Wearing the Red Hood

By angl_ernshw

100K 3.7K 1.7K

What do superheroes do on vacation? Jason Todd wouldn't know. Because, one, he isn't a superhero. He's an out... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4: BONUS
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 19
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25:
Damian's Story
Spin-off Books!

Chapter 18:

2.5K 106 66
By angl_ernshw

This chapter is dedicated to @lizbethsalmeron Thank you so much for the follow! <3


I was pacing around in the living room, and I could feel Razel's soulful eyes following me.

In fact, I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I thought over what Razel had just told us. Shiva had Jared. Shiva- who was quite possibly the best martial artist in the world- had Razel's boyfriend. My mind was whirling, and I could guess why Razel almost fainted a few minutes ago. If I was confused, she must've been terrified.

I didn't know what Shiva was playing at. But then, Croc's words rang in my ears. All she asked was that I bring you back to her. Could he have meant Shiva? Why the hell would she want me? Then again, why did I have to concern myself with this? All Bruce said was protect Razel. And taking her to Shiva would most definitely not be protecting her.

Then I glanced over at Razel at the thought. She looked stiff sitting between Asteria and Artemis. Jade was beside her sister, and Kori, much to Asteria's frustration, was sat beside her. I knew she still didn't like Kori, especially with the way they met. Even Babs and her had a hard time getting along.

As I watched Razel try to keep her composure, I knew I couldn't do it. I couldn't let Jared die, no matter how much I may have wanted to. Razel would hate me, and hate herself, forever. I could already see the guilt on her face as she explained Jared was being held captive by Lady Shiva. I had no idea why she blamed herself though. Obviously, it was my crazy family that was bringing all this distress into her life.

"He's just like Dick when he's nervous," came Damian's voice from the doorway. I turned towards him to see him leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed over his chest. He raised a challenging eyebrow as I glared at him. "You're going to make a hole through the floor with all that pacing."

"Hilarious," I said dryly, finally stopping. The kid had a point, even though I'd never admit it out loud. My pacing wasn't helping anyone.

Damian sauntered into the room, Bart, Jaime and Gar behind him. They were a group of trouble. "So, what are we going to do about this Jared person?"

I groaned as Damian plopped down onto to couch. "This doesn't concern you. I told you to stay out of it. Were you guys eavesdropping?"

"Maybe," Damian said nonchalantly, leaning back on the couch. The rest of his entourage looked equally at ease.

"You're impossible," I griped, also plopping down on the opposite couch. Razel was looking back and forth between us, chewing her lip like she did when she was nervous.

Damian snorted. "And you sound like a bi-"

"Damian Wayne, you better not finish that sentence!" Asteria growled, making Damian shut his trap. I grinned triumphantly. "And Jason, you better have a plan about this Jared situation."

Sighing, I rubbed my face with my hand tiredly. Right. Jared. I almost forgot. "Well, obviously, I'm going to have to go rescue the poor sucker, aren't I?" I told Asteria, not meeting anyone else's gaze.

Asteria's grey eyes widened in shock. "Not on your own, you're not!"

"As if I'm taking you," I shot back. "Do you want Dick and Bruce to kill me?"

"You'll be dead either way!" Asteria cried, standing from her seat. Once again, I saw Razel silently watching us. "Do you know who Lady Shiva is? I trained with her in the League of Shadows."

Distantly, I heard Razel gasp. But I also stood from my seat, matching Asteria's glare with my own. "God damn it, Asteria! Of course I know who she is! Which is why I can't leave Jared in her hands!"

Asteria crossed her arms over her chest, not in the least bit fazed. "So you're just going to hand yourself over to her instead."

"No," I muttered, the fight going out of me. "She didn't say anything about capturing me."

"Right, she just wants you there for no particular reason," Asteria drawled sarcastically.

I sighed, feeling exhausted. Sheesh, and it isn't even lunch yet. "We have no other choice."

Damian also stood from his seat to stand beside Asteria. "Nah, you're just horrible at planning. We need to call my father."

