Arrow To The Heart- [Jack Fro...

By DisneyBabes

82.1K 2.4K 930

Cupid, or Y/N as she prefers to be called, pairs people up, is the queen of love in general- yet she's sworn... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Authors note
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11

Chapter Five

6.2K 219 186
By DisneyBabes

Y/N playfully whacked Jack's arm.

"So," she began, "how is this 'Guardian training'?"

"Well, to be a Guardian you need to be good with kids." He explained.

She nodded.

"So, Jamie, want to help out with official Guardian training?" He asked the little boy.

"Yes!" He replied, his brown eyes lighting up with excitement.

"Great! I'll need you to grab your friends as well." He instructed.

Jamie saluted and then ran off. Y/N smiled at Jamie's enthusiasm. It was cute. She was starting to like the kid.

"So Y/N, first, I need to teach you how to have fun."

"Have fun?" She repeated. "I'm plenty fun, thank you very much."

Jack laughed. "I'm plenty fun!" He imitated.

"Well, you're no fun." She huffed.

"Snowflake, I am the Guardian of fun."


"You're just too... High strung. You need to relax a bit. Just work with me here."

Y/N eyed Jack as he walked onto the lake and slid a bit. She took a deep breath in, then out, before marching over to where Jack was standing on the ice. As she stepped on the ice, she realized she should have approached it with more precaution, as she slipped and fell.

Jack quickly grabbed Y/N's hand, and held her up, to keep her from smashing her head on the ice.

"Careful there, snowflake." He teased.

Y/N blushed in embarrassment, before tugging on Jacks hand to help herself up. She let go of his hand and tried to stand up.

She struggled to keep her balance on the ice. How Jack could do this, she didn't know. He was standing still as a statue, chuckling at her attempts to stay still and upright.

"Alright. Just hold my hand, and I'll guide you on the ice. I promise I won't let you fall."

"I don't trust promises."

Jack raised a brow.

"Scratch that- your promises."

Jack gave her a dull look.


Y/N hesitantly took his hand. It was cold, unlike her own. All of a sudden, he jerked his arm forward, pulling her closer to him.

"Okay, just keep your eyes on me. I'll keep you balanced."

Her eyes stared into his, occasionally flitting down to look at her feet. His eyes were a piercing blue. Anyone could easily get lost in them. She shifted her attention from his eyes to her feet, which were clumsily slipping every so often. Why was staying upright so hard?

"Alright, let's take this slow." He said. "Eyes on me."

Her e/c eyes flitted up to look at him again. She felt herself moving forwards.

"You better keep me upright." She threatened.

"Or what?"

"I'll-" she paused, to think for a moment before continuing, "make you fall in love with Bunnymund or something."

He looked so shocked Y/N laughed.

"I thought you couldn't interfere with souls mates or anything?"

"I can't. The weird thing is, I don't know the soul mates of immortals like us. For example you. I don't know who your soul mate is, or whether or not you have one. But, if you kissed someone or something like that, I'd be able to tell if you two are soul mates.." She paused.

"So I suppose I could test you and Bunnymund." She taunted. Y/N wore a sly grin.

Jack laughed, but gave her a cold stare. "Alright. Let's make a deal. I won't let you fall on the ice, and you will never test anything out with the old Kangaroo and I."


Jack's smile returned. "Now, let's skate!"

They began to move forwards again, but faster this time. Y/N yelped as they moved, but she began to laugh. She never knew how fun skating could be. Slowly, she began to get used to it, and she began to enjoy it more and more. Unconsciously, she took Jack's other hand. Jack didn't seem to notice either. 

They slid across the surface of the ice, both laughing as Jack spun her slowly, still keeping her on her feet. For the first time in a long while, Y/N finally had fun. Real, true fun.

After fifteen minutes or so, they stopped at the edge of the ice, panting from all of the skating. Neither one made any move to unclasp their hands. It was if their hands fit, two puzzle pieces that interlocked together. Y/N almost didn't mind.

