Agent BC (Red vs Blue fanfic)

By TotallyNotMeNope

7.1K 92 37

A new agent has made an appearance in Project Freelancer. Despite her harmless demeanour, she is definitely n... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 11

276 4 2
By TotallyNotMeNope

Finally! We can finally bash some skulls!

You're such an awful person!

Of, course I am.

But remember what we are doing.

I know, I know! Jeez, you sound like a broken record sometimes.

I sit on the uncomfortable pelican seat. My attention trapped inside my head, bored waiting for everyone else. Soon enough I could hear the muffled voices of my comrades as they stood outside the airship. They were outside for about a minute before climbing aboard the pelican. Everyone sat in their regular seats, per usual as 479er got the permission to leave. The ship wobbled for a second before we eased out of loading bay.


I felt tired, my eye lid feeling heavy as the ship started to shake a bit.

"Are we parking?" York asked with slight nervousness in his voice. The pilot answered yes, the ship still wobbling quite a bit.

"The enemy base is right below us." She informed.

"How far below?" asked Wash curiously.

"Do you really want to know?" She questioned back. He replied saying 'probably not, do I want to know?'. "75,000 feet,"

"Ugh, that's high," Wash commented like he was afraid of heights.

I heard 479er make a sarcastic mark.

I yawned and leaned my head on the wall next to me, ignoring everyone talking or giving me odd stares. My eye started to droop a bit until someone snapped there fingers in front of my face. I looked up to see the cyan agent staring at me with annoyance swirling in her eyes.

"BC, wake up," Carolina rudely ordered me. I turn my head childishly as I tighten my harness on the seat.

"Too tired," I slurred. Carolina glared before sitting next to Wash across the way from me.

My stomach dropped as we fell from the sky.

Blah! I hate that feeling of falling!

Oh, suck it up

Guys, please, I'm really tired.

Agent BC, I understand that you're sleepy, but you have a mission at hand,


Yes, Agent BC

Give me a shot of the new experiment just before we land.


Delta started to count down from the pilot's room. When he got to two, I felt a pinch and a cool feeling rush through my body, making my eye shot open. Finally Delta had reached one. The ship jerked to a stop and the door flew open. We rushed once the pilot yelled at us to move. Carolina had already knocked down a few soldiers as she landed on the ground.

Warthogs and other vehicles almost appeared out of no where and began firing explosives at us. Everyone took cover by crates in pairs, York and Wash, North and South, etc. I activated my gravity boots to climb on top of the crates and began to shot at all of the soldiers in sight.

In seconds, we started to move forward. Again, I took cover as a group of snipers began to target us. I took notice that Carolina tried to toss a grenade but it was shot mid-air. I tried shooting them, but the leader of them aimed towards me. Then, out of no where from my point of view a object fell from the sky to where they were, the object the created a shield around them. Fortunately one of them was an idiot and decided to shot the shield, making the bullet bounce back. Eventually, it managed to kill all of them within.


Hey, that's not nice!

It wasn't meant to be!

A sigh escaped my lips as an argument arose in my mind as I began to move towards the others.

"BC, move up. We need you to hold down point A," Carolina ordered me through our radio.

"On it," I reply to her as I started to run over towards a building. The building was towering over an entrance from a different part of the base.

I suddenly heard a loud thud behind me where the others fought. Looking over my shoulder, I saw a pod planted in the ground. A smirk spread across my face.

The pod door bursted open, revealing Maine and his A.I floating by his shoulder. Sadly, when I wanted to watch the fight, a small group of soldiers appeared, I hopped down from my spot atop a building. My arms and legs go numb as I land. The soldiers raise their guns but are too slow as I attack them. It was a group of five, I knew there was a girl in the group.

Aww, Poor Hannah. She was going to go home to see her son tomorrow.

Ah, who cares? Her son dies in three days anyways from a drunk driver.

But she still would've seen him!

Right when Lexi said that, my arms punched the girl in the face, sending her back a bit.

And what about Dave? Do you care about him?

No! He cheated on Grace here! He can die! She deserves way better then this low life!

To my right, I elbowed 'Dave' to the side of his head before giving him a hard kick to the side. He crashed into his teammate, sending them both down. Next, I turn around grabbing the fourth guys gun and shooting him in the skull.

No! Not Luca! I really liked him.

Along with the other 26,126,592,804 other people.

Shut up!

'Hannah' charged towards me with another soldier, but were not safe from the bullets that shot from the gun.


I look down to realize that 'Dave' stabbed my leg as he laid on the ground still. Alexia immediately shot him and the the last one.

Feeling flooded back into my limbs, but it was painful. The knife wound was pretty deep, but I didn't care.

I looked back at the fight that went on and rushed over to help. Running up the side of the building, I saw Maine being tripped and crashing into Carolina. Carolina quickly got back up, charging at her opponent as Maine took ahold of his weapon. He fired and explosive at the cyborg he was fighting. Unfortunately for him, the enemy managed to grab it and throw it back at him. I jump up fast, using a the gun I stole and shot the explosive before it hit him. Maine then threw his weapon and successful cut off the enemy's robot arm before firing at him until he was falling off the base.

Carolina was still fighting the other one. Clearly, Carolina was winning as she kicked her to the edge of the platform. As a trick, Maine used the robotic arm he cut off to fool the enemy girl that it was her partner. She took ahold of the hand but saw Maine holding it instead of her partner.

"F***" the Girl muttered before being dropped into the icy water.

"Nice," I say to Maine. He nods back at me before looking at my leg. He motions to it, making Carolina notice as well.

"What happen, BC?" The female agent asked me.

"I'm fine," I tell them. I know they don't believe me, they can see my white armour stained with blood on my leg.

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