stranger who was going to look in and see Harry, but instead I was met with a ginger haired man.

"Oh," I opened the door the the rest of the way. "Hi, Chris."

"Chris!" Harry crowed from behind me.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Niall called.

"And so the interrogation from your husband begins," Chris chuckled, and I allowed him to step into the flat.

"Don't have to work today, huh?" I asked as Chris stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"I do," Chris shook his head. "But not for another hour, and Zayn's already at work... so I thought I'd drop by and visit you all!"

"Chris," Harry squirmed out of his chair carefully, and Chris grinned at the curly haired lad.

"I think your belly gets bigger every time I see you," he chuckled, and Harry gave the man a hug. He had to lean forward, however, to prevent his tummy from bumping Chris.

"You never hug me!" Niall accused.

"Niall is not a nice hugger," Harry glared. "You hug too tight."

"I'll hug softly!" Niall practically yelled, but then clamped a hand over his mouth and whispered. "And talk softly..."

Harry sighed, walking over to Niall and giving him a one-armed hug, his free hand cradling his stomach. However, Harry tried to pull away and Niall was still hugging. Harry hissed, "Niall! I am done now!"

Chris chuckled, "I don't think Niall understands that you can hug people, but only cuddle Louis."

"He does not," Harry glared at an ecstatic looking Niall.

Niall shrugged, "I just wanted to hug you! I never get to hug you. Now can I touch your tummy?"

"Leave me alone," Harry warned, sidling to hide behind Chris.

Chris visited for nearly forty-five minutes, and all we really did was talk about Harry and Louis' baby. However, Niall, being the perv that he was, threw in his own additional questions.

"So how far along are you Harry?" Chris asked.

"Nineteen weeks..." Harry said thoughtfully. "Jelly Bean is 6.3 inches and... 6 ounces?"

"How often would you say that you and Zayn have sex?" Niall asked.

Chris face-palmed, "I don't know, Niall."

"You don't have to answer that," I huffed.

Niall made a pouting face, so Chris sighed, "Probably once every other day."

Niall beamed triumphantly, looking to Harry, "How about you and Louis?"

Harry paled, "It is a secret."

"Liam and I do it nearly everyday," he persuaded.

"Yes," Harry nodded finally. "Me and Louis, too. Maybe more than once because Dr. Shell said that Jelly Bean makes me need it more."

Niall laughed, "Alright so my curiosity is satisfied. Anyone else have questions?"

"I should be going," Chris stood and stretched. "We'll have to do this again. Harry, Zayn has been wanting to visit you, so expect that sometime soon."

"Okay!" Harry nodded.

Chris left, and Niall dragged my laptop over next to where Harry sat. He had a devilish look on his face, and I watched him suspiciously before settling down in the recliner with a book. I frequently glanced up at them, and Harry was idly watching whatever Niall was doing while he stroked his belly softly. Suddenly, Harry's brow furrowed in confusion, "W-what?"

A moaning sound came from the laptop speakers, and Niall smirked over at Harry. My eyes widened as I realised just what was happening, and I leaped up from the chair just as Harry covered his eyes with a shriek. I snatched the laptop away from Niall and slammed it closed, "Niall, why on earth are you-"

"What was that?!" Harry was practically hyperventilating. "Were they-"

"Having sex?" Niall laughed. "Yes."

"But he was-" Harry shook his head in bewilderment, looking at me. "I knew mouths could be used on erections but not for-"

"Not for arses? It actually feels pretty good," Niall chuckled, and I glared at the boy as I went to hide the laptop. When I came back, Harry was curled up in the corner of the couch with a terrified expression on his face.

"You've scarred him for life, Niall," I huffed, gesturing to the younger boy. "And let's hope you didn't give my computer a virus. How on earth did you find a porn cite?"

"I googled it," he shrugged. "But Harry's not scarred for life. The video just made him hard."

"Oh," my eyes widened. "Oh."

"Want my Louis," Harry whimpered. "Louis k-knows what to do and I want him."

"You can... uh..." I scratched my head. "Go in the bathroom if you want, and..."

"Does not work!" Harry shook his head frantically. "Need Louis, Louis knows what to do!"

"Well, now I feel kind of bad," Niall frowned. "I just wanted to see what he'd do if I showed him some gay porn... clearly, he freaks out and then is confused as to why he has sexual urges. I've never needed porn. I have you!"

