Shadow of the Night (part2)

By arria_93

4.5K 45 7


Shadow of the Night (part2)

4.5K 45 7
By arria_93

Ok. Part 2. please comment!

P.S. - (Sara is just a normal teenage girl with a best friend who she has known forever. He is really hott, a playboy, she is secretly in love with, and is a vampire. Wait, What?!.... when James realized that he loves her back he knows if anyone else in his world (of vampires, shape-sifters, witches, and silkies) finds out the sentence for there love would be death. Sara is thrown into a world that she never even knew existed, and finds that her life is in danger, not only from the supernatural world but also from an unknown illness that is perplexing the doctors, though she only needs to look at her family history to find out what is the matter. Maybe she isn't in as much danger as she thought.... or maybe she's in more.)

They got out of the car and walked into the school. Ambrosia Public High School was a big concrete building. About ten years ago the Administrators started letting the art students paint on the walls, to keep the school from looking like a prison. Some paintings were two floors high and painted by a group of students, others were remakes of famous works of art, and some were the students' own art. There was a big sign that said Senior's Last Day Countdown: 2 Days.

Ambrosia was a big town with many residents; some people would joke and say "Ambrosia is one block short of being a city."

"Have you been asked to prom yet?" said James as they got to her locker.

"No. Who are you going with, Ashley or Rachel?"

"Neither, we broke up."

"Has it been a month already?"


"I've noticed that you never stay with a girl longer than a month."

"You're very observant." and it worried him.

"Not really, I've just known you for a long time. So who are you going to ask?"

"I don't know."

"Aren't you worried that you won't get a date if you wait to long?"

"Not in the slightest."

"You are so full of yourself."

He gave her his perfect crooked smile and winked.

"Stop it. That's not a good thing." but she couldn't help smiling.

"I think it's a good thing."

She punched his shoulder

"OW!" and the surprising thing was that it had actually hurt.

"If you keep this up you will have dated every girl in Ambrosia."

"Why do you care?"

"James, you're my best friend, I care about you."

"Oh," she had never said anything like that to him before, their relationship was very playful and sarcastic, but rarely serious "well I care about you too Sar."

A light, very attractive, blush lit her cheeks, these were uncomfortable waters for her as well. The bell rang, "I should get to history." said Sara.

"See you in Spanish, next period."

James walked into shop class two minutes later. It was a big room with a lot of heavy machinery crammed into it. There were big double doors that led outside where some projects were worked on when the weather was nice. All the students gathered around the teacher for attendance and then went off to work on their individual projects. James, who was working on a large shed with a group of other students, went outside. Unfortunately for him, one of those students was Tom.

James climbed up a ladder and started nailing shingles to the roof of the shed. His body instinctively tensed as he heard Tom climb up behind him, Tom had asked Ralph's permission to ask Sara to Prom, and Ralph had said yes. Without looking at James, Tom started rolling out the shingles ahead of James. He turned with his mouth open as if he was about to say something but then he turned back to his work. He did this a few times until James grew irritated "What?"

"What did you get her?"


"What was Sara's birthday present?"

"Why do you need to know?"

"I was just wondering." he mumbled as if he didn't want James to hear.

"I got her a vacation."

"A vacation? To where?"


"She can't go to Venice alone, her parents would never allow it."

"Who said she was going alone? I got a ticket for myself as well."

"Do you want Ralph to kill you?"

"Why would he try to kill me?"

"Everyone knows your reputation. He won't try to kill you, he will kill you."

"He can try, and I have never made a move on Sara, if I wanted to, I would have already."

"So you think you're too good for her."

"No. Just the opposite, she's too good for me." He didn't know what made him say it, but when he did he knew it was true; if any of his people found out she would be in a lot of danger "Don't tell anyone I said that." there was a strong threat in his voice that scared Tom.

"So...Um... I heard you and Rachel broke up."

"Yes, and?"

"Ralph wanted to ask her to Prom."


"Odd to dump a girl just before Prom, aren't you worried about finding a date?"

James smirked "Not in the slightest."

This seemed to anger Tom "You think you're so great, don't you Upyr? With your car, looks, and apartment. Nobody is better than you!"

James clenched his teeth "Well, the car was a gift, I can't help my looks, the apartment is an investment of my parents, and I just told you that there are people I think are better than me."

"Well, why don't you ask her to Prom then?"

"You know, that sounds like a good idea. I might just do that."

"Really?" Tom looked worried.

"Maybe. But then, maybe not. I might ask her... or I might ask a rather attractive fox of a girl down at my social club."

"Of course, you belong to a social club."

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"It means you are rich, you have an awesome car, your own apartment, every girl in Ambrosia wrapped around your finger. Everything is so easy for you!"

James grabbed a fistful of Tom's shirt, with just a flick of his wrist he could send Tom flying off the roof "You don't know a single thing about my life." Tom was frozen where he stood; James knew what Tom was seeing. James's eyes had turned metallic and cold, and he seemed more predator than man. It would be so easy to make it look like an accident.

No, he will never kill again. "Go, I can finish the roof myself."

James was already there when Sara walked into Spanish class, she took the empty seat next to him "What's up?" she said.


"What's wrong?"


She turned in her seat and stared at him.


"Tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing is..."

"I know you well enough to tell when something's up, James."

James was looking at something over Sara's shoulder. She turned and saw Tom.

"Hi." he said.

"What's up?" she replied.

