A McDonough Filled Summer

Por RizzyConnily

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A McDonough Filled Summer
Chapter 1: Prince Charming meets the family
Chapter 3: The Past is Past, let it go
Chapter 4: Emotionally damaged
Chapter 5: Im not inlove with you, or you, or even you!
Chapter 6: Just say you're sorry damn it!
Chapter 7: Sometimes Second Chances are worth it
Chapter 8: And a dash of Forgive me
Chapter 9: Secret Lover
Chapter Ten: Drama on top of Drama on top of Drama
Chapter 11: Kiss me before you go
Chapter 12: Then there was pain
Chapter 13: Maxwells dry cleaners how may I help you?
Chapter 14: Summer love has to end at some point

Chapter 2: Spying

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Por RizzyConnily

Izzys pov

Two days After the Arrival to Florida

 Around 5:30pm

"Should we go spy on them?" due to my lack of being able to stay focused,I hated sitting down.

"It's like you read my mind." Riley jumped up from the sofa,and extended his hand out.

"I forgot to tell you, IM a mind reader." I grab onto his hand,we quietly sneak to Connors room,to see nothing but the two of them sleeping.

"Awe they are so cute together." Connors arm was protectively wrapped around Emily, while they laid down, and watched tv.

"There's just one problem." Riley points out, leaving the door cracked just enough for us to see them.

"Wthat?" I whisper, not wanting them to hear us.

"They aren't together." Riley revealed the problem. They weren't together, together.but they we're defiantly together. No matter how much they both dined jt,they know deep down that they are more than friends.

"That's bullshit." I shout.

"Izzy?" Both Emily and Connor, shoot up, staring at Riley and me. We had ben caught!

"Run!" I grab Rileys hand and drag him out, as I run top speed down the hall, hoping Emily doesn't catch up.

        "What was that all about?" Riley pants,as we enter his room.

"I'm not really sure."I admit.

"You're insane." He laughs,as I sit beside him on his bed.

"Wow, you're so nice to Me." I sarcastically reply.

"Thank you I try." He leans in and kisses me with his perfect lips. Damn it Riley. I hate how perfect he is. "Izzy can I tell him something." He pulls away and plays with a strand of my ugly brown hair.

"No." I joke.

"I'm going to tell you anyways." 

"okay fine." I surrender to his brown eyes. I couldn't say no to him.

"Well I don't say this much,but that's mainly because nobody has ever made me feel the way you do. I can't explain how you make me feel,but I Do know one thing, and that is that I ..." Right before he finished his super cheesy speech,Connor and Emily Come barging in the room.

"Oh I'm sorry did we interrupt something?" Connor innocently asks,as if he didn't know that he was.

"Damn it Connor." Rileys throws a nearby pillow at Connor. Connor and Emily run out the door laughing. they are so freakin cute together.

"sorry about that," riley nervously chuckles.

" it is fine. So what were you saying?" I I hold a pillow trying not to look awkward.

" oh nevermind. It was nothing." Riley looks away with bright red cheeks.

I know damn straight it was something, and honestly I was scared to hear what it was.

Emily's POV

Connor and I run out, laughing.

"What was Riley going to tell Izzy?" I ask. He whispers out in my ear, and I gasp.

"That was my reaction," he tells me as we walk into the kitchen. Toby's standing there, trying to figure out what his mother's making for dinner.

"Shepherd's Pie?" I ask. She nods, smiling at me.

"How'd you do that?" Toby asks me.

"Well, when you help your mother make dinner every now and then, you tend to recognize smells of the raw ingredients put together," I say, ruffling his hair. He swats my hand away. Connor looks at the time on his phone.

"Mrs. McDonough, would you like some help?" I ask. She nods her head.

"Mark's going to be home soon, so he can take over one he gets here," she says. I nod and wash my hands at the sink.

