Rekindling the Flame

By MindlessCreations15

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Sequel to Reversed Psychologies. Seven years ago, after leaving Gibbs with a 'Dear John' letter, Jenny Shepar... More

Gathering the Matches
Adding the Kindling
An Encouraging Puff of Air
A Tiny Flame
A Little Heat
Adding More Fuel
Waiting for the Flame to Catch
Heating Up
The Fires of Hell
Burning the Past
A Sizzling Heat
Untitled Part 13
Bedtime Shenanigans
Redefining The Road Trip
Up on the Roof
Riding the Waves
The Boy Next Door
An Awful Feeling of Dread
Sleepless Nights and Cranky Days - Part 1
Sleepless Nights and Cranky Days - Part 2
Fun in the Sun
Good News and Stalling Tactics
Childhood's End
A Sticky Situation
Back to Where it all Began

Igniting a Spark

633 21 0
By MindlessCreations15

Chapter 3 - Igniting a spark

As Gibbs pottered around the house the next morning, he couldn't help but worry about Jenny. Last night, after finishing the dishes, he had gone upstairs to put Ziva to bed, only to return to find Jenny fast asleep on the sofa. Deciding to let her sleep, he turned the sound down on the TV and sat down next to her to watch the news. Ten minutes later when Tony bounded down the stairs, he had put his finger to his lips to warn the boy to be quiet.

"Is Jenny sleeping again?" whispered Tony as he came closer to the sofa. "She fell asleep earlier as well."

"Yeah, she's pretty tired I think," said Gibbs softly not wanting to go into great detail. "You can stay down here if you can think of something quiet to do, otherwise you might be better going back to your room."

"That's ok. Can I just watch the news with you?" asked Tony perching on his Dad's lap.

"Sure Bud," said Gibbs, hoisting him up so he was comfortable.

As they settled down to watch the TV, Jenny started to stir. Looking at her, Gibbs noticed she was frowning, and wondered if she were in pain or dreaming. As she started to moan and shift around, he concluded it must be a dream. Reaching over, he gently rubbed her calf which was the closest thing to him and whispered, "Jen, it's ok, you're having a dream."

Startled, she suddenly sat up shouting, "No Dad, NO!"

Sliding Tony off his lap, Gibbs reached over and pulled Jenny closer to him.

"Shh, it's ok, you're safe. It was just a dream," he cooed softly as he gently placed his hand around her head and leaned her into him. This was not unfamiliar territory. There were many times in his past when the silence of the night had been torn apart by this familiar cry. No matter how often he had held and comforted her, Jenny never told him the meaning behind this recurring nightmare. It worried him to see, seven years later, the terror still plagued her.

"Is Jenny ok?" Tony asked tentatively. He felt uncomfortable seeing her like this. She was normally so strong and in control. Watching her now, cradled against his Dad's chest, even the ten year old recognised the intimacy and felt he was intruding on something very personal.

"Yeah, she's fine," answered Gibbs. "She just had a nightmare. Why don't you go upstairs for a bit?"

"Ok," said Tony, relieved to have an excuse. As much as he wanted to help Jenny, he had no idea of what to do. Leaving the situation in his Dad's capable hands, he slowly climbed the stairs, keeping an eye on the pair huddled on the couch.

Automatically running his fingers through her hair, Gibbs continued to murmur words of comfort until Jenny seemed to become aware of her surroundings and looked up at him. As was often the case with this dream, she had the tell-tale sign of tears in her eyes.

"Sorry," she said quietly. "I didn't mean to startle you."

"Jen," he began softly. "Are you still having these dreams?"

"It's ok," she said pulling away from him and sitting up. Rubbing her hands over her face, she said briskly, "I'm just over tired and, you're right, I'm probably coming down with something. Don't worry."

Knowing she was just fobbing him off, he said gruffly, "Of course I worry. You used to have this dream on a regular basis. Is that still the case?"

She didn't answer him choosing instead to stand up and, slipping into her heels, said, "Look, I'm pretty tired. I think I should just go home to bed, I'll ring you tomorrow." She cupped his right cheek with her hand and, bending forward, kissed him gently on the left.

"I'm ok," she said again, trying to reassure him. "Don't worry."

Knowing it was futile to probe any further, he stood up and walked with her to the door. As she opened it to leave, he took her arm and pulled her close, kissing her on the forehead.

"Look after yourself Jen," he said gently. "I'll talk to you tomorrow."

She smiled at him and then turned and left. Watching her walk down the path, he waited until she was safely in her car. Then, shutting the door, he headed upstairs to talk to Tony and assure him everything was ok.

