Living with him

By lifeainteasytolive

133K 2.2K 172

Storie Paige Whiteman is not a rebel by any means but she hates being told what to do she doesn't see eye to... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Read please!
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one

Chapter fourteen

4.6K 91 5
By lifeainteasytolive

Storie's POV
I've been back to school for almost two weeks now. Every time she walks past me she calls me some kind of name an every time I just want to smash her face in. Today's almost over with an i can't wait for it to be.
Toby, Derek an Alison walk up to me where I'm at my locker.
"Hey babe"Toby says an gives me a kiss an a hug.
"Hey"I smile
We're standing there talking when she walks past.
"Worthless slut"she says
I go to go after her but tony grabs my waist an i see Alison do the same but Derek grabs her.
"Your not getting in another fight" Toby says
"Then maybe she should be such a bitch" I huff
I watch as Derek walks with Alison to calm her down.
" she's just mad from what happened when you guys were little she's living on the past an it bothers her that it doesn't effect you"he say
I smile at him an kiss him.
He takes my hand an we walk to class this class all four of us have together an all sit together. I sit down Toby beside me an Alison in front of me an Derek beside her. I realize that I didn't do my homework again.
"Alright class homework out"the teacher says standing up
All three of them pull their sheet out and et it on the desk mines in my binder not even started.
"You gonna get your work out"Toby leans over an asks me
"Mhmm"I nod but don't look at him
"You didn't do it did you"he asks crossing his arms.
I swear him an Derek with the crossing their arms an giving us that look with a eyebrow raised.
"Uh well"I say an chuckle nervously
He reaches for my binder I try to grab it but he gets it before I could.
He opens it an there lays last nights homework with not a single mark on it not even my name.
I don't look at him but I feel his gaze reach me.
"Why didn't you do it"he asks
"I don't know"I whine sliding down into my seat.
He set my binder on my desk an I close it so she can't see the paper I'll just tell her I did it an forgot it at home.
Toby reaches over opens my binder an gives me that look an I stop an pout. She walks down the row an stops at me.
"Why isn't your homework done Mrs. Jackson"she asks marking something on her little pad
"Oh something tragic happened last night that kept me from doing my homework"I said looking down I can feel Toby an Derek's glare on me an I hear Alison chuckle.
"An what would that be"she scoffs
"My dear pet fish died"I say an put my head down acting sad
She huffs an walks away.
Yes! This is my fourth time not doing my homework she should have sent me to the office she goes on with her business.
Alison busts out laughing an Toby an Derek give me the look.
I look at them an give a nervous smile.
"Please enlighten me when you got a fish"Derek asks
"Last night"I say
"Mhmm an it died last night"he says
"Yep an it was tragic but it's okay he's swimming in the big ocean now"I say
An I couldn't help but start to laugh me an Alison couldn't stop.
It's the end of school an Toby walks me to my car.
"Bye"I say an kiss him an open my door
"I'll see you at your house"he says
"Why"I ask
"Cause everyday after school before practice I'm coming over an making sure you do your homework"he says
I groan
"Dad won't like me having a boy in the house with out him knowing"I say
He walks over to me puts his hands on my waist.
"Derek already talked to him an he's fine with it"he says an kisses me then goes an gets in his car.
I drive home an pull into the drive way an Toby pulls in behind me.
We go inside an sit at the island I do last nights homework I didn't do an now he pulled out tonight's.
"Can't I just do that later"I ask putting my head down
"No cause I know you won't"he says
"Yeah huh"I argue
"No you won't cause you'll get sidetracked an not do it"he says putting the paper in front of me.
"No I'm tired"I whine
"Quit the tantrum your not two"he says crossing his arms
I cross my arms an mock him.
"Work now" he says
"Tobbbbyyyy"I whine
He gives me the look I get up an walk towards the living room as I walk past him he lands a hard smack to my butt. I spin around with my hands covering my butt
"Ow babe that hurt"I say
"Sit down an do your work"he says crossing his arms
I huff an sit down an finish my work then put my stuff away.
"Okay I'm leaving for practice text me later"he says standing up an kissing me than leaving.
I go to the living room an watch tv until dad gets home.
"Hey sweetheart"he says
"Hi dad"I say back
"How was your day"he asks sitting beside me
"Boring"I say
"Get your homework done"he asks
"Yeah"I say
"I don't want any calls from school about homework"he say looking at me
"I know"I sigh
"I'm ordering pizza for dinner"he says

I go shower than come back down an eat an watch a movie with dad.

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