
De MediocreArts

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Koru Riga, an average 16-year-old boy, finds himself in a bizarre situation. He runs into a girl with mystic... Mai multe

Quick note from Author and Editor
*~Chapter 1: The beginning~*
*~Chapter 2: Strange encounters~*
*~Chapter 3: Making things clear~*
*~Chapter 4: truth~*
*~Chapter 5: Troubled~*
*~Chapter 6: showdown~*
*~Chapter 7: Emergency gathering~*
*~Chapter 8: On Guard~*
*~Chapter 9: Betrayal~*
*~Chapter 10: Infiltration~*
*~Chapter 11: Strong Bonds~*
*~Chapter 12: Sliek Determination~*
*~Chapter 13: Reunion~*
*~Chapter 15: Mysterious capture~*
*~Chapter 16: Sliek's Entrance~*
*~Chapter 17: The Unfortunate Surprise~*
*~Chapter 18: Catching Up~*
*~Chapter 19: The Awakened~*
*~Chapter 20: Final Battle?~*
*~Chapter 21: Silence~*
*~Chapter 22: A Desperate Wish~*
*~Chapter 23: Shattered Glass ~*
*~Epilogue: The Second Chance~*

*~Chapter 14: False Appearances~*

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De MediocreArts

At the Demon Realm Meeting Room...

The mistress was getting quite irritable and impatient when she discovered her soldiers got sent back badly injured by a small group. A quarter of the Sliek population was sent back.

"Grrrr....How is this possible? How is it that a small group of children could send them back here so quickly?!"

*You're considered a child too, Suzuki...* Tobi thought.

"Um, Perhaps it was-"

"It was a rhetorical question mind you!" She raised a lever that was behind her and pulled it down, causing the man to fall in the eternal inferno. Everyone else started shaking with fear. "Ugh..So annoying. I already know about the facts and I am very curious about two specific targets. A boy with a golden crest and his guardian Sunoco. And another with a seashell for the source. What I don't understand is why do they keep fighting? They just experienced."

"I-if Baki may..." Baki stood up from her seat. "Baki believes those two humans have the will power to protect what's important to them."

"Aren't they just protecting the sources, Baki?" Tobi asked.

"No...this is different. Something...or someone is very special to them."

"So what do you think we should do?"

"I think we need to gather some data from these humans."

"...Go on..."

"We could summon the master of disguises to go spy on them. gather enough data to know their biggest weaknesses, and when we have gathered enough information, we could jump in and destroy them all!!!"

" BRILLIANT!!!" Mistress jumped and danced with joy throwing Baki around.

"Baki, I never knew you had such evil in you! Why can't the rest of you be more like her?"

 "And have a destructive mind? No way." Tobi replied. "You're a real piece of work Baki." 

"Well...Baki tries..hehe...he..."

"I will summon the high rank of Disguisers. No way will this fail. Not even Hemnos's Barrier cubes will stop this."

At Siren's Peak...

Shissou was on top of the hill, looking at the sunset. He had a lot of things on his mind. But the biggest thing on his mind was about his brother. *Do I really have what it takes to be a Guardian? I always get captured by them. I can't even fight back. I was always considered a coward, a softy. What do I need to be a good protector?*

"You just lack self confidence, that's all."

Shissou looked behind and saw Sara sitting besides him. "Sara! Uh, how'd did you-?"

"We used to hang out here all the time, remember? All of us." Shissou looked back to the times before RedBand was formed. His friends, brother, and himself used to play around by Siren's Peak. To end the day, they would all sit down and watch the sunset together. But then he realized that's when Sara's "heart failure" started to progress.

"Toro told me he'd never came back here, ever since you left. "

"Ever since I left?"

"Remember? Since you collapsed and never woke up?"

"Oh...oh right! "

"Are you okay Sara? You're kinda acting weird."

"No, no, I'm quite alright sour-Uh, uh,I mean, have you seen Toro lately?"

"No, he's been out for a while...I haven't seen him anywhere." Shissou took a closer look at Sara suspiciously.

"You seem kinda different."

"Uh. Different?! How?"

"You're voice is raspy for starters, your eye's changed, you smell like blood, your actions...I know you're a Sliek already, but, not like the Slieks I saw last time.."

"So what difference does it make?? I just have a cold! My eyes arent adjusted to this light, demon blood got on me, and I'm just jumpy! Dammit man! Can't a girl just be different for once in her life?!"