But Gibbs had been worried. Jenny was as tough as they came. He had seen her take down hardened criminals, shoot someone point blank, manage to take cover and wait silently with a bullet lodged in her thigh. Yet, despite all that, this one nightmare could have her sobbing like a lost child. So many nights, he had sat with her, rocking her gently while she whimpered into his chest, her body shaking uncontrollably as he sat there helpless, unable to do anything except hold her and soothe her frightened soul. Then, seethe with frustration when the morning came and she would brush it off as if nothing had happened.

Now, seven years later, discovering she was still haunted by this one paralysing nightmare, set his stomach churning again. He was determined to get to the bottom of why this was still happening and help her find closure once and for all.

He looked at his watch. It was 10.15am. Deciding he would ring her and see how she was this morning, he grabbed his cell from the kitchen bench and hit the speed dial. It rang several times before she finally answered. He was shocked when he heard her voice. Gravelly, and thick with sleep, she said quietly, "Shepard." She obviously hadn't even looked at the caller ID, another indication that he had woken her from a deep sleep.

"Jen?" he said. "Are you ok?"

Clearing her throat, she replied, "Oh Jethro, hi. Yeah, you were right, definitely coming down with something. I decided to take the day off and rest at home."

That in itself was cause for concern. He hadn't known Jen to voluntarily take a single sick day in all the years he'd known her. In fact, back in her probie days, there were times when he'd had to order her to go home after she'd stumbled into the squad room, pale and running a fever.

"What's up?" he asked, wondering what would have her laid up in bed.

"Just the 'flu I think. My head's pounding and I ache all over. Nothing a couple of days in bed won't fix," she replied sleepily.

"Well, you won't be doing that alone," Gibbs answered firmly. "I'll be over there shortly to see how you are, and if I think you're sick enough, I'll be bringing you back here."

"I'm fine Jethro," she argued, sighing with frustration. "I just need..."

"This is not a debate Jen," he interrupted. "I'll be seeing you soon." And with that, he closed the cell effectively ending the conversation.

Flipping it open again, he called Tim.

"Hey Boss," he heard Tim answer.

"Hi Tim," replied Gibbs. "Just wondering if I could ask you a huge favour? Jenny's not well and I need to get over there and see how she is. Any chance you could come over and watch Tony and Ziva for me? Shouldn't be for more than an hour or so."

"Sure," said Tim. "Is Director Shepard ok?"

"Yeah, I think it's just the 'flu," assured Gibbs. "But I want to check on her and make sure. Thanks Tim."

"No worries Boss. See you soon."

Gibbs hung up for the second time and, putting the phone in his pocket, he went outside to call Tony and Ziva. As they came bounding into the kitchen he asked them both to sit down at the table.

When he had their attention, he said, "I've just phoned Jenny and she's not feeling very well this morning, so I'm going to go over there and see if she's ok. Tim is coming over to look after you while I'm gone, ok?"

"Why can't we go with you?" asked Ziva.

"Because Jenny's sick and I'm sure she doesn't want people around her at the moment." Gibbs answered.

"Then why are you going?" continued Ziva.

Gibbs sighed, "Because I want to make sure she's ok."

"Why can't you just ring Ducky?" argued Ziva.

"Ziva!" said Tony crossly. "Dad's just told you. Jenny's sick and he wants to make sure she's ok. Sheesh, don't you listen?"

"Shut up Tony!" she replied crossly. "I don't see why Daddy has to go over there. He might get sick."

"Hey, both of you cut it out," said Gibbs, his voice strained with worry. "Ziva, Jenny is my friend, and I want to see that she is ok. And I don't think you need to worry about me getting sick. I didn't get sick when Tony had the 'flu, so I think I'll be ok this time as well."

Ziva didn't say anything but crossed her arms and pouted. Ignoring her, Gibbs continued, "Anyway, Tim will be here soon and I want both of you on your best behaviour. It's very kind of him to come around and look after you. Maybe you could get some games out or something?"

"We could play that new DS game we got on the weekend?" suggested Tony.

"Sounds like a plan," answered Gibbs absentmindedly.

"I'll go and get it," said Tony jumping up and running out the room.

"Walk!" shouted Gibbs.

Looking at Ziva, he said, "What are you going to do while Tim is here?"

"Go with you," she answered. "I could help you look after Jenny."

"Not this time pumpkin," he said. "I need you to stay here. But, if Jenny is really sick, I'll be bringing her back here so you'll be able to help look after her then," he added hoping this would settle the argument. It didn't.