"No!" Razel cried, also standing from her seat. She looked taken aback by her outburst and tried to calm down. "I mean, Lady Shiva said that only Jason and I should go. She might kill Jared otherwise."

"We're not going to go to the docks with you, but Bruce needs to know," Asteria stated calmly, turning to her doctor and placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. It was hard to believe that Razel was older than Asteria sometimes. Maybe it was because Asteria had seen more of the world and practically had no childhood.

Razel hesitated, but nodded carefully. She then took back her seat, and so did the rest of us. Asteria brought out her phone and put it on speaker. On the third ring, Bruce picked up. "Hello?" came his deep and gruff voice.

Asteria met my stare with steely grey eyes. "Hey Bruce," she greeted back, still not looking away from me. "You need to get here as quickly as possible."


"Are you all ready to go?" I asked, staring at the team before me. We had been working non- stop to try and find a lead on the Shadows, but nothing turned up. So when Asteria's phone call came, we immediately packed some things and made preparations to meet them in Star City.

"Yes sir," Tim replied with a small smile. I think he was relieved that we finally found something.

Everyone was looking at me and waiting for their next orders. They were all dressed in their civilian clothes, carrying small bags. "Good," I said, satisfied that they were, in fact, ready. "Take the Bio Ship with Megan. Dick and I will follow in the Batwing."

Tim looked surprised but nodded solemnly like a good soldier. "You heard him everyone! Onto the Bio Ship we go!"

"So, where we going chief?" Dick asked, approaching me as we watched the rest of the team get into the Bio Ship.

"Get your stuff," I said in reply. "We're picking up your sister."

Dick looked slightly confused before that brain of his clicked into place, and then a huge grin replaced the puzzlement on his face. "Road trip!" he sang, pumping his fist in the air before disappearing to do what I told him to.

Sighing, I rolled my eyes. "This is going to be a long day."


No one was happy that Jared got taken.

Well, that wasn't true. I'm pretty sure Jason wasn't particularly sad that Shiva had Jared. Still, all I could think about was seeing Dick again. I knew it was barely even a day since we last saw each other, but it was hard not having him beside me. As soon as the doorbell rang, I was the first one out of my seat and rushing to the front door. Wally and Tim stood to greet me.

"Hey Woods!" Wally hollered, also looking happy that he'd be back with Artemis.

"Hey West," I greeted happily back as I accepted his hug. "Where's your troublesome best friend?"

Wally looked rather uncomfortable as he pulled away, and for a moment, fear gripped me. "Oh God! Dick is fine!" he reassured me when he saw my expression. "But you should ask Tim. The B-man took him somewhere."

I turned to Tim with an expectant expression on my face, as Artemis finally came up behind me and also greeted Wally. Tim and I moved aside, giving the others a chance to enter. "Well, I'm waiting," I told Tim.

"Well, honestly, I don't really-" he was cut off by the sound of my phone ringing, and I glanced at it to see it was Dick himself. Tim saw the picture flashing on my screen and released a breath of relief. I glared at him, earning a sheepish smile before he slipped away, and I answered my call.

"Richard John Grayson, you better have good explanation for not being here," I growled into the phone.

I heard Dick chuckle nervously on the other end of the line, but he replied with the same false bravado I'd gotten used to. "I miss you, too, babe. But it's really not my fault. Bruce's orders, so I couldn't argue."

I heard some grumbling in the background and guessed it must've been Bruce complaining about being blamed. "Give Bruce the phone then."

"Ugh, I don't think that's a good idea. He's driving," Dick attempted to make an excuse.

"Neither of you are telling me what you're doing or where you're going are you?" I concluded, knowing both of them fairly well.

Once again, Dick chuckled, but this time, he didn't sound so nervous. "Yeah. Bruce likes surprises." Then he sighed, turning serious before I could reply. "I miss you."

I felt my heart squeeze at his words, and I swallowed past the lump in my throat. "I miss you, too," I whispered. "Hurry back and stay safe, okay?"

"Okay," Dick agreed. "I'll see you soon, I promise. I love you."

"I love you too," I echoed with a small smile. And then the line went dead.

