I Found A Way

By TheMShow01

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I didn't know what to think when my girlfriend, Melly, told me she was pregnant. Should I be happy? Nervous... More

Chapter 1- Suspicious Sunday, April 13, 2014
Chapter 2- Night Time Sunday, April 13, 2014
Chapter 3- Finally Getting Some Answers Saturday, April 27, 2014
Chapter 4- My Reaction Saturday, April 27, 2014
Chapter 5- The First Ultrasound Friday, May 16, 2014
Chapter 6- Telling My Parents Sunday, May 25, 2014
Chapter 7- Telling Her Parents Sunday, May 25, 2014
Chapter 8- A Surprise Sunday, May 25, 2014
Chapter 9- Parker Family Fun Day Monday, May 26, 2014
Chapter 10- Telling Our Friends Saturday, June 7, 2014
Chapter 11- Monday Morning Monday, June 9, 2014
Chapter 12-Gym Class Monday, June 9, 2014
Chapter 13- Finding A Job Monday, June 9, 2014
Chapter 14- Boy or Girl? Sunday, June 13, 2014
Chapter 15- Band Session Saturday, July 19, 2014
Chapter 16- My Birthday Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Chapter 17- A Date Saturday, August 16, 2014
Chapter 18- At Work Monday, August 18, 2014
Chapter 19- Dinner At Dad's House Monday, August 18, 2014
Chapter 20- Last Day of Summer Sunday, August 31, 2014
Chapter 21- First Day Of School Monday September 1 2014
Chapter 22- The Birth of The Drama Queen Monday, September 1, 2014
Chapter 23- Our First Fight Saturday, September 13, 2014
Chapter 24- Fighting For Their Lives Saturday, September 13, 2014
Chapter 25- I'm Here Sunday, September 14, 2014
Chapter 26- In The Hospital Monday, September 15, 2014
Chapter 27- Nurse Melly Sunday, September 28, 2014
Chapter 28- Halloween Friday, October 31, 2014
Chapter 29- Thanksgiving Thursday November 27 2014
Chapter 31- The Baby's Coming Friday, December 19, 2014
Chapter 32- Meeting Our Baby Friday, December 19, 2014
Chapter 33- The Visitors Saturday, December 20, 2014
Chapter 34- Going Home Saturday, December 20, 2014
Chapter 35- Up All Night Sunday, December 22, 2014
Chapter 36- Christmas Thursday, December 25, 2014
Chapter 37- New Years Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Chapter 38- Back At School Monday, January 5, 2015
Chapter 39- Drama At School Monday, January 23, 2015
Chapter 40- Melly Loses Her Mind Friday February 6 2015
Chapter 41- Valentine's Day Saturday, February 14, 2015.
Chapter 42- Two Idiots and A Baby Saturday,
Chapter 43- The Gig Friday, February 27, 2015
Chapter 44- 'H' Is For Humiliation Sunday, March 15, 2015
Chapter 45- Danny's First Baptism Sunday, March 29, 2015
Chapter 46- Easter Sunday April 5 2015
Chapter 47- Mother's Day Sunday May 10 2015
Chapter 48- Son Of A Melly Saturday, May 23, 2015
Chapter 49- Prom Friday, June 5, 2015
Chapter 50- Graduation Day Monday, June 8, 2015
Chapter 51- Job Offer Saturday, June 13, 2015
Chapter 52- The Interview Monday, June 14, 2015
Chapter 53- Father's Day Sunday, June 21, 2015
Chapter 54- Moving Saturday, July 5, 2015
Chapter 55- Before The Wedding Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Chapter 56- The Wedding Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Chapter 57- Honeymoon Thursday, December 20, 2018
Epilogue- Saturday July 4 2020

Chapter 30- Melly's Birthday Friday, December 19, 2014

60 5 0
By TheMShow01

It is December 19, 2014; Melly's seventeenth birthday. However, the month and date means much more to us than just any old birthday; it's our seventeenth anniversary. Seventeen years since we've met and became each other's first friend. Seventeen years since we grew to love each other. Fourteen years since we had our first kiss. Fourteen years since I gave her that ring on her left finger with a 'D' on it, because I was convinced that one day I was going to marry her. While that one may not happen right now, it wouldn't hurt to ask so we can be husband and wife sooner or later, right? This date probably means much more to me than her.

