For Better or For Worse

بواسطة WanderingDancer

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**EDITING** One True Love? Meet, Mia Cordova. A rich, young girl who lives alone in her mansion. The people a... المزيد

Prologue and Chapter 1---Clumsy Me(edited)
Chapter 2---Fate? Destiny...or Just Another Lame Accident?
Chapter 3---Phone Call
Chapter 4---The Pouring Rain
Chapter 5---Mutual Understanding
Chapter 6---Suspicions
Chapter 7---Spending A Day Full of Love
Chapter 8---Velvet Box
Chapter 9---Oh, Come On!
Chapter 10---Before Enrollment
Chapter 11---Masquerade! Paper Faces On Parade!
Chapter 12---Back To School
Chapter 13---Secrets
Chapter 14---Keep Christmas In Our Hearts
Chapter 15---New Life In The New Year
Chapter 16---Surprise!
Chapter 17---Hearts
Chapter 18---Behind All The Drama
Chapter 19---Results
Chapter 20---Summer Breeze
Chapter 21---Chase
Chapter 22---If The Shoe Fits
Chapter 23---Second Year 'Round
Chapter 24---Final Touches
Until the End Workout ;)
Chapter 25---That Special Moment
Chapter 26---Peace...For Now
Facebook Page
Chapter 27---It All Started With A Drink
Chapter 28---The Other Way Around
Chapter 29---Work This Out
Chapter 30---Music Assignment
Chapter 31---Stalker
Chapter 32---Stalling
Chapter 33---Can I Have This Dance?
Chapter 34---Please Don't I'm Begging You!
Chapter 35---Times Of Yearning
Chapter 36---WHAT?!
Chapter 37---I Still Love You
Chapter 38---Life Can't Get Worse...Right?
Chapter 39---Maid of Honor
Chapter 40---The End...?
In My Veins (Bonus Chapter)
Chapter 41---A Cup of Coffee...or Was It Tea?
Chapter 42---Love Never Dies part 1
Chapter 42---Love Never Dies part 2
Chapter 42---Love Never Dies part 3
Chapter 42---Love Never Dies part 4
Chapter 43--- The After Party
Chapter 44---Press Conference
Chapter 45---Sure...Just As...FRIENDS
Chapter 46---I Won't Give Up
Chapter 47---It's All Coming Back To Me Now
Chapter 48---I Can See The Stars From America
Chapter 50---Me In My Fifty Shades
Author's Note :)
Q&A Video Request

Chapter 49---You Promised!

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بواسطة WanderingDancer

Alice's P.O.V.

"Yes, Mia...I will...yes, ma'am..." I ended our call and I checked my hair and my outfit if it wasn't too messy. Mia asked me a favor to watch over Carson here at home because she has this negative feeling that something bad is going to happen.

I didn't leave with her and Jessica to New York because I was needed here at home.

At the moment, I was instructed by Mia herself to wait for Dylan Rancic, who is supposed to help me with Carson. Since I'm seeing him, I should look presentable. And I admit, I felt paranoid. I keep checking my lipstick from time to time and--why am I acting like this?!

"Hey." the voice came from behind and I turned around to see Dylan. Oh, his smile!

"Hey." I said back. "Have a seat?"

"Sure." he winked at me and made his way opposite of me and he sat down. OH, MY GOD! HE WINKED AT ME! "I like seeing you with red, flustered cheeks."

Was I flustering? "Uh..." I had to avoid his gaze. "W-what's the plan?"

He stares at me and then laughs. What is going on? "That's it? What's the plan?"


He laughs again and shakes his head. "You're a beautiful girl, and I understand that you like me."

"Like you? Please!" I scoffed.

"Don't lie to me. Right now we're partners in crime, and we have to be honest to each other, but you're lying to me." he smirks. Darn, why can't I lie?

I composed myself and smiled. "Look, we're here because Mia asked us to look after Carson."

"I know that. But Carson isn't two and he doesn't need parental consent every second. Mia just means we update her from time to time, and call her if something goes wrong, which will not happen."

My brow rose. "...okay then. Are we done?"

"Nope. I need your cell number." he asks for my phone, and I gave it to him. After he added his number to the contacts, he gave my phone back. I in the other hand, did a missed call in his phone.

"Thanks. Call or text me if needed." I stood up from my seat.

"Expect a text from me later." he bursts out and I look at him in confusion. "I'll pick you up for dinner."

"Seriously?" I chuckled.

"I'm serious on everything I say."

"Fine!" I turn around with a stupid grin and a flushed face. I'm going out with Dylan Rancic tonight!


Mia's P.O.V.