"Stop talking," I groaned. "You're contaminating my mind. How did you get a dirty mind if you learned everything from me?"

"I'm still my own person," Niall flung his arms out happily.

At this point, Harry had began sniffling into his hands, and I walked over and awkwardly patted his head, "Louis will come get you and then you two can go home and... go crazy."

Harry squirmed uncomfortably, "It... it almost hurts!"

"Blame Niall," I told him. "Want to watch something to take your mind off of it?"

"Just think of sad things," Niall suggested, and Harry glared.

"What do you mean?" he asked skeptically.

"Sad things like... Louis getting hurt or-"

"Cannot happen!" Harry said shrilly, burying his face into his hands and bursting into tears.

"Now I r-really w-want my Louis!" he sobbed.

"Niall," I groaned. "Maybe you should go watch the telly in our room... and hope that Harry doesn't tell Louis what you showed him. Although, we all know Harry is going to tell Louis."

"Want my Louis," Harry hiccuped.

"Don't be sad, Harry," I said softly, sitting down next to the boy as Niall scurried from the room. "What does Jelly Bean think when you're sad?"

Harry looked up at me, wiping his eyes, "I do not know..."

"It's just a tough day today, hmm?" I asked.

Harry shrugged, but then he got an angry look on his face, "Niall does on purpose."

"Easy there, mood-swing boy," I patted at him. "Niall does a lot of things on purpose, and I agree that he likes irritating you, but he doesn't like making you sad."

Harry huffed, looking down at his lap, "A-at least my erection is going away."

"That is a plus," I agreed. "Do you want some lunch?"

Harry looked up at me hopefully, "Macaroni?"

"Sure," I agreed. "We've got that."

Harry wandered the kitchen while I made him a bowl of macaroni and a glass of milk, and then set it on the table for him along with some carrots. He found some syrup in the cabinet, and much to my dismay put it on his macaroni. Yet, he seemed to enjoy it.

"You get weird cravings now, huh?" I chuckled.

"I do not think it is weird," Harry said slowly, munching on a carrot.

"How often do you eat fruits and vegetables?" I asked.

"All the time!" Harry nodded. "It is good for Jelly Bean. We like applesauce, green beans, carrots, peas, bananas, peaches, grapes, raisins... we do not like broccoli!"

"I'm not a big broccoli fan either," I chuckled. "Unless it's with cheese. I think I have some applesauce, though. Do you want some?"

"Yes!" Harry nodded excitedly, so I retrieved the boy some applesauce and then sat down next to him and watched him eat it happily, a hand petting his belly as he did so.

Niall came scrambling into the room, his lower lip trembling, "You're eating without me?"

My eyes widened in surprise, "No, babe, I'm just getting some food into Harry."

Niall scurried over, scrambling onto my lap and nuzzling under my chin, "You are mine. I don't like sharing."

"You confuse me," I sighed. "You want Harry over, but then you get jealous if I pay attention to him. You are so much like a dog..."

"You're the one who married me," he pouted.

I couldn't resist pressing a long kiss to his lips, "And I'm so glad that you agreed to be mine forever..."

"I am Louis' forever..." Harry said slowly. "He said."

"We know, Harry," I laughed. "It's obvious that you two are inseparable."

"Nobody else can have Louis," Harry shrugged. "All mine."

"We know," Niall repeated.

After Harry ate, he napped on the couch while Niall and I ate sandwiches. When it finally came time for Louis to come get Harry, the younger boy was groggily petting his tummy and speaking softly, "Louis will come to get us soon, Jelly Bean. Then we will not have to miss him anymore."

Louis came into the flat looking slightly tired, but he smiled as Harry attempted to pull himself from the couch to hurry towards Louis. The older boy strode forward to help him, "Careful, baby."

"Louis!" Harry crowed joyfully. "Missed you so much!"

Louis hugged the younger boy, nuzzling his face into his curls as one hand slid down Harry's side and to the side of his tummy, "I missed you too, lovely. How was your day?"

"Harry got..." the younger boy began, but then lowered his voice "An erection earlier..."

"Aw, I'm sorry, darling," Louis gave a sad chuckle. "Was it just random?"

"No," Harry shook his head, pulling back to look at Niall, who was nestled in the recliner with me. "Niall showed me... um... porm?"