I was at Sacramento's park by the white gazebo, rehearsing with my friends of the concert birthday party that I am about to throw Melly tonight. I had to be here to make sure everything is perfect for my baby girl. I was going to do it in the backyard, but I don't want to be as obvious as Melly was with my party; I wanted it to be special. And to beat her at our surprise party tradition. Plus, we all did our best to make everything as clean as possible for when the baby arrives and I don't want to ruin it. Our backyard is too small for this concert anyway.

"Alright, let's take a break." I said as we finished our last song and put my electric guitar to the side. I looked at my friends and asked as I hopped off the gazebo, "What time is it?"

"One in the afternoon." Mike replied.

Oh shit, I need to go somewhere before the party starts. I have too many errands to attend to today and I have a lot people coming in to bring stuff later this afternoon. I also can't just leave my friends here alone. They need me here. I rubbed my temple to think of something. Anything will do right now.

"Derek," I heard Amy said behind me. I looked up at her face full of concern. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing. I need somewhere to be right now, but I don't know if I can do it. I can't leave you guys here with the stuff." I told her.

"Dude, we'll be fine. Do whatever you need to do. We can take care of it."Amy said, giving me a reassuring smile.

"Really?" I asked, my voice sounding hopeful.

Amy nodded. I couldn't help but pull her into a tight hug, feeling relieved. I do feel a pang of guilt in the pit of my stomach about leaving them to take care of my responsibilities, but there's nothing better than having friends willing to help you out.

"Thank you! You guys are the best! Okay, so the carters are going to be here around three pm to drop off food. I'll be back around four to check things out. We can have our last rehearsal then. The guest should be here around five o'clock and Melly should be here by five-thirty..." I was going to continue to ramble, when Amy cut me off.

"Dude, chill. Everything will be just fine. I know Melly will love it." Jack said from afar. I turn my gaze towards him and raised an eyebrow.

"You sure about that, Nelson?" I asked, my voice sounding higher than usual.

"Derek, please. If I were Melly, there would be no way I would say 'no' after you did all of this to me. Of course, I would like things to be a little more anime, but knowing her style, this is more than good enough." Amy told me, easing my nerves.

"Thanks guys. You're the best." I said with a genuine smile on my face.

"We know. Now go do whatever you need to go." Mike said.

I thanked my friends again, before I ran off to my car. Once I got inside, I immediately buckled up and turned on the ignition. I backed out of my parking space and drove to my first stop.


I parked near a KFC and walked across the street to a ring shop. The sound of a bell rung as I stepped into the little building.

I know it's cheesy and cliche, especially since we're still young. We haven't even graduated high school yet and here I am willing to ask the most important question of our lives tonight. But I am very blessed that God has given the chance to meet this wonderful girl in my life, that I can't imagine myself being with anyone else in the future except her. Why should I wait, since I know my future is right here waiting for me to take her hand and officially call her mine for life? We also have a baby coming in a couple of days, if we can't be married, we could be engaged for as long as we want to.

I walked up to the set of engagement rings, my eyes set on a size 7, 14k white gold diamond ring. I picked up the small jewelry and examined it, making sure that everything looked alright. I don't want to get her some cheap, crappy ring, I want to get her a perfect one. Perfect for her to cherish until the day she walks down the aisle and say, "I do". Of course, she could always reject me, which is why I'm doing all of this for her. I want to win her into marriage. I mean if she does reject me, I wouldn't break up with her or anything, but I would be depressed for days. Weeks maybe. But I will respect her decision since I know she has a lot going on in her life and I don't want to come off as pushy or anything; I want her to marry me because she wants to. I also want her to know that we can just be engaged and get married anytime she wants to, she just has to tell me when and where.

A short, pudgy, middle-aged man came from the back of the store to me. "Hello, sir? What can I do for you today?"

I jumped a little and looked at him. "Oh, hi! I'm just looking for an engagement ring for my girlfriend."

"Aren't you a little young to get married?" The man questioned me.

"Maybe, but I just like the idea of being engaged to her and getting married anytime we want." I replied.

