Sink or Swim

By InThisDeathPunch

791 20 5


What's The Point Of Living Life If It Just Contradicts
What If The Devil Was Alive?
Bios (SKIP ME)
I Just Wanna Kiss Your Lips, The Ones Between Your Hips.
Hi, My Name Is Ronnie, and I'm An Addict
How Does It Feel?
I Wrote This Song To Make You Smile
Feet, Don't Fail Me Now

Sink or Swim

368 4 0
By InThisDeathPunch

     Hiya guys! This is my first fanfiction.... the other work isnt turning out too well, so why not just abandon ship on that one? Haha! PLEASEE for the love of Ronnie, tell me what you think of this who thingg. I'd love to know! just leave it in my message board or whatever. Lots of love! ...that was weirrd xD ~Jules

     Beep....... Beep..... Beep.... Beep.. Beep. BEEP!

     My alarm clock managed to scared the shit out of me. I sighed heavily, and I crawled out of bed, literally. I finally stood up and walked into our bright pink and purple bathroom. I can promise you the colors weren't my idea when we first moved here. To be completely honest, I hate it here. Too many stuck up teens for me to try to handle. 

     I closed the door behind me and locked it. As i was turning on the shower, I could hear Melica banging on the door screaming. I smirked. I knew she hated when i used 'her' bathroom, but it's the closest one to my bedroom, so she'll just have to get over it, won't she?

     Twenty minutes later, I hopped out of ther shower and wrapped in my towel. I always did my make up first, i let my hair down second, and then I worried my clothes. 

     I looked up at the flower-infested mirror and saw my reflection looking back.... obviously. I look different without my make up, like the old me. I look like the me that went down the drain five years ago. Why do people hate me so much for being so different, when really, im no different than all of the basketball players, the cheerleaders, etc? I sat one the counter, and I leaned over to grab my eyeliner that's shoved back into the 'Alexandriea's depressing corner' spot. I coat on the think layer of eyeliner, as usual. I could hear Melica pacing outside of the bathroom, eagerly waiting for her turn. I slowed down just a bit.

     Next, I took my hair down, so it could dry some before I straighten it. Finally, I slipped on my half and half jeans and my black tank. I absolutely love my camo and black half and half skinny jeans. I pulled out my sister's purple straightener. Mine was lost last night when my sister happened to accidentally lose it while cleaning her bathroom. That alibi is so wrong in so many ways. 

     A: My sister doesn't know the concept of cleaning. She has maids for that.

     B: My black straighten was ' ruining the purple vibe of her bathroom' 

     And the worst part was, my mom believed it, but that was to be expected. She was the best thing that has ever happened to my mother, so my birth was crap, even though I was born only a few minutes away from my sister. 

     Melica finally worked up the balls to beat on the door again.... wimp. I finished the last piece of my hair and said loudly, 'opps! I forgot to tease my hair.' I heard my sister screaming outside of the door. This was satisfying. I teased my hair and threw a ton of rave, my hairspray, in it. I finally unlocked the door, and opened it. My sister lunged for my neck, and she was ready to choke me. I rolled on top of her and tried choking her back. 

     'Get off of my babay!' Cassidy, my mother, screamed as she ran down the hallway towards us. Melica let go of my neck before Cassidy notice. Once Melica started fake crying, I knew I was in deep shit. 'What the fuck is your problem?' My mother screamed at me.

     'This family,' I said in her face. Then, I walked away. Cassidy started screaming, but i didnt take note of what she was saying. I found my black double zipper combat boots in my closet, and i threw them on. Carefully, I tucked my jeans inside as I zipped up the zippers. I threw on my Falling in Reverse band tee and grabbed my back pack. It was about 7:10 when I got to the bus stop, and there were people all around the sidewalk. I stood behind near the wall and waited with them. 

     'Freak,' I heard one of them whisper. I brushed it off, but ti was sstill bothering me in the back of my mind. The bus didn't really take long to arrive, and as usual, I was the last to get on the bus. I sat in my usual spot next to Hazel, my best friend. It still bothered me that everyone has to call me Freak, Homo, and whatnot. The world is truly a cruel, sick place.

     'What's wrong?' She looked at me concerned as she saw my eyes were watery from just the thought of how fucked up people actually are/can be.

     'The usual,' I said, and she brushed it off. She knew I was strong. I, on the other hand, have no clue how strong i am...

 Should I upload and out fit pics? I know most of the clothing can be found at, but still.... yes or no? voteeeee meeeee!!! :DDD ~Jules

Also! i will be updating by next wednesday... i promise! if i dont, y'all may hate me if you please haha 

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