Siren Dragon Slayers

De SyrenDragons

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Two sister, trained in the middle of the sea. No one knew about their existence until the biggest storm of th... Mais

Alone but Forever as One
A Delivery from Heaven
The Calling of Dragons
Water and Ice Above All
Sirens From Above
Those In between
Split by 'Death'
Forgeting the Pain is a Hardship
A Dragons Wrath
They Always Come In Pairs
A Familiar Taste of Poison
It's All For You
I'm Not Dead!
Not My Type
Frost Among Those Silver Eyes
Strange Encounter
Darkness Falls
Ocean Soul
Promising Future
The Upgrade
It's HERE!!

She's My Dragon Too

333 12 8
De SyrenDragons

Katherine POV

'How stupid could she be?! How idiotic and careless could one person be?!' I thought to myself as I watched everyone walk away. I didn't really understand if I was talking about Juvia or Serena, either way the thought was still accurate.

"She isn't thinking clearly." Gramps spoke as he took the empty seat across from me. "So you can't blame her for her actions."

"Gramps you don't even know who I am thinking about." I gave the old man a look that would make any normal person run, be he didn't even flinch.

"You're thinking about Juvia and your sister." He responded calmly, not even acknowledging the glare I was throwing at him. "And even if you're thinking about one and not the other, the case is the same for both. Your sister is ridden with grief, she has been convinced of your death and has been poisoned in a way that no one would have thought possible."

"But this isn't her nature! She would never consciously start a war, she would never harm anything or anyone without first investigating!" I fought, trying to defend my sister but my words weren't even convincing me.

"My dear, she isn't herself so you can't blame her for any of this." The master continued. "As for Juvia, I think you can guess why she is upset. The person she loves is in danger and the only way to save him is to put him into even greater danger, and the only person that can save him is the sister of someone who is dangerous. Do you see why she is upset my dear?"

"I guess so, but he doesn't even like her that way." I complained, this time I was intentionally digging holes in the story. "Why would she be so worried about someone who doesn't see them in the same light?"

"Now that my dear I can't answer, it's something you have to find out on your own." The master gave me a mysterious wink, I felt like I was missing his point but I shrugged it off. "Now off you go child, it's time to put your plan into action. And for your sisters sake....I hope it works."

I nodded to the old man before stalking off towards the door. This had to work, my plan couldn't fail. If I was to bring Serena back there was no other option. As I neared the door I started searching around for Grey, in my anger to get away from Juvia I had forgotten that he was the major part in this.

"He's waiting for you at the gates." Mira's soft voice whispered in my ear. "Take care, and don't worry too much. I am confident in him, and you should be too."

I didn't turn around to face Mira, I couldn't let her see my expression; especially when I knew it wasn't hopeful. "It's not him I don't have confidence in, it's myself and my sister that I am worried about." I continued on without another word.

I walked out swiftly. Not that I was in any real rush to meet my sister, but because I just wanted to get my portion of the job underway. The faster this was over, the faster I could come home and cry about it. When I came to the outer gate of the guild hall, Grey was leaning casually as if the wall needed extra support.

"Did you wait long?" I asked as I got into his earshot.

"No, I came out while master was talking to you about me and Juvia." Grey responded, I couldn't help but wince. I wasn't in pain, it was more of a shame thing.

"You heard that?" I questioned sheepishly.

"You know you don't have a quiet voice Katherine." Eric flew up from behind Grey. "Unless you really try, you are not quiet."

"Eric?!" I jumped at the presence of my sister's cat. "You can't come! Go back into the guild hall now."

"No." Eric's facial expression was flat, he wasn't being his usual goofy self, he was being serious.

"What did you say?" I questioned, feeling Penelope stir from the tension that was building. "Go to the guild hall Eric, you can't come with us."

"And why not?!" Eric exploded, like I had never seen before. "She is my dragon slayer! She is my sister too! Serena is like my other half! If you and Penelope get to go, then I am going. There is no way on this earth that you can keep me from going to see Serena." Eric and I had a mini stare down, it was so intense that you could almost see sparks flying between us.

"Katherine it's okay," Grey slipped into my view, trying blocking out Eric, "I told the little guy he could come, there no real harm in him coming. Wendy and Natsu always bring their exceeds with them, and it wouldn't be fair to Eric if you made him stay here and took Penelope." Grey had this odd talent for pointing out the obvious when it was needed, was he even trying?

"No....I guess it wouldn't be fair." I responded in a pout. Talking to Grey was like talking to my sister, I felt like I had almost no power over what she said. "But I still don't think it's a good idea for him to come."

"You can have that opinion all you want Katherine, I am coming!" Eric lifted himself above Grey's shoulder so I could just see him.

"Fine you can come, but there is just one thing that we need to do before we leave." I had to hold back a small laugh as I took in what Gray was wearing, or I guess what he wasn't wearing.

"What?" Gray questioned obviously in the dark about his lack of cloths on.

"I don't think my sister wants to fight you while you're in your underwear." I chuckled, trying not to offend him too much.

"Damn it!" Gray exclaimed, taking in his outfit. "Why can't I break this habit?" He quickly scurried around for clothes before coming back fully dressed. "Let's go before they magically disappear again."

Gray and I started our death walk towards the meeting place with my sister. The faster we go this done, the faster I could come back to the guild hall and try to forget this whole ordeal happened.


Juvia POV

Why did I have to get sent on this stupid little mission while my love Gray was sent to the other side of the forest to deal with some water devil lady? What was this dragon sister thinking? Taking me away from my dear sweet Gray was a crime in itself that I would get her back for it later. But for now, I have to do what master said and go find Porlyusica. Too see if I could get a cure for whatever the other dragon lady had.