"How long have you known her for? I don't want to be responsible for helping you elope or anything." He asked. He's asking way too many question.

"Today's our seventeenth anniversary." I informed him.

"Oh, that's nice. So you've known each other since you guys were kids." The man said, making me nod my head. "Well, alright. That ring is a nice choice, but it is expensive."

I shook my head at that. I have enough money to pay for this ring as I have made enough cash from working at Target during these last several months. "I'll take it." I said.

"That's 4,450 dollars, but for you on your special day, it's 2,250." The man told me.

Yeah, because that won't make me cry tonight.

"Great." I muttered as I gave him my credit card so he may slide it. He gave it back to me and I signed my name on the receipt as he put the ring in a black, velvet box. I can't help, but feel a little excited for that. I cannot believe I'm buying ring this young, but in my eyes this is innocent compared to every other thing that I've done with Melly this year alone. To me, this just feels right despite what the world may think once the news is out.

I thanked the cashier before I exited the store, digged into the bag and took out the ring box. It felt smooth in my rough hands as I flipped open the box, staring at the lovely diamond in the center of the box. The feeling that I have for this overly price, chunk of rock is surreal. I can't believe it. I'm really going to do it. I'm going to propose to Melly. Then we're going to have a baby, get married, have a couple of more kids, and live happily ever after. At least, that's how it hope it would be.

I closed the box before I can get teary-eyed and shoved it back in the bag before I headed towards my car. Time to go to my next location: Melly's parents house.


I parked my car at Mike's house, so I'm not too far from the Martinez's house yet so no one, specifically Melly, wouldn't have any idea that I'm nearby. I took a deep breath as I looked at Melly's old house again. Everyday I would look at it, hoping that her parents would change their minds and apologize. It's a burden how they want nothing to do with their daughter's or grandchild's life. But because I'm a gentleman, I need their permission to marry her. This visit will most likely be useless, but this is how I was raised so yeah. A few minutes wouldn't hurt anyway.

I bit my bottom lip in nervousness as I feel my body dragged me across the Martinez's lawn, up to their front door. I took another deep breath to calm down my nerves before I knocked on the door and rang the doorbell. It's been awhile since I've knocked on the door, because even when Melly lived here, there wasn't a need to. She had an escape door and an emergency staircase outside her bedroom. It was easier to get to her there than here. Her parents really did make it easy for her to get pregnant. But everything happens for a reason.

I hope they're home. They could be at work for all I know. I scuffed my shoes on the porch until I heard the door opening, snapping me out my thoughts. I looked up to see Melly's father glaring at me.

"What do you want?" He asked, accent thick in his voice.

"Hi. Mr. Martinez. Um, I know this is an unexpected visit and I'm probably the last person you want to see, but.." I started, but he rudely interrupted me.

"You're exactly the last person I want to see. Now cut to the chase, before I call your mother on you." He threatens.

Oh no. He's going to call my mom on me for trying to be civil. What ever will I do?

I cleared my throat. I was about to continue when Mrs. Martinez's voice came in.

"Mija, what's going on? Why are you--?" She questioned her husband before she looks at me. Her mouth formed in a shape of an 'O', before she proceeded to talk, "Hello Derek. What are you doing here?"

"Hello Mrs. Martinez. You're looking lovely today. Did you lose weight or-?" I paused when I saw her glaring at me. Looks like she doesn't have the patience for my politeness today, so cut to the chase. "I'm here, because I want to have your permission into asking your daughter to marry me."

"What?" The couples asked in shocked.

I pulled out the box from the back of my jeans and showed them the ring.

"Yeah, I love Melly way too much and I know I want to spend the rest of my life with her---" I asked, when I was interrupted once again. These people are really disrespectful. Can they ever let me talk?

"You guys are seventeen!" Mrs. Martinez exclaimed at the top of her lungs with her head and arms up to the heavens. At least she remembers her absent daughter's birthday.

"I know, but we love each other and it's like I'm asking us to get married right away. Maybe in a year or so." I defended.

"Look," Mrs. Martinez said, moving her husband to side and approached me. She looked me dead in the eyes and said, "I know you guys love each other. The signs are clear. While we couldn't care less what you'll do by next or so with her, think logically: do you really want to get married? Are you ready for this?"

