I give up on love! (A MB love...

By Hipp_Rockaa143

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A love story about Mindless Behavior. More

I give up on love! (A Roc Royal love story)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8 and 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24 The End : )

Part 21

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By Hipp_Rockaa143

Chapter 2

Part 21, every 20 parts, it's a new chapter.

Chapter 2:

😄 ..::{ I'm So Confused }::.. 😭


The alarm went off.


Ugh, another miserable day. I think I might just stay home. Since Roc & Chloe are sick, I should take care of them.. I know this is outta the blue but it feels like I have the worst life ever. Why? Because no one likes me. So what's the point of living on Earth if everyone hates you? I just wanna get away from this world. I just wanna go into a deep sleep and never wake up. I can just dream and dream and dream..... I just want my music.. Yeah, my music helps me escape my problems.. The lyrics are telling me something and I need to listen. The lyrics are mostly making me face my problems but they don't give me a solution. They really are telling me what's my problem and are telling me to cry them out. Ugh, Roc just woke up. Gotta go conscious!


Roc: Morning babe! ((Kisses my cheek))

Me: Morning...

Roc: What's the matter?

Me: Nothing..

Roc: C'mon I know something's up with you! Now tell me!

Me: No Roc, it's... It's nothing. I-I'm fine! Okay? See? ((Fake smiles)) I'm good! I'm as happy as you can be! ((Fake laughs))

Roc: No you are not. Laylah. You. Are. Hurt. What's the problem? You can tell me anything.

Me:((Busts out crying)) Everyone hates me! ((Starts crying on his shoulder))

Roc: Who hates you? Why would anyone hate you?

Me: Everyone! It's like if I do something, it's wrong! Everything I do, it's being judged! Nobody likes me because... Because... ((Cries harder)) I don't know why everyone hates me! I try to be the sweetest girl in the world and this is how I'm repaid?! Ugh! My life is truly disgusting! I'm so sick of being called names! Do you know how many people called me fat, ugly, stupid, petty, disgusting, mean, every name there is in the book! And I ask them why?! Why am I those names? And they reply because I just am! Am I really???

Roc: No you are not! You're be-

Me: Cut the crap about beautiful 'cause I know for a fact that I'm the total opposite! I know I look like an oger! You might call me a beauty, but I see a beast! Ugh! ((Cries for another 20 minuets)) 😭

Roc: Are you done?

Me: Yeah...

Roc: Don't let the world bring you down. Okay?

Me: Okay. Thank you Roc. I really needed someone to cry on.

Roc: It's okay.. It's not good to bottle things up or you could go off like you just did. So next time you wanna shoulder to cry on, come to me.

Me: Okay. Thank you. I really needed someone like you to hold me.. But it's funny that no one came to see what's wrong... As usual..

Roc: Yeah... Now everyone's at school and Nicki told me to tell you that she was gonna be gone for 2 days and you know Wayne STAY at the studio!

Me: Okay.. Where's Chloe?!

Roc: Sleep.

Me: Wow, she's been sleeping heavy lately!

Roc: I know! Hey, I'm gonna go fix breakfast.

Me: K.

Roc goes downstairs in nothing but boxers and my Jordan flip flops. He is truly crazy! I go in Chloe's room and see her sleeping. I crawl into her little bed and snuggle up with her. After like 20 minuets Roc calls for breakfast. I crawl outta her bed and run downstairs..

Roc:((Fixes my plate)) Here.

Me: Thanks! ((Starts eating))

Chloe: Mommy I had a bad dweam. 😢

Me; Aww! What was it about?

Chloe: The bad man came back and took me & you and hurt daddy.. 😢

Me: What bad man?

Chloe: That came to the house the other day..

Roc: I think she's talking about Co..

Me: OMG.. It's okay! ((Hugs her)) Do you remember what I said?

Chloe: You wouldn't let AAANNYYBODY hurt me! 😄

Me: Remember! I love you too much for anyone to hurt you!

Chloe: Mommy, I have a question.

Me: And that is?

Chloe: You too daddy, do you remember the day that when you met me in Miami and you guys were arguing about having another baby, where's that baby?

Me; Umm....

Roc: Mommy & daddy are a little young for kids..

Chloe: But you have me! 😄

Me: But... But... Ugh never mind! What do you want? A little sister or brother?

Chloe: Sister!

Roc: But I want a son!

Me: Why?! But they're easier to raise!

Roc; I don't know! Maybe because I didn't have that good of a relationship with my father & blah blah blah! I just wanna son!

Me: We'll see! ((Winks and starts eating my breakfast again))

Roc:((Starts laughing)) wow! ((Fixes his and Chloe's food)) Here ya go coco!

Chloe: Thank you daddy.

Roc: Mm Hm.

We finish eating and wash the dishes then go upstairs and watch Spongebob with Chloe.

Me: Roc, why do you have on my Jordan flip flops? ((Laughing))

Roc: 'Cause I couldn't find mine!

Chloe: Daddy, where did you get that long scratch from, on your back?

Roc: When daddy was fighting..

Chloe: That's why you have those little scratches on your chest?

Roc: Yes.

Chloe: Daddy you have boobs!

Me:((Busts out laughing))

Roc: Do not!

Chloe: Do to!

