Attack on titan x reader >> o...

Galing kay TexPaint

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One shots! Reader x Characters Higit pa

Jean x reader 0.1- The rain
Marco x Reader 0.2 ~ Amnesia
Bertholt x Reader 0.4 ~ I wish I was taller
Reiner x Reader 0.5 - Dont go
Rivalle x reader 0.6 ~ dont look sad.
Chapter 0.7 Armin x Reader Lost in your book
0.8 Conney x Reader ~ Kid in the corner ~
Reader x Jean 0.9- Unknown
Reader x Marco. Chapter 1.0Becoming. Part one
Chapter 1.1 reader x bertholt CA
Chapter 1.2 Reiner x reader (Plus news)
6K Talk
Bertholt. P2
Coneven before i die Conney X Reader sad!! warning
Eren x Reader
Levi 1
✨I need your help✨
Levi x reader Lets be kids
Levi x reader To the ones who are lost
Eren x reader Merry Christmas
A question that can change a life
Jean x reader
Whos next?
Eren x reader (suggested)
Erwin x Reader
Its Official
Levi x reader
Armin x Reader The garden
Marco x Reader
Alittle bit about me
Very inportant. Please read...
Levi x reader Lemon
Hang in there! (Please read for the next chapters sake)
Levi x Anna
Slow week
So if your even still reading.
This is sad and long
The Time To Change
Sorry lovelies!
Coffee? (Short story)
Intro to Levi x Reader book.
Im Finished.

Reader X Jean

672 11 3
Galing kay TexPaint

This is dedicated to bunny. Her name is Meadow, and her name is used in dis too. This was a request and took awhile. I will gladly do this anytime I just need you to tell me your name and favorite character!
Oh also! Meadow! I started making this with your name and the story plot going
Her and she...
But it got really tricky and confusing when it came to you and a character communicating so I switched it to me and I. Sorry. But you, or my name in this chapter is meadow.

Meadow picked up and carried the last box into the nice apartment. It was her last box from moving. She was enrolled in University Of Delaware after living on her farm back at home, so she felt alittle foreign to the settlement changes here. After unpacking, and such, she got ready for class, which was tomorrow morning at 6:45.

Now referring from meadow, she-her-etc. To my-I-etc. it got hard to write without confusing myself. Pure blonde
Tomorrow morning 😩
I sat in the back of the class with a girl I've recently met, named Krista, who had three girls dragging behind her. Ymir, Nabana and Hitch. I was in the middle of them as they all talked. I listened, she lost track when a bunch of boys walked in. Wearing football jerseys. The first boys in the front were big, and tall. One taller then the rest. Black hair and reminded her of an eggplant. Then three other came in. And she looked at the girls next to them, they all shutted up and watched as the boys walked in. She lightly chuckled before looking at them. They walked back and sat Infront of them. One of them was short with black hair. He had her arm wrapped around a blonde haired girl with the ombré style going on. They sat next to eachother. The brunette boy was alittle taller then the other boy and was walking with a black haired girl, and then there was one. He had brown like hair, more on the blonde side with brown side shave. He sat between the two couples people and were talking to them. Then turned.

"Hmm. You got a new person here Krista?" The blonde said. Krista nodded and smiled. The two couples turned.
"What's the name?" The girl next to the short guy said.
"Meadow" she replied(as in you ig)
The girl smiled. "I'm Tex.thats my nickname. My boy right here is Levi. The blonde one talking is Jean and the couple over there is Eren and Mikasa." They all waved except Levi. I smiled.
After class started I getting on my phone. After awhile we had to talk to the people beside us. I placed my phone down and turned to them all and started talking about something completely opposite. After I turned my phone was gone. I slowly hesitated as I looked around. Suddenly a Bang on my desk, making me shoot up in shock and instantly look at the cause. A fist with a phone in it. Eer homes attention was on my an the fist. I looked to see it was Jean. He was facing the front of the room, just reaching back his hand. I grabbed the phone, instantly realizing it was mine. I snatched it from his hands and he turned his head and smiled. "I was bored" is all he said. I sighed
"Why Jean." I complained
"Why meadow" he mocked
"Hmph" I said "what did you do." I ask
"I put in all the football boys numbers in there. And everyone in this class, including Tex and Mikasa over here" he said before the teacher interupt
"Talking like always Jean?" The teacher said impatiently
"That's what I do" Jean replies
"Well stop." The teacher spit
"Well I can't really stop talking-if I stop talking then I will become like you in college, and I really don't wanna be that" Jean says and I almost burst out in laughter. But Tex didn't bother to keep it in. She laughed historically along with Eren. Levi just lowly chuckled .