"I do want to married. I think we're ready for this. We've been together since forever, we're just planning to add a child between us."

"Right, that." Her father said.

"Derek, honey. This really sweet of you. I want her to marry you, because I know she loves you way too much not to, but I just don't want you to do anything else you two may regret." Mrs. Martinez said, trying to convince me out of proposing to her daughter.

"I don't regret anything, Mrs. Martinez." I said. But what does she know? She barely saw her daughter when she was living under their roofs.

"Okay then, yes. You may marry her." Her mother said with a smile. I looked at her father, who was still glaring at me.

"I couldn't care less what you do with her." Mr. Martinez said, shrugging.

"Paul!" His wife scolded. I tried my best to not laugh at the similarity between Melly and her mother. It's really cute in my opinion.

"I'm just being honest." Her father said.

I just shook my head. These two really don't deserve to have such a sweet girl such as Melly as their daughter. But I'm not going to insult them. Instead I told thank you and bid them a farewell to her parents. I don't plan to see them anytime soon, unless if it were to tell them of the arrival of their only grandchild. Even then, I'm not sure if that's a good idea.


I walked up to the gazebo area, surprised to see everything was set up. Pink and blue decorations were littered all around the park, Melly's favorite colors and because this is partly a baby shower, it's the color of either gender. The food was also set up at a picnic bench by the park's centerpiece. The projector was also set up and ready to go for tonight. Everything looked great to me.

I stepped up to my friends who were all endorsed in their conversation until I showed up.

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation." I said.

Amy shook her head, "No, no. You're fine. Did you get the ring?"

I nodded, got the box out of my pocket, and flipped it open to show it to them. They looked surprised at the beauty of it.

"Oh my gosh. It's beautiful." Amy said, taking the box from me. I watch her so she doesn't do any damage to my gift for Melly. "It's not too big, not too small. Yeah, she'll definitely love it."

"Think so?" I'm still a little nervous. Usually I'm not too nervous, but this is the biggest that I've done since losing my innocence to her in March. I just want this to be perfect for her.

They nodded their heads. "You're a lucky guy, Derek." Mike said.

"Oh please. Don't tell me you're in love with her too." I joked.

"Oh no. She's all yours. She's more like a sister to me. No, I like someone else. Don't worry." The Asian assured me. "I'm just proud of you two that's all."

I laughed as he patted my back. "Alright, well, it's four. We still have an hour and a half left. Do you guys wanna rehearse for the last time or do you wanna do something else?"

We've been rehearsing like crazy these past few weeks, I don't want to overworked them more than they have.

"Uh, sure. We can rehearse." Jack said.

"You sure?"

"We want her to say yes too, so let's get to it." Amy said.

"Alright then. Let's get to work, bitches." I said, pointing my finger to stage. I cringed once I said that as my friends looked at me as if I were insane. Melly has played that new Britney Spears' song almost every time when we're in the car and it drives me insane. It's getting to point where I'm repeating it in broad daylight to my friends. I shook my head and said, "Let's just get to work."

We headed up to our stage, grabbed our instruments, and rehearsed for one last time.


I was behind a huge tree, changing into a suit as I hear the band trying to warm up to the oncoming crowd. I took a sneak peek and nearly peed in my pants at the amount of people that came to this little party. Holy shit, almost everyone that I've invited came. This is amazing. I smiled to myself as I checked my watch. 5:25pm. John should be here in any minute with the birthday girl with him. Gosh, I hope she loves this. I stayed up all night with anxiety coursing through my veins over this.

I bit my nails as I moved my head back behind the tree. I paced back and forth to entertain myself as someone is supposed to keep an eye out for John and Melly and tell me when they're here. I prayed to God over and over again that Melly will be truly happy once she leaves the park tonight.

All of a sudden, I heard the audience shout, "surprise!"

I broke out my thoughts as Amy came behind the tree and said, "Melly's here."

I nodded my head and told her, "Thank you."

She went back to wherever she came from, leaving me here alone with my thoughts. I straightened out my jacket before I followed my friends on the bandstand. I looked at them as they settled down with their instruments before I let my gaze move to the audience to see where she is. And right there, sitting in the first seat of the third row is Melly herself, dressed in a pretty peach, lace dress and silver jewelry.