"I don't want you to bring her back here. What if we all get sick," she said frowning.

"That's not very nice Ziva," Gibbs responded. "If you were feeling sick, I'm sure you wouldn't like to be stuck in a big house all on your own with nobody to look after you."

She shrugged noncommittally.

"Well," said Gibbs, standing up. "Tim will be here soon, so why don't you go and see what Tony has planned to do and maybe you can find something special you'd like to do with Tim as well."

Ziva said nothing but got up from the table and walked into the living room. Watching her go, he frowned. He was starting to make some connections with her behaviour and strangely enough, they seemed to revolve around Jenny. This surprised him as Ziva and Jenny had always got along so well. As he, too, left the kitchen, he put it to the back of his mind. For the time being, Ziva's attitude towards Jenny was going to have to wait until he got back. Right now, he needed to get over to Jenny's house and make sure she was ok. He had every intention of bringing her back here and it was going to require all his energy to ensure she cooperated.

Ten minutes later, while he was sorting out some things in his bedroom, he heard Tim open the front door.

"Hey Boss," Tim called as he shut the door and stepped into the living room.

Coming down the stairs, Gibbs said, "Hi Tim. Thanks again for coming over."

Gibbs turned to Tony who was sitting on the couch. "Where's Ziva?" he asked.

Tony looked up the stairs. "Behind you," he answered.

Following Tony's gaze, Gibbs saw Ziva walking quickly down towards him, a sweater dangling over her arm.

"I'm ready," she said determinedly.

"Ziva," said Gibbs, "I've already told you, you can't come with me this time. I won't be long."

"But I am coming with you," she said stubbornly.

"No, you're not," he replied firmly. "Not this time. Now you need to be a good girl for Tim. Have you thought about what you would like to do?" he asked, changing the subject to distract her.

He should have known better.

"I don't want to do anything with Tim. I want to come with you," she said with a little more force.

"Ziva," Gibbs began in a warning tone. "I've told you no and I mean it. Now I don't want to leave with us both feeling grumpy. I won't be long, and I need you to be sensible and stay here."

"Come on Ziva," said Tim trying to help Gibbs out. "Come and show me what you'd like to do?"

"I don't want to do anything with you," she replied rudely. "I want to go with Daddy!"

Taking her arm, Gibbs pulled her into the kitchen and crouched down to her level. "Now listen to me young lady," he began sternly. "Do you remember our talk yesterday about being rude to people?"

She nodded her head.

"Words please," he said firmly.

"Yes Daddy," she said quietly.

"Right, well this is what I'm talking about. Tim is trying to be nice to you and help you feel happy while I'm gone...."

"But I don't want you to go!" she said stamping her foot.

"I'm sorry Ziva, but I need to go. I've already told you, I won't be long. Now I'm not going to discuss this any further with you. You have two choices. You can either accept things as they are and spend some time with Tim and Tony, or you can go up to your room and stay there until I come home. Now what's it going to be?"

"I don't want to go to my room," she said quietly.

"Ok, so in that case," said Gibbs firmly, "You need to show some courtesy to Tim and you can start by apologising for your rudeness."

Gibbs stood up and walked into the living room. Spotting Tim sitting with Tony, he said, "Tim, can you come in here a minute?"

As Tim walked in the kitchen, Gibbs turned to Ziva and prompted, "Ziva?"

"I'm sorry I was rude to you," she said quietly.

Tim smiled at her. "That's ok. Why don't you come and play the DS game with us, we could have a challenge?"

Not looking overly thrilled at the prospect, she gave a small nod.

"Ok," said Gibbs. "Now I'm going to go. Ziva, I'm counting on you to be a good girl. If you give Tim any trouble, he will put you in timeout. And, if you continue being naughty, then you know what will happen when I get home, don't you?"

"Yes, Daddy," she said looking down at the floor.

Coming down to her level, he pulled her into a hug. "You know I love you very much and I'm sorry I can't take you with me this time. But, I'll be home soon." He kissed her gently and, with Tim following behind him, he walked towards the front door saying goodbye to Tony as he passed. As he opened the door, he turned to Tim and said, "Sorry to leave you with this. I'm sure she'll be fine, but if not, you know how the timeout works so just follow through with that."

"We'll be right Boss," said Tim sounding far more confident than he felt.

Gibbs nodded and, patting Tim on the shoulder, he left, closing the door behind him.

