*~Chapter 15: Mysterious capture~*

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As she awoken from her slumber, she woke up to find herself in a familiar place. She was again in chains, so it was difficult to move anywhere

*Hm...It seems I've been here before...wait! Is...is this...my room?* She looked around as she saw the well-furnished room, along with the authentic wall with matching curtains. *I've been gone for a long time...so, who's been  trespassing?*

"I guess i was playing housekeeper. You're lucky nobody wants to be near the 'defected one'. "

Sara looked around and standing at the doorway was no other than Tobi, the Mistress's younger brother.

"Uh, thanks...I guess. Why was I kidnapped here? In front of everyone?"

Tobi looked at her blankly.  "Uh, don't look at me, I don't know what's going on in Suzuki's head anymore. Everyone's more senseless than usual and sending Disguisers to destroy everyone."


"You do realize that Disguisers are the LOWEST rank of Sliek to figure out right? Considering the over use of the word 'source'?"

"Yeah, and thanks to that, your friends happened to stop most of them. But..."   

"But what?"

"Well..." Tobi hesitated to answer.

"C'mon Tobi! Spit it out!" Sara grabbed Tobi by the collar. "What's going to happen?!"

"She's planning on sending the ...Wernyan out." 

She let go out the collar and stared at him blankly for a moment. "The Wernyan you say? Please tell me they're still infants."

"I'm afraid not...She's sending the adult ones."

The Wernyan is a creature that is harmless as an infant and often mistaken for pets. (looks like a bunny crossed with a stuffed bear, 'bunnybear';) However, when it is grown to it's adult stage, all the fur turns into scales(practically godzilla stage). The Slieks use this as a weapon for wars and destructions among themselves and others around them.

Sara started to panic."Oh, god! Oh, god! Oh, god! So why am I here?! I should be helping them! I grew up most of my years with them!!"

Tobi shook his head in disappointment. "You've forgotten, haven't you, Sara.? About the three of us? Do you really have to go over there? "

Sara stayed silent and turned away from Tobi. "I liked my life better over there." Tobi didn't respond. Soon the Mistress came through the room. "Ah, it's so good to see you. It's been a long time hasn't it Sara? When was the last time we hung out? Ten years?"

Before Sara can answer, the Mistress punched her face which knocked her out completely. Tobi was shocked for the quick movement. "Uh, Suzuki, wasn't that a little too harsh!? I know you're angry and all, but isn't that a bit much?"

"That traitor got what she deserved." She turned around to leave the room. But before she did, she ordered Tobi to place her in the Ultima Shell.

Tobi's face turned pale as he heard those words. "Suzuki..A-are you crazy?!"

"Would you rather take her place? Will You defy me as well?" Toby said nothing more, still shaking. The Mistress gave a cruel smile, but felt a small disturbance outside her castle. "So, I am sensing that someone's trying to come and get her, but they won't get far...unless it's that traitor" She seemed pleased with herself and gave a small chuckle."...My plan is progressing quite well."

"Just what IS your plan? Why won't you tell me anything!?" Tobi was starting to get annoyed on not being let in on her plot.

"Like I'd tell you! It's too complicated for your little mind."

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