I snapped myself back to what I was doing when I caught myself staring for a bit too long. I tapped the microphone and cleared my throat.

"Uh, hey." I said with a shaky voice. Everyone shutted up, I licked my lips and continued. "Can everyone have a seat please?"

I adjusted my guitar strap as everyone did as they were told.

"So welcome to Melly's birthday party, everybody. I'm Derek Parker. I'm just going to perform a couple of song for my long-term girlfriend," I said, receiving 'awws' from the audience causing me to blush in the spotlight. But I quickly shrugged it off and looked at eyes, "Mel, I hope you like it."

The music was starting to play in the background as the projector started to play a few photos and videos clips of our relationship for the year.

"Some people laugh,

Some people cry.." I smirked at Melly as she covered her mouth as she recognized the song. I proceeded to sing,

"Some people run, right into the fire

Some people hide their every desire

But we are the lovers

If you don't believe me

Then just look into my eyes

'cause the heart never lies

Some people fight, some people fall

Others pretend they don't care at all

If you wanna fight I'll stand right beside you

The day that you fall I'll be right behind you

To pick up the pieces

If you don't believe me

Just look into my eyes

'cause the heart never lies



Another year over, and we're still together

It's not always easy, but I'm here forever

We are the lovers

I know you believe me

When you look into my eyes

'cause the heart never lies


And we are the lovers

I know you believe me

When you look into my eyes

'cause the heart never lies



Seventeen years are over, and we're still together

It's not always easy, but I'm here forever

Yeah we are the lovers, I know you believe me

When you look into my eyes

'cause the heart never lies

'cause the heart never lies

Because the heart never lies."

The audience clapped as the song finished. "Thank you, guys," I said, before I took a sip from my water bottle, "This next song is also not mine but I know it will mean a lot to Melly."

I counted backwards to my bands to start playing as more lovely pictures started to appear on the widescreen in the back of me. When I say lovely pictures, I mean pictures that she hates, but I love to embarrass her with, because while she thinks she looks ugly, I think she looks pretty.

I breathed once again, before I sang,

"It's all about you

(It's about you)

It's all about you, baby

(It's all about)

It's all about you

(It's about you)

It's all about you.."

Then there were clips of Melly walking up to me with a look of concern written across her face, followed by photos of me smiling down at her.

"Yesterday, you asked me something I thought you knew.

So I told you with a smile 'It's all about you'

Then you whispered in my ear and you told me too,

Said, 'You make my life worthwhile, it's all about you'."

Then there was a video clip where I was giving Melly a flower followed by being rejected a kiss over a small argument that we both forgot about to this day. I ended up kissing her cheek though, hoping that she still loved me. Judging by the smile on her face at the end of the clip, I can tell she was just mad at me. This would go with these words:

"And I would answer all your wishes, if you asked me to.

But if you deny me one of your kisses, don't know what I'd do.

So hold me close and say three words, like you used to do.

Dancing on the kitchen tiles, it's all about you.


We were just playing the instrumental solo part of the song more random pictures of me and Melly over the years. It's crazy.

"And I would answer all your wishes, if you asked me to.

But if you deny me one of your kisses, don't know what I'd do.

So hold me close and say three words, like you used to do.

Dancing on the kitchen tiles,

Yes you make my life worthwhile,

So I told you with a smile..."

Then the screen slowly turned off, leaving all the attention to me.

"It's all about you.

It's all about you

(It's about you)

It's all about you, baby

(It's all about)

It's all about you

(It's about you)

It's all about you."

I took off my guitar and walked towards Melly, sticking my hand out to her as I continues to sing:

"It's all about you

(It's about you),

It's all about you, baby

(It's all about you)."

Melly gladly took my hand as she got up from her seat and walked to the stage together. We were dancing as I continues to sing words without the microphone, so only she can hear:

"It's all about you

(It's about you)

It's all about you, baby

(It's all about you)

It's all about you

(It's about you)

It's all about you, baby."

I spinned her around as I sang the final line as loud as God made my voice to be.

"It's all about...you..."

