Reader Insert - One Shots

By BerjhawnGideon

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Just a compilation of one shots: Dean Winchester X Reader Sam Winchester X Reader Captain America X Reader ... More

Dean X Reader - Let Her Go (Songfic)
Dean X Reader - Goodbye (One Shot)
Dean X Reader - Thinking Of You (One Shot)
Sam X Reader - When You're Gone
Bucky X Reader - Rude (Song Fic)
Dean X Reader - Stranded On A Island
Dean X Reader - Normalcy?
Dean X Reader X Sam - Demon Love
Sam X Fire Bender Reader - Too Hot
Sam X Reader - Ice Skating & Memories
Steve Rogers X Reader ~ Facing Our Fears
Bucky X Reader - Under the Mistletoe
Fili X Reader - Elves and Dwarves
Bucky Barnes x Reader - I Don't Need You
Natasha Romanoff X Female Reader - Toast
Bucky Barnes X Reader - Little Black Dress
Starlord / Peter Quill X Reader - Games
Loki X Reader - Pottermore
Bucky Barnes X Reader - Enough
Steve Rogers X Reader - Loving You
Chris Evans X Reader - Flirty Drunk
Sebastian Stan X Reader - You Only Love Me For My Dog
Loki X Reader - Aladdin
Natasha Romanoff X Reader - The Harder You Fall
Deadpool X BFF Reader - I Don't Share
Bucky Barnes X Reader - Zombies
Bucky Barnes X Reader - Last Chance - 1/5
Bucky Barnes X Reader - Last Chance 2/5
Bucky Barnes x Reader - What The Hell
Natasha Romanoff X Female Reader - Our little Miracle

Sam X Reader - So Cold

265 8 1
By BerjhawnGideon

"Please, I'll do anything; just let them go." You say as you look over to at your younger siblings lying quietly on your bed. "Anything?" The man asks his black eyes shining in the moonlight as he stands beside your bed. Tears fill your eyes as you stand in the doorway in your white night gown and say, "I'll give you anything you want, just please leave my family alone." The man looks you up and down then smiles sinisterly as he says, "Too bad there's nothing you have that I want." 

You watch horrified as the man reaches out and snaps your little brother's neck while your little sister catches on fire screaming out for help. "No!" You scream out as you run toward them only to have your body thrown back out of our bedroom door, it slamming shut behind you. "Mikey! Sarah!" You scream out as you run back to the bedroom door and start banging on it trying to open it. "________, what's wrong?" you turn to see your mom and dad running toward you. You open your mouth to say something but nothing comes out. You continue to bang on the door.

Your father sensing the danger runs over and kicks the door down just as your room bursts into flames. You look over and see the man standing in the flames smiling at you. Forgetting the flames you run into the room only to have your father quickly pull you out. "What are you doin? Do you..." His voice is cut off and you look up to see his head is gone. Letting out an ear piercing scream as you turn toward your mom right as she falls to the floor her heart ripped from her chest. 

"MOM!!" You rush over to her and holding her tightly you feel the life leave her. "No, no, no, don't go! Please come back!" You instantly feel something pull you away from your mom dragging you down the stairs and out the front door flinging you into the yard as the whole house bursts into flames. When you push yourself up off the ground you feel an intense pain in your arm and look down to see your forearm covered in a burn. "No!" you scream out until as you look back at your childhood home and watch helplessly as it burns to the ground vowing that one day you would make the man pay for what he did.


A couple years had passed since the fire and you had become a different person. You used to love life and all its contents but now you couldn't find anything to smile about. You had discovered that the man you were searching for was a demon and a powerful one at that, but you didn't care, you would do anything to make him pay for what he had done. You had gotten a tip from a man named Garth who said that he had heard about your mystery demon killing people in Colorado. You quickly broke into an old 70's Chevy pick-up, found the keys, turned it on, and pulled out of the parking lot of the motel you had been staying at before speeding away. You reached down to turn on the radio when you did it started blaring banjos in your ear and you quickly turn it off.