After the teacher got over the argument, class shortly ended. I was weirded out by the schedule. It was one class a day, only for about an hour.
It was also weird about the timing. Sometimes it would be at 6 in the morning, then 12 in the afternoon, that 3 in the evening.

I was walking down Delaware's Main Street. I bumped into someone, who instantly murmured. I looked back at the and instantly realized who it was.
The only things I needed to say.
"Gonna try to rob my phone again?"

"Meadow!" The blonde turned and smiled widely. I smiled back
"Hey." I said tilting my head slightly as I kept walking. He walked up beside me.
"Where are you heading?" He asked.
"Well...I'm heading to the grill for a date."
His face instantly turned stone
"Oh." I couldn't help but laugh.
"Jean I'm kidding. It's only been two weeks" jeans mouth widens into a oval like shape
"Whaaaatttt? That long?! Wow! You make time go by too fast"
"I disagree. Where were you going off to by the way?" I asked and Jean shrugged.
"I was trying to get away from Tex." Jan laughed alittle while rubbing his neck. We walked across the street and kept heading to the grill.
"And that's because...?"
"Well she wants me to hook up with this weird girl. God she's so weird"
"Weird huh?" You asked bored as you checked the time.
"Yeah. And she's addicted to her phone. It's like meth to her" he said laughing
"Yeah. And she's clumsy. She's alone easy to scare" he said stopping in his tracks. I turn to face him after stopping in my tracks too.
"Yeah? Well she sounds nice." I said teasing him.
"And she doesn't know that she looks wonderful with her hair up in a high ponytail. Makes her even more clueless. " he said smiling. You groan
"Clueless?" You pout. He laughs a he walks to you. Stopping inches from you. He leans down to your ear, nearly grazing it.
"Did you catch up yet?" He whispered.
"Uhhh. No" you pull back. Teasing him. "You have to give me more clues about her. " I said smiling as I turned and kept walking.
"What?!" He whined behind you. You can't help but smile.

You guys get to the grill.
It doesn't take long for your order to come. You guys get a rack of ribs to go and head back to your apartment.
The best hangout, or date to him. We are ribs, soda and popcorn as we watched women in black 2.
I would scream, he would murmur curse words before laughing, cursing himself for getting scared.
After it was over. He was nearly asleep. So I turned off the tv and he sparked up. I kept him where he was
"Crash here tonight. You drank to much soda. " I said. He smiled before looking around. "I'll" he said sitting on the couch. I sigh going down the hall. I wiggle out of my shirt and walk into my room
"I have an extra bedroom Jean. In the first door on the left" I said.
I heard him get up and walk to the bedroom. I take off my pants before putting on pajamas.

I wake up to a bang. I instantly sperk up and ran out. I saw jan at the front door.
"KITTY!" Jean yelled as he opened the door.
"Oh my god jean what the hell..." I said.
"There's a freaking cat!" Jean said holding a figure and shutting the door.
"Well it's not mine. Now put it back" I whine.
"I'm not gonna pay for food"
"I'll pay for it"
"This is catnapping"
"I don't care"
"Yayyyy" Jean put the cat on the couch. Which instantly started scratching it. I looked at Jean with an eyebrow raised. He looked at me an shrugged.
"We could get it declawed"
"We?" I but in.
"Yeah. It's yours. I can't take it to my apartment. "
"Why not?"
"I have three dogs."
"Oh my god really?!" I said excited. "What kind?"
"Well Tukani is a Red Huskey."
"Indian names. They're cooler with dogs."
"Anyways. Dakota is a red greyhound. And Toma is a mastiff." Jean said.
"Okay well I'm tired. Take her to the room your sleeping in. " I said going back to bed.

