New Jersey Love c; <333 {ICON...

By jessnicolexo

14K 210 33


Editing ^_^
Chapter 1: Nice to meet you <3 c;
Chapter 2: The Next Step ^-*
Chapter 3: Party Time *\0/*
Authors Note
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
To My Beautiful Readers :*
Chapter 6: TheRealNickMara
Casting One Roll ^-*
title of your story
Chapter 7:Our First Kiss went a little like this :*
Chapter 8:
Sneak peak ❤️

New Jersey Love c; <333 {ICONic Boyz ~A Nick Mara Love Story :*~

3.4K 22 2
By jessnicolexo

*Hey guys this is my 3rd story evah! I deleted the other ones though becuz i never finished them :(. For those who read my story...yes! This is a remake to the other one before this one. To my new readers,I appreciate you reading my story...the first one im going to publish "Fully". Anyways this Chapter(most of you know already) is just describing Vinny's and Destinee's Bro/Sis relationship. But in the next chapter Destinee is gunna meet Vinny's friends. And shes gunna fall for one of them. Any guesses who? Yeah...its in the title c:! Anyways Enjoy my remake. Love ya guys!



Destinee's P.O.V

~"Mom are we there yet?"I asked my Mom probably for the 5th time. I was sooo excited! I was going to see my best friend Vinny for summer break.

Vinny and I were friends ever since we were babies. Are Mom's were even best friends too. Vinny always would get what i was going through. We would do everything together ,that is,until he moved to New Jersey when we were 10.

Nothings ever been the same since...Now Im 14 and Hes 15. And we hadnt talked in 2 years. Let alone seen eachother in 4 years.I started to cut ever since he left. Not Becuz of Him though...

Because my life is hard. Especially at school. And Without him keeping me on the right track ive made some bad dicisions.

Dont get me wrong...I have a lot of good friends. And i wasnt ugly. In fact,I dated a lot of guys and they thought i was beyond gorgeous with My blond hair and hazel eyes.

But people make mistakes. And some of those people...are me.

"Yes Destinee!"My mom said," were almost there." I smiled. The car finally stopped a couple minutes later. I rolled down my sleeves to cover my cuts and rushed out the car door.

"Destinee? Can you help me with-" My mom began but i was already rushing to the door. I knocked 2 times and rang the doorbell.

Finally,Vinny answered the door. I just stood there staring at him. Wow he changed. But in a good way. He got taller;his hair was darker;he was...cuter.

He just stared back at me probably seeing how much i have changed. Because...I did change. I been going to the gym a lot and lost all my baby fat. And of course I looked more mature

"Hi Vinny,"I whispered smiling like an idiot. "Hey Dess" Vinny said smiling back. "Well dont just stand there!" He said,"Hug me!"

We embraced in a hug. His strong arms were wrapped tightly against me. " changed a bit" I lied.

"Is that good?" He smiled. "Well-ya-um-no-i dont know?" I said shaking my head. He laughed and i smiled.

We went inside his house which was ,by-the-way humongous. "Its really nice to see you,"Vinny said. "Same here," I stated.

I realized that my sleeves would keep going up so i hid my hands behind my back. I think Vinny saw me because he stopped smiling."Whatcha got there Dess?"Vinny asked Frowning.

"Oh nothing.." I smiled sweetly. "Ok..." Vinny said," I have a surprise for you." I just stared at him,"What? You didnt need to-"

"Oh Shut up and close your eyes!" Vinny said abruptly. I did what i was told and closed my eyes. I heard him going through the cabnets and felt him put something on my lap.

"Ok. You can open your eyes now,"Vinny said. I opened my eyes and looked down at my lap. His "present" was a jar of Nutella wrapped in a thin layer of ribbon.

"Oh My God! You remembered!" I said beaming. Nutella was mine and Vinny's favorite snack. Especially with grahm crackers.

"How can i forget." Vinny said putting a hand to his chest making a "Im hurt" expression. "Well I just thought-" "Come on lets eat" Vinny interupted holding up two spoons.

He handed me one and we both opened the jar. I stuffed a spoonful of Nutella in my mouth and swallowed hard. "Wow! Calm down leave some for me!" Vinny said laughing

I stook my tongue out at him,"Its MY present. I'll eat it all if i want to." He nodded in agreement.

"Wheres your mom?" I finally asked Vinny. I hadnt realized Mrs.C wasnt in the house yet. "Shes at the store." Vinny said,"She'll be back in a bit."

"Where's Yours?" Vinny asked. "Shes outside..." I said eating another spoonful of chocolate. I completey forgot about my Mom actually. I was suppose to help with the luggage but Hey...I was excited.

"So..."Vinny said,"Me and my Buds were going to the Park this afternoon and-." "Park?" I asked laughing. Vinny would never grow up i guess.

He rolled his eyes,"Anyways...We were going to "RIDE OUR BIKES" to the park, and i was wondering if you wanted to come...You know? To Meet them."

"Ya," I said smiling,"That sounds like fun." "Cool"Vinny said grinning at me. I looked up to face him and i couldnt help but giggle.

"What?" Vinny asked confused. "You have chocolate on your face." I said starting to laugh. "Oh yeah?" Vinny said raising an eyebrow.

Vinny pulled back his spoon and chocolate flung on my face,"Now you do too." I slowly wiped the chocolate from my face. " you want to play dirty?" I said and did the same thing he did with my spoon.

"Oh No You Didnt!" Vinny said. He scooped up Nutella in both of his hands and threw them at me but i ducked out of the way.

He chased me around the table. Vinny was right about to catch me,when my mom walked in through the door. We both stopped in our tracks.

"Um...Did I interupt something here?" My mom asked confused. Me and Vinny looked at eachother,"Nope!"

"Ok well,Vinny,Since your mom told me shes at the super market. Would you kids want a pizza?" My mom asked.

I didnt realize how starving I was until now. "Oh My god yes please!" I begged. "Ya sure." Vinny shrugged. "Ok Ill be back. Bye!" My mom said heading out the door.

"Phew! That was close wasn't it!"Vinny said giving a sigh of relief. "Ya,pretty close,"I said giggling.

"Well...we have to meet my friends at 4:00,"Vinny paused,"And its 3:10. Soo...You better eat that pizza fast,girl! But seeing how you ate the Nutella...I dont think that will be a problem."

"Are You calling me fat?!" I asked putting my hands on my hips. "Oh! No-No-Your not-I mean-"Vinny said. "I know what you mean" I said,"I was just messin with you."

Vinny sighed in relief then looked at me. "Round Two?" Vinny said holding up his spoon which had chocolate on it.

"Round Two." I confered. And The War Began Again...


*Arent Destinee and Vinny the cutest Best Friends Evah! Hehe! Anyways The next Chapter,like I said before, Destinee is going to meet Vinny's friends. And she might start to have feelings for one of them. But will it ruin Hers and Vinny's Relatioonship??? Or will Vinny be fine a bout it??? More Answers to come in the adventures of.....Ok that got completly out of hand

The real thing is,is that Destinee is going to meet Vinnys friends. And start to...have feelings for one of them. Nick!!!! <333 :* c;

Kay Keep reading! Bye!


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