"Bitter phase going on?"

Sara cleared her throat and came to her senses...*Ahem*  "Y-yes, that's right. Sorry about the outburst."

"Shissou! You're an idiot!" Both Shissou and Sara looked around, and before Sara said a word, She was stabbed and her true form showed. The demon then melted away through the ground. He saw Sai, Tsugumi, and Ana looking at him. "You really need to learn the signs of fakers," Sai said sternly.

"Just how did you find me?"

"Really Shissou? You know how."

"But If that's not Sara, then where is she?"

    "Um...that's kinda why we're here..Please keep this information secret from your brother. We kinda came to tell you...she's been kidnapped."

Oracle City's Hospital...

Sunoco and Koru looked nearby the hospital. "Koru, why are we here, exactly?"

 "Aoru usually hangs out around here by himself. And if I'm right, he should be here somewhere."

"Why over here? It just feels so depressing..." He said nothing else and carried on. "Wait Koru! Listen to your mother!"  He ignored Sunoco and took a few looks around. Suddenly, a thought slipped his mind. "Oh, before I forget, where's Meiko and her cat?"

"She last told me she had important things to do at the realm. I can't check on them now by my own free will anymore ever since I used the transporter there. I have to be commanded over there by you, and there are complicated steps."  Soon enough, their effort paid off. He saw Aoru sitting on the roof.

"I'd knew I find you up here."

"Riga? What are you doing here?"

"Everyone's waiting for you. They want you to come back."

"I've been thinking, I'm not sure if I want to go back."

"What are you saying Aoru? They're your friends and need protection."

"I'm no Guardian, missy. Sure the gang is over, but what happens now?

"Just keep going as you are now, Aoru. They still follow you, so you are still a leader of the group. If you left them without a leader, just how will they manage?"  Aoru looked at Sunoco bewildered. Then he looked at Koru.

"You were always on top of things Aoru. Do you really plan on throwing in the towel?" 

 "'ve changed quite a bit this past month. Even so, you're still Mr. Goody Two Shoes..."

"Maybe...but we came here to tell you something urgent. About Sara."

His expression didn't change much. "What about her?" Koru took a deep breath and chose his words carefully. He knew saying the wrong things will deeply upset him. "Some Slieks came earlier and kinda took her hostage." Aoru was silent for a few moments and finally replied..."About time."

 "W-What are you saying man?! She's your girlfriend! Your freakin' girlfriend for years!"

 Aoru had a small smirk on his face, which grew into a maniacal laugh which echoed in the sky. Koru and Sunoco glanced with a concerned expression on their faces. Aoru takes a small sigh."Ah...good one guys. Don't recall ever loving a demon. Why be friends with one?"

    "Aoru! This is serious business! I can't believe you'd be calm about this!"

"You don't even know her Sunoco. I doubt you even met her beforehand." 

 *Sunoco, something seems very wrong with him...he just seems very different somehow,* Koru whispered.

   * You think? I'm starting to doubt this is the real one,* replied Sunoco.

Just then, the cress around Koru's neck and Sunoco's spear turned red. "What's this!?"

"I think it's warning us about something. And its signal is pointing at him." Sunoco inspected Aoru a little closer and saw a small symbol on his neck."I knew it! Koru get back!" On its own, the spear floated and stabbed Aoru through the neck and he melted on to the ground.

    "Oh great. It's another poser...Just what the world needs. And here I thought we'd actually find him."Sunoco sighed as the spear returned to her. "So he's not here, or at the hideout...just where could he be at?"

"I'm thinking of a place where we can't just look."

    "...Are you talking about the realm? A human can't go there by themselves. Their guardians have to open the portal there...wait..."

They both heard static coming from Koru's pocket. *Riga. Come in Riga.* They heard Sai's voice coming from the device.

Sunoco gave a Are you kidding me right now expression. "You brought your walkie-talkie?"

"I knew it be handy one day. Don't judge me. This is Riga. Did you find Shissou?"

 *Yes. He's right here with us. Any luck finding Aoru yet?*

"No, but I think we know where he's at now. Put Shissou on."There was nothing but static for a moment until Sai spoke again.

*He doesn't want to.*

"Get him to talk. I want to talk to him. Force him if you have to."

*Uh...Yeah....? It's me.*

"Open the portal. Take us to the Realm."