After I dry them off, I clean the potatoes. I dice them, throwing them into the giant pot. Once I'm done cutting them all, I fill the pot with water and put it on the stove to boil. I then start cutting the carrots after I peeled them. I hear the front door open, and a man that looks like an older version of Toby walks in.

"Honey, I'm home," he sings. Mrs. McDonough chuckles and gives him a peck on the lips before going back to cutting onions. The man turns to me.

"You must be Emily. Mark McDonough, at your service," he says, holding out his hand. I shake it.

"It's a pleasure to meet you sir," I say. He smiles.

"Pretty AND polite. Connor found a keeper," he says, causing me to blush.

"Emily, Mark can take it over from here. You can go hang out with Connor now. Tell him that we're using the fire pit once the sun sets," Mrs. McDonough says. I wash my hands in the sink again.

"Thank you, I will," I say, and I walk down the hallway to Connor's room.

       I open the door, and the couch is turned around to face the TV. I sit down next to him and watch whatever show is on. Connor wraps his arm around my shoulder, and I rest my head on his shoulder. He rests his head against mine, but no dry spitting this time because my hair is in a ponytail. I'm about to fall asleep when we're called to dinner.

"Did you pack a sweatshirt?" Connor asks. I search through my suitcase and shake my head. He hands me an extra.

"Wear one of mine," he says smiling down at me. I smile back and put it on. It smells just like him, so I immediately get comfort from it.

We walk outside and sit on one of the benches. Riley, Izzy, and Toby come out shortly after, sitting around the fire. Connor's hand snakes into mine, intertwining our fingers. He runs the back of my hand with his thumb, and it's so soothing.

"You really like holding my hand," I say. He chuckles.

"It's comforting. It's so that I know you're there," he says. I squeeze his hand.

"I would never leave you," I whisper. I look at him, and he smiles at me. Once again,I rest my head on his shoulder, and he rests his head against mine.

I could get used to this.

Izzy's POV

Around 7:30pm

"Hey mom!" I hear Riley's voice echo through the kitchen. "Have you seen Izzy?" He sounded so depressed, or was that worriment. 

"No, honey I haven't. I thought she was with you."

"No, I haven't seen her, since I um...nevermind." I hear Riley's feet glide across the kitchen floor.           

You are probably wondering where I was, and why I was hiding from the world's most perfect boy. Am I right? Well, you see I was in a closet. Yes, a closet. As weird as it sounds, I find comfort in sitting in a closet. It's the perfect place to just chill, and not be bothered. Why was I in here? Well, I nearly died, and lets all pray the lord that the wonderful Emily and Connor came to rescue me. I swear Emily can sense when I am in need of her. I have a fear. Just like any other person on this earth, I have a fear. When Emily and Connor barged through the door, I couldn't be any happier. I knew exactly what Riley was going to say. I am Gay. Just kidding, boy do I wish he would have said that. No, he was going to use the three words I dreaded most,  I love you. I don't know what it is about those words, but when a guy says them to me, all I want to do is run as far away from him as I possibly can. Those three words are just thrown around, they aren't what people think they mean. I beileve people say them, just to say them. Boys, claim they mean them, and maybe they do at that moment, but in another month or so will they still mean it? I don't think so. Those words can make or break a realtionship, and no matter what it always breaks mine. I may say them back, and I may mean them at that particular moment, but when we break up it's just like those words were never said. Couples always forget the good times, in a realtionship, well at least when they break up, and that's why I dont say those words. They aren't meant to be said, well not atleast until you KNOW you will mean it within another three months, or so.    

"Holy Shit!" Emily jumped back. "What the hell are you doing in here?" 

"Hiding." I continue to rock back and forth, scrunched up with my knees to my chest.

"From what?" She closes the closet door, and slides in next to me. Thank lord, this closet was bigger than it looked.

"Riley." I whisper, being ashamed of it all.

"Why?" She nearly shouts.

"SHH!" I flinch at the sound, I hate it so much.

"I'm just scared."

"Scared of what?" 