"I was just wondering if" he coughed "youwouldgotopromwithme."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I was just wondering if you would go to Prom with me."

Sara glanced at James, he was looking straight ahead, his face revealed nothing. Obviously he didn't feel the same about her as she did about him, she would just have to deal with that, and Tom was a great guy, she looked up at him "I would love to go to Prom with you."

His face split into a smile "Really?"


The teacher walked into the classroom "Take your seats please." Tom sat down next to Sara "Good morning class."

"Good morning Señora Walker." The students chimed.

"Today," said Señora in Spanish "we will be having a pop quiz." There was a collective groan as everyone put there books away. Señora was one of the only teachers who would give a test this close to the end of school. As always, James finished first, Sara saw him put his paper on Senora's desk then he leaned down so he was looking her straight in the eye, he said something but Sara couldn't hear what, then he left the room. Sara finished her test, nobody but James ever finished before her, and brought it to the teacher. "Señora?" she asked.

"Hmm?" she looked slightly dazed.

"Where did James go?"

"He's leaving early today, he and his parents are going away over the long weekend and they wanted to get a head start." the answer was automatic and with no feeling.

"Okay, may I go to the bathroom?"


"Thank you." Sara had no intent of going to the bathroom, she left the room and walked to the front doors of the school, she signed out, telling the woman at the front desk she had forgotten a book in her car. James was just about to pull out of the spot when she reached him.

"Where are you going?" she asked him, leaning against his door, her hand brushed his and another shock shot threw her, she jumped back.

"I have to do something for my parents," he looked shaken "I won't be back to classes today. I can pick you up though, if you need a ride."

"Tom can drive me."

James clenched his teeth "I can do it; we were going to hang-out after school anyway, remember?"

"I almost forgot. You'll be back at 2:30?"

"On the dot."

"K, See you then. Have fun ditching."

"See yah." and he pulled away.

James needed to find out what was with the shocks, they had never been there before, but try as he might, he couldn't recall ever making skin contact with her. He sped down the street until he got to the corner of Eighth and Ocean Drive. He looked around, the street was bare, there was no traffic or noise, and the buildings were brick with no windows. To his left was a building of slightly darker blood red brick. He entered the alley besides the blood red building. There was a big iron door with a peep-hole; above the door someone had painted silver Celtic Moon. He rapped on the door three times.

"What's the password?" said a deep throaty voice from behind the door.

"You know who I am Toad."

"What's the password?"

James rolled his eyes "Amigo Vulnerable."

The door opened a few inches and a pair of big watery hazel eyes peeked out from behind the door "The name's Crapaud, not 'Toad', why do you insist on calling me that."

"That's not much better than 'Toad' your parents must have hated you."

"They're French, they thought it was funny to name my sister and I this way."

"Just let me in."

The door opened all the way. James looked down at a little fat man, with no hair or neck "Do your parents know you're not in school? Should I call them?"

"Call all you want, Toad. They don't care about school."

Toad, defeated, climbed-up onto a tall three-legged stool.

James walked down the long dark hall to a deep red curtain. Before stepping through he turned back to see a big brown toad with big watery hazel eyes staring at him from the top of the stool.

Sara was clenching a sink in the girls' bathroom. She was doubled over hugging her stomach, her eyes squeezed tight in pain. She had horrible cramps running through her abdomen, turning her stomach. She had had cramps before, but never like this. As a new wave of cramps surged through her she cried out in agony.

The Silver Moon was an underground club; all the patrons were NightWalkers (Vampires, Shape-Shifters, Witches, and Silkies). Humans were not allowed into NightWalker clubs unless they were blood-slaves, a human who had made a blood-oath with a NightWalker. This club had no windows or natural light, there was a bar, tall tables, booths, big couches in little nooks, and a small dance floor. There were not many people there at this time of day, but that didn't matter to James, because the two he were looking for were.

He made his way to the bar where a girl with long black hair and electric blue eyes was sitting. A clang of distress shot through him and he had to resist turning around and running to Sara's side, he needed to be here, and there was nothing he could do for her anyways. Right, like that would help him not feel her pain. He took the seat next to her as the bartender put his usual down in front of him. The girl's nose wrinkled at the smell of the thick red liquid that had the strong smell of whisky. She turned to him and he could see the necklace that she always wore, it was a silver chain with a black celestial sun-and-moon charm. She looked to be about eighteen, like him, when in reality she was near five-hundred. "Celeste." James said "It's been a long time." Celeste was a very powerful, very rare type of witch, she was an Oracle.

"Too long. What do you want?"

"What? No how are you? Or any of that normal chit-chat? I have to want something to talk to you? I can't just want your enchanting company?"

"There is no such thing as normal, and you never want to just talk."

"Well I do have a question,"

"Surprise, surprise."

"Can you cut the sarcasm, please?"

"I make no promises. What is the question?"

"Can a vampire get or give an electric shock?"

"That is a very odd question. In what we call the norm, a term I hate, no, a vampire can't. A vampire's body is animated by something other than electricity, though we know not what it is, blood perhaps? But some half-vampires have been known to give or receive shocks, before they went through The Change of course. And, it is said that when you touch your Anima-amare, your soul-mate, you both feel a surge of energy through your body, much more than a shock, but that is not confirmed."

James could sense Celeste was getting on a roll, he opened his mouth to cut her off when a pair of arms reached over his shoulders. They had creamy skin, small wrists and hands with long fingers with red nails. The right index finger had a gold ring set with a red ruby with a five point star carved into it.


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