Treasure Box

By surrealx3

84.7K 5.2K 638

(Spin off of Not so Bad, Just Violent) Franco was twenty-six and single. Not single by choice, single because... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Short Story
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Sort of Urgent Question
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Part 2- Summary

Chapter 21

2.5K 166 11
By surrealx3

So last chapter before part 2.

She raced back to the cab and took a shaky breath. Where would he go? Why would he move? Maybe the relationship that she insulted and defiled lifted off the ground. Did he get married as well?

She took out her phone, ignoring her impatient cab driver, and looked up Louis Mironav. His law firm immediately came up and she gave the directions to her driver. Her heart was pounding as he drove. Every possibility ran through her mind and even the best case scenario didn't give her any leeway from her mistakes. Franco was softhearted, maybe, but this man was certainly not.

Once again, Kate had the driver wait in case she was kicked out on sight. She walked inside the air conditioned firm nervously, her mouth twisted in a perpetual frown. The intern, a young brunette, smiled politely, "Can I help you, ma'am?"

"Yes, um, is Louis Mironav in?" she asked.

The intern shook her sadly, "Sorry, it's Mr. Mironav's day off."

"I see," Kate mumbled. She stood there awkwardly, for a moment, trying to figure out her next move but her attention was drawn when a woman walked out while putting on a coat. The woman was older than Kate with naturally tanned skin and pole straight posture that Kate couldn't help envying.

The woman stopped when she noticed Kate and gave her an obvious once over, "Can I help you? I'm willing to over a free legal consultation. Your body language tells me someone did wrong by you."

Kate nearly jerked away, horrified at being read so easily. "N-no, I just," she trailed off, "I-I need to talk to Louis Mironav. It's very important."

The woman studied her with piercing black eyes for a moment before nodded consent. She grabbed a scrap of paper of the intern's desk and wrote an address on it. After slamming the pen down, as if angry about her decision (but not without noticing Kate flinch), she said, "I'm only doing this because I know what desperate and scared looks like. If you say you need Louis, fine, if you feel more comfortable confiding in him then I won't ask any questions but if you need a fellow woman to talk to, just come right on back and schedule a consultation with Katrina Bowen."

"Thank you," Kate didn't even know how much she meant it. She couldn't seem to express it but Katrina just smiled in a way that managed to show how much she understood.

This time, she let the cab leave as she walked up the steps to the townhouse. The address matched the small slip of paper. She took each step slowly, contemplative. She had a speech ready but she knew it'd be gone as soon as the door open.

It took her a while to gather the courage to ring the doorbell. She knew that she would have to face Franco and Louis. But she didn't realize she'd have to face her son as well.

He was taller, that's the first thing she noted, and his hair was longer. His curls fell behind his ears and was pinned back so they stayed out of his eyes. At least the pin was blue, her subconscious said before she pushed the thought away. Her thoughts had to be corrected often but she was making progress. She had to learn how to be accepting. Her mother's eyes seemed to stare right back at her but these were full of youth and happiness.

She attempted a smile, "Hi, Michael. Are your fathers in?"

Her son's eyes widened, "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

She knew that shouldn't have pained her. Leaving him was her choice. She had no right to be upset. She went for an easy-going laugh that turned into a strangle sob. Humiliating tears made it to the surface. "I'm sorry, Michael, I'm sorry. Please, just get your fathers. I need to talk to them."

She didn't see him nod but heard his footsteps as he ran back into the house. She waited barely a minute before Franco made it to the door. He, of course, recognized her with her original hair color even though she's sure she looked much older. He ushered her in pass Michael and a couple other boys, even pass his husband, until she ended up in home office with both men. They sat her down in a chair while they stood, not to be intimidating but because neither of them could sit down when something was obviously wrong.

"Kate," Franco spoke first, his tone soft, "What's wrong? Why are you here?"

A real smile pulled at her lips. She could honestly say from that moment on that she loved Franco. His kindness became him, it became every word he said and how he said it. Why is it that she could only appreciate it now? "I've made so many mistakes, Franco. So many. And it took me years of an," she choked but forced the word out, "abusive relationship for me to see that. I wish you weren't the only one I could go to but no one else I know would take in a broken, pregnant woman. I just need a place to live until I can get back on my feet. I promise not to bother Michael. He doesn't even need to know who I am. I'll get a job to support me and my baby."

Franco's eyes were sympathetic, the totally opposite of Louis voice as he said, "You really haven't thought this through. Have you even thought about a divorce? What if your husband wants custody? You need to take pictures of any bruises while they still show as proof. It makes the legal process easier really when it isn't just your word against his. You obviously haven't been very open with this problem and without witnesses to your situation, things may get messy. Do you need us to lend you a camera?"

Franco had the same look of unbridled horror on his face as Kate at that moment. Kate struggled to find words to answer a question she didn't want to be faced with.

Louis took in their expressions and said defensively, "What? The legal system isn't exactly sympathetic."

Franco sighed in resigned agreement, "I'm sorry, Kate, but he's right. You don't have to do it now. You can wait until we get you settled somewhere. Actually, just wait a second, I'll be back." He pecked his husband on the cheek, "Stay with her, alright?"

Louis looked at back at him with a grumpy frown, "Why? What do you plan to do?"

The only reply he got a light slap on the back of the head and a vague, "Trust me."

Louis watched, somewhat distressed and visibly upset that Franco left him with his ex. And not just an ex. Michael's mother.

However, when he looked at her, it was clear how much she changed. Her hair was blonde, like Leslie's, and curled around her shoulders. She seemed older and so much smaller than before. She was too skinny. It looked like it took all her strength just to keep her head up. He knew as well as Franco did that he couldn't be mad at her when she's already suffered so much.

"Michael looks good," Kate muttered in a half-hearted attempt to ease the tension, "How old is he now?"

Louis fought the need to tense protectively. "Thirteen."

"Thirteen," she repeated numbly, "He's a teenager now."

"He is," Louis reflected with pride and a tinge of sadness.

They spent the rest of the time in silence until Franco returned with a camera and keys in his hands.

"Good news," he began, "I spoke to Michael and we decided that you should live in Leslie's old house. When we decided to move here, we didn't really know what we were going to do with the house so I think this works." He dropped the keys into her hand but hesitated with the camera. "I'm sorry you have to do this."

"No, I'm sorry," Kate murmured, "I wish I didn't have to burden you with this. How does Michael feel about me being here?"

"In all honesty," Franco said, "He's not really sure how he feels about it but he's sure everything will work out, one way or another."

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