I woke up at eleven. My class was at 12:45, it was my regular social studies and government with Jean and the rest. Walked it to see Jean watching tv with bacon.
I watched him confused for long seconds
A silence between you two till he breaks it. Keeping his attention on you and eyes on you.
".....I made bacon" he said. You can't help but smile at his awnser
"I see" you say walking to him and grabbing the bacon on his plate before sitting next to him.
"I have to go feed my dogs." He said "and get new clothes"
"Good. Remember to take that cat in for declaw. Okay?" He nods in response.
"Okay well I'll be in the shower and by the time I get ready I expect you to be ready to go" I said sitting up a dealing down the hall.
"Yes mother!"

By the time I got out if the shower, blow dried my hair an got ready Jean was at the door petting the cat, who was on the counter. I can't deny. It was a pretty cat. A grey and white Persian.
I walk out.
"Okay. You go to your apartment and get ready an I'll meet you at class. " he nods and leaves. I walk behind him.

After awhile you part directions and you head to class. After awhile Jean heads in and sits where he usually does, infront of me. Tex was eyeing both of us down before turning her attention back to Levi.
Well. The same thing happened like usual. You went on with class and switched class rooms. You were talking to Tex a lot today. She sat with you in lass instead of Levi, which Levi got ignorant about.
"So. What's your real name?" You ask Tex.
"Only on person knows. An I'm gonna keep it that way" Tex says.
"Is Tex even close to your real name?"
"Then why Tex?"
"It's a long story."
The teacher walks in and well yell at Jean again for talking. Just to loose at his own argument.
The whole time me and Jean talked about class. Then Jean talked about what he refers to as 'us'. And I simply told him he needed to work harder.
And for the three weeks, that's all he did. Until he got our first kiss.

We were walking down main street like usual. We loved to go to this club together, specifically for the drinks. Tex came along this time, without levi because he would've complained the whole time.
When we get in their, we were greeted by the bartender, Dustin. Who was good friend with levi. He hit us up with drinks before we knew that all our friends were here party. They were partying specifically besides a pole..
After Afew vodka shots, Jean was alittle crazy. I was use to a lot of vodka, so I wasn't really drunk yet.Me and Jean end up joining our friends, who somehow got into VIP section, so we had a big room. i was in the cornered couch sipping the vodka as everyone laughed and talked loudly around me, if i wanted to fit in, i might need to drink a little more.
after what felt like whatever, my shoulders became more loose and i was more involved. the next hour we were all still sitting down and jeans hard was around my body, eren and mikasa was doing the same.
   Someone had the fantastic idea of doing truth or dare, i believe Krista started it,

"okay! Tex truth or dare," Mikasa beamed
"uh truth" she said shrugging.
" Who was your first kiss...." Mikasa looked straight into Tex's eyes
"....Levi?" she said and we laughed
" how long have you guys been together?" most of us asked.
"highschool sweethearts" she said chugging another large shot
" Wow Tex you're quite the alcoholic." you say smiling
"yus, never bring to much of this around me, lemme just say....Okay! Meadow, truth or dare"
"truth" people sighed due to all the truths and almost no dares
"Who do you like?"
"Easy, I like Jean" you realized you were more open drunk, like no one was ever there and you were telling a stuffed animal this. Oohs and Awws went around and Jean kept his face, like he never heard it. I knew he did tho.
"Okay...Anne truth or dare"
"dare" she nonchalantly said
"i dare you to kiss Reiner"
she shrugged and reiner leaned down a little since she was small. she tiptoed till they kissed. Most people were standing since a lot of chairs were filled.
"woah wait, was that your first time?" you said shocked.
Annie was quiet. then she started silently chuckling, making us all know it wasn't her first time. reiner was talking to bertholt and that's how most of the day played out.

Jean decided to be a creep and crash at my place this time. we sat and watched godzilla, halfway through i started yawning and leaned my head on his shoulder, then he moved to he was laying across the couch and i was ontop of him wrapped around a blanket or natural warmth. It was quite nice,Before i fell asleep, i leaned his head up, making me move mine upwards to see what was wrong, he smiled before placing his lips on mine, the taste of beer and vodka was the most distracting part, when he lifted he smiled
"GNite" He said, i could smell the vodka rolling off his tongue. i smiled before laying my head back on his chest and instantly falling asleep. Happy, and Almost Conscious

Request by the devil themselves, meadow. THIs was a requested shot, I would do other too.

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