The Shades of Dragons: Onyx (...

By RubyRedSun

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The old farm was quiet as it stood proudly in the light from the morning sun and the only thing you could hea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Autor's note
Chapter 7

Chapter 6

298 16 11
By RubyRedSun

"We're here."Eragon's voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I quickly looked up. I froze in my step as I took in the sight before me. The old and big trees had parted slightly and if you paid attention you could see the outlines of buildings at the base of almost every tree, each with different shapes and discreet forms that followed the base of the tree. To say that I was in awe was an understatement and as elves started to head towards us the giddy feeling inside me grew stronger but was mixed with nerves.

The three of us continued walking and as we entered a wide clearing we slowly came to a stop. I shifted on my feet, my arms wrapping around Onyx as if to ground myself and not freak out by all the elves closing in on us as well as the sound of flapping wings heading our way. I looked over at Eragon, smiling slightly as our eyes locked before he tilted his head to the side as if telling me I should pay attention. With narrowed eyes I poked my tongue out at him before looking towards were the sound of wings came from.

The first dragon appearing was a deep pink and as the pink dragon came in sight the purple dragon, Niana, pounced up in the air towards the pink dragon and it's rider. My eyes followed Damien and Niana as they dashed through the air and I flinched back as the two dragons collided but as Eragon let out a deep chuckle I immediately relaxed."That will be us soon." Onyx said to me, and a giddy feeling spread through me as I looked down atthe black dragon in my arms. "I can't wait." Was all I said in return as I kept my gaze at the two dragons in the air.

The purple and pink dragon circled each other and right before my eyes they seemed to almost blend together as they decended from the sky with the two riders on their backs. My brown eyes were wide open and I took a step closer to Onyx as the two dragons came closer to the ground. Eragon placed his hand on my left shoulder as the two dragons landed a few feet in front of us.

Damien dismounted his dragon as did his exact replica. My eyes were wide in amazement at the two men that walked towards us with their pink and purple dragons closely following behind them. The new rider placed two fingers on his lips and greeted Eragon and bowed as Eragon did the same. The rider of the pink dragon straightened up and turned towards me and Onyx with a small smile on his lips. "You must be the newest rider." Damien's brother said and I could istantly feel myself relaxing in his precense which made me frown slightly in confusion."I'm Damon, Damien's twin brother, and this is my dragon Manarí."A shy smile gazed my lips as I looked up at Damon as he stood in front of me, almost shoulder to shoulder with his brother.

"I'm Jennifer and this is my dragon Onyx." A large smile spread on my lips as I mentioned Onyx and I could feel myself almost bursting with pride and love for the black dragon beside me. Onyx bumped his head lighty against my side as he felt my emotions running through our shared bond. Our moment was interrupted as Eragon gently placed his hand on my shoulder to get my attention.

"Are you alright to continue on, or do you want to stay?" Eragon asked in a gentle voice as I looked up into his brown eyes. "What do you think?"I asked Onyx as I looked down at him as he stood with his blackscaled head tilted towards me an Eragon. " I want to continue on." His masculine voice replied in my head and I couldn't stop the giddy smile that formed on my lips.

"We can continue on." I turned to reply to Eragon. He smiled down at Onyx and me before he moved his hand down to my shoulder blade and gently pushed me forward so that I would start walking. With a huff of annoyance I swatted his arm away from my back, earning a laugh from the mighty rider, as well as the two brothers.

With my right hand on Onyx shoulder we followed Eragon as he walked further into the forest, making it clear that it hides an incredibly breathtaking city. "This is beautiful." my thoughts were filled with wonder as my eyes moved from one thing to another.

"It is not built like you build a house. It is grown out of the very nature we live in."Onyx said through our bond and I could immediately tell what he meant by it as the buildings seemed to flow and blend together with their surroundings without it looking out of place. "It's amazing."Was all that was sent through our bond before our emotins blended together. We let our eyes take in our surroundings as we continued towards a rather large buildning further ahead.

All of a sudden Saphira let out a low rumble before she jumped up in the air, closely followed by the pink and purple dragons. Looking down at Onyx I saw his wings tense before he relaxed once more and let the dark wing move out to brush against my leather covered leg."Daaaadd!" The loud cry cut through the almost silent atmosphere and I almost tripped over my own feet as I jumped up in surprise but a steady hand held me up before it was gone as abruply as it appeared. I tured my head to thank Eragon but stopped myself as he darted past me. I kept my eyes on him as he ran towards the large building. I frowned in  confusion before I saw him lifting up a little girl with flowing black hair. A small smile formed on my lips at the endearing moment in front of me and I followed Damon and Damien as they headed towards the pair.

