Hunted Shadows (Book 1) In He...

By fluffball2

21K 585 56

Marcella is adopted by shifters again, the only problem is she's human, and stronger than she's supposed to b... More

The last One
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Update on Progress
Not an Update, Sorry
Book selling

Part 6

1K 43 2
By fluffball2

~~~Macy's POV~~~

After Marcella left the room I turned to my brother. "Now sister, before you say anything I had nothing to do with those boys," his hands were up in surrender.

"It was that Beta of yours. And that Beta was stalking my daughter, tell me you weren't a part of that either." I glared heavily at him.

"At first, no." I looked him in the eyes with calm eyes now, but I was far from it. My wolf wanted to tear him to shreds.

"At. First? You see my daughter, your niece as a threat? A human?" Now my anger was brewing, but I would not show it. People fear my calm anger than my loud anger more.

"You know I have to take every warning into account, even a human. But the Beta did bring up a good point, she could be something else. And that necklace she wears? It's a protection necklace from the shadow people. Those disgusting monsters are protecting her, why?"

"Maybe because they see that you can't protect a human in your own pack. They aren't all monsters John! One came to me as a child, before dad was corrupted. It was a woman and she protected me from those rogues that broke into our house. Remember that? You guys left me in that house alone with rouges, and if it weren't for that woman I'd be dead,"

"Dad went back in for you! Don't say we left you alone," he growled out, dangerously close to shifting.

"Dad rushed you and mom out of the house, and didn't come for me until after the rouges had gotten to the house. That woman saved me and you still see them as evil beings. Maybe the ones that corrupted dad were evil, but that doesn't mean all of them are. Wolves killed Marcella's family, it's a wonder she doesn't hate us all." My eyes had shifted, I knew from the worried looks my mate was sending me. Thank God he had the common sense to stay out of this.

"He loved you as much as me and mom and you know it. He was a good man until those monsters turned him against us." I could see his wolf taking control.

"Why can't you understand dad never loved me the same as you? You were his pride and joy, and I was a disappointment to him. He always told me I was never enough, he let those rouges get to me. He didn't come running into my room, he walked. Walked! That woman came again when they were corrupting dad and kept him from beating me."

"He would never! He ran into the house to save you."

"No John, he walked into that room and when he saw me alive he paled. He sneered at me, but the woman stood between him and me. She carried me out of there, not dad. He turned and ran to you and mom, but I was never jealous of you. I was glad he didn't care about me, that meant I didn't have to be perfect. Leave my daughter alone, I won't have her stalked because a shadow person is protecting her." My anger came in full force then, my glare hardened, my wolf scratching at her barriers to get to him. I looked him straight in his eyes as I spoke, but because I had Alpha blood in me it meant my wolf was challenging his. "Get out of my house." I composed myself once again becoming a cauldron of brewing anger.

"I am the Alpha, you will not tell me what to do," was he really trying to start a war he won't win?

"Get. Out. Or challenge me to a fight for dominance." I glared at him as I said this, challenging him mentally.

"I didn't want it to come to this but if you so wish, I challenge you Macy Varulv to a fight for dominance." I broke a little internally, but refused to let it show.

"You're just like father," I said as I passed him on my way outside. We would have to take this to the center of the town so Marcella wouldn't hear it. "Let's go brother,"

"You know the rules, winner gets Alpha title unless winner does not want it." The Beta looked at me with an apologetic look, I only looked at him coldly. My brother looked controlled by his anger, I would be able to use this to my advantage. "Are you both ready?" I waved my hand in a dismissive manner, John only growled. "Let the fight begin,"

John leapt, turning into his wolf. I simply stood still, I knew not to make the first move with my brother. It would be a mistake to do so, he would only attack when you showed him where to attack. He circled me, watching any twitch my body made looking for an opening. The entire pack was here watching, anticipating my failure but not knowing what to expect from me. The pack has never seen me fight, and that includes my brother. I have seen him fight though, and I knew where to strike and when.

