Someone better |l.h|

By xxHemmoidkxx

374K 10.2K 2.5K

In which Luke is in a relationship with Victoria's older sister, Claire, but Victoria and everyone else knows... More



8K 214 22
By xxHemmoidkxx

I was laying on Luke's chest as he was playing with my hair. I had missed this. I had missed us. Luke gave me a lazy smile which I returned. "I missed you, you know." he whispered, his voice soft, making my heart flutter. I nodded snuggling closer to his neck. I could feel his smile and couldn't help but giggle. "I missed you too.". 

We had just been cuddling and I didn't understand how I could survive without cuddling with him for days. Luke's arms were safely wrapped around me and his hands were resting on my hips, tracing patterns there. 

"You do realize that it's soon christmas?" he mumbled, his lips brushing my forehead. I nodded. "I did some christmas shopping when we were fighting or what we were doing, didn't have anything else to do.". I started thinking back to the gift I bought Luke, even though we were fighting. I just couldn't stop myself from buying a gift to him. It was a guitar necklace, a beanie and I also bought him a new journal he could write lyrics in. 

Luke stared at me for some seconds before nodding. "I'm done with the christmas shopping too."  he said, grabbing my hand only to study it. I giggled when he started comparing the size of our hands. Mine was much smaller than his and he giggled too. 

"I'm kind of nervous of meeting your family." I mumbled, blushing as he started laughing. "Really? I should be nervous because you're meeting my family. I mean they're really embarrassing, you have nothing to worry about, but I do. They'll probably tell a lot of awkward stories!". "What if they hate me or something?" I pouted. Luke rolled his eyes, hovering over me.

Our foreheads were touching and he had a smile on his face. It made my body get all warm and ticklish and he put his hands on my hips again. "They won't hate you! I promise." he whispered, his lips brushing my own. I could feel myself get goosebumps and a smile came onto my face too.

His lips connected with mine and I closed my eyes, putting my arms around his neck so I could pull him even closer to me, if that was even possible. His mouth tasted like mint and his lips were soft. He tugged at my bottom lip, letting his tounge came into my mouth.One of his hands were laying on my hip, tracing circles there while the other were in my hair. 

Before it could get more heated, Luke's phone started buzzing. I pulled a bit away, but Luke whined and tried kissing me again. "I do hope that's your phone." I stated and he started blushing, sitting up so he could grab his phone from his pocket. 

"Hello?" he asked, grabbing my hand as he started playing with it. I giggled lowly at him and he smiled at me. "Oh, is that today? Really? I forgot." he continued. He was quiet for some time before he nodded and I giggled again, because it was cute how he forgot that the person on the other side couldn't see him.

Luke looked at me with raised eyebrows, confused to why I was laughing, but I just shrugged and he rolled his eyes. "Sure! I'll come right away. Thanks." Luke said, hanging up the phone. 

He rushed over to his closet, finding something else than grey sweatpants and a hoodie. I sat up too. "Where are you going?" I asked. He didn't bother walking to the bathroom to change so I raised my eyebrows at him, trying not to make it obvious that I was staring at his toned chest. 

It was kind of hard though and my eyes studied his broad shoulders after some minutes too. He looked good. I didn't care about the acne on his shoulders and face, I didn't care that he wasn't perfect, because that's what made him, him and I was so in love with him. 

Luke put on his t-shirt before he stared at the mirror, sighing loudly. "Vic, you've really fucked my hair up. It's so messy!" he pouted, turning around so he could look at me. I just rollled my eyes and threw a pillow at him. "Why is that so important, where are you going?" I asked again since he hadn't answered me.

We stared at each other for some minutes before Luke jumped into the bed again and started tickling me. "You threw a pillow at me!" he yelled, making me laugh. I grabbed his hands before the tickling fight got too serious and Luke pouted because he probably wanted to win the tickle fight or something.

"Luke! Can't you just answer where you're going!" I groaned and he nodded. "I'm going to the studio to talk to someone, Cal, Mike and Ash are there already. I just forgot it and they're probably pissed off that I'm so late." Luke explained. I nodded and squeezed his hands. "Then go. I'll talk to you later, yeah?" I asked. Luke smiled at me and kissed me quickly. "Thanks. I'll call you or something." he assured.

I decided to hang out with Harry. We were both in my apartment watching movies. Claire was here too, but she knew better than talk to one of us now. 

"So you're looking forward to christmas?" Harry asked, nudging my shoulder. I gave him a smile, nodding. "Just happy I won't have to celebrate it with my family. That sounds really bitchy, but you know how they are, you know I can't spend my christmas with them." I sighed. Harry nodded. "I totally understand and you know that. I'm actually happy that you don't end up calling me when you're crying at christmas night because your parents said hurtful things to you.".