Sighing, I turned back to the rest of the team, who were all looking at me expectantly. "What?" I asked with a frown. No Dick and attention were two things that made me grumpy. That and I was hungry again.

Wally gave me his familiar grin, easing some of my loneliness and tension. "Well, with Dick and Bruce not here, you're kind of in charge."


"Um, yes," Wally argued, pulling Artemis closer to him like a shield and wrapping an arm around her waist. "You're the only one everyone listens to."

I groaned and ran a hand through my hair in frustration. "Pregnant women shouldn't be this stressed," I grumbled. "Fine! Meeting in the library. Let's go." And I lead the way.


Asteria was doing a pretty good job of briefing the team.

She was seated at the head of the long table, looking like her commanding self as she explained the situation to everyone. Apparently, Bruce hadn't told them anything. All he did was order them to get packed and head here after Asteria called. Like I said, Batman was a man of few words. Razel was seated across from me, with Kori at my side. Let's just say the Tamaran princess didn't have a lot of friends at the table. Especially not Jade, Asteria or Artemis. And poor Roy looked tense when he spotted Kori. Those two really needed to talk.

"I'm not letting Jason go without any back up." The sound of my name and Asteria snapping brought me out of my observations.

"Whoa, chill Asteria," Wally said. Apparently, he was the one Asteria was snapping at. "I may not be Jason's best friend, but I'm not sending him like sheep to the wolves."

I rolled my eyes at his comparison. "Gee, thanks. That's good to know."

Wally gave me an amused look before turning back to Asteria. "What I'm saying is, we can't go with them to the docks. Shiva would definitely have eyes all over the place. But we can wait at a safe distance until Jason has Jared."

"I know I'm amazing," I drawled, leaning back in my chair as all eyes turned to me. "But you're going to have to come up with a better plan than that. Just how exactly am I supposed to get Jared out of Shiva's clutches?"

"Jason has a point," Tim chimed in. "I trained under Shiva. She's one of the best martial artists in the world. Jason isn't going to get Jared that easily."

I was about to reply when the doors were pushed open and in strode a girl I hadn't seen in ages. Her long black hair was flowing behind her and the familiar gleam in her cat's eyes were still the same as it used to be. She was dressed in all black, though I wasn't surprised seeing as she grew up alongside us. And we weren't too keen on bright colors. Babs and Tim looked just as happy to see her as I did, and we all stood to give her a welcoming hug, while Damian and Asteria watched in confusion.

"I haven't seen you in ages!" Babs gushed as she hugged the girl.

"Hong Kong has kept me pretty busy," the girl replied with a wistful sigh. "It's good to see you guys."

Tim also stepped up to hug her. "It's good to see you, too."

The girl laughed, a tinkling sound much like music. "Right. So where's the troublemaker?"

"Do you mean me?" I asked with a smirk as her dark, Asian eyes sought and found me. "I knew I was always your favorite, Cass."

"Keep dreaming, Jason."


"Keep dreaming, Jason," the girl he called Cass replied. She looked absolutely dark and gorgeous with her flowing black hair and obvious Chinese heritage.

And for the second time that day, I watched as Jason hugged another girl. Technically, I shouldn't have been so jealous. After all, he hugged me after I had my panic attack. And I had other things to worry about, like how scary this Shiva lady was beginning to sound. Not to mention finding out Asteria trained with her in what she called The League of Shadows. What the hell was that? Did that mean she was some deadly, ninja assassin, too? My poor brain was so very confused and terrified.

"So, this is the Asteria I've heard so much about," Cass commented, and I snapped back to the present to see Dick introducing Asteria to the new guest. Damian had also stood from his seat and was conversing with his father in a low voice.

"I guess you have me at a disadvantage, then," Asteria replied smoothly back. Both girls then turned to Dick with pointed looks.

Dick scratched his head in discomfort, looking anywhere but at the two women. Finally Cass turned her eyes back to Asteria. "Yeah, Tim is the only one who keeps in touch with me. Everyone else seems to forget they have a sister."