It's been a week since Carson left, and I am starting to miss him so much to the point that I couldn't sleep at night. That isn't good because I have a interview tomorrow, and I look like a walking zombie.

Dylan and Alice were quiet. That meant everything's fine at home. The main reason I called them is because I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach the moment Carson left. I wish I was wrong. I don't know. It's an instinct or something.


Things are good here at home. The only thing missing is you. I told mom about us and she can't stop praising God and hugging me. She sends her love too. I'm sending you letters instead of texts or emails because I know you'd prefer these. I'll write to you soon. I love you, baby.


His letter made me smile. He sends me letters every single day and relieves my ache for him.


I miss you, baby. Remember to sleep early today. I know you have an interview tomorrow, and I know you'll be amazing. I keep on watching your vlogs on YouTube, and I remember those times you used to film around the theater. Whenever I miss you, I watch the videos and they make my day. I'll see you soon. Love you.


I read this letter fifty times before going to sleep. We do communicate through the phone and internet, these letters are just his thing. He's still proving himself to me by the looks of it. I do not regret getting back together with him. I know I made the right decision.

The next morning was the interview, and the whole day, I was looking for a good outfit to wear. The interview was with Paul Wontorek at a segment at entitled, 'Show People', and he interviews people from the same industry as I am, and it's rare to get recognized when you're just starting.

I finally found my outfit. It was a blue form-fitting dress with a black belt. I had my hair and makeup at's guest dressing room, and I asked for my hair and makeup to be as natural and simple.

"You have a very luminous glow, Miss Hastings. What's your secret?" the stylist asked as she buffed setting powder on my face.

I chuckled at her question. " a lot, I guess."

*Knock. Knock*

"Miss Hastings?" the door opened and Paul came inside with a beautiful bouquet of lilies. "These are for you, and we appreciate you for coming."

"These are just stunning, Mr. Wontorek. Thank you very much!" I held the bouquet in my hands.

"You're welcome. I'll see you later on air." he smiled politely and left the room.

"I thought he was coming in to give us the cheque." Jessica sighed, looking into her phone.

"So impatient as ever, Anne." I rolled my eyes.

"I can't wait for the cheque. And Carson sent a text. He says, 'Break a leg. You'll be amazing. I love you.'. Oh, with a heart and a smiley."

"Thank you for invading my privacy." I said sarcastically.

"As your manager, it's my job. So, you're welcome."


It was interview time, and we were sitting on separated sofas. The background were blue curtains, and that's why they asked me to wear blue, but my dress is a lighter shade.

"...we have a very special guest today. She is a rising star in the making, she's recently been playing Christine Daaé for the worldwide tour of the sequel of The Phantom of the Opera, Love Never Dies. Please welcome, the beautiful Monique Hastings. Welcome to"

I plastered a huge grin on my face. "It's a huge pleasure to be here. Thank you for having me."

"And thank you for coming. How does it feel like to be here?"

"With full honesty, I am still starstruck about my seat because I know I used to watch your show on YouTube, and get to see Sierra Boggess and Lea Salonga sitting where I am! This is amazing!"

He chuckles. "And now you're sitting here--"

"And being interviewed by you."

"That is what I call amazing. From viewer to interviewee. And it's funny that we just finished each other's--"

"Sandwiches." I blurted out and we both laughed, even the filming crew. "Gotta love Frozen."

"We have a charmer tonight, ladies and gentlemen." he announces. "You're currently a rising star. How long have you been in this industry?"

"I've been living here in New York for almost six years now. I've been auditioning and auditioning, until I was accepted being a member of a chorus, and then I became an understudy quite unexpectedly. We were doing 'Grease', and I was just one of the sidelines, and then the main cast for Sandy was needed at West End at London urgently, it all happened so fast, Kenny Martin, our main director pointed at me and said, 'This is your shot, Monique.'."

"And it was."

"Yes, it was. I did the rest of her season, and is history." I shrugged.

"Everyone loved you. I, personally watched you as Sandy, and your light just shone at that moment."

"Thank you."

"It's not everyday we get a rising star who started in the business five or six years now. You're very special. And I also know that you just don't do Broadway here at New York?"

"Yes. I'm handling my parents' company branch here as head in advertisements."

"It's hard to balance that. Broadway and a company."

"I like being a busy bee."

He crosses his legs. "Let's talk about Love Never Dies. I have sources saying that you're also a die-hard phan yourself?"

"Yes, I am. I am a huge die-hard Team Phantom phan. I love POTO, I love LND, I love everything that Andrew Lloyd Webber made. I grew up watching Phantom, and still up to now, I'm twenty-six and Phantom and Christine are my OTP."