Louis looked confused for a moment, but then his eyes widened and he turned to Niall in disbelief, "You showed my Kitten what?"

"Um," Niall squeaked, twisting to hide his face.

Louis moved away from Harry to storm over and glare down at Niall, "Niall James... Payne."

"I didn't think it'd be that bad," he said in a rush. "I just wanted to freak him out, that's all!"

"Why are you always the one trying to crush his innocence?" he tried to jab at the boy on my lap so he'd face him, but I gave him a disapproving look that clearly asked him to keep his hands to himself.

"You're the one who fucked him!" Niall whimpered. "Talk about taking someone's innocence.

"Niall!" he hissed, but then Harry patted at him, and Louis' gaze turned to Harry, lowering down to his belly and the hard glare he was wearing softened into a loving look. "How's Jelly Bean today?"

"Still will not let me feel him or her move!" Harry sighed.

"I'm sure it'll happen soon, Kitten," Louis caressed both Harry's stomach and the boy's face. "You ready to go home?"

"Yes!" Harry nodded enthusiastically. "Um... when we get home... on what Niall showed Harry there was something..."

Louis nodded for Harry to continue, waiting patiently, "What happened, baby?"

"One guy was using his mouth on another guy's... not his erection or mouth? But-" Harry tried.

"Rimming," Niall sighed. "One guy was rimming the other."

"Oh," Louis paled. "I see."

"Niall says it is good and Niall usually..."

"Niall knows his sex related stuff, huh?" Louis glared at the dog eared boy. "If only he knew how to keep secrets."

"I'm sorry..." Niall pouted.

"We can go home?" Harry asked, petting at Louis.

"Yeah, baby," he nodded. "We need to get you and Jelly Bean some dinner. Chicken and green beans, how does that sound?"

"Yes!" Harry grinned. "Grean Beans! Jelly Bean likes those I bet because they are beans..."

"Probably," Louis agreed, retrieving the boys coat and shoes for him. He sat Harry down on the couch, and Harry squirmed slightly and whimpered.

"Um... I am getting an erection again," he tried to whisper, but he was never really good at whispering.

"He's putting your shoes on Harry," Niall chuckled. "Your hormonal body remembered times he's sucked you off, hmm?"

"What?" Harry squeaked in confusion.

"Ignore him, baby," Louis sighed, slipping the boys shoes on his feet before standing and kissing his forehead. "Let's go home and I'll make you feel good."

Harry grinned, "I will make you feel good, too!"

"Too far!" Niall teased.

Louis twisted around with a scowl, "Nothing else from you, dog boy! You've done enough."

Niall made a pouring face, "Fine, I'll just stay here and suck Liam off."

"Oh," I said in surprise, feeling a small burst of excitement.

Louis huffed, helping the younger boy to his feet and wrapping his arm around the boy's waist, his thumb stroking at Harry's belly. The couple exited the flat, the kitten-eared lad tucked safely away from the wind against Louis. As soon as the door was shut, Niall waited for a few moments, his tail wagging excitedly, and then he was dropping to his knees on the floor in front of me and tugging my pants down to my ankles.

[Louis' P.O.V]

Harry and I entered the flat, and the boy clung close to me until I flipped the lights on. The flat was nearly dark since it got darker outside earlier. Harry fed Lucy in the kitchen stroking her before he stood up carefully, one hand on his belly, and walked into my arms.

"Do you think Jelly Bean does not like the dark, too?" he asked, nuzzling under my neck.

"Mmm," I hummed, pressing kisses to his hair. "I don't think Jelly Bean minds. It's dark in your tummy I bet. But Jelly Bean knows you're there, too."

"And Jelly Bean and me have you, too!" Harry tightened the hug, and I snuggled him closer, rubbing his belly gently.

"What do you wanna eat, love?" I asked him gently.

"Umm," Harry pressed his hips against my thigh, and I was surprised to find that he was still hard.

"Oh..." I chuckled, pulling back a little. "We'll eat... after then?"

Harry nodded, seizing my face in his hands and kissing me enthusiastically. His sudden eagerness caught me off guard, but then I gently cradled his head to kiss him back. He attempted to scramble into my arms, "Hold me?"

"Sure love," I nodded. "Careful though..." 