A stupid grin had made its way across her face, and she didn't bother to wipe it off.

"See? That was fun." He said.

Without any warning, Jack scooped her up and dumped her into the snow.

"Hey! You said you wouldn't drop me!" She whined.

"I said I wouldn't drop you on the ice." He explained.

Y/N rolled her eyes. "Leave it to you to find a loophole."

Jack laughed. Y/N heard soft footsteps in the snow as his laugh died down, and turned her head towards them. Jamie and a couple other kids emerged from the trees, along with a little girl who was wearing fairy wings overtop her jacket. Y/N stood up, brushing the snow off of her.

"Hey Jamie!" Jack called out to him.

Jamie waved and walked over, his friends following closely behind.

The little girl's eyes widened, and she ran over to Y/N, squealing.

"Pretty wings! Pretty pretty!" She squealed.

Y/N smiled. What an adorable little girl, she thought. When the little girl reached her, she raised her arms, and Y/N's instinct told her that the girl wanted her to pick her up. Y/N bent over and picked up the little girl.

"Hey," she said softly, hoping not to scare the little girl, "what's your name?"

"Her name is Sophie."

"Hi Sophie." She cooed.

Sophie smiled and hugged her. After she let go, Y/N put her down.

"She really likes fairies. She probably thinks that you're one." Jamie explained.

Y/N laughed. "Well, I'm certainly no fairy."

Jamie's friends murmered. One of them, a red headed girl piped up.

"If you're not a fairy, are you an angel?"

Y/N smiled. "No, I'm not."

"Then what are you? Or who?"

"I'll give you a hint. Who is a person you believe in, who has wings, and a bow and arrow?"

A few kids looked stumped but another one, a girl in a tutu raised her hand. Y/N gestured for her to speak up.

"Uh, Cupid?"

Y/N clapped her hands together.

"That's correct! But you can call me Y/N"

"I thought Cupid was a baby in a diaper!" One kid said.

"Well, you've been fooled by the Valentine's Day cards."

They laughed.

"You're a lot prettier than I imagined." The redhead said.

Y/N blushed, and tucked a strand of her h/c hair behind her ear.

"Thank you. I forgot to ask- what're your names?"

"I'm Pippa!" The redhead squeaked.

"And that's Cupcake, Claude, Monty, and Caleb." She finished, pointing to each kid as she said their names.

"I'm happy to meet all of you!" Y/N said.

The kids smiled. Claude, Monty, Jamie, Cupcake and Caleb went to go talk to Jack. Pippa was about to follow them, but lagged behind.

"Y/N, can I ask you something?" Pippa asked.

"Of course! Ask away!"

"Do you match up soul mates?"

"Sure do!"

"Can I ask you something in secret?" She sheepishly asked.

Y/N nodded, and crouched down to Pippa's level, and Pippa went over to whisper in her ear.

"Are Jamie and I soulmates?" She whispered, a blush covering her face.

Y/N smiled.

"I'll tell you. But I want to know something first- do you want to be?"

Pippa looked down at her feet. "Maybe."

Y/N smiled. She remembered when the two met. She gestured for Pippa to come closer, and put her hand to Pippa's ear, before whispering, "yes."

Pippa looked shocked, but incredibly happy.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yep. Just don't tell him."

Pippa quickly hugged Y/N, before running off to Jamie and his friends. Y/N slowly followed behind and stopped when she reached Jack's side.

"So, what've you been talking to them about?" She asked.

"I could ask you the same thing."

Pippa looked nervous, but Y/N winked at her.

"Can't say. It's a girls secret."

"Fine. I've been explaining to them that they're gonna help you with your Guardians training- I'd prefer to call it fun training." He said.


Jack had a devious grin on his face.

"Snowball fight."

Hooray! Another update! Plus some bonding time with Jack! ;-D


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