People cheered as I finished by kissing Melly on the lips. I can tell she really loved it, by the spark that flashes in her eyes. Although, it makes me pretty satisfied for doing my job as her boyfriend right, I know her reaction to this wouldn't be compared to what I will pull next.

"I love you." I said as I pulled back.

"I love you too." Melly said, before she kissed me again.

"One last thing and then we can party, okay?" I told her, before I returned to the mic. "Alright. Before we finish tonight's show, I have one last thing. This is a poem that I've re-written so many time since the beginning of this year. Hope you like it."

I took a deep breath and continued:

"It's been 17 years since we met,

That's more than anyone could ever bet.

17 years of love and happiness,

There was never a time for enough hatred or sadness.

Everything is great between us,

There's literally no one in this world that can break us apart.

17 years of memories that can never be replace,

And there's no one that I can imagine to fill in your place,

Not even if we were to break up today.

The times that we've spent together is splendid

and brought so many blessings,

One of them are coming very soon.

You were my princess,

But I was wondering you'd want to update your status,

To my queen?"

I paused. I heard Melly gasped as she saw me get down on one knee. This is so surreal to me. I pulled the black velvet box out of my pocket and opened it to reveal the shiny, diamond engagement ring that I bought earlier today. I watched her as she covered her mouth in surprise. She was totally not expecting it.

"I know we're really young, we have a lot on our plates, and this is most likely too soon. But I have thought about this and I really want to do this. You're my past as you gave a whole lot of things to remember. You're my present as you're standing here in front of me right now. I want you to be my future as well as I cannot think of anybody else I want to do this with. I honestly wouldn't care what happens next as long it's with you, my dear. It doesn't have to be now. It could two to five years from now, if you want. This isn't about the baby, so don't think that. I loved you before you were pregnant and I love you now. I really want to marry you. I guess all I'm trying to say in short is, Melina Martinez, will you marry me?" I said, looking up at her deep, dark brown eyes. The eyes that I adored all these years.

I can tell that Melly is overthinking all of this as she is taking a long time to answer. I can see the roller coaster of emotions flashing in her eyes. I don't blame her. This is probably too sudden for her. I can't just ask a seventeen year old girl to marry me out of the blue like this. Especially if she does have a lot on her plate. I don't want to be pushy or anything. I want her to marry me because she loves me as well. I guess all I'm trying to say is, I just want her to go with her heart in this. That's what this is all about anyway.

I watched in anticipation as she took a deep breath and said, "Yes! Yes! A billion times yes! Thank you."

I laughed as the girl flung her arms around me, pulling me in a tight embrace.

"Wait a minute," She said, pulling back a bit. Melly got out of the hug and squinted her eyes, looking at me skeptically. "this is only legit, if and only if..."

I know where this is going. I chuckled and rolled my eyes as we did our 'secret' handshake. My right hand meets hers sideway, the back of my hand meets hers, and fistbumped. We both laughed with each other before I hugged her again. I can barely hear the audience cheering as I feel like we're the only two people in this room. I pulled back and kissed her passionately on stage, making the crowd go crazier than before.

I broke the kiss to say something that I hope would make sense to her. "I more than love you."

I'm not sure if she gets what I'm saying or if I stupid as she laughed and said, "I more than love you too."

I see her tearing up.

"Aww, don't cry." I said, wiping her tears away like I always do.

I grabbed her left hand and switched the ring that she's been wearing for exactly fourteen years with the engagement ring, causing her to cry even more. It's about time this happened. I can now officially call her my fiancé. Melly grabbed my hand to put on her stomach, so I can feel the baby kicking like a mad soccer player. We both laughed as I bent down a little and kissed her belly

"I love you," I said to the baby. "I cannot wait to see you soon."

I got up and smirked at Melly before I went back to the microphone. "With that being said, I have a new song to share. Black Pliers members, you could leave the stage except Melly, of course."