I slowly walked up to the door and knocked carefully, Porlyusica wasn't always the best people person; she actually hated people all together. No one had to do anything to set her off, just being human was enough to make her chase after you with a broom if she didn't want you around....which was all the time. I watched carefully as the door slowly opened and the crazy witch lady appeared.

"What the hell do you want?" She questioned through the crack in the door.

"I am sent here by the master, we have a problem." I answered meekly.

"Well the old fool wouldn't send someone here for nothing. Which brings me back to my first question....What the hell do you want?" She didn't move the door the entire time, and it was taking all my self-control to not get annoyed by her.

"Cobra the Dragon Slayer learned how to poison a soul. Master was wondering if you could help take the poison out." I explained to Porlyusica, cringing away slightly as I explained her part. "She is threatening the whole city with a giant water bubble that is sitting in the sky. If you go near it you get infected with poison. If you try to evaporate it the poison is air born. If you try to move it....I think you get the point. She is fighting Gray on the other side of the for-" Porlyusica raised her hand.

"Boy you kids these days sure like to talk." Porlyusica lectured, as she made the door slightly more agar. "As for dragon slayers magic, I know almost nothing about it, how can I fix a poisoned soul?"

"Because you're good with poison magic, you can help cure her." I pleaded. "Master thinks you must have some way. She has threatened to start a war, and she wants to make the whole magic council crash."

"Child, I can honestly tell you that I could care less about your silly council." She gave me this look of total and complete disgust. "But if that blubbering fool is asking for my help, yet again, he must think this is a very serious situation. I will have bring my to go bag and you will have to lead me over to where they are child, I must see this strange magic to understand it."

"But I am not allowed near the fight sight, she can control water which is what I am made of." I fought, scared out of my mind. "Master told me I wasn't allowed to."

"Well then the fool shouldn't have sent you to come get me." Porlyusica spat as she opened the door just wide enough so that I could watch her pack up her things. "The old cod should know that I can't treat a magic injury without first seeing it, it's the first rule to magic first aid."

"Oh, but what if I mess up the plan?" I questioned, not actually wanting to get into any more trouble today.

"You won't get in any trouble from master, for now think of it as you're under my rein." Porlyusica spoke as she walked over to the open door. "Now let's get going, the south forest is far from here."

"How did you...." I trailed off my question as she raised a hand for me to be silent.

"The trees talk, word spreads fast in a forest. She explained as she closed the door to her little tree house. "You learn a lot about nature when you hate people and live out on your own. Now leave my property already!" She yelled at me.

"Alright!" I responded running to the edge of Porlyusica's property, she was a scary woman and I had to deal with her until we got to the south forest....this would be the longest walk of my life. But at least she was getting me close to my love dearest, Gray. Was this masters plan from the start?


Natsu POV

"He looks kind of like Plue doesn't he?" Lucy questioned as we followed the little snowman. "He's so cute!"

"Keep calling me cute lady and I am going to have to show you the true force of an element spirit!" The snowman stopped moving and turned towards Lucy.

"Holy shit you talk?!" Lucy jumped about five feet in the air as she started a conversation with the little creature. Happy and I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction to the snowman talking. "It's not funny you two!"

"Actually it is, you assumed because I wouldn't talk to you that I couldn't speak." Ollie started lecturing. "I don't like talking to people all that much, they are annoying and rude and always call me cute! I am not cute! If you could see me in my true form you would poop your pants!"

"You're that scary huh?" Happy asked, a chuckle still caught in his throat.

"You bet I am! I am over twenty feet tall! I create your frost storms in the winter that cover everything in that pretty white coating." Ollie explained, incredibly proud of all his power. "I help create snowflakes and I help make winter winds. I am quite the big shot in the elemental world."

"If you're such a scary being in the elemental world, why are you so small in this world?" Lucy asked, finally finding her composure.

"The flow of spirit energy is different in this world than in mine." He explained. "Here your spirit energy is more condensed then where I am from, and it is separate from your magic energy. All energy is together where I come from so it takes up a lot more space. Thus why my spirit fits into this tiny frost vessel and why everyone likes calling me cute. The only people that I let call me cute is Serena and Katherine and that's because...." Ollie trailed off as his head lifted. "The perfect hiding spot is close."

"How do you know?" I questioned, he said he was an element spirit, so how would he know?

"I know because Serena hasn't changed." The little spirit continued. "She pre-planned her attack by actually going to the fight sight. So If I put you in....this tree, you will be far enough to see the battle without her hearing or seeing you beforehand."

"Ollie, how do you know the range or where she has been?" Lucy questioned, still slightly scared of the little spirit.

"Serena leaves a riff when she walks around." Ollie explained after a huffed breath. "If you got closer you would be able to smell her, but than she would also be able to smell you. Katherine probably sent me because I can sense Serena's riffs that she leaves behind. Now my time is up in this world so good luck you two....and don't move from the twelfth branch."

"Will we see you again?" I questioned, actually enjoying being around the little guy.

"I am sure you will, Katherine likes to call on me a lot." He smiled as his little body sloshed into a puddle.

"Well, guess we're on our own." I sated the obvious, feeling the need to fill the empty silence.

"Yeah, and it looks like the sun has started to go down....look!" Happy pointed to the falling sun in front of us.

"Well I guess this is really happening now." It was Lucy's turn to fill the silence, but as she did I couldn't help but get a sinking feeling. These dragon sisters really were a scary bunch.


So this is the next chapter.... its funny that I managed to produce one per week XD Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter of Siren Dragon Slayers, we are almost at the conclusion so stay tuned and please rate, comment, and share. Because I bet you know at least one other person that loves Fairy Tail! 

~ The Author  

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