Reaching for the stars

By writenHeart95

72.3K 1.7K 253

Being sucked into Doctor Who is both amazing an confusing. Finding out you're the Doctor's wife, now that's a... More

The meeting
Hand of fear part 1
Boom Town
Time of Angels
Flesh and Stone
Date with seven
Seven to Eight
The Master
A day with Three
Father's day
Time Crash
End of the World
End of the world pt2
Meeting Six
Into the Dalek
Horror of Fang Rock part 1-2
Horror of Fang Rock part 3-4
The Two Doctors part 1
The Two Doctors part 2
Time With Two
Dalek- Too Early
Dalek- Saving Rose
Author note
The Blonde
Who purposes?
Rose part 1
Rose part 2
The Talk
The Caretaker part one
The Caretaker part 2
The Caretaker finale
Day in the TARDIS
A/N Not an update
Day of the moon
Day of the moon part 2
The Black Orchid part one
The Black Orchid part 2
Just say yes
The Women who fell to Earth part one
The Woman Who Fell To Earth part 2
Still Alive
The Five Doctors (P1)
The Five Doctors p2
Midnight 2
13s day off
Impossible astronaut
wedding of River Song
The Time Warrior PT1
Time Warrior PT2

Hand of fear part 2

1.8K 57 1
By writenHeart95

The shaking finally stopped. "Are we alright?" I ask shakily.

"Yes I think we are." The doctor replies to me as he stands up. He offers his hand to me and hoists me up. We walk into reactor room three and see the door to the reactor is shut off.

"What happened?" I ask from behind.

"Nothing, some kind of unexplosion has taken place."

I raise an eyebrow. "Yeah that's not possibl-" I trail off as someone comes in behind me.

"Mrs Smith, you need to get out of there, the radiation must be lethal." Watson shouts at me I see Sarah behind him.

"Mrs Smith?" I ask him eyebrow raised.

"Spoilers." The Doctor says to me before shouting at Watson and Sarah. "Oh come in its safe, there's no radiation at all."

I point towards the meter. "look for yourself professor Watson."

He walks in cautiously and looks at the meter, normal is highlighted. "Where's Driscoll?"

I point at the door. "The core I'm afraid."

Watson looks skeptical. "That's impossible, that would of caused a nuclear explosion!"

I look to the Doctor for explanation. "Yes but unfortunately it was absorbed." The Doctor says to Watson.

"But it couldn't!" Watson tries to exclaim back.

"Oh but it could it could, and it did." I say pointing to door. "It was a sort of unexplosion." I say smugly while smirking at the Doctor. "Its starting to take control." I say through my teeth.

"you mean that thing is still alive!?" I nod my head slowly towards him. "Its beyond me, for what point?" He demands answers.

"To live." I reply shortly to him.

"You see instead of energy created form matter, matter is being created from energy. Eldrad is creating himself, the probability he will strike again." The Doctor explains calmly.

"You mean other reactors?" Watson wonders, I nod grimly in response.

"Lets put these back into place." The Doctor relocks the door.

"But that's not going to stop it!" Sarah exclaims beside me.

"No but I like to keep tidy." I roll my eyes at him.

"It's time we got out of here. Fight fire with fire, find the armed forces get this thing destroyed, before it causes anymore harm." Professor Watson says while walking out of the room.

I shake my head in annoyance. "Its our only chance!" Sarah exclaims seeing my disapproval.

"I can't see how throwing missiles at it will help anything." I say to her softly.

"It's trying to get out." Sarah looks worried and scared. "Come on Doctor, Danniela !"

The Doctor holds his hand up. "Now hold on Sarah. Maybe we should try to communicate with it somehow."

Sarah is by the door now. "How sign with it?" She places her hands on her hips.

"Alright we got ten minutes before air command had ordered a nuclear air strike. To take this place out." I snort in disgust.

"Take it out?" I walk over to Sarah try and calm her.

I tune back into what the Doctor is saying. "It's intelligent."

Sarah buts in. "Intelligent, it's destructive! It's killing people!"

I try to reason with her. "It's a life force from another planet."

The Doctor interrupts me. "Crystal eye, uses radiation to regenerate, it's probably afraid."

Sarah walks towards him. "It's afraid? I'm afraid, if that thing isn't friendly lets get out, before it does. Look so we have ten minutes?" She asks Watson.

"That was a minute ago." I roll my eyes so what we have nine minutes.

"Right lets go, Doctor!" The two of them run out I stay behind.