"I've missed you!" the little girl's voice was light and innocent, and filled with life as she was wrapped up in her father's arms. You could feel the joy coming from the little girl, as well as Eragon and I could feel my eyes starting to water from the complete uselessness that washed over me.

Without a word I turned away from the father and daughter reunion and just walked away from everyone so that I wouldn't break down.


My brown eyes gazed over the gathering crowd of elves as they started to move towards the little girl standing beside a black dragon. My hand twitched by my side as I watched the newest rider absently brush away her hair as it flew into her eyes from the wind coming from the twin dragons.

From the corner of my eye I noticed my golden brown dragon move to lay her big head beside me and let her hazel eyes land on the young rider. My dragon let out alow sound of discomfort as she felt the grief wash over me and through our bond.

"What is wrong?"Cannitha's soft and gentle voice asked through our bond but I couldn't say it. Not even through the shared bond of a dragon and its rider. It was all to painful to leave her there. With people that loathed the very earth she walked on, the very air she breathed. But I could not keep this from my loving dragon.

"She is my little sister." I thought to Cannitha and I could feel the moment that she understood. Our bond was now filled with complete pain, coming from me, and overwhelming love from the golden brown dragon on my right. "Bear." I clenched my jaw tightly to keep the overwhelming emotions from slipping out of my control and I managed to contain it but as soon as Cannitha wrapped her tail around me and pulled me towards her I could feel myself break.

The pain and the feeling of being completely helpless that I had kept locked up inside me burst out of me. Cannitha let out a low rumbling sound and she sent her love and strength to me, helping me fight through the never ending stream of tears rolling down my cheeks.

"How can I face her knowing what I put her through by leaving."I kept my eyes down so that I wouldn't have to look into my beautiful dragon's eyes. Cannitha sent an image through our bond that made a small smile form on my lips. It was an image of my baby sister as she ran towards me with her hair flowing behind her as she let out asquel of delight for seeing me and my father once more. "Remind her that the people she thought were her parents, aren't. Remind her that she was, and forever will be your little princess."Cannitha said in a gentle voice that was filled with so much knowledge for her age that it made me wonder how I could have been so lucky to have her as my companion and friend.

"She's breaking awayfrom the crowd." At my dragon's words I finally looked up and immediately spotted Jennifer as she slowly but surely broke away from the gathering elves an the three dragon riders. I noticed my sister's black dragon following close behind her with it's tail flicking fromside to side as if it was uncomfortable.

"We should make sure that she doesn't get lost in the city."Cannitha stated and I quickly agreed by standing up and whiping the tears away with the back of my hand before mounting the saddle on my dragons back. Cannitha ran straight out of the cliff we were lying on and spread her large wings out as we soared through the air towards my baby sister and her dragon.

We landed several yardsaway from the newest dragon and it's rider and we kept our attention on them as they got closer and closer to us. I slowly dismounted my dragon and silently jumped down to the ground to face the only family I had left.

I could feel her eyes on me and my dragon as I stood with my back towards her and when I heard her footsteps getting closer I slowly turned around to lock eyes with brown eyes, identical to my own. I could feel my heart breaking as tears started to roll down her cheeks and her bottom lip trembled. I clenched my hands into fists to keep myself from reaching towards her.

"Ray?" The sound of my sisters voice broke my heart and I took the last two steps towards her and wrapped my arms around her small frame. Tears rolled down my cheeks as Jen let out a loud sob and wrapped her arms around my waist. "I'm so sorry princess." I managed to whisper out in her ear over and over again. Suddenly it was as if all my energy had left my body and all of a sudden I was on the ground with my sister securely wrapped in my arms as she curled herself up in my lap and just cried out her pain and her anger.

Cannitha growled out an angry warning before she stood above me and Jennifer right before running footsteps were heard coming towards us. Jen ignored the footsteps and just continued to hug me as I looked up and noticed Eragon running towards us with Damien and Damon following behind him.The three riders stopped a few meters away from us and took the sight of us in.

As Eragon took a step forwards Jen's dragon let out an angry roar and walked to stand slightly in front of us with it's black tail flicking from side to side. My sister just moved her arms so that they were wrapped around my neck before she wrapped her legs around my waist. With her new grip I slowly, and gently stood up. Well standing up I wrapped my left arm around her waist and hugged her closer to me.

"I'm never leaving you again little sister." I whispered in her ear making her tense body slowly relax. With a small smile I pressed my lips to the top of her head. Jen hugged me tighty for a second before she started to lean her head backwards so that she could look into my eyes.


It has been so long since i've uploaded a chapter! And I am so sorry for that!

But finally(!) here's chapter 6!

I hope you enjoy it!

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