"Jesus!" you say shaking your head. You made it to Colorado in no time at all. Rubbing your eyes you look around for a café to get some coffee from to wake yourself up before you go after the demon. You find one a few hundred feet ahead and smile as you pull into the parking lot. Parking the car you feel eyes staring at you and you look around the parking lot to see it empty except for a couple of cars. One a POS and the other a jet black Chevy impala, you let out a sigh as you walk into the café and make your way over to the counter. 

You look behind the counter and see an older woman with silvery gray hair walking toward you. "Hey sweetie what can I get for you?" You reach into your back pocket and pulling out your wallet say, "Um how fresh is your coffee?" She looks you up and down with her tired brown eyes as she says, "Old but I can brew up a fresh batch." You half smile as you say, "Thank you." She nods as she turns back and starts making a fresh batch of coffee.

You run a hand through your (H/L) (H/C) hair as you let out a heavy sigh. Moments later she hands you a cup of fresh coffee and smiling at you says, "If you don't mind me askin' what's a pretty young girl like you doin at a café in the middle of the night drinkin' coffee?" Not meeting her eyes you say, "Thank you for the coffee." She lets out an angry huff as she turns and walks back down the counter to talk to the men in the kitchen. "Nosey old crone." You say leaning back against the chair and letting out a heavy sigh. 

You hear your phone ring and you quickly pull it out of your pocket and answering it say, "Yeah,"

 "_______, I just found out that someone else is hunting the same demon you are." 

Rolling your eyes you say, "And I care why?" 

"Well someone's in a bad mood."

 "Is there anything else you need?" You say hatefully as you feel yourself getting annoyed. 

"Yeah just in case you run into them their names are Sam and Dean Winchester." 

"I'll make a note." You say as you hang up the phone and toss it onto the bar.

Taking a sip of your coffee you look around to see only three other people in the café besides you. One was an older looking man with salt and pepper hair slowly eating his chicken fried steak. The other two men were sitting by themselves in a corner booth at the other end of the café. One had short spikey brown ash blonde hair; he looked like he was the one that owned the impala out front. The other caught your eye, with his shaggy brown hair. If your family was still alive and you weren't on a suicide mission you would have jumped at the chance to date him. 

"Would you like some more coffee?" You hear the lady ask and you nod as you turn your attention back to her. As she pours you more coffee you pull out some money and set it on the counter for her. You quickly drink the rest of your coffee and then stand up. As you do you bump into someone and big arms wrap around you to keep you from falling. You look up to see the man from the corner booth, his brownish green eyes gazing into your (E/C) ones. You find yourself frozen for a moment as he smiles down at you.

You hear someone say something and you quickly push him away from you and quickly make your way out of the café and back to the pickup. As you climb in you look back to see the tall man starting after you. You quickly throw the car in reverse and slam on the gas making the tires bark as they fight for contact on the parking lot pavement. As you throw the car in drive and head out into the road you let out a sigh of relief. It was only a few moments later when you realize your heart was racing. 

You punch your chest as you say, "Stop it you don't deserve to be happy, not while that bastard is still alive." Your heart continues to race and then the man's eyes and his smile pop back into your head making you blush slightly. "Dammit!" You yell out as you punch the steering wheel. You decide to find a motel and do some research before you jump head first into the coals. You drive until you reach a motel called the "Sunny Inn" you roll your eyes at the name but pull in anyway.

After an awkward moment with the receptionist you take your room key and slowly walk to your room. "Um excuse me?" You hear a voice say and you turn to see the tall man standing a few feet away from you. You reach into your bag and take hold of your pistol keeping it in your bag for now as you say, "What do you want?" You look up at him and hoped you wouldn't have to kill him. He reaches out to hand you something and you relax a little slowly taking it from him. When you look at it your heart drops, it was your family photo. "Where did you?" You say as you try to keep from crying. "You dropped it when we bumped into each other." You quickly stick it in your bag and turning back to him say, "Thank you." He nods and you turn and start to walk away from him when he reaches out and grabs your arm.