"I don't know how to explain." I would sound crazy if I admitted what was going on in my mind. "

Does, this have anything to do with what he was saying to you, before Connor and I came in the room?" I told you, she always knew.

"Yeah..." My voice barley reaches a whisper.

"What happened?"

"He was about to say the three words." I felt like crying, everything seemed so tight spaced, my breathing was to slow, my stomach was in knots. This is what happens when a guy tries to tell me they love me. I get sick, literally. 

"I love you?"

"Don't say it." I clench my stomach, that is doing summer saults.

"What's so bad about that?" She laughs, this wasn't funny.

"It's not true. Nobody ever means it. People just say it to say it." 

"It's obvious he does though. He rented you a freaking limo. Who does that?!" 

"He may mean it now, but will he in a few months?"  I choke on the words, hearing my voice crack.

"He may, he may not. You just have to give him a chance. You can't hide from him, Izzy." I gulp back a few more stupid tears, and just sit back.  We sit in silence for a while, and I try to gather my thoughts. Riley, and Izzy that's all I ever wanted. Now I have it and now that I have it, i'm scared I'm going to lose it. As of now, this realtionship was great because it was excluded. No fans knew about it, it was mine, Riley's, The Mcdonoughs, my family, and Emily's little/big secret. That's how I want it. I want the fans to know, but at the same time I don't. They would be pissed, or at least that's what I think. I'm not really sure. All I'm sure is that 1)Riley really, really, likes my crazy-princess-tiara wearing-loud-obnoxious-self 2) I needed to talk to Riley and 3) I needed to get some fresh air, before I pass out from this tight space, and lack of air. It is stuffy in this damn closet.

"Okay. I'll talk to him," I let out a long sigh, "On one condition." 

"Oh god." Emily sounds frightened. 

"You have to talk to Connor about your realtionship. You need to stop lying to eachother, everyone else can see it, you two are more than friends." I open the door, and step out of the closet.          

"Hey loser," I go out side, to the pool, and see Riley with his toes dipped in.

"Where were you?" He jumps up.

"Just taking a walk, sorry I ran out of the room like that, I just needed some fresh air." I avoid his hug, and just sit by the edge of the pool.

"Oh, is everything okay?" He takes a seat next to me, and rest his arm on my shoulder, scooting closer to me.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just needed to gather my thoughts." I rest my head on his shoulder.

"What were you thinking about?" Riley squeezes my shoulder.


"Oh, that's always good." He nervously laughs.

"Yeah. Riley," I take his arm off my shoulder, sit up straight, and turn towards him, "I think I..." I look into his eyes, and choke. NOPE! I was not going to say it, just to say it. That's not the type of person I am.

"Think what?" He looks at me with wide eyes.

"Need a break." I stand up, trying to gasp for air. This couldn't be happening.

"What? A break from what?" His eyes fill with worriment.

"Us." I swallow the lump in my throat.

"What do you mean?" I can hear the hurt in his voice.

"Riley, I don't want to do this anymore." I run inside, gasping for air. This isn't what I wanted to do. God damn it. I felt horrible. But, it was true, I wanted to stop this. I didn't want him to say those three words. I dreaded them so much.          

Around 8:30             

"IZZY!" I had been wondering the neighborhood, for about an hour now, and collecting my thoughts was not working. Everything was just one big blur.

"What?" I try to smile, I was heading out to the front yard. I need to take a walk.

"Did you talk to Riley?" she asks.

"Yeah." I continue walking.

"Are you okay?" She grabs my wrist and spins me to were I am facing her.

"Yeah....I broke up with Riley." She stares at me with wide eyes, the words float in the air. Neither of us say a thing. She looks at me, and I look down. I could feel her stare, and I could feel myself breaking, piece by piece. 

Emily's POV

Oh my God.

"Connor!" I shout, and I run to his room.

"What?! What's wrong?!" he asks, running out of his room with a baseball bat.

"Everything," I say. I walk past him, grabbing his wrist, and I close his bedroom door behind us.

