
By Stephimarie

281K 5.4K 590

Sin isn't your normal werewolf. Abandoned as a baby, she was found, adopted, and trained to be an assassin. S... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 6

15K 533 52
By Stephimarie

I woke up in the bed alone, but the scent of Damien was still in the arm. And on the blanket. I turned over, grasped it and put it to my nose. A smile graced my face. Here I am with my mate in the same town, but I'm more attached to a demon. Go figure. I never really was your average wolf anyways. Why stick to tradition?

I knew I had to be at the cafe later on today and I overslept. It was already one in the afternoon. I wondered where he was planning on taking me for this 'date', but in the long run, it didn't matter. I had a job to do first and formost.

With that thought, I got up to take a shower and get ready.


I walked in, hearing the bell chime, in my jean skirt and tank. Red wig was in place perfectly along with contacts. Sprayed and was ready to go. I was a little early and he wasn't here yet. I figured as much. 

The waitress smiled at me and asked for my order. I got the usual cafe mocha and sat at the counter, waiting. About ten minutes and a cafe mocha later, Lucian walked into the cafe with a gleaming smile on his face.

"Hey beautiful, have you been here awhile?" He asked and I shook my head. "No just about ten minutes, but I got my much needed caffine in, so I'm a happy camper." He waved a hi to the old lady waitress and gently grabbed my hand.

"So your ready to go?" I smiled at him. "Yeah, let's go." He led us outside to his black Ford and opened the passanger side door for me. I hopped in and he walked to his side and got in. "Well aren't you a gentleman, opening doors for me." I forced and blush and he chuckled.

"Alway's a gentleman for a beautiful girl." He teased and I giggled. "And a charmer to boot." He laughed along with me and nodded. He put the truck into drive and we were off, heading out of town. 

"So where are you taking us?" I asked in a small voice. The surrounding area were just forest's for miles. The perfect place to kill someone and leave their body. I shook that thought out of my head. You would think I was sadistic by my thoughts.

I chuckled inwardly, okay maybe just a little, but I do it for a living, not my fault.

"Well, I thought we could go into the nearest city. There isn't really anything in our small town, so I was going to do the cliched dinner and a movie. I hope it won't be to boring." I turned and smiled at him. "Of course it won't be. Dinner and a movie is alway's a great date. Unless the movie is awfully boring."

He smirked at me. "Horror movie it is." I laughed. "Your just trying to get me scared so I have to hold onto you." He lifted a hand to his chest. "Me? I would never do a thing like that!" He gasped. "Ha ha, your so busted." 

He shook his head, still holding his smirk. 


A half hour of small talk and joking later, we arrived to a fairly small city. It was much bigger then the quaint town, but it was no New York City. I didn;t know the name of it, nor did I personally give a shit, it wasn't important to me.

He parked the truck on the street in front of a local Applebee's. We walked in and was immediatly grabbed by the hostess and sat down at a booth. She was giving him a very flirtatious smile. 

That alway's pissed me off. A woman can see that the man is with someone, yet they belittle themselves and continue to flirt shamelessly. It's pathetic and disgusting. I'm the observant type, I see it all the time. 

Our waitress came to the table and looked directly to Lucian. "What would you like to drink?" She asked, smile apparent and sticking out her chest. "I'll ah, just have a coke." He replied and looked at me. 

The waitress however didn't. I cleared my throat and she turned to see that there was someone sitting next to him. "And you?" She sassed and I gave her a fake smile. "I'll take a water with lemon please." With that she walked away.

Lucian looked at me and smiled. "She was friendly." He commented and I snorted. "Yeah, friendly could be a term used." He chuckled. "Are you jealous?" He asked, smirk on his face. I bursted out in laughter. "No, I'm not. Trust me on that." 

He frowned for half a second. So fast the normal person wouldn't of seen it, but I did. So I hurt the alpha's feelings? He cleared his throat, "so when are you leaving the town?" He asked and I shurgged.

"I don't know, there seem's to be someone holding my interst." I smiled cheekly at him and he returned it. The waitress came back with our drinks and took our orders, acting the same when she took our drink orders. 