"Fascinating." He mumbles looking at the door leading to the core. A hole starts to appear in a part of the door. Like its being eaten away. I start going towards the door. "Come on lets get out of here." He grabs my hand as he passes me and makes me run faster. We get outside and the Doctor gets in the back of the truck. The Doctor helps me climb up and I stand near him and help Sarah up. Once professor Watson gets on a guard also piles on. We then start to take of towards a safe distance. We stop and they climb out.

"Everybody take cover!"

I climb behind the car next to Sarah. I look up and see two fighter jets. I look up and the Doctor hasn't moved. I remember that the missiles wont go off so I get up and climb back up onto the truck. "Mrs smith, Doctor get down!" He then warns Sarah of the light and how to help protect the ear drums. Hold the nose and open your mouth. They all look confused when nothing happens the Doctor just has a smirk.

"What happened, we saw them fire." Sarah says, I shrug.

"They've been absorbed somehow. Professor Watson, something that can live and thrive from radiation wont be affected by primitive missiles." I say as I see the Doctor beaming at me from the corner of my eye.

"There the most powerful missiles we have!" Watson sort of complains.

"On your standards perhaps, I think we must try much older weapons." The Doctor says folding his arms on one of the metal rings.

"Like?" Sarah questions.

"Simple answer my dear Watson, speech diplomacy."

"What?" Watson looks completely confused.

"Conversation, come on driver lets go." Everybody gets back onto the truck and we go back to the plant. We arrive and the gate is unlocked, we pile out of the truck and walk through. "Alright you stay here, it shouldn't take me long, one way our another."

I try to walk around him. "Alright lets go."

The Doctor shakes his head. "No you stay with professor Watson." The Doctor walks away from us.

I look at Sarah and we both smirk. We make a move but professor Watson grabs us and pulls us back. "I think you should do what he says this time."

I roll my eyes then wink at Sarah. "FOR NARNIA!" I scream and we link arms and open the gate more and take a run towards the Doctor.

"NO!" I hear professor Watson scream towards us.

We catch up to the Doctor and he stops and looks at us both. I shrug my shoulders. "We worry about you. Anyway who found that thing?" I hear him grumble Sarah's name. "And who is your best friend?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"you're actually my wife." I hear him mumble lowly. "You are."

I look stunned at him. "what was that you said before you are?"

He brings a finger to his lips. "Spoilers, my dear."

We start walking again before Sarah continues. "Anyway we're both involved, and besides I'm from Earth, you two are not." She says while skipping to keep with the Doctor.

"That's true, yes but."

Sarah and I cut him off. "But what?" We ask as he stuffs his hands in his front pockets.

"I worry about you to as well." I grab his arm as we walk.

"So we'll be careful?" I suggest looking to Sarah. "All three of us be careful." We both nod our heads.

"Right." We say at the same time. We head into the plant and we go back to reactor 3, the door looks like its been eaten through.

We peek inside and I jump around at a voice. "You!" There's a creature made out of stones mostly ,it also has a human face. "Come forward."

The Doctor goes forward. "You must be Eldrad. I was only going to say how do you do." The Doctor says with a bright smile.

"Are you responsible for this stupid attempt to destroy me?" She asks the Doctor.

"No, tell me. How did you prevent the missiles from exploding?" Sarah grabs my hand in a death grip.

"I absorbed the energy of the explosion."

The Doctor looks giddy. "I told you both, didn't I, I thought."

I see that Eldrad still has her hand raised up. "I see you are not of this planet, neither is she." Eldrad points to me behind the Doctor. "What are you doing here among these primitives?" Eldrad questions us.

"Well we're here to help, I'm the Doctor, that is Danniela Smith, and that is Sarah Jane Smith. Say hello to the lady." He instructs both of us.

I pull Sarah along more forward and smile at Eldrad. "Hello." I say smiling.

"H h hello." Sarah slightly stutters her welcome.

"Now Eldrad I'll ask you the same question." The Doctor hums, Sarah still has a grip on my hand but not as tight.

"I am Eldrad, creator of Castria! Why did you try to destroy me?"

The Doctor shakes his head. "No you've got it wrong Eldrad. We're the ones that saved you." He points to himself, then to Sarah then finally to me. With a smile as he crosses both his hearts.

Eldrad's eyes glow bright blue and the Doctor stares straight ahead. "You are telling the truth." She stops and the Doctor gasps and grabs his head in pain.