I heard his breathing pattern change, it slowed his heart beat slowing with it, his paws touching lighter on the ground. He was going to feint to my right and go left, and true to my thinking process he did exactly that. I twisted at the last second threw his body to the ground mid jump. A hush went over the crowd when the Alpha didn't get up immediately, he was feigning defeat. He wanted me to be the concerned little sister and give him the upper hand. So I sat down to his left, much to everyone's surprise

After realizing it wouldn't work he growled, but upon seeing me sitting he hesitated. A hesitation that cost him when I leapt at him, shifting mid leap. I landed on him, throwing him back to the ground. I pinned his legs and put my teeth on his jugular, putting pressure on it. He didn't know how to get out of this one, he submitted to me. I growled and let go of him. I turned my back on him, but kept my ears on him. I was right to as he leapt at me from behind. I spun around, grabbed his neck with my mouth and slammed him to the ground once more growling fiercely.

"Macy is the winner of this fight. Do you accept the Alpha position?"

"I do not," I had shifted, throwing my brother a disappointed look. "He will be a fit Alpha once he realizes he cannot control people just because he is an Alpha," and I left back to my house. My mate was there to catch me as I collapsed from the exhaustion.

Marcella's POV

After I woke up this morning I quickly looked around the room expecting to see a wolf watching me. There was none, my shadow friend was gone. I reached up to touch my necklace, the shadow had come out of the shadows to answer my questions. He was tall, well built, he had white hair like me and golden eyes, his skin was tan. He had the warmest smile I had ever seen and his demeanor was comforting. He told me the necklace was a gift from his people to keep me safe from what lurked in the dark. He told me that a few years back a group of rouge shadow hunters attacked the Alpha's family starting with his father. The rouges corrupted their father and he killed his mate, and disowned his daughter. Eventually the pack killed him and named his son the Alpha of the pack, and ever since then he has hunted down any unshifted shadow hunters. He told me that someone was looking for me, and that they were hidden from the shadow hunter community. He told me that my story was far from over though, and that I would meet great people. He didn't give me a name so I took t calling him my shadow.

I found a note saying mother had to go to the doctors and that my uncle would pic me up for school. Today was Friday and the end of a stress filled week, I know my mother challenge john and that she won. I walked down the stairs after getting dressed in a black long sleeve and white skinny jeans, my necklace. I put my hair up in a high pony tail as I walked down the stairs. I was wearing mascara and nothing else and my black flats.

I was surprised to find John still had entrance to the house after last night. The fight was loud and I could hear it all the way in my room. I know they had gone into town, but a shifter's growl can be heard from miles around. I knew mother won when she came home exhausted and crying about brother being just like their dad. I was worried then for the pack's safety, their father did awful things to this pack.

"John, how are you this morning?"

"I could be better, yourself?"

"A pair of loud wolves kept me up. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?" I saw his eyes widen a fraction.

"There is a wolf pack that migrates through here. Dominance fights are not uncommon."

"It sounds like you and my mother had a pretty big fight last night." He already knows I know so why not.

"What I am really interested in is are you a threat to this pack?"

"No you are interested in if I am corrupted by the shadow hunters, am I correct?"

"They are all monsters," he sneered. How naïve a thing to say.

"And my parents were hunted down and killed by wolves, but not all wolves are bad. I know what happened John, and I know they were rouges. Don't put the blame of your heart ache on an entire species." I was calm, patient even with him. Like speaking to a child you are reprimanding you have to be gentle but stern.

"Do not patronize me child," he sneered.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk, you have yet to accept the fact that your sister is right about your father. The shadow hunters saved her more times from your father than outer harm. Now I don't want to be late, I assume you have my breakfast?"

"As I assume you will go to your trainer today, yes I do. And I'm aware of your every move in the pack. Watch who's toes you step on,"

"You wouldn't dare get rid of me, your sister would leave then. We both know how she is with me. I am her world right now, and you have already upset her enough," I walked past him, brushing his shoulder. "I know where I stand, the question is dear Alpha, do you know where you stand?"