Dinner went by fast and it was delicious. To give Lucian credit, he didn't flirt with the waitress at all. Not when she came to ask if he needed anything else with her top pulled halfway down or when she wrote her number on the check. That one really made me laugh and I almost wanted to prank call her.

Even if it was childish.

"So, movies now?" I smiled at him as we got back into the car. He nodded. "Yeah, you seem excited." I nodded. "I haven't been to the movies, in I don't know how long." He has a look of shock on his face.  "Seriously?" I nodded. 

"Wow, you just seem like a really outgoing person, it's just hard to believe." I chuckled. "You have no idea." He waited for me to clarify, but I didn't. I leaned in and turned up the radio, avoiding his questioning looks. 

We walked into the movie theater and got two tickets to see the lastest horror movie.Evil Dead or something. I think it was a remake. "Do you want a pop or some candy?" He asked and I shook my head. "No I'm good but thank you for asking."

He ushered us into the dark room and we sat in the back. "I'll be right back, I'm going to use the ladies room." I whispered to him and he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. 

I went in and did my business, washed my hands and fixed my wig. Everything was looking good. The door opened and I immediatly smelled them before I seen them. Rogues.

"Well well, looky here boy's. We have a pretty little," he inhaled deep, "human." The leader said. They looked and smelled like shit. They were sure as hell slumming it as rouges. I wonder if Lucian knew they were in his territory and in this damn theater.

"I don't know Kev, she smells like a wolf." I flicked my eyes to the other one, behind Kev and tensed. "She came here with a wolf. Did you know that little girl?" Kevin asked and stepped up closer to me. Disgusting.

Shit, what the hell was I going to do? I couldn't take them down here without Lucian knowing what the hell was going on. I did the only thing I though a normal human girl did. I screamed and loudly. 

They must of been freaked and they should of been. Within a minute an employee came into the bathroom. "What the hell are you three doing in here? Get out!" The employee yelled.  I stiffled a laugh. Now was not the time. 

Lucian was at the door as the three rogues were walking around and I heard him growl deep in his throat. He grabbed me by my upper arms and scrolled his eyes along my body, checking for injuries. "Did they touch you? Are you okay?" He rushed out and I touched his cheek.

"I'm fine, they just scared the crap out of me when they walked in. He nodded and seemed like he wanted to say something else, but thought better of it. "Let's just get out of here. I don't want them coming back to talk to you or anything." I nodded, it was necessary, but I would go to reassure him.


The ride back was silent, but I welcomed it. I wasn't in the mood to reassure him or answer questions. He did look at me from time to time and looked like he wanted to say something, but didn't. 

In no time we were at the cafe, back to my car. "I'm sorry this date turned to shit." I shushed him. "It was great Lucian, don't worry about it." I pleaded to him and he just nodded. "So you want to go out again some time..before you leave that it?" 

I smiled, "I would love too." I said. "Good, because I wouldn't of taken no for an answer." He smirked and I laughed. "Well I better go and get some sleep, I'll talk to you tomorrow I'm sure." He leaned in and gave me a kiss. It wasn't deep, but it wasn't a peck either. I allowed it.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow."


I got in my room and threw my bag down and started to strip. I was so over this damn date night. I ripped off the wig and threw it on the bed. I was down to just my underwear when I heard someone clear their throat. 

I sniffed the air and rolled my eyes. "Checking up on me again are we?" I heard him stand up and before I knew it I was slammed against the wall and pinned. I laughed. "You knwo I like it rough." He snarled deep in his throat.

"You fucking smell like him!" He said, his face in my neck. "We went on a nice roamntic date Damien." He snarled again and smashed his lips on mine. "Your fucking mine Sin!" He picked me up and threw me on top of the bed, crawling on top of me.

I wasn't the least bit scared, the possessiveness from him turned me on beyond belief. "Oh yeah? Show me then."


I was exhausted and tired and I didn't want to move. Damien had the same idea. "Go to sleep baby.." He said and wrapped his arms around my naked, satisfied body. I did exactly that.

Yes, there is a restricted scene. It's located in the seperate work on my pro, MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY! enjoy :D

Also, I think after this chapter, I'm going to start really getting into it. I want more badassery ← is that a word? anyways...I want to show Sin's true nature and really get into the plot...thoughts?

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