Your reflexes kick in and pulling your pistol out of your bag your point it at him and say, "Let go of me!" He quickly releases you and puts his hands up into the air. "I'm sorry; I just wanted to talk to you." Your heart starts racing and you shake your head, "Sorry, I don't talk to strangers; especially strange men." You hear something behind you and you whip around just in time to move out of the way of the tall guys companion reaching out to subdue you. You quickly move around until both men are standing in front of you. "Who are you and what do you want?!" You yell out as you keep the gun pointed at them. The shorter of the men say, "Okay, you really wanna know put the gun down." You raise an eyebrow as you say, "Fat chance pretty boy, now I'll give you one last chance before I start shooting. Who are you?"

The short one raises an eyebrow back at you and then looking at the taller one says, "I'm Dean and this is my little brother Sam." Realizing who they are you bite the side of your mouth as you slowly put your gun away. "So you are the Winchesters?" You say looking back and forth between the brothers. "How do you know who we are?" Sam says and you roll your eyes as you say, "Garth." 

"You're a hunter?" Dean says as he looks at you in shock. 

"No, I'm just here to kill a demon. Then I'll go back to my old life." 

"Why aren't you with your family?" Sam says and you clench your jaw and say not meeting his eyes, "They're dead." You turn and start walking away when you hear footsteps behind you. Your quickly turn and shout out, "Quit following me!" They freeze in their footsteps as Sam says, "We're not, our motel room is up ahead." He points to the room next to your and you say, "Oh?" Dean smirks as he walks past you and heads to his room.

You look back up at Sam and say, "Sorry," he looks back into your eyes as he says, "You okay?" Rolling your eyes you turn and start to walk away from him. "Look I don't know why you're so cold but you don't have to be, we're here to help." You whirl around as you yell out. "Who says I need your help?! No one is going to kill that son of a bitch but Me." He opens his mouth to say something but you stop him by saying, "You wanna know the reason I'm so cold? Imagine watching helplessly as your family is murdered around you. Your little brother's neck snapped like a twig while your little sister bursts into flames while she is still alive hearing her scream out for you but not being able to help her, or how about having your father decapitated and your mother having her heart ripped out. They all died but that son of a bitch threw me out into the front yard to watch my whole world burn to the ground." Tears were trying to force their way out of your eyes but you held them at bay as you finished, "So I'm sorry but I don't care how I come off."

You turn to leave but find Sam wrapping his arms around you holding you tight. "Sam, what are you doing?" You say your heart starting to race. "You just seem like you could use a hug." Usually you would push someone away as soon as they tried to touch you but you found yourself reveling in his touch. All the sudden the tears you had been holding back decided to fall down your face in a steady stream. Your knees give away and you find yourself being supported by Sam's muscular arms as you cry your eyes out. "It's okay," He says as he turns you around so you can cry into his shoulder. When you are facing him you bury your face in his shirt as you reach up and grip tightly to his jacket as you continue to cry.

All of the sudden you push away from him and say, "Why are you being so nice to me?" He looks hurt as he says, "You seem like you need a friend, I just wanted to be that for you." You nod and then wiping your eyes say, "Thank you Sam but since the chances of us seeing each other again are very slim I don't need any friends. Goodbye." You turn and before he can catch you quickly make your way to your motel you and closing the door behind you curse yourself for being so friendly. You walk over to you bed and throwing yourself on it set your alarm and slowly drift off to sleep.

Sam's Pov

Sam didn't know what had possessed him to hug her all he knew was that he didn't want to see her upset. There was something about her that made him long to hold her in his arms, but he knew that if he moved to fast she would run. Sam opens the door to his motel room and walking in hears Dean say, "You were out there for a while, how'd it go?" Sam rolls his eyes at his brother as he says, "She's been messed up Dean, and she wants to kill this demon as much as we wanted to kill Azazel." Dean sits up his face changing from playful to concern. "What happened?" Sam quickly tells him what she had told him Dean clenches his jaw as he says, "She's gonna get herself killed you know that." Sam nods as he says, "Dean, we have to kill that demon before that happens."