"You had an amazing cast with you throughout your tour. Let's talk about Cole Evers."

"Cole Evers is one of the most sweetest guys on earth. We're best of friends ever since I came here to New York. We were the cliché man meets woman in line auditioning, and since then, we're very, very good friends. When I was at the bottom, he was also there. Now, when I became Christine, he got noticed as well. Cole is my perfect Raoul. He fits his role like it was really made for him. Give him POTO or LND, he's gonna nail it. I guarantee it."

"We'll be expecting Cole Evers at Phantom then. You two have a strong bond and on and off screen chemistry, and we have collected pictures, if you can see through that screen." he pointed at a small screen in front of us.

I laughed hard when they showed the picture of us in exchanged costumes. I was wearing his waistcoat and everything, and he was wearing my maroon dress and feather hat. "That was at Shanghai. We got bored and decided to switch costumes, and it was so fun."

"We might invite Cole Evers soon."

"Please do. You won't regret it." I giggled.

"Next, there were issues with your last tour, and it was where you were from. What happened? Everyone here thought you were all going to collapse because of the stress."

"Oh. The season at Shanghai extended many times to the point that we only had enough time to catch a plane, relax for a few hours, and then rehearse, rehearse, rehearse because the next day was the first show. We were all pushing ourselves to our limits, and we thought there would be so many flaws, but there was none, thank the Lord."

"I couldn't imagine being in your shoes at that moment. Then comes the Phantom issue. Can you tell us more about that?"

"Yes." now I'm talking about Carson. Great. "Our Phantom suddenly had something personal to attend to, so we had to find a new Phantom, and thankfully we did. Carson Pierce filled in the role perfectly."

"We do know that Carson Pierce is your past."

I can't help but blush. "...kinda." I shrugged again. "I think the term is 'was' instead of 'is' there, Paul." I winked.

" is confirming that you and Carson Pierce are back. A media source sent this photo to us." he pointed at the screen again.

The screen showed a picture of me and Carson walking at Times Square, holding hands. This was the day I showed him around. "Woah. Cheeky sources."

"At least, here, we got to confirm it first on What's the story behind that picture and your relationship?"

"Very long story. I'll explain the photo. That photo, we were from a callback of mine, and after the callback, we just started going to places and I showed him around. About us, all I can say about that really does never dies...only Christine does." I joked. "But really, LND brought us back together and realize its true meaning."

He laughs again. "I heard that Mr. Webber is re-writing the ending of LND. Your thoughts on that?"

"I just wish that no one dies in the end. Let the characters live happily ever after, they deserve it."

"Back on Carson Pierce as your Phantom. How was he, since you never rehearsed with him?"

"Carson was also a huge phan himself. Even during our first relationship together, Phantom has been a huge part of our lives. We love POTO and LND. He knew the Phantom well. Whenever we watch the DVDs, we would sing along all the time, and he knows the Phantom too well for my taste."

"It wasn't a struggle then?"

"It wasn't. We knew everything very well that was Phantom."

"I watched the first show."

"Really?" I grinned.

"Yes, and I wanted to give a standing ovation whenever a song ends and you two were in the scene. You were beautiful, Monique."

"Thank you."

"Your facial expressions, the tears, the feelings you put in every song. It all came by heart, I knew it. It was very believable. Like watching you and Carson in real life."

I need to watch what I'm saying next. "Oh, you know...we had a past, and...hahaha."

"It was real then?"

"We just have a good foundation for the chemistry and all, since we've already been together."

"You said in one of your vlogs that he was n also, that it wasn't awkward."

"It really wasn't. There is nothing to feel awkward at all. We took everything professionally, and it all happened. He's a great person, we respect each other, we support each other, and that's what people do."

"Your vlogs were hits. Every vlog you did, most of the feedback were positive, and the only negative feedback there, was that they said you intentionally wanted Carson Pierce to be your Phantom for the popularity of your show."

I started laughing. "Really? Haters will hate. I am not using anyone in my vlogs, it was all raw videos, nothing was scripted, and we all know the story why he's Phantom."

"You seem to have chemistry with everyone you work with though." he chuckles.

"It just happens." I chuckle along.

"When people say Monique Hastings, I wouldn't know the answer to the other half. I have no one to OTP you with!"

I laugh again. "Really?"

"Yes, it's pretty d*mn hard." he makes me crack up.

"I forgot to greet you congratulations on your Tony Nomination."

"It still feels like a dream. Thank you."

"How do you react to it?"

"When I first found out, I didn't know whether I was hallucinating or what. I didn't expect to be noticed this fast by the Academy."

"Rumors spread that since you're from a wealthy family that you've paid to get a spot and they've noticed that you have everything you want."