Mike, Jack, and Amy left to go sit in the audience as I started to strum my guitar. I turned to the mic and sang,

"Well hello let's go
everybody must know
love's in my heart like a bomb
It's blowing a song inside I'm singing
sunshine that your bringing now and it makes me happy
Listen to the radio playing back in stereo
Sounds like my favorite song
I'm humming along my head is ringing
And I just can't stop singing now 'cause it makes me happy, it makes me happy
You're everything I need, handed from above
I can't get enough of your love
Cause it makes me happy
Living in a day-dream
I'll show you what it all means
Spending some time in the sun
Let's get up and run it's just beginning
And I just can't stop singing now
'Cause it makes me happy, it makes me happy
Like a fantasy that you never find
Right in front of me all the time
And it makes me happy
I want it all but not too much I wanna feel the way you touch me
I'm the kind of guy who's always there to come and find you
Save the rainy days for another time
I'm just here to say read between the lines
I'm so glad that your mine
Cause you make me happy
you make me wanna sing
do do dodododo
do do do do
do do dodododo
do do do do
do do dodododo
do do do do
do do dodododo
do do do do
do do dodododo
do do do do."

The whole entire park bursted in another round of cheers and applause at the end of performance. Melly hugged me and said, "That was beautiful."

"Like you?" I said, smiling. She just kissed me. "Let's party." Melly nodded as we walked off the stage to the crowd.

"I really hope you don't mind that this is partly your baby shower." I said, putting my hands in my pocket.

"Oh, I've noticed by the baby decoration. I really don't mind though." Melly said, "Considering my condition, it's a good theme."

I just kissed her again. How did I end up with a sweet girl like her? "I'm so proud that you're mine."


It's been a few hours since the party started. Everyone was coming up to me and Melly to take pictures, congratulate us, tell her happy birthday, and all the jazz. It's now time to sing happy birthday and cut the cake.

"Make a wish." I told her as she took a huge breath and blew out all seventeen candles at once. "Wow, that's awesome."

"Lungs of a singer, baby." She smirked, hugging my bicep.

"I'll say." I said, kissing her. "What did you wish for?"

"I think you know what it is." She said, patting her stomach. I smirked and kissed her again.

"Alright, it's time to open presents." Mom said.

"Yay!" Melly said, rubbing her hands together as if she's plotting something evil.

She's so cute.

After she opened a series of present of baby stuff, she finally came to white holes in it. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow, before looking back at the box, picking it up. She opened top to see a English Spaniel puppy inside of it.

"Oh my gosh," she cooed as she picked the puppy up, cradling it in her arm. She let the dog sniff her, so she can know her better. "She's so cute! You got her for me?"

"No." I said.

"I did." John said, walking up to us. "I wanted my niece or nephew to grow up with a best friend, so I got her for your birthday."

"Aww, thank you. I'm sure, we'll enjoy Flower. This is such a nice gift." She said.

"Flower?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, that's the dog's name. Flower." Melly said with a smile.

I shook my head at her silliness before I looked back at her.

"No, but seriously, thank you, John." Melly said, hugging my brother.

"No problem. Anything for my new sister-in-law." He said, pulling away from her.

"This is seriously the best birthday ever. I cannot thank you enough, Derek." Melly said, shaking her head in happiness.

"Just love me and promise me that you'll never let me go." I responded, hugging her.

Melly's happy. I'm happy. Our friends and family are happy. I'm finally engaged to the girl I love with all of my heart. We have a new dog. Only thing is missing is our baby, but other than that, everything is perfect. That is, until I heard Melly gasp.

Uh oh.


Song: Heart Will Never Lie

Artist: McFly

Album: radio:ACTIVE

Year Released: 2007

Written by: Tom Fletcher and Danny Jones

Produced by: Jason Perry

Label: Island

I do not own this song by any means. The use for the song is just for entertainment, I am not trying to gain money or anything like that. 

Song: All About You

Artist: McFly

Album: Wonderland

Year Released: 2005

Written by: Tom Fletcher

Produced by: Jason Perry

Label: Island

I do not own this song by any means. The use for the song is just for entertainment, I am not trying to gain money or anything like that.

Song: 17 Years

Written by: Michelle

Song: Makes Me Happy

Artist: Drake Bell

Album: It's Only Time

Year Released: 2006

Written by: Drake Bell, C.J Abraham, Backhouse Mike

Produced by: Drake Bell and Backhouse Mike

Label: Universal Motown

I do not own this song by any means. The use for the song is just for entertainment, I am not trying to gain money or anything like that. 

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