The Gift of Girls

By MissMaccaSunshine

4.7K 440 173

Things have become lonely in the Beatles household, so the lads decide it's time to branch out and meet some... More

Chapter One: John
Chapter Two: Paul
Chapter Three: George
Chapter Five: John
Chapter Six: Paul
Chapter Seven: George
Chapter Eight: Ringo
Chapter Nine: John
Chapter Ten: Paul
Chapter Eleven: George
Chapter Twelve: Ringo
Chapter Thirteen: John
Chapter Fourteen: Paul
Chapter Fifteen: George
Chapter Sixteen: Ringo

Chapter Four: Ringo

376 30 18
By MissMaccaSunshine

The other lads wanted some answers - I could tell from the minute I brought the girls in. They could barely wait until I'd shoved the giggly girls out of the house. John, Paul, and George pounced on me, speaking all at once, their three voices merging together until I couldn't understand a single word.

"Guys!" I cried, stunning them all into silence. "What are you talking about?"

"What I'd like to know is where those girls came from!" George said, his arms folded tightly across his chest. "Did you chloroform and kidnap them?"

"What do you take me for? I'm no crazy person!" I sighed heavily. "I was wandering around the park this morning, okay? I was trying to find some girls that wouldn't completely lose their heads when they saw me - like a test. I came across the four girls and asked them the time. They told me politely enough, but what amazed me was their reaction when they found out who I was."

"Don't tell me." John piped up. "They ran away screaming?"

"No, smarty- pants! They seemed excited but didn't go crazy. I told them our situation, and they were willing to come home with me and meet the rest of you guys. So here we are now."

I expected the lads to start thanking me for taking their needs into consideration. Thank me! They downright ignored me and started chatting among themselves, leaving me stranded outside of the group. I made a face at their turned backs and sloped off into the kitchen. I knew they wouldn't start to discuss the girls until I was out of earshot, so I lurked in the kitchen doorway and eavesdropped shamelessly.

"Are you guys sure about this?" George asked timidly.

"Of course we are!" said John. "They seem like lovely girls - especially that Jodie. She's a woman after my own heart. She reminded me a bit of myself, actually!"

"Hmm, a little too much."

Paul raised an eyebrow at George' attitude. "What's the problem, Geo?"

"I don't think we're quite ready for girlfriends yet." George said softly. "I mean, we've still got a lot on our plate, so wouldn't having gorgeous women around distract us?"

"Women distract us?" John said, laughing. "That's ridiculous, George. Next you'll be saying having women around would break up the band!"

He nudged Paul, encouraging him to laugh too. Paul giggled softly but still managed to keep a serious expression on his face. I could practically hear George rolling his eyes.

"Don't mock me, guys. I'm bloody serious."

"You're just worried because your last relationship didn't go as planned." John scoffed.

"Don't remind me." said George, running his hand through his already messy hair. "I still can't believe she ran off, and left me alone with the baby, too!"

"Look, Georgie." Paul said, pushing John out of the way. "Just because your last relationship ended rather abruptly doesn't mean you should give up entirely. Maybe this Gina girl will do you good, and I'm sure little Serenity would love a bigger girl to play with."

"But Gina doesn't even like me!" George whined. "She called me short!"

"Oh, she was probably just winding you up. That's how women flirt."

"How would you know?" John said rudely. "How many girls have you dated, Paul?"

"None of your business!" Paul retorted, going pink. 

They lowered their voices a bit, discussing further in hushed tones. I think they were trying to persuade George to stop being such a stick in the mud. I listened closely, my ear pressed right up against the door. I was praying that Paul would win the argument and make George more enthusiastic about the situation. I had a pretty selfish reason for wanting everything to work out. 

I really liked Rhiannon.

She was so beautiful, with blue eyes, soft brown hair cut into a neat bob style, and a smile that could light up the darkest alleyway. She wasn't tall and elegant like the other girls, but I didn't mind. I was the shortest and the clumsiest member of my friend group, and I was often teased on both accounts. The whole reason I brought the troupe of girls home was me was because of Rhiannon. I wanted her to be my special girl. 

The other lads didn't understand. They only saw me as the drummer, the butt of every joke, the one they could laugh at. None of them knew I was an actual person with real feelings. I loved Rhiannon so much, but I knew if any of the other Beatles found out they would never take me seriously. Not that they ever did...

"Ringo! Ringo, where are you, lad?!"

Someone was calling me from the living room. It sounded like Paul's voice. I opened the door slowly and stuck my head out. The lads were spread out all over the room, sitting in their usual places. John was slumped in his chair, Paul was perched on the arm of John's chair, and George was lying on the carpet with his legs up against the wall. They were all grinning at me. I raised an eyebrow.

"What's going on?"

"Ringo, my lad," John said grandly, "for once in your life, you made a good decision!"

"I did?" I said feebly.

"We've decided to go along with your mad scheme." George called from the floor.

"Oh! Okay. That's great!"

"That Polly was a good find, Ringo!" said Paul, a dreamy look coming over his face. "Those long eyelashes... That sweet smile... That lovely little bum!"

"Paul!" I cried, going redder than a tomato.

"What? It's true! That skirt was very flattering on her, and -"


"No, Ringo, let the lad proceed." John said, laughing. "That Jodie was pretty well-built too, don't you think? I think we'll get along quite nicely."

"Same for me and Polly!" Paul piped up. 

I rolled my eyes at them, but I was smiling. We all turned to look at George. He'd remained very quiet during our conversation and wasn't showing any promising signs. He was staring up at the ceiling again, an anxious expression on his face. I could tell he didn't want anything to do with these girls, but he'd already been outvoted by John and Paul. 

"You all right, George?" I muttered. 

"Not really." came the short reply.

"Um, I hope you change your mind about that soon."

George lifted his head to look at me. "Why do you say that?"

I looked down at the floor and scuffed the carpet with the tip of my shoe. "I kind of organised dates with the girls for tomorrow afternoon. We'll be going over to their houses."

If looks could kill I would have been dead and buried, and George would be stamping on my grave. He gave me the dirtiest glare he could manage but didn't say anything. He went back to staring at the ceiling, his hands resting on his stomach. I stared at him for several seconds then turned to the other two lads.

"So... are you guys up for a date tomorrow?"

"Always ready!" John cried, leaping to his feet. He strolled over to the wine cabinet and pulled out a gleaming green bottle with a flourish. "This calls for a celebration!"

"Wonderful!" Paul said, clapping his hands. "Shall I get the glasses?"

John and Paul seemed happy about the way things were turning out. I didn't blame them - all four of us had been without girlfriends for some time now, and it was very lonely. While John and Paul were distracted with pouring the drinks and gabbling all sorts of nonsense, I glanced over at George. He still hadn't moved from his spot on the carpet.

His face was carefully expressionless, but his eyes were glittering like two stars.

"Ringo." he muttered.


"I have to go out for a bit. Watch the guys for me?"

"Sure." I said. Watching George leave made me feel terrible. I knew he didn't want any part in this girlfriend scheme, but it was obvious he didn't have the heart to protest. He had more important things on his mind... and so did I.

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