"I knew that I will not please everybody, and that the rumor is false. I make it a point that when I do something, in concrete ways, performing, I give it my all. Like what I said before, passion drives me. This nomination is just a bonus, and we all know that with the beautiful and talented women I'm with in the category, I'll be the last person to accept the award because they are the real big deal. We'll just see what happens next."

"But will we see more of you on stage?"


"Thank you for coming. Again, Miss Monique Hastings!"

"And...cut! Good take everyone!" the cameraman said and Paul and I stood up. I kissed both of his cheeks and we shook hands as we thank each other again.

I came back to the dressing room, and saw Jessica's worried face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

She was fiddling her fingers and bit her lips. "'s Carson."

I felt myself go weak. No. "What happened?!"

Jessica handed me her phone and I looked at the screen.

'Phantom-star starts brawl at local bar...'

I watched the video, and it showed Carson and Dylan fighting, and Alice trying to stop them.



Alice's P.O.V.

I don't know why Dylan, Carson, and I went to RnB tonight. Dylan said he missed having good times with Carson, and as Dylan's girlfriend, I had to go with him.

Dylan and I are officially going out! I can't believe this is happening!

"I'm busy with my paper works, Dylan." Carson whines.

"Stop complaining like a girl, man! A drink won't harm, right?" Dylan asked.

Carson really didn't want to be here. It was just supposed to be just Dylan and I, but Dylan thought that we should tag him along since Carson was working like crazy. We fought over it, and he won. We brought Carson along.

It was my first time in a bar, and I was thankful that I have an outfit to wear to the bar. Dylan went ahead and bought our drinks. I ordered a Strawberry Daiquiri, which is the only cocktail I had in my entire life, and Carson just wanted a Coke because he said he was going to work tomorrow.

The place was loud. Music is in every inch of the room, most people were on the dance floor, dancing like there is no tomorrow. Wow. This is what it looks like.

"Are you having fun?" Carson yelled, grinning at me.

"So far so good! Is it always like this here?" I shouted back.

"It wouldn't be a bar if it isn't chaotic like this!"

Dylan comes back with some shots. That's not a Strawberry Daiquiri. "Let's just say that your orders will come after we take these." he smirks. "We all deserve it! Carson is reunited with Mia, and I found someone for me as well." he winks at me.

"To us!" I raised my shot glass, and we all clinked and chugged it down.


I can't stop laughing at myself. Who would've thought, that little orphan me gets to party like this! I am just the secretary and assistant, and then a day later, my crush ended up as my boyfriend.

Ugh, my head. It hurts so much!

Also the fact that someone is nudging me so forcefully! "Leave me alone!" I slapped an arm. "Leave me effin' alone!" I screamed louder.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing to my girlfriend?" I heard Dylan say to...I don't know. "You think you can do this, huh?" he throws a punch.

I only realized what was happening when I saw Carson on the floor. What?


Carson's P.O.V.

I only had a shot of tequila and a Coke, but I felt the headache. Someone spiked up my beverage. This isn't right. I wasn't supposed to be here. I promised Mia that I would behave. Dylan was buying his and Alice's drink. That meant, I'll say goodbye to Alice then.

Alice wasn't herself, and she was laughing for some reason by herself. But I had no choice. I had to leave.

I gently tapped her arm, and I did it as gently as possible, because I knew she was drunk, and might overthink things. "Alice..."

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" she hits my arm. She was indeed drunk. "LEAVE ME EFFIN' ALONE!" she starts to fight me back.

"Alice..." I tried calming her down.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing to my girlfriend?" Dylan shouted at me. He looked drunk as well.

"Man, it's not what you think." I defended myself. I knew going here wasn't a good idea.

"You think you can do this, huh?" the next thing I knew, I was on the floor with the corner of my mouth bleeding.

"Not cool." I stood up and pushed him away from me. "You think I would do this to you?"

"Sir, I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave." the bouncer behind me said, and I did leave.

"Come on, Pierce. Fight like a man! You wimp!" I heard Dylan shout as I left the bar.


Mia's P.O.V.

"Mia, calm down!"

"Calm down?! Jessica! He's all over the news as a drunk rapist! How do you react to that?!" I massaged my temples, as I paced. This is not happening, this is not happening. "Give me my phone, Jessica."

"No." she hides my phone behind her back.


Jessica slowly surrendered my phone back to me and I dialled Carson's number as I continued to pace. How am I supposed to clean this mess up?

"Hello?" the other end said. That's it? Hello?

