Dream On

By WrittenDeep

985 24 10

Jaycee is an artist and dreamer, she grew up in her own thoughts. Then events erupt her life and put her deep... More

Dream On
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 2

90 3 1
By WrittenDeep

Jaycee's POV

"That's him." Charlotte leaned over and whispered. He walked into chemistry lab. I had to admit he was good looking, but nothing flickered inside of me. I laughed, "Char I told you"
She finished for me, "you aren't dating this year." She said it like a bad thing and I gave her a look that said lay off.
"Mr. Grey'Storm, you can sit..." Mr. Louis scanned the room, "by Jaycee." He pointed at me and I groaned. Throw me in a book now. This is the part were he flashes me a smile, I smile and our hands brush. My heart does a flip flop and I fall in love. He falls in love with me and we passionately kiss. I thought. Not happening Jane Austen. He sat next to me and crookedly smiled. "I'm Ben."  He said looking at me. I rolled my eyes, I wanted to scream Don't think you're getting any action from me! Yeah I've had bad experiences with the opposite sex in this school. "I'm Jaycee... in case you didn't catch that." I said smiling weakly at him. "Nice to meet you." He said and then turned to the teacher. I sighed in relief, phew. Class passed quickly as I scribbled down notes and  shot glares at Halle. Halle was my arch enemy and I was hers. I'm not sure why... but it had been that way since kindergarten.

       "I cannot believe he sat next to you!!" Charlotte squealed biting her lip. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at her. "Charlotte I DON'T CARE." I shook her by the shoulders making her jewelry fly up and down. She laughed, "I know, okay, I'll stop... or try." She said as we started walking towards the cafeteria. "Thank you." I groaned.
"Thanks for what?" Peter came up behind us, wrapping his arms around Charlotte.
Charlotte kissed him, "I'll tell you later." He kissed her back, grabbing her hands.
"Hello? No sex in the hallways." I said rolling my eyes. "I'd rather hurl after I eat then before I eat." I said as I sat down at our usual table.

     Peter was pretty popular, but usually opted to sit with Charlotte, Deliah and I. As Deliah sat down she made her usual comment, "all outnumbered Peter."
"Hey that's okay when I got the sexiest ladies in school." He said staring at Charlotte.
"I'm flattered you find me sexy Peter, even though your taste lacks." I said teasing Charlotte. She pushed my lightly and smiled. I unwrapped my sandwich and as I took the first bite I felt someone sit down next to me. I looked sideways and was surprised to find the new kid... uh Ben? Sitting next to me. Charlotte choked on her soda as she covered up her laugh. "Serves you right." I muttered into her ear.

      "Have ya met Ben?" Peter asked looking around the table.
I nodded, "we have Chem lab together with Char." I said taking another bite of my sandwich.
Ben nodded, "I hate chemistry." He mumbled as he started devouring his pizza.
Boys and food!
"Oh cool." Peter said blandly through a mouthful of pizza.
"Peter I love the new look you're trying. I had no idea three year old eater was back in style." I said finishing up my sandwich.
He laughed and gulped down the last slice of pizza.
I'm not going to lie I looked at Ben for a reaction, I know my humor couldn't amuse a fish, but still. God Jaycee, you aren't into guys this year. Somehow that thought snapped me out of it. I have more of an affect on myself than I realized.

     After lunch I said a quick bye and rushed to my calculus class. I hate it. Always hated anything with numbers, always will. I was one of the first students so I took a seat towards the back. Invisibility.
"Hey."  Gregory took a desk next to me. "Sup?"
I looked at him like he was crazy, hell the guy hadn't given me a glance much less words for close to two years. "Excuse me?" I asked, I wasn't so sure I heard him correctly.
He smiled, it was a small smile, but heck I thought it was sexy, at one time. "Hi. Jaycee. What's. Up?" He asked slowly as if I were stupid.
I glared at him for a moment before replying, "uh not much I guess." I said doodling in my notebook. My brain was starting to drift away, day dreaming.
He grunted and then turned his attention to some chic, who was flirting with him. The guy wasn't even that good in bed! Charlotte slid into a seat in front of me and turned so I could see her face to face. "Can I sleepover tonight?" She asked her eyes going all sick puppy.
"Sorry, I have to study and babysit. Not a good night." I answered although I regreted it. I hated babysitting, I wish Cassie, my dad's wife, could take care of her own child!
"You have to babysit for that witch?" Charlotte laughed and then turned around. I leaned forward, I was right in her ear. "Yah I do... and if you come over I'm making you take care of the kid." I said and went back to doodling. Sometimes I wish my mom hadn't left or my dad hadn't married Cassie... or that they didn't have a child together. That's why I prefer dreaming.

Ben's POV

    I have a new chemistry partner, Jaycee. Maybe she's better at the crap then I am. She's pretty cute, but she blew me off... no wait I don't care. No girls. I had to act cool when I went to lunch and found her hanging out with Peter. I wasn't expecting that one. I wasn't really listening to their conversation, I was lost in thought. I'm not going to lie, I was thinking about Jaycee. I just met the girl and I might break my little venture.
"I can't believe you think Jay is cute." Peter said dumbfounded. "I mean I guess she is beautiful, but you know she won't go for you."
I looked up from my homework, it was after school and we were "studying" in the library. "Why not?" I asked as I stretched out my arms.
"She isn't doing the whole love and guy thing, not this year." Peter replied. He looked at me with a goofy grin on his face, like it was my job to fix it.
"I'm trying not to do the whole no girl and love thing, so I guess I have nothing to worry about. She's cute, but Peter I'm not interested." I said, more to convince myself then him.
"Speak of the devil." Peter muttered as Charlotte and Jaycee came up to us. Charlotte kissed Peter and sat down on his lap and Jaycee squirmed uncomfortablly. I had to admit it made me uncomfortable.
"Hey." Jaycee said to me blandly.
"Hi." I said and looked back down at my homework. Jaycee sat down in the chair next to me and pulled out a notebook.
"Homework?" I asked trying to make small talk. Peter and Charlotte were in their own little conversation.
"No." Was her short reply. So much for talking, was she this rude on purpose?
"Oh, you a writer?" I attempted.
"I guess." She didn't even look up.
"Cool... I could never write words in a good sequence."
She grunted and then looked up at me. She had dark blue eyes that stared into my rather plain ones.
"Why are you so interested?" She snapped. Charlotte and Peter looked up from their make out session.
"Jaycee!" Charlotte exclaimed, "try and be nice." with those words they went right back at it.
Librarian your beautiful furniture and books are be dirtied by the dirty. I thought to myself before looking back at Jaycee.
"Sorry, just trying to be friendly." I stressed the last word like she didn't know what it meant.
She glared at me for a minute and then ripped out the piece of paper she had been working on. She slammed it in front of me. "Interested in my personal business? Then read it." She shouted and stormed out of the library. Charlotte raised an eyebrow and then rushed after her, Peter tried not to laugh as he sauntered after the two of them, leaving me alone.
I looked down at the piece of paper and was surprised to see a rather good drawing of... me.

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