Shissou sounded a little confused. *I don't know what you mean, Koru.*

Koru was starting to lose his patience. "Don't you pull that crap over me. Aoru asked you to take him there earlier right? He's probably over there now. He was told somehow that Sara was taken and he rushed like the hothead he is."

*I really don't know what you're talking about. You know him more than anyone. And you would know that He wouldn't ask me for anything.*

"Even if it was for Sara?"

*Even for her. He doesn't trust me. I know I screw up, but I should at least get another chance to prove myself.*

"Sunoco, you know a way right? To get there."

"Of course. We'll all go. Now Shissou, I need you to do these exact instructions, understand? A wrong move can prove fatal."

*Er...right. I'll be careful.*

 Do you have the piece of paper from the will?"

*No! But I remember what she said. Does that count?*

    "Well, write it down on a piece of paper and  place it on the ground and put it on fire. the portal should open if you walk in the smoke."

*Well, okay...see you soon.*

 "Koru, I want you to do the same thing. Only the guardian or the 'client' can do this trick. And the cool thing is that you can do this as much as you want. The paper will never burn."

"Okay." He took the will and the lighter and he did the same thing she instructed Shissou. Then a big ball of smoke started to swallow them both.

The Realm

As Hemnos studied the information from his eyes on how much the Earth is progressing, he got up from his chair and went to the main hall to get something. Then he saw Aoru and Shissou waiting for him. "Well well, this is quite a surprise. I never seem to have visitors come at their own will."

    "Hemnos. There is something I have to discuss with you."

Aoru explained his short encounter with Baki, one of the Superior Slieks, what her learned about the upcoming war between the two worlds. Hemnos called for his high counsel and began to talk among themselves about the situation at hand.  

"Are you sure that's what she said before melting away?"

"Yes. Crystal clear. But my companions had more time with her than I did."

"I see...I'll summon them immediately."

"I'm not so sure if that's a good idea..."

"Shissou? What are you saying?"

"Um...I'm just saying that they may not like the suprise, and I might see another copy of me with them."

"Another copy?? Then they have to be summoned!"

"I'll take care of it brother, don't worry. I'll be back." As he left, Aoru looked at Hemnos for a moment.  

"I know. I sensed it too. But I am not so sure if he may be the Sliek. I have to call for my sister's assistance.She can sense the difference between humans and Slieks with a blink of an eye."

"I thought you knew everything!"

"I said I SEE Everything. I am not God you know."

His eyes started to glow silver and before him came Mona.

"Did you call me?"

"Yes. Aoru's guardian just left to go find his companions."

"He never arrived here brother. Blaze was here only a moment ago. I need to go get Razuka. He's tied up in my closet. I'm sure he'll yield and  tell me the exact location." She left momentarily to retrieve her captive.  

  "Wow she's good."

"I told you."  She returned with prison bound Razuka. He was poorly tied and had tape over his mouth. The muffled words turned into a small yelp as Mona yanked the tape from it. "Now, tell us what we need to know."

He couldn't say anything.  He avoided any contact with Mona. He was badly shaken and couldn't finish his sentences. From the look on his face and his clothing, he seemed beaten and isolated for a few hours. After a few attempts, he was able to speak a bit more properly.

Aoru looked at him. "What the hell did you do to him?"

"He's just lucky I didn't kill him." Mona regrettably responded. "Now tell me any information you know."

   "I can't say." His face turned pale white, cold sweat coming down while he was still shaking. "I can't say! I can't!" He started to scream in fear and repeated the same words over and over.  Mona gave a scowl.

"He's totally broken."

 Hemnos gave a slap across the face to regain his senses. "Can you answer Mona's question?"

Razuka shook his head. "There's no information that's useful for you. I can't say anything."

"And why's that Razuka? Are you still serving them?"  Raine came from Mona's room to find the small crowd here. "Why can't you give any information?"

"I just can't. My powers are nearly gone, and I was said to say nothing."

"You pushed the button to release everyone, knowing the consequences! Why can't you say anything now??

"I just can't!! I-"

"Listen," Hemnos said sternly. "What matters now is the fact that they are on the move. More of the Disguisers have been dispatched and it's harder for humankind to trust one another. It wouldn't matter if you were here or there. Even though you're still serving them, they're still after your head. Since you escaped from the high cell with that important prisoner girl, they've had their eyes on you."