"What happened?" he asks. I sit on his couch, and he sits down next to me.

"Izzy just broke up with Riley," I let out. His eyes widen, and his hand flies up to his mouth.

"Why?" he asks.

"The whole 'I love you' thing has her scared. She's worried that he's not going to mean it in a few months," I explain.

"Why would she think that?" he asks. I shrug my shoulders.

"There's something that she's not telling me. I know it," I say. He puts an arm around me.

"They'll work it out. Where is she now?" he asks me. I shrug my shoulders.

"She's just roaming the neighborhood" I say. He shoots up from the couch and runs out. I follow close behind.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"Somebody needs to be with her this late at night if she's thinking about going on a walk," he talks over his shoulder, and he runs out the door. I go to find Riley to talk to him.  

"Riley!" I call. I hear sniffling coming from a tree. I look up, and Riley's sitting on one of the branches, his head hidden from me. I quietly climb up and sit next to him. I wrap an arm around his shoulders, and he looks at me. His face is illuminated by the lights in the backyard.

"Why did she break up with me?" he asks.

"I would tell you, but I think that's something you need to ask her yourself. You'll be mad and hurt if you hear it from me," I tell him. He nods and rests his head on my shoulder. I rest my head against his and rub his shoulder as he cries. "I know it hurts, buddy. I know."

"How do you know?" he asks. I sigh and tell him about my ex-boyfriend and ex-best friend. His eyes widen as I tell the glorious story.

"What did they name the baby?" he asks.

"They named him Sheldon," I say. We sit there for a few seconds in silence, and then we burst out laughing, almost falling out of the tree. He starts to cry again.

"Maybe you should just sleep on this," I say. He nods and gets out of the tree. I try to get down, but I then see how high up I am.

"Riley," I say, but he's already inside. Fuck.      

"Emily?" I hear Connor say. I look around for him, but I don't see him.

"Connor, help me!" I whisper-shout.

"Where the hell are you?" he asks. I finally spot him at the base of the tree.

"Look up!" I say. He does and sees me.

"What are you doing up there?" he asks.

"Riley was up here crying, so I was comforting him, and I tried to get back down, but I didn't know how high up I was," I say.

"Afraid of heights?" he asks.

"More like terrified. I tend to have panic attacks, like I am now," I say, and I start to gasp.

"Okay, Emily, calm down. It's not that far. Your brain's just trying to trick you. I need you to let your foot hang, and then feel around with it for a lower branch," he says. I do, and I find a branch. "Good. Now, step down, and repeat."

Pretty soon, I'm on the ground after Connor grabbed my waist and helped me down. I immediately hug him, and he hugs me tightly.

"I hate heights so much," I mumble in his ear, causing him to chuckle.

"Let's just go to bed, okay?" he asks. I nod, and we sneak inside.

We walk down to his room, and I change in the bathroom while he changes in his room. He knocks on the bathroom to indicate that he's done changing. I open the door and crawl into his bed right next to him. I turn away from him, facing the open door. After a few minutes, I feel arms wrap around my waist. I turn my head to Connor, and his breathing has slowed, his eyes closed, his mouth curled into a smile. I smile and turn back to the door, closing my eyes and falling asleep.  

"Em, wake up," I hear Connor say. I open my eyes, and his face is right in front of mine. He has the same smile he wore last night, his blue eyes staring at me.

"Your face is a little close to mine," I say. He brings his face closer, our noses touching.

"Better?" he whispers. I giggle and gently push his face away. I sit up, swinging my feet over the side of the bed, and I lock my fingers together and stretch my arms above my head. Connor wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder. I put my arms down.

"Can I help you?" I ask.

"Maybe," he says. I raise an eyebrow and turn my head to him, bumping my nose against his. He starts to lean in, and there's a knock on the door.

"Oh...um nothing," Izzy slowly backs out of the room.

Way to ruin the moment, Izzy.            

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