Roc: Do not!

Chloe: Do to!

Roc; DO NOT!

Chloe: DO TO! ((Stands up and stomps her foot then crosses her arms))

Roc: DO NOT! ((Does the same as Chloe and now they're looking at each other frowning))

Me: Stop arguing! Now apologize!

Roc&Chloe: Sorry..

Me: Good!

Roc: ((Picks Chloe up and throws her up then catches her))

Chloe:((Laughing)) Again, again daddy!

Roc:((Does it again)) okay that's enough! ((Sits down))

Chloe:((Climbs on his lap)) I love you mommy and daddy.

ME&ROC: We love you too! ((Kisses her forehead))

Chloe: Why do you guys always fight?

Me:.... Uh....

Roc: B-because.. Uh

Me: Because no relationship is perfect?

Roc: Yeah..

Chloe: Oh.. Can I take a bath? I stink!

Me: ((Sniffs her then myself)) We all do!

Roc: I'm fresh out the shower!

Me: From 2 days ago!

Chloe: C'mon mommy! Run my bath water! ((Drags me into the bathroom)) Can I wash my own hair?

Me: You sure you can do it yourself?

Chloe: Yeah! I'm a big girl!

Me: Okay! Whatever you say! ((Running bath water)) Use shampoo first then rinse then conditioner. Okay?

Chloe: Okay! 😄 ((Takes off her clothes and gets in)) Thank you!

Me: Welcome baby! ((Walks out and I see Roc standing in the doorway))

Roc: Babayyy! 😏

Me: What?

Roc: I want kids!

Me: You have Chloe!

Roc: Like I said in Miami, I want him with my blood in 'em!

Me: Like I said in Miami, maybe when I turn 18!

Roc: Thats 2 whole years from now!

Me: Hey, I coulda said 21!

Roc: Okay okay! But how do you think Wayne's respond will be?

Me: He'll probably cuss you out, fight you for making me pregnant, kick us out, invites me back but you can NOT come back until the baby's here, and finally when the baby is here, he still won't like you but accept you being my baby favvaaaaaaa! 😛

Roc: Oh okay.. A little scary.. But, I can accept that!

Me: Yep!

Chloe comes running in without her towel on screaming.

Chloe: AAAHHH daddy the shampoo got in my eye!

Roc: ((Gets a towel)) How'd you get shampoo in your eye?

Chloe: Mommy lemme use it by myself!

Me:((Sucks teeth)) Snitch!

Roc:((Gets it out)) Stop rubbing your eye!

Chloe: But it burns! Will I lose my eyeballs?

Roc; No! C'mon, I'll help you wash your hair!

Chloe: Thank you daddy!

Roc:((Picks her up)) Why didn't you dry off? At least put a towel on!

Chloe: Because I didn't feel like it!

Roc: Nobody should be looking at your body if you don't have any clothes on. Okay?

Chloe: Why?

Roc: Because I don't want anyone to do any harm to your body. If someone other than me & mommy ask to see a body part other than arms and legs, tell them no and tell me. Okay?

Chloe: Okay. I love you daddy! ((Puts her arms around his neck))

Roc; Love you too. ((Puts her back in the tub and starts washing her up and washing her hair))

Me: Aww! ((Takes a picture of them)) This is going on Instagram! ((Shows them the picture))

Roc; Why you always taking pics?

Me: Because I can! ((Walks out))



After Roc washer her hair, she gets out and we decide to McDonalds!

My outfit ;

A misfit shirt with the skeleton hands on my boobs, skinny jeans, black and white chucks, and a nirvana hoodie I stole from prince! 😀

My hair was in a messy bun.

Chloe's outfit ;

A pink Miney Mouse shirt, pink jeans, Miney mouse high tops, and hair was down, wet, and naturally curly! 😄

Rocs outfit ;

A white tee, jeans, a black hoodie, and black and white Jordan's.

Me; Y'all ready?

Roc: Yeah..

Me: Okay, Lego!

We walk to the car and take Rocs and he drives to McDonalds.

W/P(window person): Hello welcome to McDonald's how may I help you?

Roc: Yeah, can I get a kids meal, a number 1, and a number 6 with a large fry.

W/p: Boy or girl for the kids meal?

Roc: Girl.

W/p: Drinks?

Roc: Two cokes and an apple juice.

Wp: Is that all?

Roc; No, can I get an ice cream?

Wp: Small?

Roc: Yep!

Wp: That'll be $12.68.

Roc: Thanks! ((Pulls off to the first window)) Here. ((Gives him a $20 dollar bill)) Keep the change. ((Gets the food and pulls off and we get home))

Me: How'd you know what I wanted?

Roc: I'm just dat sssmmmaaarrttt! 😏 Like you said when we first met, a good girlfriend knows everything about her boyfriend and If the boyfriend is good, he knows everything about her too.

Me: Good thing you remember, I don't! Haha! Hey, do y'all wanna go to the carnival?

Roc: Is it one around here?

Me: Yeah, it's like 20 minuets away!

Roc: Cool. After we eat though.

Me: Okay.

After we finish eating, we head to the carnival and see...

To be continue 😎

This part is boring I know. But next part I'm skipping 3 years.. It's gon' get interesting! 😎

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