Razuka had a blank expression on his face. " do you know that? Even the Lord of this Realm couldn't possibly see in the demon world."

"Too much information, wouldn't you say, sire?"

Everyone was looking at him suspiciously. Hemnos began feeling a little uncomfortable as they were getting closer. "There's no need to be suspicious of me. Do you know why I had one of my eyes bandaged up before, Mona? Raine?"

 Raine nodded her head. "So, you could see more of the demon world right?" she asked.

"Right. Before, I was only limited to the sight of the human world. But now that I have a Sliek's eye, I can see their world more clearly...although I still can't enter."

Aoru looked at him with disgust. "You have a demon's eye in you? That's messed up stuff right there."

"It's my Realm and I'll do as I please. Now Razuka, If you don't want to say anything, that's fine, because I will fill them in."

Razuka's eyes grew wide with horror. His skin turned pale as he grew cold sweat. "She'll know....she'll know!" 

 "Last chance Razuka. Its best to tell us if you value your life."

 Razuka thought quickly on what could've been worse for him; being a prisoner, or the death sentence by his leader.  He quickly decided to value his life and tell what he knows.

"The last I remember, I escaped with Sara Nul. We parted ways after we went through the dark portal. I don't know where she went afterwards!"

Aoru grabbed him by the collar and pinned him on the wall. "Sara?! You didn't stay with her to protect her?!"

"It's none of my business, but it seems she was going to see someone! I really don't know anything, Honestly!"

"You're lying! You know where she is!!! Tell me where she's being held! You slieks are all the same aren't you?!" He was about to give Razuka a blow to the head

He looked away attempting to avoid the injury. "Not Sara...She's different from any of us. She still thinks there's hope for her corrupted people. She won't stop and you know it best, right?"

Aoru's face relaxed a little. He decided to try asking again more calmly. "Can you sense her or not? Can you check?"

"Sorry, but I can't. When I was in the high cells, most of my energy was asorbed by the bars..." Aoru was running out of patience. He threw Razuka to the floor and ran to Henmos.

"Hey! can't you try to locate her?! You have that demon eye now right?!"

"Please calm down!" Mona exclaimed. "That's not him!"

"W-what was that..?"

"His new eye is actually the object that links him and me! He still shouldn't see the demon world! That eye you see before you is actually glass!"

'Hemnos' gave a slow applause and a small chuckle. "Thank you for the information, I'll be sure to fill in the Mistress...and Aoru? Don't bother saving her. She's a goner, and you'll soon join her."

The Elite Disguiser's laugh echoed throughout the room as he sank through the floor to his base. Aoru became weak to the knees and fell to the floor *Sara...if you're out there....let me know if you're alright...please..* 

He then heard a voice in the dark.

Toro...I'm alright. I can't sense where I'm at, but I'm not hurt. It's kind of funny that they don't want to even get near me. But I'm probably at the Demon world. Please wait for the others! I don't like it when you're too reckless...

When he woke up, he saw Raine sitting by him. "Oh, you came to. Glad to see you awake now. Are you feeling well?"

    "Ugh...I' not so sure." Then Sara appeared in his mind. "Sara! I have to go save Sara!!" He was running toward the portal that seemed open, but she quickly grabbed him before he ran inside. "Are you insane?! Mona is the only one that can pass through without dying in there! I tried going in there but I almost died the second I went in." 

"I'd be willing to do anything for her. She's one of my best friends and I don't want to lose her again!!"

"Even if you plan on destroying your own life?"

"Hell, yeah! I'm not the type who sits back on everything!" Raine gasped as he broke through. "I better inform them!!" She rushed out of the room and tried to explain what's going on. 

"That guy is crazy! Did you try telling him about what would happen?"

"I couldn't get through to him! I-I just couldn't!" She started to break down and cry.

 "...I'll get him...." Razuka said.

Hemnos and Mona stared at him. "Mona's still recovering from the last visit right?  And I'm pretty much the only other person who can actually go in there unharmed. I won't be able to fight though. "

"Go for it..."


"Look, I still don't trust you, but you're here for a reason, and we're running out of options."

He didn't have to hear her twice to run through the portal. As Razuka left, the rest of the small group came, with Blaze in Sunoco's grasp.

"Are we late?" Shissou asked.

Sai gave Shissou a smack in back of the head as a response.

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