Help You

By about_everything

36.8K 1.5K 847

Something is wrong with Josh and Tyler won't stop until he finds out what. //domestic violence/abuse occurs i... More



2.8K 127 78
By about_everything

Tired of sulking, Josh made an effort to do something other than sit around lost in thought or watching comedy shows that weren't even funny. He tousled his hair, thinking it was high time to re-dye his faded locks. There was no dye in the house, though so that would require him to leave the apartment and Adam wouldn't like that. It would have to wait until a later time. Much later.

Since when do you plan your days around him?

Josh stretched his legs and exhaled sharply, his muscles still a little sore in some places from him and Adam's last fight. He shuddered at the unfortunately recent memory and brought himself to his feet. He needed busywork; something to keep his mind distracted. Reaching for his phone, he knew music would do at least half the trick. He perched the device in the speaker dock next to the television and pressed play.

Pleasant sounds filled the empty space Josh was surrounded by. He was almost content but still needed something else to do with his hands. The apartment was clean and orderly, which meant cleaning wasn't an option. The things around Josh were clean but he quickly realized he was not. His last shower was four days ago and he probably didn't smell the greatest. He hadn't intentionally neglected his hygiene; at some point he'd just stopped caring. Meals, showers, and his appearance just didn't seem important anymore. Instead of priorities, they had become options of how he could spend his time.

Josh trotted down the hallway to his... bedroom? Could he call it that? He rarely entered the room, and when he did it was only to fetch clothes or to complete a tedious task for Adam. Choosing a long-sleeved shirt with a UFO printed on the front and the closest pair of jeans, he tried to recall where Adam said he'd be. Oh yeah- he didn't. Josh sighed and traveled back through the hallway to the bathroom, his clothes in hand.

He was met by his reflection in the mirror but he didn't look good. His skin had paled atleast two shades and his hair wasn't even slightly red anymore. He dragged his hand down his face, warping his features temporarily then left his reflection to turn the knob on the shower faucet. Mentally, he applauded himself for playing his music as ten minutes of lonely silence didn't sound at all appealing.

He peeled off his stained and unwashed clothes, dropping them in the corner, and then stepping under the hot stream of water. It didn't take long for Josh to get clean and soon he was shutting the water off and dripping all over the floor. He wrapped himself in a towel and almost didn't notice when the music ringing through the apartment stopped abruptly. "Oh crap..."

Adam was home. Josh toweled off and donned the clothes he'd picked out. He thought maybe if he waited long enough, Adam would retreat to their bedroom and Josh could have the living room to himself again. He waited for five minutes, ten minutes, but Adam didn't pass by the bathroom. Sighing, Josh left his temporary safe haven to see Adam blocking the path to the living room. Something was clenched in his fist that, upon closer inspection, turned out to be a napkin with the Baskin-Robbins logo printed in the corner.

Josh mentally kicked himself for leaving the ice cream evidence out on the coffee table.

"What's this?" Adam's voice was dangerously quiet.

Josh shuffled a little,"A napkin?"

"Did you write this?" Adam held the crumpled paper up to reveal a note that Josh couldn't read from here.

"No I didn't. What does it say?" Josh took a step closer but Adam chucked the napkin behind him.

"You think you're abused?" Adam inched towards the shorter boy and Josh receded, sensing his anger from five feet away.

"I don't understand what..."

"I don't abuse you, Josh. If I wanted to abuse you, I would- in fact, you'd probably be dead by now." Adam kept getting closer and closer. Josh could only back away from him until his back was against the wall, his clothes forgotten and dropped at his feet. Adam grabbed his collar, yanking him upward.

"I could end you right now in this apartment and no one would come to rescue you. My world would be better off without you in it."

Josh was sprayed with droplets of saliva. He had never been more afraid of Adam than he was at this moment. This wasn't the first time Adam threatened to end Josh's life, but The threats were usually whispered under his breath when he was holding a bottle of liquor. This time was different. Adam made sure Josh could hear his words loud and clear. The thing that scared Josh the most was that he wasn't being assaulted by the smell of alcohol whenever he inhaled. Adam was completely sober.

Josh was thrown to the ground in a blur of motions, landing on his back. He felt Adam's hand grasping his wrist and he was dragged into the living room. He struggled but he was weak, having only eaten ice cream and an apple in the past two days. The grip on his arm was released and he tried to stand, seeing his phone only feet away. As soon as he got to his feet, he was on the floor again, a ringing in ears. Josh screamed and held his head in his hands.

Pain exploded from a spot above his right ear and spread throughout his body. His vision went blurry but it wasn't difficult to see blood dripping onto his shirt and the floor. He could hear laughter from somewhere above him but his mind was dulled by the pounding in his head. The light around him was suddenly too bright to stand and he closed his eyes. He faded fast, surrendering to sleep.

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