"Look here, Mr. Pierce. All I wanted you to do was to behave, and now you created a mess that I'm trying to clean up. Now is the time you persuade me that I didn't regret to take you back in my life, or I swear to God, Carson Pierce, I will never...EVER...see you again!" I ended the call and threw my phone to the sofa.

Carson, Carson, Carson. Why are you doing this to me? Why are you defying me?

My eyes caught the letters on my bedside, and I tore them into pieces as I felt hot tears streaming down my face. It hurts so much! What am I supposed to do?


Embarrassing as it is...I had to go home and fix this mess myself. I knew what I was going to expect at home. Media. And I was right. Since Love Never Dies closed, we were still in the hot spot, and that's why people are still looking for stories. I know how to deal with these kinds of press, and it went smoothly.

Everywhere I go, people are around me, asking me my thoughts on Carson's behavior, which side am I was chaotic, but I ignored every single question they threw at me. I was so close to shoving their microphones in their mouths.

Jessica and I made it through and I was staying at my flat, Jessica decided to come home to mom and dad. I apologized to both of my parents for not staying there, and I told them that I needed to cool off for a bit, and they said it was no problem at all. I knew what I should do.

There was a bottle of wine in the fridge. I opened it up and pulled out a wine glass and poured myself some wine. I drank the whole glass in one gulp and discarded the glass, and drank from the bottle instead.

"You know, I don't know how you came in here or who brought you in. It doesn't amaze me. It pisses me off." I held the bottle in my hands and turned around. Yep, Carson was in front of me.

"Mia...hear me out." he pleaded.

"Hear you out?! How many times did I hear you out, Carson?"

"I was drunk, Mia." he said emotionless.


He was just standing there saying nothing. He wasn't going to, by the looks of it. Why isn't he doing anything?

"Carson...why?" I asked as I sunk to the floor, crying.

He came closer and knelt in front of me. He held my cheek gently and tried to get me to look at him. "Mia, I had no intentions whatsoever to drink that night. Dylan and Alice took me along to the bar, and I ordered a Coke, but someone spiked it up and I wanted to leave, but Dylan was buying more drinks at the bar, leaving me and Alice waiting.

"I really wanted to leave so I thought I should say goodbye to Alice and get to tell Dylan that I already left. Alice was wasted and unconscious, so I shook her shoulder to wake her up. She did and she started to fight me, and Dylan thought that I was making her go to bed with me and that's when the brawl started.

"Mia...I never meant to do what the news say. And why would I do it with Alice when I've given myself to you? You're the one I love, Mia. You're the only one..."

I didn't know who to listen to. I didn't know which side I'm on until he explained everything to me. And I knew it was all true. I know it when he's lying or not. Right now, I don't know what to say, so my body language did the talking.

I smashed my lips on his, and he kissed me back aggressively, hungrily. His hand cupped my face as he licked my lower lip, and allowed him inside my mouth. He kisses my deeper, and deeper, and I felt myself aching for more.

"I'm sorry." he pulled away a centimeter for us to breathe.

"Shut up and kiss me!" I whisper-yelled, and his lips were back on mine. I felt his hands rub my back and he carries me bridal style into my bedroom without breaking the kiss.


 (A/N: please download Restricted Chapter if interested, and if you dare ;) also posted at the external link)


Sunshine passes through the blinds. I didn't know what time it  was, nor would I care. I was awake but I didn't open my eyes, and through my slightly opened eyes, I can see a beautiful man beside me, still sleeping.

He is the only man I fell in love with. We might not be as perfect as before, but he is perfect to me no matter how crazy our life gets. His heart was strongly beating and was only mine to be. He was amazing last night. He made me feel loved in every way.

He was a fighter.

He is a lover.

He is all mine ever since.

I opened my eyes ever so slightly, and I was surprised that he was also doing it. He chuckled quietly and we both closed our eyes. I moved closer to him and leaned my forehead on his, and he stole a faint kiss on my lips. I sighed, contented of what was happening. I am happy.

Our eyes were still closed, he starts rubbing our noses together and our foreheads were absolutely glued to each other. It really can't get better than this.

"Marry me." he whispers.


Author's Note: I WARNED YOU GUYS LAST CHAPTER!!!! DIDN'T EXPECT IT?? I DIDN'T EITHER!! XD I didn't know what I was writing until Wattpad wardned me that I wrote mature content. LOL.

moving on.......

What will Mia say? ;)

Yes or no?

"The Power of Love" by Gabrielle Aplin on the side --->

Team Frary :3 long shall they REIGN!!!! XD ....even though they won't ;) I know Queen Mary of Scots too well, but the good thing though is that Reign will keep me company while TVD isn't here yet....and I'm almost done with Season 1 XD




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