Faking it||C.D

By cloutdolan

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*ALSO CRINGEY BUT NOT AS CRINGEY, SO YOU'RE GOOD* -funny how one picture can change everything More

Hi I'm Olivia
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
New book☺️

Chapter 18

1.3K 33 3
By cloutdolan

Olivia's POV

"Cameron's about to go for a world record." Gilinsky said while recording a vine.

"How are you." Nash said.

"I'm good you?" I said.

"I'm great. I'll be right back in about to go sabotage Cams record." Nash said.

"Okay." I said laughing.

"Guys I'm about to get it." Cameron shouted.

And when he threw a ball Nash popped up and hit it out the way. We all started laughing and walked away. While I was walking I felt a hand touch mine. I looked up at Cameron and smiled. He smiled back.

Cameron's POV

I don't get what's wrong with me. I love her one second and then I'm mean another. I mean I'm actually really thankful that Jack and Jack posted the picture. I get to kiss her when I want because we 'dating' and it's one of the best feelings ever. But I know she just sees me as a jerk.

~at the hotel~

"Hey Cameron?" Matt said.

"Yeah what's up bro." I replied.

"Olivia told me not to tell you. And I'm rubbish at keeping secrets. So she said that your the reason she's not having the dreams. Whenever you sleep with her she doesn't wake up, but when you don't she wakes up." Matt said.

"Oh. Nice to know." I said.

Olivia's POV

We were getting ready for bed because tomorrow is the first magcon tour. As I was getting ready in the bathroom I heard a knock on the door. I went to go and open it and Cameron was standing there.

"Hey." I said smiling.

"Hey." He replied

"So Matt told me something." He said.

Matt. Is. Dead

"Yeah what is it." I replied like I didn't know.

"Well he told me that the past few days the reason your not having the nightmares is because of me. Is that true?" He questioned.

"Yes it is. I'm sorry, this must be really awkward for you because you probably don't like sleeping in the same bed as me." I spoke.

"Don't be sorry beautiful. I'll sleep with you until your dreams disappear." He said holding me hand and taking me to the bed.

I got under the covers and rested my head on the pillow.

"Goodnight." I said.

"Goodnight gorgeous." He said.

Why is it that he makes me feel wanted when nobody else does. I closed my eyes and slowly went to sleep.

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