*** I gently slipped my arms around him, lifting him bridal style to carry him to our room. Harry started trying to strip me the second I placed him down on the bed, and I chuckled as I helped the younger boy. When we were both naked, I made the boy lay back and relax, running my hands across his chest and his swelled tummy that jutted up slightly from between his hip bones. He squirmed, petting at what he could.

"Um," Harry said breathlessly. "What Niall showed me on that... that computer?"

"You really wanna try that, hmm?" I gently took his cock in my hand, stroking him slowly to get him completely hard. He whined, nodding his head.

"Want that!" he croaked. "Want it."

I released his cock to rub his belly, "Easy love... don't work yourself up. We haven't even started yet."

"Love you," he whimpered. "I do!"

"Love you, too, baby," I kissed his abdomen, dropping down between his legs and kissing at the head of his cock, the soft skin around his length, and his thighs. He arched his back as I nibbled at the inside of his thigh.

"My Louis," he moaned.

"Plant your feet flat," I stroked down his legs, guiding them to where I wanted them. The sounds he was making had my cock pressing up to my abdomen.

Harry had his legs spread and his knees up so that his feet were pressed flat to the bed. He looked at me from where he rested on pillows, "This... this is not what they did on the- the-"

"It's alright, lovely," I assured. "You can see me this way. Unless... do you want it the other way?"

"Want to see you," Harry shook his head frantically. "My Louis."

"That's good," I continued. "It's safer for Jelly Bean, too. You cant lay on him or her."

Harry nodded weakly, "Must keep  Jelly Bean safe..."

"Okay, Kitten," I ducked back down between his legs so that I was even with his entrance. "This'll feel strange..."


Carefully, I licked a hesitant strip across the boys entrance, and he jolted and his air left him in a high pitched mewl. I honestly had no idea what I was doing, because if any of my past boyfriends had asked me to rim them, I'd probably refuse. It was such an intimate act that I just couldn't see myself having done it before. But Harry was a different story, with one hand resting on his belly and the other hand stroking himself as I flicked my tongue around the ring of muscle. I just loved the boy so much that I was willing to do anything to make him happy.

Harry was incredibly responsive, arching and shrieking and writhing. I had to gently hold his hips down with one hand as I carefully slipped a finger in and moved my tongue around it, managing to force my tongue inside slightly as well. Being what it was, it didn't taste horrible, and since Harry seemed to enjoy it so much, I knew I would willingly do it again.

Harry mouthed at his pillow, ears back and eyes clenched shut, scrabbling for my hand with his hand while on his free hand his fingers clutched the sheets. Without realising it, I had been rutting my cock against the sheets. With a precise jab to my tongue, and a curl of my finger, Harry gave a strangled shriek and spilled all over his tummy and hand.

I pulled my finger out, and in an instant the boy was trying to sit up, but his belly was in the way and his arms and legs were still quivering from his orgasm. I crawled up next to him instead, my own cock still throbbing, but I could just take care of it later. I brushed my thumb over one of Harry's strange four nipples as he snuggled close, and he squeaked, looking down, "Y-you are still hard?"

"S'okay, Kitten-" I tried to say, but then he took my length in his hand as he pressed his lips against mine, and I gasped into his mouth. He stroked me clumsily but quickly, and almost automatically I spilled onto his hand and a bit onto the sheets. ***

I panted into the boys neck, and we rested in each others arms for a moment. As soon as we'd caught our breaths I reached across Harry, grabbing a box of tissues from the nightstand since I was too lazy to get the black box.  I wiped at his hands, my hands, and then gently cleaned off his belly.

"So Jelly Bean can feel when we touch my tummy, right?" Harry asked softly, sitting up and crisscrossing his legs.

"Mhmm," I nodded, wiping the last bit of come away and then placing my hand on his belly. "Dr. Shell said Jelly Bean feels vibrations when we touch your tummy."

"Does Jelly Bean know it is us?" the younger boy asked, his ears giving a curious twitch.

"Dr. Shell says that specialists say babies start recognising their parents voices while they're in the womb. So maybe..."

"So when Jelly Bean is here he or she will- oh!" the younger boys hand flew to his belly.

I gave him a concerned look, my voice quieting in slight fear, "You alright?"

"Something weird..." he said in confusion. "Happened!"

"What did it feel like?" I asked.

