Your Marking


214 10 0

Ice is a element wanting to be loved and free, however her half brother Water will not let her. Ice runs away... Еще

The Contract
The Happiness
Alone Inside
The Past Of Ice
A Second Contract
The Fourth Form
My Form That Saves Us

Ice The Unloved

60 1 0

I have never been loved, never been cared for and never had something or even someone to call my own... no I have been treated as a monster all my life. Being chased out of towns, cities and even villages just because I am different. I ended up in the streets hiding in alleyways being careful not to get caught. I soon met him... a man like myself but different... he called himself Water. He took me to a place where I was to be a servant. I soon discovered that I was man was called an element... as was I also being an element. I discovered a lot about myself. I could get hurt... but I could not die... my powers are to be able to freeze things anywhere and even create ice of my own will. That's right I am the element named Ice. Although I hate what I am and what I create... nobody benefits from me and yet I cannot die. Later on in my life I also discovered that Water is my half-brother and was sent by our father Poseidon to come and find me. As to why I do not know... but I soon found myself wanting to run away every chance I get. However, because Water had marked my side I could not escape his grasp, no matter how much I longed to be free. So because I ran away so much... I found myself being sold in the underground market. As long as I was in the line of men who worked for Water he didn't care what happened to me. I never once imagined that what I wanted was about to be offered to me....

"Bring the creature here" said an old fat man smirking in his chair. I winced being pulled by a chain. My neck, hands and ankles were clasped and all connected by chains. I was pulled in front of the man and forced onto the floor. I looked at the man that was in control of my life. "Are we going to listen to me today?" he asked, as I glared at him. "Choke on your lungs and die" I said, as he growled and kicked me in the face. I fell back and laid on the cold hard floor. "Take her to her torture room until she listens" he said, as everyone stopped hearing screams. "What is the meaning of this?" asked the man, as the room went black. When the lights came back on my eyes widened seeing two men... but they look different. One was shrouded in darkness and the other was wearing a black cloak. "No... Not you two" said the fat man, as the man in darkness chuckled. "Alright fat man, time to give up your company" he said reaching out his hand. "No... Please no" he said bending down on his knees and started begging. "Anything but that" he said, as the guy in darkness sighed and turned to the guy in the cloak. "Well Death? How many contacts does he have?" asked the guy shrouded in darkness. The guy in the cloak sighed and pulled out a clipboard. My eyes widened seeing that his hands were nothing but bones. How were they even being held together? "He has already reached his limitations in contracts, he has no choice" said the guy known as Death. "You heard him give up your company" said the guy shrouded in darkness. The fat man growled and then he smirked looking at me. My eyes widened and I tried backing away, but the man grabbed my chains before I could move. I winced in pain and both the men looked at me, not really understanding what the fat man was doing. He quickly ran over and held a knife to my head. "Let me keep my company and I'll safely give this element to you" he said, as they stopped and looked at each other. "Death?" asked the guy shrouded in darkness. "No idea, she's not in any of my data bases" said Death. He chuckled and I started fidgeting when he started sliding up my shirt. Suddenly Death and the guy shrouded in darkness stopped when looking at me. The fat man lifted my shirt to my side showing my mark that Water had carved into my skin. "Water's property" said Death "Fire's not going to like this" said the guy shrouded in darkness. Suddenly, everyone's widened when the candle's fire started burning hot and heavy. "Crap" said the guy shrouded in darkness "It’s because we took so long" said Death, as the doors slammed opened and the fat man started shaking and trembling in fear. "M-Master Fire" he said, as I looked seeing a man with spikey black hair, his eyes were burning red and his body looked like it was made by the gods themselves. He was wearing a white blouse and jeans, but no shoes and fire was surrounding his whole body. "What the hell is taking so long?" he asked growling. "We have a problem" said Death, as Fire glared at the fat man and paused looking down at me. "What the hell is going on? I don't care about a damn woman, kill both of them for all I care" he said, as the man shrouded in darkness sighed. "We can't... the girl is Water's property" he said, as Fire's eyes glowed red more with anger. "WHAT" he shouted looking at me and I stayed there just looking at him. "That's right, if you let me live I will give you the girl and you can get back at Water... like you always wanted" said the fat man, as Fire glared at him. "I have no interests in making a deal with a man who already has three contracts with me" he said snapping his fingers. As he did my eyes widened seeing his body melting to the ground. I crawled away from the melting body and stopped when I was at the feet of Death and the man shrouded in darkness. Death knelt down to me and I winced closing my eyes and covering my face. "What's your name?" he asked, as I paused and looked at him. His face was a human skull, but for some reason... it didn't scare me. "Ice" I said, as he paused. "Well?" asked Fire, as Death paused. "I have no record of an element with that name" said Death, as Fire paused. "Then she's a halfie" said Fire, as they looked at me and I looked at them. "Why did Water mark you?" asked the man shrouded in darkness. "I don't know, he never told me... he just found me and that was it" I said, as they paused. "Well?" asked Death looking at Fire. "Well nothing" said a voice, as my eyes widened horrified. I turned my head seeing Water standing there glaring at the three. "Water" said Fire growling towards him. "That creature is my property return her to me at once" said Water holding out his hand. "What's in it for me?" asked Fire, as Water glared at him. "Idiot, I don't make deals with Hades' Kin" he said, as Water then looked at me. "Ice return to me immediately" he said, as I lowered my head. I slowly got up, but my body was too weak from the lack of food and water that I began to wobble. I was about to fall, but my eyes widened as strong arms held me. I looked back seeing Fire looking down at me. "Get your hands off of her" said Water, as I lowered my head. "You don't have to go" whispered Fire, as my eyes widened and I stayed still. "Come with me Ice, I will make all your dreams come true" he whispered causing me to blush a bit. I have never had these sweet nothings whispered into my ear before. Could he really promise such a thing? "What... What do I have to do?" I asked curiously, as he smirked devilishly. "ICE" shouted Water, as I looked at him growling. "Don't you dare do any dealings with him" he said, as I paused. "Why not?" I asked, as he growled. "Yeah Water... Ice does have a mind of her own... why must she have your permission?" asked Fire smirking, as Water growled. "Let her go... or I will make you regret it Fire" said Water, as Fire smirked and let me go. He walked a few feet in front of me and faced Water. "Make me regret it Water... I dare you" said Fire, as they glared at each other. The only difference Fire was smirking, whereas Water was frowning.

To Be Continued...

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