I'm waiting for you to hurt me

By ScooterChan

515 19 1

The whole school stops what they're doing and looks at us. "Go on Eric. Take the first punch." Peter egged on... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Sequel and more!

Chapter 6

31 0 0
By ScooterChan

Eric's POV:

Time skip to a month later

What am I doing? Why am I doing this? I can't believe that I'm still hurting caleb just so I can keep my status at school for being the "bad boy". I can't believe that he's okay with it. I can't believe even more, how much I care about Caleb. I feel like I've known him forever.

I walk into school and see peter. Oh god. I think.

"Hey, Eric, what's up?" Peter asked. He had an evil smile on his face.

"Nothing, what's up with you?" I ask. I couldn't really care less. I wanted to leave and never talk to him again. In his mind we were bestfriends.

"I'm ready to run into that little bitch we've been messing with again. I need a punching bag." He says this then starts laughing. I don't laugh.

"Come on Eric lighten up. I'll save him for you too." He says with another laugh.

"Eric I have to ask you something." I say.

"Sure dude what's up." He askes. Even though I hated Peter I needed his advise.

"Okay so theres this chick that I like." I say, that 'chick' being Caleb. "She likes me to, but she doesn't like me picking on that guy that we mess with. She wants me to be a good guy. What should I do?"

Peter looks at me with a shocked expression and askes, "Is she hot?"

"Yes, Eric she's sexy as hell, now answer the question." I say

"Well, dude. The answer is odviose. You got to chose between this chick and you rep at school. When did you meet this girl?"

"A month ago" I answer.

"Yeah, you have to chose. How much of a difference is it going to make if you let this bitch go or lose your rep. Think about it man." Peter said.

I said thanks and walked away. The whole day I thought about what he said.

Time skip to lunch

I walked into the lunchroom and saw in the corner of the room, caleb arguing with Tobias. Oh god, I hope he doesn't get himself killed. I walk closer to hear there conversation.

"What are you doing with my little sister?!" Caleb shouts.

"She's not your little anything!" Tobias yells back.

There argument was stoped by Tris. Caleb told me she was his little sister in Dautless. To be honest she was a brat, but Caleb loved her so so did I... Kinda.

After school I met up with Caleb and we went to my house. Uncle max wasn't home. Good. I thought. We went inside and I was happy to have him hear. I was happy to be with him. Usually he was happy to but today, he was not.

We sat down on my bed and I turned on the TV. I said, "So, how's the best boyfriend in the world doing today?"

"Am I really the best? I wouldn't think that you thought that." He scoffed.

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked.

"Oh I don't know maybe because when normal people think that their boyfriend is the best they tend not to hit them at school." Caleb said.

"Caleb, I'm sorry." I say

"No, your really not. If you were you wouldn't bully me just to save your sorry ass from a few laughs from a few assholes. If you were you would protect me and not let me get hurt." He says. He was angry.

"Caleb, you agreed to this." I remind him.

"I agreed to this because I would never want to see you upset. I agreed because I thought you would stop." He says. He had tears forming in his eyes.

"I will... Soon... I think." I say. I'm really not sure.

"Soon you think! Really! I can't believe you. You'll never stop, not until you're sure you're safe. I hate the way that I feel when I get hurt. I hate to lie to my family. Did you even know that everyday, in between classes Peter would find me and beat me up, just for fun. Everyday Eric." He was full on crying now.

I had nothing to say. I was a terrible boyfriend. I didn't deserve Caleb. "No, I didn't know. I'm sorry."

"You say you're sorry but you never are. There were times when I was ready to breakup with you and never talk to you again. I was ready to hate you, but I never would. I would always crawl back to you. I would alway go on our dates and enjoy them and love them. I would be the happiest I ever was with you, and you would alway hurt me mentally and physically. I always came back because I love you. I love you Eric shouldn't. I shouldn't love someone who doesn't love me back because if you did you would stop. I love you Eric, but I can't anymore. I'm done, we're done." He gave me a long stair like he was waiting for me to talk, but I couldn't. I couldn't.

Then he left. I was alone with my own thoughts. After a while I whisper "I love you, too." He was gone and he wouldn't hear it. "I love you, too." I whisper again, because it's true.

Caleb's POV:

I walked out of his house and into my own. I ran upstairs and sat on my bed. Mom and Dad and Tris knocked at my door, but I ignored them and cryed.

Eventually I let Tris in and told her everything.

"I'll kill him. Four and I, we'll kill him." She says.

"No, you know cour hates me. Also I dont want you to hurt him." I say.

"Why not?" She questions.

I sigh and a say, "No reason, just promise me you wont."

She held out both hands and said "I promise."

After a little bit i just layed down and thought about Eric. I really did love him and I was terrified cor school tomorrow.

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