Pulling into the curb out front of Jenny's house, Gibbs hopped out of the car and walked up to the large front door. Taking out the spare key he kept for emergencies, he unlocked the door and stepped inside. Checking the study on his way past and seeing it was empty, he bounded up the ornate staircase and headed to Jenny's bedroom. Knocking on the door gently, he called out softly, "Jen, it's me. Can I come in?"

"Jethro," he heard her say, "You weren't serious were you?"

Walking into the dark room, he made his way over to the bed unable to see clearly until his eyes adjusted to the dimness of the room. By the time he reached Jenny, she had stretched out and turned on the bedside lamp. Squinting in the light while he strained in the darkness, they made eye contact.

"How are you feeling," Gibbs asked, laying his hand on her forehead. She felt warm and clammy.

"I'm ok, I just need some rest. Why are you here?" she asked again.

"To see how you are," he said stating the obvious.

"Well you've seen how I am, now go home," she replied bluntly.

He smiled. One thing about Jen, she wasn't overly gracious when sick. He knew he was going to have a fight on his hands, but he was prepared to dig in and match her stubbornness with his own.

"I will," he said calmly. "But I'll be taking you with me."

"What?" she exclaimed. "I don't think so. Just leave me be, please."

"Jen, you can't stay here on your own while you are sick. What happens if you get worse, or pass out or something. If there was someone here with you, I'd feel better about it. But there isn't, so you're coming home with me where I can look after you. You can have my room, so you can rest all you want. I'll bunk in with Tony."

"Don't be stupid Gibbs," she said crossly.

'Gibbs' he thought. Yep, she was getting mad. She only called him that when they were either working or she was angry. It was time to put his words into action.

"Not a debate Jen. Now, do you want a pack a bag or do you want me to do it for you?"

"Agh!" she groaned in frustration, pulling the pillow over her head and refusing to answer.

"I guess I'm packing it for you," he replied, going to the closet and pulling out a bag. Taking a chance that she kept things in similar places to where she did when they were living together undercover, he went to the top drawer of the dresser and opened it. Congratulating himself on being so observant, he gathered up several sets of underwear and dumped them in the bag.

"Are you right there?" she asked sarcastically as she peeked out from under the pillow and watched him pack her bag.

"Fine," he responded, systematically opening each drawer and taking out what he thought she might need. When he felt he'd cover the clothing side of things, he said, "So, other than clothes, what else do you want?"

"Geez Jethro," she grumbled throwing back the covers and gingerly standing. "I don't think I've ever met someone as stubborn as you!"

"Not looked in the mirror recently then?" he retorted grinning at her.

Punching him in the shoulder as hard as she could, she snatched the bag out of his hand and padded past him into the ensuite. The fact that he didn't even react to the punch told her that maybe she was sicker than she thought. With her eyes half shut, she grabbed a few toiletries from the room and shoved them in. Taking a quick look in the bag, she was quite impressed with the things he had packed. She probably would have grabbed similar things had she been doing it herself.

Going to the closet, she took down a couple of comfy shirts and sweat pants to add to the bag then, zipping it up, she turned to him and said curtly, "Do you mind leaving while I change seeing as I have no choice in the matter?"

"Not at all," he replied good naturedly as he turned and left the room.

Fifteen minutes later, dressed in a comfy pair of old jeans and a loose fitting sweatshirt, she sat in the passenger seat of Gibb's car as he made his way back home.

"This is ridiculous," she began again, trying to argue her point. "I don't see why I couldn't have stayed at home."

"Jen, quit arguing," he said gruffly. "You're as bad as Ziva. I've already told you why, now zip it and enjoy the ride."

"Hey," she said indignantly, "Let's not forget who's the boss here Special Agent Gibbs," she reminded him curtly.

"Last time I checked, Director, my badge and credentials were sitting in the top drawer of your desk," he replied darkly. "So you can drop the pissing contest right now!"

Seeing the glare that was directed her way, she decided to heed his earlier advice and, without saying another word, stared mutinously out the window as they neared his house. Turning back to the road, Gibbs smirked.

As they pulled into the driveway, she reached over to the backseat, about to grab her bag.

"I'll get it," said Gibbs as he pulled on the handbrake and turned off the engine. "You go inside,"

Still giving him the silent treatment, she opened the car door and, slamming it shut, made her way to the front door. Sighing, Gibbs reached over and grabbed her bag. He knew she was mad with him, but if it meant she wouldn't be home alone in that townhouse of hers, he could put up with her mood for a couple of days.

As Jenny entered the house, he jogged to catch up to her and stepped in just after she did.