Asteria's eyes widened, and realization seemed to dawn on her face. I rarely ever saw the intimidating girl look so un-composed. "You're-"

"Cassandra Cain," the girl supplied. "Better known as the second Batgirl." There was more than one Batgirl?!

"Though I do prefer calling her Black Bat now," Jason added, throwing a casual arm over her shoulder.

Cassandra rolled her eyes. "So what's this I hear about you picking a fight with my mom?" she asked, Jason, and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Her mom? Who the heck was her mom?

Bruce also finally broke away from Damian. He looked different... almost normal, dressed in a black, turtleneck sweater and jeans. "Perhaps we should all sit down and continue the meeting?"

"Right," Asteria agreed. This time, she left Bruce to sit at the head of the table and chose the empty seat next to me. She gave me a small smile as she sat, and Dick chose the chair right beside hers.

"Hey Razel," Dick greeted me with his own charming smile. "Nice to see you again."

I couldn't help it. I smiled back. Dick seemed like such an easy person to like, and I remembered Asteria's words about loving Dick and how simple everything was. Oh if only it were that easy for the rest of us. "Hey Dick," I replied. "Nice to see you too."

The sound of my voice piqued Cassandra's interest, and her dark eyes turned to me as she sat down on the other side of Dick. Leaning on the table, she continued to assess me. "And who's this?" she asked.

"Oh, Cass, this is Dr. Razel Anders. She's the one I was telling you about on the way here," Dick supplied.

"Nice to meet you," Cass said, turning to me with a grin. "So you're the girlfriend of the boy my mom kidnapped, huh?"

For a second, I had a hard time processing her words. Her mom kidnapped... and then my eyes widened in shock. "Your mom is- she's-" I almost fell out of my seat.

Cassandra sighed at my reaction. "Lady Shiva. Yes. Hard to believe, isn't it?"

"Is that why Bruce brought you here?" I asked, when my brain could use what remaining neurons I probably had left that weren't fried.

"You're quite the smart cookie, aren't you? No wonder Jason likes you. Ow!" she hissed, and turned to Jason, who was avoiding her eye. He was now sitting across from Cassandra "Did you just kick me under the table?"

I blushed at her words, and tried to pay attention to what Bruce was saying. He was apparently dividing the team, and telling them where they'd be waiting while Jason and I were sent to the docks. My heart began pounding in my chest. I was so nervous I had to grip the table top, and my knuckles turned white with force.

"So what am I going to do?" Jason asked when Bruce was finished dividing the team. The pregnant women were still not included and were to be staying at Wayne Manor while everything went down. "As I was saying to Asteria before you guys showed up, I can't handle Shiva. Not alone. It's nearly impossible to beat her, especially since I didn't train under her."

"Which is why I brought Cass," Bruce replied with a rare smile. "She, Tim and Asteria will help you. They all trained under Shiva."

I watched as Jason turned to look at Cass with a sour expression on his face, while the Chinese girl smirked at him. "I hate you," he grumbled at her.

Cass shrugged and stood up from her seat. "I'm going to enjoy this. Training starts in ten minutes. Now someone show me where the gym in this place is."

"It would be my pleasure," Jade announced as she also stood up from the table. "And I'd be happy to watch your training session."

We all watched as the girls disappeared out of the room and shut the door behind them. "If Jade gets to watch, then I want to watch too!" Damian exclaimed. I turned my seat to see everyone rising.

Bruce had an exasperated look on his face. "I have a feeling everyone wants to watch," he muttered.

"Of course they do," Jason grumbled back. "They want to watch me suffer."

I gulped at the run of events. Training? Last time, that didn't go so well for Jason.


So twelve hours turned into twenty four hours too :( 

Don't blame me! It's my brother's fault for hogging the laptop!!! But I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. We get a visitor!!1 What did you guys think of Cassandra Cain, hmm? :) Let me know!

Up Next: Jason gets training sessions with Black Bat, Asteria and Tim before going to confront Lady Shiva. What happens when Jason goes on a rescue mission?

Next Update: Probably in a few hours lol :) 

Love always, 


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