
By topcat7115

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Felicity is a teenage girl. Sure, she looks fine on the outside but, on the inside, she's broken and doesnt w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Broken On Hold?

Chapter 12

40 2 0
By topcat7115

Brett's P.O.V

When Felicity left the basement, i was confused, did that mean we were okay now? That we should just move on and maybe forget that ever happened? Well, i know i wont be forgetting that kiss. I shrugged, we'll see what happens when we have to sit at the dinner table.

Twenty minutes later, i hear my mum enter the house upstairs and her heals clicking against the floor as she wondered around the house, probably looking for me or Felicity.

"Brett!" My mum called.

"Basement!" I yelled back, then i heard her footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Is Felicity back from Cassidy's?" She asked, standing by the doorway. I nodded.

"Yeah, she came back a while ago" i stated, she nodded.

"Come upstairs Brett, help your poor mother cook dinner" she said jokingly, placing her hand on her chest over her heart. I chuckle, standing up and follow her up the stairs.


I helped my mum cook dinner, remembering that i always used to do this with my mum and it was the only time she was at home for when i was a child.

"Brett, would you go and call Felicity down for dinner please?" Mum asked, dishing the food onto plates.

"You sure you don't want me to help set the table?" I asked, she waved for me to go.

I ran upstairs, going to Felicity's door and knocking.

"Its open!" She yelled, i hesitated before opening the door and entering. There sat Felicity, drawing in her notebook, on her desk chair. I stood behind Felicity, my front against the back of her chair, looking at what she was drawing.

"Hey" i said a little louder then a whisper, she looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey, what did you need?" She asked me, turning back to her drawing.

"My mum said dinner's ready" i mumbled, watching her draw two figures, a woman and a man, their backs to us. They were holding hands as they walked down a street, everything really defined, "Who are they?" I asked.

"They are supposed to be what i imagine my parents to look like" she explained, turning in her seat to stand. I took that as my cue to leave, i walked towards the door with Felicity following behind me.

We wondered into the dining room which was basically the kitchen, they were attached, and sat at the table.

Felicity's P.O.V

As Jenna placed our meals infront of us, I looked at Brett, who was sat across from me, to see he was already looking at me. He gave me a small smile, digging into his food. Jenna sat at the end of the table with her food imfront of her.

"Hows school going, kids?" She asked with a mouthful of food, i chuckled, she is such an awesome mum.

"I think Brett is failing a few classes" i said, obviously lying, but i just wanted to wind him up. Brett almost spat out the food he was chewing, while Jenna raised a brow at him, resting her chin in her hand.

"Oh really?" Jenna asked, a stern look on her face, i chuckled, glancing between mother and son. Brett was gaping, shaking his head as Jenna kept that stern look on her face as he tried to explain himself.

"No, she's making it up! I swear!" Brett defended, "She is trying to get me in trouble" he crossed his arms across his chest and leaned back against the chair, pouting like a child. Jenna looked at me and chuckled.

"Are you making this up?" She asked, i shook my head but then Brett kicked my leg and i quickly nodded.

"Yes i am" i said, glaring at Brett, "That hurt" i told him, trying to kick him back but he trapped my feet between his legs, so i couldnt move them.

"So Felicity, how are you doing at school?" Jenna turned her attention to me.

"Im doing okay, i guess" i mumbled, looking down at my plate.

"Well, just remember this is your last year at school" Jenna warned, "So keep those grades up so you can head to college"

"Good thing im not going to college then" i rolled my eyes.

"What are you going to do then?" Brett asked, i looked up at him and we made eye contact. Silence surrounded us until i decided to break eye contact with Brett, my face going black.

"Im going to find my parents" i said and was surpised that i told him that, ive only ever told Cassidy and Jenna my plans after high school. I looked up to watch his reaction, his eyes widened and he looked over at Jenna, Jenna didnt meet his eyes.

"Your not going to college?" Brett asked, "Just so you can find your parents?" He was confused, i could tell.

"You could never understand, your not a care kid" i muttered, standing up, not wanting to talk about this anymore. Jenna didnt stop me from leaving the table, she didnt make me go back and put the plate in the sink or push the chair in, she just let me go to my room. She understood what us care kids went through, Brett could never understand cause he always had his mum, someone to love and care for him.

I sat back down in my desk chair, getting out a note Jenna told me my parents had left behind, i crossed my legs and unfolded the paper onto my desk. Half of the top was ripped off for unknown reasons but just the proof of my parents being real made me happy.

We don't have any siblings, and our parents are too old to care for our daughter. But we will leave some things behind for her, especially some of our money. We hope whoever looks after her when we disappear, reminds her that we loved her and that we will never forget our baby girl.

That was the end of the note, which is quite sad but thats all i needed to see, that they were real. The note was ripped so only the bottom of the paper was left. The only thing that brought me to tears was the word loved, loved, do they not love me anymore? Do they not care? Why did they never visit if they did care? I remember when i was six, being thrown into a care home with strangers.

I sat in the livingroom, the six year old me. My hair cut short, dark and i sat with Jess, she was a puppy but seemed huge in my small body. It had been a week since i was thrown into this place filled with strangers, but i continued to sit in the livingroom, waiting for my parents to come get me.

"Hey Felicity" the head care worker, Damon, crouched infront of me. I looked up with the usual frown on my face, scratching behind Jess' ears who's head was resting in my lap, "We can't allow you to keep Jess" he said sadly, petting Jess.

"You cant take her from me" i said sadly, clutching her close to me.

"We can't have pets in the care home, sweetheart" he said softly, "She will go to a nice home"

"You cant! Please, she's missing them just like me" tears started falling, "Mummy and daddy told me to keep her close to me, always " i sobbed. Damon groaned, hugging me and leaving me to sit alone.

A tear rolls down my cheek at the memory, all the care kids, the older ones. They werent happy with me, they glared at me everytime i walked into a room with Jess. I got along with the younger kids, who loved Jess too. I never felt so out of place but i grew up to love the place. I sighed, standing up and flopping on my bed, crying myself to sleep.

I hadnt done that in a while....


Hope you're enjoying this story, i appreciate all the reads. Just hoping for your feedback now haha.

Thanks for reading xxxxxx

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