"Sammy, you saw her. If we kill that demon she'll come after us next." Sam clenches his jaw as he says, "I don't care Dean, and at least she'll be alive." Dean raises an eyebrow as he says, "Boy you sure know how to pick em'." Sam tilts his head in confusion and Dean rolls his eyes as he says, "Really Sammy? You look at her the same way you looked at Jess." Sam's eyes pop open as he says, "I do not." 

"Okay whatever; you wanna take the colt on this one?" Sam nods as Dean's words still roll around in his head. 'Did he really look at her that way?' He didn't even know her name but he couldn't get her (E/C) eyes out of his head. They were so full of sadness and pain he couldn't stand it. Running a hand through his shaggy brown hair he walks over to his bed and laying down quickly falls asleep his dreams full of the mystery girl in the next room.

Reader Pov

You awake to the sound of your phone ringing and you groan out in annoyance as you roll over and answer your phone. "Yeah?" 

"________, your demon's at this address," You quickly jump up and writing the address down say, "Thanks Garth, um if I don't walk out of this tell Sam I'm sorry." You quickly hang the phone up and grabbing your gear you run out to the truck and speeding away making your way to where the demon is. 

As you reach the address you find that it is an abandoned building by the river and you feel shivers run up your spine. You grit your teeth as you take a deep breath and grabbing your pack make your way into the building. Slowly you pull your gun out of your bag and make your way through the building leaving no room unchecked.

"My, My, My, look what the cat dragged in. How's the family? Oh wait that's right." Your anger spikes as you turn to see the Demon in the same meat suit he had used to kill your family and fire the gun. You watch as the bullet hits him in the head and he smiles, "Did you really think you could kill me with that puny weapon?" You feel a sense of fear rush through your body as you reach into your bag and pull out a demon blade you had acquired from Garth and say, "I guess we'll just have to get up close and personal." The demon flashes a white smile as his eyes turn black and he rushes toward you. Before he can reach you, you swiftly move to the side and bringing the knife down you cut his leg, making him fall the floor.

"You bitch! I should've killed you the night!" He yells out and you see red, your anger gets the better of you and you rush him only to be thrown back and pinned against the wall. You feel some unseen force wrap around your throat choking the life out of you. "Did you really think it would be that easy?" Your vision starts to blur and you curse yourself for thinking you could avenge your family when you hear a gun fire and the demon fall backwards onto the ground. "_______, you okay?" You look up through blurred vision to see Sam running toward you. He wraps his arms around you and tears fill your eyes. "Sam, what are you doing here?"

 "I came to get you." You smile as you wrap your arms around him. 

"Well isn't this cute?" You hear the demon say and then as you look up at him Sam is ripped from your arms and thrown back wards through a wall into a room full of shrapnel.

"Sam!" You scream out as you force yourself to stand. You look back at the demon just in time to see Dean cross body block him to a wall. Dean starts the exorcism but is stopped by the demon as he reaches forward and grabs Dean around the throat and lifts him into the air. You watch frozen until something catches your eye. A gun, an old colt lying a few feet away from you on the ground, without another thought you run over and grabbing it look back at the demon and say, "I won't let you hurt anymore people I care about!" As he turns toward you, you lift the gun and fire a shot that hits him square in the head. He instantly releases Dean and a flash of light echoes inside his as he falls to the ground dead. "Thanks," you hear Dean say as his lungs search for air. You nod and then run over to where Sam had flown and your heart drops at the sight.

"Dean!" You yell out as you run over to Sam's mangled body. His body was cut up pretty bad from the shrapnel you reached up and lifting his head felt blood cover your fingers. Dean quickly calls an ambulance as you say, "This is all my fault, if I had just killed him before you two got here," 

"Shut up okay! Sam's gonna be fine!" You look back at Dean to see him pacing back and forth as he talks to the dispatcher. You turn back to Sam and as the tears fall from your eyes you lean down and gently place a kiss on his lips. "Please be okay..." It didn't take the ambulance long to get there. The EMT's shoved you out of the way so they could get to Sam. Dean pulls you out of their way and wrapping his arms around you says, "It's gonna be okay, Sam's gonna be fine." You cry into his jacket as one of the EMT's tells Dean where they are taking Sam and he nods.