"Hi Director," said Tim as he saw both she and Gibbs enter.

"Hi Tim," replied Jenny tiredly. "I think seeing as you are currently not working for NCIS, we can drop the formalities. Just stick with Jenny for now."

Tim nodded.

"Hi, Jenny," said Tony, getting up and coming over to her. As he opened his arms for a hug she stopped him.

"Tony, as much as I'd love to give you a hug right now, I'd better not. I would really hate to see you come down with this especially since your last bout wasn't that long ago."

Tony smiled and asked, "How are you feeling?"

"Pretty yuck," she answered. "And being bullied out of my bed certainly didn't help," she added pointedly, glaring at Gibbs.

Ignoring her, he dropped her bag at the foot of the stairs and looking around the living room, said to Tim, "Where's Ziva? She didn't give you any trouble did she?"

"No, not at all," answered Tim. "As soon as you left, she went upstairs and I haven't seen her since."

Directing his gaze upward, Gibbs checked to see if she was waiting on the landing. She wasn't.

"Well, thanks Tim," he said, turning his attention back to the young man. "You're welcome to stay if you want, but I understand if you need to get going."

"Yeah, I'd better go," replied Tim looking at his watch. "Got a couple of things I need to do."

"Well thanks again," acknowledged Gibbs.

"No problems Boss," said Tim, then facing Jenny he added, "Hope you're feeling better soon Direc... er I mean Jenny."

"Thanks Tim, I'm sure I will be. Just a lot a fuss over nothing," she added, again glaring at Gibbs.

Saying goodbye to Tony, Tim let himself out. Once the door had closed, Gibbs turned to Tony and said, "I'm just going to get Jenny settled upstairs then I'll make us some lunch, ok?"

"Sure Dad," answered Tony, sitting back down on the sofa and directing his attention to the DS.

Grabbing Jenny's bag, Gibbs stood aside. "After you," he said, drawing his hand back and encouraging her to walk on ahead.

Rolling her eyes, and sighing in frustration she grabbed hold of the railing and began to climb the stairs. When she reached the top, she couldn't believe how exhausted she was. Puffing slightly, she stopped for a minute to catch her breath.

"Oh yeah," replied Gibbs sarcastically, as he came up behind her and gently took hold of her elbow. "This is nothing to make a fuss about. Geez Jen, you can barely make it up the stairs!"

Saying nothing, she allowed herself to be led into his room.

"I've changed the sheets, so everything will be fresh," he said as he eased her onto the bed. "I'll put your bag just here on the floor for now and you can get changed into some sleepwear and hop into bed. I'll be back in a minute."

Leaving no room for debate, he headed out the room and gently closed the door. Feeling like a five year old, Jenny, bent down to pick up her bag. As she sat back up, pulling the bag with her, she felt herself sway uneasily as a wave of dizziness overwhelmed her. Conceding that maybe Jethro had been right, but making a firm decision to never admit that to him, she slowly pulled out some sweat pants and a sleep top and changed as quickly as she could. She knew he would be returning shortly to check she was in bed, and for once, she didn't have the energy or the inclination to argue.

As Gibbs quietly closed the door behind him, he walked up to Ziva's room to check if she was in there. As he looked in, he could see her sitting at the little desk, colouring.

"Hey Sweet Pea," he greeted, walking into the room.

She didn't acknowledge him, but continued colouring, her head propped up on her left elbow. He sensed she was still quite angry and, as he wandered over to her, thought about the best way to handle this.

Reaching her, he stroked her head and said quietly, "Are you still angry at Daddy?"

She didn't say anything but nodded her head. He noticed her eyes were watery and there were traces of tear tracks on both cheeks. Sighing, he bent down and, taking the pencil out of her right hand, he placed a hand under each arm and lifted her up. She kicked her legs and whinged in complaint. Ignoring her, he carried her to the bed and sat down with her cradled in his lap.

"Sweetheart, please tell me what's bothering you," he spoke softly into her ear. "I hate to see you so upset."

Still refusing to talk, she folded her arms across her chest and stiffened her body so that holding her became awkward. Gibbs sighed again. He had absolutely no idea how to deal with this. If only she would talk to him. He had his suspicions that this was something to do with Jenny, but he really couldn't figure out what had happened to change her opinion about things. As far as he was concerned nothing had changed. He was fairly sure he hadn't said anything or done anything to make her angry and he wondered whether Jenny had said something. He couldn't imagine she had. He was sure she would have told him if she'd upset Ziva in some way.