"Doctor!" I let go of Sarah's hands and place my hands on his. "Are you okay Theta?" I whisper to him, he opens his eyes and looks into mine.

"Yes my dear I'm quiet alright." He smiles at me softly.

Eldrad speaks again behind me. "Why do they try to destroy me with their primitive devices?" She questions us, I get off my tip toes and stand beside the Doctor again.

"Because they're stubborn and violent, sometimes they try to destroy things they don't understand." I explain to her gently not taking my eyes of the Doctor.

"Then they must be taught otherwise." I look to Eldrad slightly disgusted.

"You wouldn't be the first, others have tried. Excuse me I don't want to pry but could you tell us how you got here?" The Doctor asks her while rubbing his face.

"We found your hand in a quarry." Sarah speaks up finally a confident voice.

"I...was..betrayed. They tried to obliterate me. Now I must return to avenge myself."

The Doctor looks slightly shocked. "What?" I asked slightly shocked myself.

"After all this time?" The Doctor continues for me.

"Explain?" Eldrad demands.

"Well you've been on Earth 155 million years, and you were dormant all that time." The Doctor explains to her, Eldrad's head goes down then her eyes glow bright blue again.

"That's it! Stop it you're hurting him, he's telling the truth!" I shout at her.

"You are a Time Lord, and she is a Time Lady." Eldrad begins but I step in front of them to break the bond.

The Doctor stumbles and he falls into my arms. We land on the floor and I lay his head in my lap. "You didn't have to do that!" I say while placing a hand on the Doctors head.

"I would of told you." The Doctor says to Eldrad.

"Fortunately Doctor, I have learned to trust no one. I need your help."

I scoff loudly at her. "Yeah after you did this to him I'm not quiet sure if I want him to help you." I snap at her.

The Doctor holds his hand up to me. "shh." He dizzily stands up and I help him.

"As two Time Lords, you are pledged to the laws of time and prevent any aggression." Eldrad scowls at us.

I grasp the Doctors hand in my own. "Only when such aggression is deemed a threat in a indigenous population, I think that's how it goes." The Doctor explains.

"Then you must help me in my struggle." I just glare and grip the Doctors hand tighter, I feel him squeeze mine back lightly.

"Help you? You're destructive!" Sarah shouts at Eldrad.

", let me explain. Castria was a code for a hospital planet, I am a special watcher of those winds, I designed a crystalized silicone form. For our physical needs, I build machines, for the earth and the atmosphere. I brought Astrio to LIFE!" Sarah opens her mouth to say something but she closes it. "Then to alien planets that wallow, that Castria will keep their background. They destroyed me, the winds came again to dehydrate the planet. The alien invaders made puppets of the Castria's leaders. i was diquited and sentenced to obliteration." Eldrad says grimly to us.

"If you did all of those things for your people, why did they turn against you?" Sarah asks her gently.

"My people didn't. I beg you to help save Castro once more." I look to the Doctor who doesn't say anything. "Why do you hesitate? It's your duty, help me! Take me back through time!" Eldrad demands the Doctor and I.

"That would contraband the first rule of time. Distortion of history, we can't do that." I say to her as nicely as I can.

"You cannot refuse!" She snaps at me.

"We're not refusing, I'll take you back, but it must be in the present time." The Doctor explains back to her.

"Silence!" Really? She asks for help then tells us to shut up. "I I seem to detect another presence in this building."

Sarah shakes her head. "I don't think there's no one else." The Doctor says to her.

"No they've all been evacuated." I say next.

"We're the only ones here, alive that is." Sarah says last.

"Do you accept our conditions Eldrad?" I ask her as her head bows down.

"Yes you leave me no choice." She says while lifting her head back up. I give Eldrad a small smile.

"Good, well fallow me." The Doctor leads out of the room I trail behind.

"After you." I hear Sarah say to her.

As soon as Eldrad steps out of the room I hear shots being fired. Then I hear a bang and see professor Watson running. Eldrad is after him. "No Eldrad leave him!" I say as we run after them.

We run in and see that Eldrad is killing professor Watson. "Eldrad stop this!" The Doctor walks over and says something to her and she lets go of Watson.

I rush to his side and check on him. "Doctor he's still breathing." I inform the Doctor.

"Come Time Lords lets be on our way." Eldrad simply states.

I just glare up at Eldrad. "Just remember that you owe your regeneration to that man!" I snap at Eldrad.

"Yes and I'm grateful. Leave him alone and I promise he will recover." Eldrad nods.