"Let's go." Dean says as he walks you over to his Impala and sets you into the passenger seat and then runs over to the driver's seat and quickly speeds away after the ambulance. When you arrived at the hospital the doctors had grim faces but then after an hour came back and said, "Winchester?" Dean jumps up leaving you sitting in the waiting room by yourself.

A few minutes later Dean walks over to you and says, "See I told you Sam was gonna be fine." Your face lights up as you throw your arms around him. "Can we see him?" You ask as you pull away. Dean smiles and standing you follow him to Sam's room. As you walk through the door you see him covered in bandages and your heart sinks. He turns toward you and a faint smile crosses his face, "Hey ______,"

Tears fill your eyes as you run over and wrap your arms around him. "Ouch!" He says and you quickly pull away. "I'm sorry," 

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt that bad." 

"No, I'm sorry for everything. It's my fault you're here like this." Your heart clenches as tears start to fall from your eyes. All of the sudden you feel him gently lay his hand on yours and clench it tight. "______, I care about you. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you." 

"Why would you care about someone like me?"

 He smiles as he says, "Because you care about me and Dean. I heard you when you ganked that demon." Your face flushes pink as you say, "You heard that, did you notice anything else?" He smiles brightly as he says, "Oh you mean the kiss, and yeah I remember it." Your face turns a bright shade of red and he lets out a laugh as he reaches forward and pulls your lips to his kissing you passionately.

Your eyes widen at first then you smile as you feel all the love pass between the two of you as you deepen the kiss. "I guess I'll come back." You hear Dean say and you smile into Sam's lips. "You're gonna have to get better soon." You say and he tilts his head in confusion. "Why?" You lean forward and whisper something dirty in his ear and he smiles. "Yeah I guess I'm gonna have too." You climb up onto the hospital bed and lay down beside him. "Quick question, how did you know where I was, and what my name was? I never said it." Sam smiles as he says, "As soon as Garth got off of the phone with you he called me." You nod and he smiles, "I have to say ________ is a good name for you." You smile as you say, "Thank you," 

"You also have the prettiest smile I've ever seen." 

You feel your face blush as you say, "You are going to be seeing more of that smile I can promise you that." He lets out a chuckle as he holds you close to him.


To your surprise he did heal quickly. You had decided to join them in hunting so you and Sam could be together. There wasn't a day that went by that you two weren't together. When he was all healed up he looks at you and says, "Why don't we go visit your family? I would like to pay my respects to them." You looked shocked at first then you say, "Okay," He flashes his bright smile as he wraps his arms around your waist and kisses you passionately. Then he pulls away and taking your hand pulls you to his 2010 dodge charger and you guys silently make your way to your hometown. When you arrive at the cemetery he takes your hand and holds tightly to it as you lead him to your family's gravesite.

You look over at the gravestones and tears fill your eyes. "Hi mom, dad, Mikey, Sarah, this is Sam." Sam turns toward you and says, "I wanted to do this in front of your family and I hope they give their permission," You turn toward him a confused look on your face which turns into shock as he kneels down on one knee and says, "__________, I have known from the moment I ran into you at that café that I wanted to marry you. I go crazy every moment we're apart; I never want to be away from you. I love you ________, will you marry me?" He pulls out a silver band and holds it up to you.

You smile with tears in your eyes and say, "Yes," He smiles and stands up wrapping his arms around you and say, "I love you." 

"I love you too." 

You smile as you turn toward your families' graves and say, "I'm getting married mom, and I wish you all could be here. I love you all." Sam lifts you up in to the air and kisses you. You smile into his lips and the pulling away you turn back toward your family and see them standing about a hundred feet away smiling and waving at you. Tears fall down your cheeks as you say, "Rest in peace." They turn and walk away disappearing into a flash of light. You look back at the man you would be spending the rest of your life with and say, "Let's go home."

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