I smiled at my best friend and leaned my head against his shoulder. I didn't know what I would have done without Harry. He always supported me, always helped me and I cared so much for him. 

"So how's it going with you and Luke then?" he asked, a smirk coming onto his face. I rolled my eyes and hit his shoulder playfully. "It's fine, we're fine. We're not uhm.. a couple yet though." I whispered. Harry nodded. "Don't worry, I'm sure he'll ask you soon." Harry winked.

The movie we were watching was almost done and Harry and I had almost fallen asleep. Harry was using me as a pillow which I would have complained about if it wasn't the fact that I was really tired. 

Luke hadn't even called me and it was getting pretty late. I wasn't going to be clingy, but I was still confused to why he wouldn't call me. 

I got my answer when there was a knock on my door at two am. Harry had fallen asleep and I woke up by the knock. I sighed, walking over to the door only to see that Luke was standing there. "Hey baby." he slurred, stumbling into the apartment. I raised an eyebrow at him and he walked over to the couch and laid down, only to giggle when he heard a groan. "There's someone on the couch!" he laughed loudly. 

Harry sat up and pushed Luke off of him and Luke ended up falling to the floor. "Harry! It's you!" Luke squealed, about to hug him when Harry raised his eyebrows at me. "Is he drunk?" he asked, running a hand trough his hair. "Yeah.." I sighed.

I walked over to Luke and helped him up. "Thanks, Vic. I'm so happy that I know you. You're the best and you're really good at kissing and I think you're so beautiful." he rambled. Harry laughed and grabbed his phone. "Luke's literally the worst drunk ever, we have to film him!". 

"Film me? Am I funny? I think I am. Do you want to hear a joke? What's the cheese that's not yours? Nacho cheese!". he giggled. Harry and I looked at each other before we burst into laughter. What had gotten into Luke? 

"Luke, why are you drunk?" I asked, staring at the boy who was now sitting on the couch with his legs crossed. "Calum wanted to cel- celeb- celebrate because there's some guys who wants to try to get us to tour with other bands. They're trying to contact someone now, they think we'll get huge, Vic! Isn't that cool!" he squealed. It was funny how he had problems saying celebrate. 

I smiled at him and nodded. "Yeah that's cool." I agreed. I had to ask Luke about this tomorrow when he was sober because this sounded really great for their band. 

I decided to go get some water to Luke so he could sober up, but when I walked into the kitchen, I heard Luke and Harry talk about me. "When are you gonna ask her, man?" Harry asked and I could hear Luke sigh. "Soon. I just want it to be perfect, because she deserves that.". My heart warmed and I couldn't help but smile. 

Before Harry could grill him even more, I decided to walk out again. "Here, Luke." I said. "Thanks beautiful." Luke slurred, taking the glass of water from me. I just laughed at him and he smirked, gulping down the whole glass of water. 

"M'tired." Luke sighed, grabbing my hand. "Yeah, you should get some sleep." I stated, noticing how his eyes were bloodshot and his hair was in a mess. "Harry, you can sleep on the couch if you want." I shrugged and Harry raised his eyebrows. "I'm not allowed to come cuddle with you guys?" he teased, fake pouting.

Luke pouted too. "Aw, Harry don't pout like that. You look like a puppy. Maybe he could come and cuddle with us? I don't like him being sad, Vic." Luke said. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "That would be too weird. Come on, Luke. You have to get some sleep." I stated. Luke nodded his head. "Good night, Harry. You'll find yourself a girl who will cuddle with you all the time soon." Luke smiled, patting his shoulder.

Harry stared at me and we burst out laughing again. "Luke has to get drunk more often." Harry smirked and Luke giggled. I just shook my head and pulled Luke with me. He was such a child when he was drunk.

When we came to my bedroom, Luke sighed and pulled off his jeans and t-shirt before he laid down in the bed. I was wearing pajamas so I didn't have to change. I just laid down too and Luke wrapped his arms around my waist, nuzzling his forehead in the crook of my neck while his lips were brushing my collarbone.  

"Good night, Luke." I said, running my hands trough his hair. "Good night, baby." Luke said, kissing my collarbone. I closed my eyes and smiled, knowing I could sleep when Luke was here with me. Was it possibly that a person could be someone's home? Because then, Luke would be my home. He was safe and made me feel comfortable. I knew I was falling more and more for this dorky, six feet long guy with those piercing blue eyes that was so easy to get lost in and I didn't mind. I wasn't scared of falling for him.


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