Hand of fear part 2

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The shaking finally stopped. "Are we alright?" I ask shakily.

"Yes I think we are." The doctor replies to me as he stands up. He offers his hand to me and hoists me up. We walk into reactor room three and see the door to the reactor is shut off.

"What happened?" I ask from behind.

"Nothing, some kind of unexplosion has taken place."

I raise an eyebrow. "Yeah that's not possibl-" I trail off as someone comes in behind me.

"Mrs Smith, you need to get out of there, the radiation must be lethal." Watson shouts at me I see Sarah behind him.

"Mrs Smith?" I ask him eyebrow raised.

"Spoilers." The Doctor says to me before shouting at Watson and Sarah. "Oh come in its safe, there's no radiation at all."

I point towards the meter. "look for yourself professor Watson."

He walks in cautiously and looks at the meter, normal is highlighted. "Where's Driscoll?"

I point at the door. "The core I'm afraid."

Watson looks skeptical. "That's impossible, that would of caused a nuclear explosion!"

I look to the Doctor for explanation. "Yes but unfortunately it was absorbed." The Doctor says to Watson.

"But it couldn't!" Watson tries to exclaim back.

"Oh but it could it could, and it did." I say pointing to door. "It was a sort of unexplosion." I say smugly while smirking at the Doctor. "Its starting to take control." I say through my teeth.

"you mean that thing is still alive!?" I nod my head slowly towards him. "Its beyond me, for what point?" He demands answers.

"To live." I reply shortly to him.

"You see instead of energy created form matter, matter is being created from energy. Eldrad is creating himself, the probability he will strike again." The Doctor explains calmly.

"You mean other reactors?" Watson wonders, I nod grimly in response.

"Lets put these back into place." The Doctor relocks the door.

"But that's not going to stop it!" Sarah exclaims beside me.

"No but I like to keep tidy." I roll my eyes at him.

"It's time we got out of here. Fight fire with fire, find the armed forces get this thing destroyed, before it causes anymore harm." Professor Watson says while walking out of the room.

I shake my head in annoyance. "Its our only chance!" Sarah exclaims seeing my disapproval.

"I can't see how throwing missiles at it will help anything." I say to her softly.

"It's trying to get out." Sarah looks worried and scared. "Come on Doctor, Danniela !"

The Doctor holds his hand up. "Now hold on Sarah. Maybe we should try to communicate with it somehow."

Sarah is by the door now. "How sign with it?" She places her hands on her hips.

"Alright we got ten minutes before air command had ordered a nuclear air strike. To take this place out." I snort in disgust.

"Take it out?" I walk over to Sarah try and calm her.

I tune back into what the Doctor is saying. "It's intelligent."

Sarah buts in. "Intelligent, it's destructive! It's killing people!"

I try to reason with her. "It's a life force from another planet."

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