"I am Alpha of this pack. I control the people in it and keep them safe."

"You are wrong. You are an Alpha, but that doesn't mean you control people. You as Alpha are supposed to guide your pack and keep them safe. Your father believed he should control his pack, that's why he was corrupt before the rouges came to him." I opened the door to his car and got in. I saw two packages and waited for John to tell me what was mine.

"You are all wrong about my father. He was a good man until those monsters corrupted him. He was the one to save Macy, he lead his pack like a good Alpha, and he loved Macy. One is for lunch the other breakfast."

"Thanks. He made you see what he wanted you to see. You only saw the family side of him, the pack never said anything against him because he lead this pack with fear."

"He was a good man, through and through. Why does no one seem to agree with me?"

"Perhaps you really are like your father, rule with fear not kindness."

"My pack loves me."

"They fear you, there is a difference. And if you tell Macy that I know what you all are I will tell her how you have threatened me."

"You are in no place to threaten."

"Oh but I am Alpha. I have an entire world of packs, prides, clans, nests, ect that would come at my call. I also have the hunters and shadow hunters, and your sister. Don't say a word about this or I will blab to the entire pack that you have killed hundreds of innocent children."

"They were to turn into monsters."

"Why? Because four bad people killed your mother and father? News flash a whole pack of wolves murdered my family, a human family of four dead. I had a brother you know, he sacrificed his life so I could live. But I do not blame every wolf for the actions of one pack Alpha. We are here, I'll be running to my training session so I won't need your assistance." I got out, not caring that everyone's eyes swiveled to me when I set foot out of the car. His three sons stared at me as if I were some kind of alien. I melted into the shadows where I spent my entire day, using my spray every two or three hours. John constantly tried to watch me, but I used his lack of tracking abilities. The Beta and future Beta watched me intently, knowing my every move.

"My name is Michael, I am the youngest of the Alpha's kids. And you are?"

"Marcella, your cousin." I walked away before he decided he wanted to my friend. The rest of the day was uneventful and boring, until the Beta all but attacked me. I screamed and stomped on the middle of his foot effectively breaking it. I ran, and John up a head, I could hide and act innocent. It might just work, he was running this way anyways. I quickly ran behind him, as the Beta ran towards me limping.

"What are doing Jake?"

"I saw this young girl stalking the halls when she wasn't supposed to be and tried to get a reason as to why, and she broke my foot!"

"So you warned her of your presence I suppose?"

"I was going to the bathroom when Mr. Jake attacked me out of nowhere." I made my voice shake slightly, making appear as if I were scared. Even if the Alpha already knew the extent of my knowledge I was hoping he would protect me. I am after all his niece, and he is quite afraid of my mother.

"Care to explain why Mr. Don?"

"She was stalking in the shadows, not headed to the restroom at all. I decided to investigate and she broke my foot." And it has healed by now, I'm sure.

"And you decided to do it by attacking her?"

"I didn't attack her. I reached out and grabbed her shoulder."

"I can't do a thing about her breaking your foot, you know the rules after all, and I do believe she saw that as an attack." He shrugged his shoulders, the Beta sending me a hateful look. He was an ok guy, once you got past the arrogant wolf attitude.

"My apologies Miss. Varulv, I did not realize how jumpy you were, it won't happen again."

"Well then, I do believe the last bell is about to ring. How about we go to my office to talk?" This was directed towards me, he was going to lecture me no doubt. I nodded and began to walk towards his office.

"I suppose you want to talk about me being a danger?"

"Shut the door." Now that wasn't suspicious at all.

"Alright, out with it."

"I want you to be a pack spy, we could use an asset like you."

"No, I will not be a spy for this pack or any pack." He looked shocked.

"You would be a part of the pack if you were our spy."

"Does your sister know of what you are asking?"

"No, but it is up to you."

"I say no, and I will forever say no." The bell ringing gave me my reprieve. I walked out of his office and started on my way home, I would need to change for my training session. This was going to be a rough training session, I could feel it in my gut. I just hope Derek is in good spirits about me asking for more intense training.

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