"Why are you cross with Daddy?" he asked, deciding to tackle one thing at a time.

When she didn't answer, he lifted her chin and repeated, "Why are you cross with Daddy?"

"Because you wouldn't let me come with you," she answered quietly, not making eye contact and looking to the left of his face.

"Honey, I explained why I couldn't. I didn't know if Jenny was going to be really sick and I'd have to call a doctor, or if she was throwing up. I didn't want you to have to see that, and I'm pretty sure Jenny wouldn't have wanted that either. As it turns out, she was able to come with me and I wasn't that long." He finished speaking and waited for her response.

"Is she here?" Ziva asked.

"Yes, she's sleeping in my room until she feels better," he answered.

"Where are you going to sleep?" she asked looking at him for the first time since he'd entered the room.

"Well," he began. "I could sleep in here on your spare mattress or I could sleep in Tony's room on the spare bed. We can sort that out later."

"So you're not going to sleep in your room with her," she asked, emphasising the word 'her' with a touch of distain.

"No, Ziva," said Gibbs.

Deciding to tackle his second area of concern, he asked, "Why are you being mean to Jenny lately? Has she said or done something to make you cross?"

He waited for a response and when none came, he insisted saying, "Well, has she?"

Ziva shrugged.

"That's not an answer pumpkin," he said gently. "I need to know if something has happened."

"No," Ziva said quietly. "Nothing's happened."

"Then why are you being so mean to her?" he asked again.

"I'm not," she replied, looking away.

Resisting the urge to snort sarcastically, he said, "Yeah you are. You've been rude to her, you get cross if I go and visit her and now you seem angry that she's here. I don't understand Ziva," he added lifting her chin again. "You and Jenny usually get along really well. What's changed that?"

Again she shrugged.

"Are you feeling left out?" he asked wondering if she was jealous in some way.

When she didn't answer, and didn't shrug, he wondered if he had hit a nerve. Maybe she was feeling jealous of the time he had spent with Jenny, but it wasn't any more than he had been spending with her previously.

"I don't like the way she looks at you and you look at her," Ziva said suddenly. "It makes me feel scared inside."

Wow, he thought. She was far more astute than he had given her credit for. She may only be five but her powers of observation were already developed well beyond her years. She was obviously picking up on the subtle changes he had noticed over the past couple of weeks as well. And, judging by her second comment, he was obviously reciprocating those changes with some of his own.

"Why does it make you feel scared?" he asked.

"Because I'm scared that you'll love her more than me and that you won't love me anymore," she blurted out, the tears starting to fall again.

"Oh sweetie," he said gently. He pulled her closer and was relieved when she relaxed and let him cuddle her. "I could never love anyone more than I love you and Tony. You two are the most important people in my life and I will do anything to make sure you are safe and loved." He began rocking her gently, relieved that she had finally spoken what was on her mind.

"So why does she have to stay here then?" Ziva mumbled into his chest.

"Because Jenny is feeling sick at the moment and I don't want her all alone in her house. I need to know that she is safe as well," he answered gently.

"But why can't Tim or Abby look after her. Why does it have to be you?" she continued.

"Ziva," he said patiently, pulling her away so she was looking at him. "Now listen to me very carefully. You are my daughter and I love you very, very much. Jenny is my friend, and I care about her very much as well. It's not a contest about who I love the most. I love you both, but it's a very different kind of love. It's a little bit like the love you have for me and the love you have for Tony. You love us both don't you?" She nodded. "But you love us differently?" She nodded again. "Well, that's how it is with you and Jenny. I love you both but I love you differently. Now no-one can ever take away the love I have for you and Tony. Like I said before, you are the most important people in my life and nothing or nobody will ever change that, not even Jenny. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

She nodded. "Yes," she murmured quietly.

"I'm glad," he said. "Because it would make me feel very said if you thought I didn't love you anymore."

She said no more but nestled back into his chest. He held her close and rubbed her back soothingly, allowing what he had said to penetrate her mind giving her time to process the thoughts. It saddened him to think that she had been worried he would trade her in so easily. But maybe that was how she saw love. Something that you shared for a while until someone or something better came along. Having a father who so easily cast his children aside and sent them on life threatening missions, had to leave scars somewhere in her psyche even if she couldn't recall the memories right now.

Rocking her gently, he hoped that this might end the current tension between herself and Jenny. But, knowing Ziva he doubted it. It would take more than some simple words to change her mind. Ziva needed proof, and the only way she knew how to get that, was to test what had been said.

No, thought Gibbs. Unfortunately, this was far from over.

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