Before I finished my sentence, Harry squeaked again, "Bubbles popping! It is like bubbles popping right here!"

I moved my hand to where he was pointing, "Like... moving? Is the baby moving?"

Harry's eyes widened, "Oh... it would feel like bubbles?"

An overjoyed feeling passed over me, and tears sprang to my eyes, "You've seen how squirmy our baby Bean can be... it could feel like bubbles."

"Moving?" Harry sniffled happily, caressing his stomach. "You are letting me feel you moving Jelly Bean?"

"Here, right?" I asked, wiping away the ecstatic tears that blurred my vision.

Harry nodded, and I placed both my hands so that they were cradling the bottom of his tummy. I waited several minutes, and Harry sat waiting anxiously as well. Just as I was about to remove my hands and suggest we go find something to eat, Harry gasped and tapped at my right hand, "Felt? Felt it?"

I shook my head, but a large smile stretched across my face and tears spilled over onto my cheeks "No, but you did and that's what matters. Jelly Bean is wiggling around in there..."

Harry burst into tears as well, leaning to bury his face into my chest, "Can feel Jelly Bean! I can feel our Jelly Bean move!"

I nodded weakly, croaking out, "He or she is a happy baby Bean if they're squirmy."

"Happy?" Harry crooned, pulling back and petting his belly.

I was filled with such joy and adoration, that I couldn't seem to stop the happy tears from pouring down my cheeks. I leaned and kissed Harry's tummy before sitting back up and peppering his face with kisses, using my thumbs to mop up Harry's happy tears, "Let's get some food into you and Jelly Bean!"

"Yes!" Harry agreed. "Maybe food will make Jelly Bean happier and he or she will let me feel wiggling again!"

"Can I tell my mum and our friends that you can feel Jelly Bean?" I rubbed his belly softly.

Harry grinned, "Moved again! A-and yes! Tell them!"

So while Harry and I sat cuddled naked on the couch, with us eating some chicken, green beans, and toast, Harry watched Aristocats and I called Dr. Shell to make sure that it was the baby moving.

"It sounds like it!" he said once I'd explained. "Bubbles popping... maybe fluttery, like a butterfly trying to escape. It's probably not kicking or the baby stretching yet, just the baby wiggling around. It could be because you all were talking, maybe Harry has been moving around a lot as well... lots of things can encourage movement."

"When can I feel it?" I asked hopefully.

"Probably in a few more weeks," he chuckled. "You ready for it?"

"I've already cried because my Kitten can feel it, I can't imagine what I'll do when I feel it."

I called my mum next, and she sounded close to tears herself as she gushed through the speaker to Harry, who cuddled closer to explain how happy he was, "Jelly Bean has not moved again, though... might be sleeping?"

"Probably," my mother laughed. "All the wiggling wore him or her out."

"Yes!" Harry agreed.

We said goodbye to my mother, promising we'd see her at Christmas, then called Niall and Liam. Niall was the one who answered, and he giggled out, "Liam's kind of tuckered out. We... we had a lot of fun."

"I felt our baby move," Harry announced.

"You did?!" Niall gasped. "That's fantastic, oh my God, can I feel?!"

"Not till my Louis does..." Harry frowned, and my heart swelled with adoration as I pressed a kiss to the younger boys cheek.

"Why?" Niall whined.

"Because Louis helped make Jelly Bean!" Harry snapped. "Jelly Bean is his baby, too! Now goodbye, Niall! We will see you tomorrow."

Chris and Zayn were ecstatic for us, making us promise we'd have dinner with them sometime. However, they were a tad short response-ish, and judging by the way Zayn had giggled before moaning when he'd thought he'd already hung, causing me to hang up quickly, led me to believe that we'd caught them in the middle of something. We took a cuddly bath after dinner, not bothering to put on pajamas as I changed the sheets on our bed and we crawled into it. Harry snuggled close, kissing at my collarbone. I smiled, placing a hand on our baby bump, and he did the same.

"Jelly Bean and I love you, my Louis," he whispered. "Harry's and Jelly Bean's Louis."

"I love you guys, too," I brushed my fingers along his belly carefully, and then we snuggled closer and drifted off to sleep, Harry's belly cradled protectively between us.

[A/N]: I'd also like to thank ChristalUlffe for the cute porn-showing idea... it's always fun to ruin Harry's innocence in little bits.

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