Chapter Seven: George

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I wasn't looking forward to this date in the slightest, but I knew I couldn't back out. The other lads had seemed so glad, so hopeful, and I couldn't just take their new found happiness away from them so suddenly. It would break their hearts.

So I went through with my own date.

God, why am I such a bloody pushover?

When Paul came knocking on my bedroom door I knew what he wanted; he wanted to give me a lecture about what he would do if I dared to wuss out on my date with Gina. I wasn't having any of that rubbish, so I locked the door and buried my head under the pillow on my bed. 

""I wanted to talk to you about the way you've been acting," Paul said. "You've been behaving really strangely. What's going on in that funny little head of yours?"

"That's none of your bloody business!" I snapped.

There was a short silence. I waited for Paul to hurl himself at the door and bust his way into my bedroom, but nothing happened.

"Whatever, George," Paul shouted. "Like I care!"

I heard his angry footsteps stamping against the floorboards until they faded into silence. I let out a relieved sigh and, after making sure I was completely alone, let my tears spill. They slipped down my face one after the other and landed in a puddle on my pillow. I didn't know why I was crying - it seemed so stupid to blub over a date, but I was worried.

Gina had already made it plain that she thought I was a worthless waste of space. I didn't like her much either, even though she was unbelievably pretty. What really concerned me was how everything was going to affect my little daughter, Serenity. She was still only a baby, scarcely bigger than a loaf of bread, but she was also intelligent. She would know something wasn't right if I suddenly introduced Gina into her life. Serenity wouldn't like it at all.

I had a sudden brainwave. Gina didn't seem exactly soft and cuddly, and she definitely didn't seem like the sort of person who was dotty over small children. Maybe if I brought my Serenity along, Gina would complain to her friends (who happened to be dating my friends) and beg them to call off this whole relationship! I'd be free of her for good! I couldn't help feeling slightly smug.

"Right," I said, glancing at my watch, "Serenity is due back from my parents' place in about ten minutes, so that's enough time to get organized and set about my master plan!"

I couldn't wait to see the look on Gina's face when I showed up to our date with a baby girl on my hip!

* * * *

Once again, I let my hopes get too high.

My mum dropped Serenity back to the flat all clean and tidy, so I didn't have to get her ready myself. All I had to do was pack a bottle or two, a couple of toys, and set out to Gina's flat. Serenity seemed a bit baffled when I told her she was going out again.

"Grandma?" she said questioningly.

"Nope," I said, stroking her soft blonde hair. "We're going to visit a friend of mine."

"Who?" Serenity asked.

"Her name's Gina. Uncle Paul said I had to see her today." I pulled a face. "He's a grumpy old bossy boots, isn't he?"

Serenity giggled then snuggled down further in my arms. She had a little snooze on the way over to Gina's flat, breathing deeply and making little purring sounds. I clutched her tightly against my chest as I approached Gina's front door. I was shaking with nerves, absolutely terrified that Gina would have another go at me, but having Serenity with me gave me a bit of courage.

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