I shake my head no. "We're not leaving him like this, I'm not budging till I know he's alright!" He groans in my arms and attempts to sit up.

"Are you alright?" The Doctor asks placing a comforting hand on the back of his neck. "yes yes." I sigh in relief.

"you see Doctor, I am not as cruel as you think I am." Eldrad stares at Watson briefly.

The Doctor slowly stands up. "Alright let's go." I get up and tug Sarah along with me. We finally get back to the TARDIS.

"Welcome to the TARDIS." I say while walking to the console. "Well?" I ask Eldrad as she looks around.

"I congratulate you Doctor, Danniela the achievement of your people of temporal engineering are indeed as impressive as I have herd."

I see the Doctor smile brightly. "Yes, thank you glad you like it." I say to her while going around and standing next to the Doctor. "Tell me of its ominous."

He taped his head. "They're in here." Her eyes glow blue again and I tighten my grip on the Doctor. "Your weapons wont work in here, we're in a state of temporal grace."

I continue for him. "We're multi dimensional." I say smugly to her.

"What do you mean?" Eldrad demands.

"Well you see, we don't exists while we're in here. You can't hurt us and we can't hurt you." The Doctor explains smugly.

"She can't hurt us?" Sarah asks astonished. "No she can't." I answer for him.

"We'll here's a question I can ask you then. Why are we helping her?" Sarah asks us. I shrug as I answer. "We'll in a sense we're helping the Earth, after all we cant let Eldrad roam earth and go to nuclear power stations. Who knows how much destruction she'll cause, how big she could get." I say eyeing Eldrad up and down.

"Anyway I want to see Castia." The Doctor says, Sarah and I look at one another.

"Why, and what on earth for?" Sarah asks him surprised.

"Well travel broadens the mind." The Doctors hums.

"A distinction in time saves 9." Sarah says back to him.

I look at her eyebrow raised. "What does that mean?" The Doctor questions.

"Look before you leap!" I say to him with a light laugh.

"Will you stop all this childish battle, time is passing!" Eldrad snaps at all three of us.

"Yes I was wondering if you'd help with the coordinates." The Doctor says to her.

Sarah turns around huffed and I go to comfort her. I fallow her through the corridors of the ship. "Sarah what are you doing?" We pass her room and she goes to the kitchen.

"I'm grabbing a banana, want one?" I nod my head and she tosses me one. I feel the ship tilt and I laugh. "Now she's going to have to trust us!" We open the door and I pop my head out. "Now you're going to have to trust someone!" I say while walking by the Doctor.

"I trusted them, they tried to obliterate me!" Eldrad shoots back at us.

"You will not achieve anything on Castia if you don't get over this paranoid obsession!" The Doctor shoots back at her.

"Well you give me no choice Doctor." Eldrad retorts back.

I hear the Doctor snort a little. "Oh don't be so abject!" Eldrad looks up shocked.

"All we want is your co-operation." I state firmly. "If you put those coordinates in wrong then there could be a chance of us not landing at all!" I snap loudly at Eldrad. A few seconds pass and

I feel a small thud, we've landed. "We've landed." The Doctor announces.

"Doctor you will have to trust me." The Doctor flips a switch on and it reviles the surface of Castria, it looks almost like the moon, there's a dome of the the right and dust is being blown around.

"Is that Castria?" Sarah asks walking to Eldrad's side.

"It is."

Sarah gives her a big smile. "Its great."

She walks back towards me and the Doctor. "The winds have devastated it ,I will reclaim it again!" Eldrad declares firmly.

"You're a little late, the winds have been here for 150 million years," I inform her gently.

"How's the atmosphere?" She turns to the Doctor.

"Near enough Earth normal." He states.

"How about the radiation levels?"

"A bit high." He responds.

"It's all I shall need." I see her smile a small smile. We get to the little dome place and the Doctor closes the doors.

I'm wrapped in the Doctors jacket. I feel the sensation in my head again and I see a slight glow under the jacket. "Doctor I'm leaving." I say sadly as I hand him his jacket back. "I don't want to go! Please Doctor!" I say as tears form in my eyes and go down my cheeks. I feel my self drifting away from him.

"Ill see you soon my dear." He leans down and places a gentle kiss on cheek before my he fades completely into darkness.


I'm not sure on what to do next. I think I want to do a sixth Doctor episode or maybe a tenth Doctor episode. I'm not sure yet. But I will be updating this story hopefully more often than i have.

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