The Fifth Element (Dinah/OC)

By BefallenChains

21.4K 1.2K 775

An orphan at birth, you have been bounced around various foster homes, juvenile centers and homeless shelters... More

Chapter One: A New Era (Edited)
Chapter Two: New World (Edited)
Chapter Three: Dark Revelations (Edited)
Chapter Four: Strength of Fire (Edited)
Chapter Five: The Original Family (Edited)
Chapter Six: Desire (Edited)
Chapter Seven: Her Keepers (Edited)
Chapter Eight: Power of Words (Edited)
Chapter Nine: The Rise of the Phoenix (Edited)
Chapter Ten: Family Bonding (Edited)
Chapter Eleven: Memories (Edited)
Chapter Twelve: Chess Pieces (Edited)
Chapter Thirteen: Hope (Edited)
Chapter Fourteen: Mind Tricks
Chapter Fifteen: Roses

Prologue: And So It Begins (Edited)

3.8K 123 159
By BefallenChains

A/N: Thank you all for you patience with this story line. I struggled a little bit in getting this back on track, but I believe revamping this had finally worked after considering scraping the whole thing. 

Hope you enjoy! And like always, like, comment or share :D 


The black sedan slowly drove up the long and winding road toward its desired destination. The driver was too focused on the road to pay any mind towards the sleeping teen in his backseat. As for the teen, she was oblivious to the world that lay behind the gates of the place she was heading.

Her new home for the next two years.

Her new future.

Her destiny.

The car came to a slow stop in front of a large and very intimidating iron gate. It was adorned with watchful gargoyles on both pedestals that held the hinges of the gate. When the gates opened up, the driver let out a low whistle as his eyes set upon the vast and pristine campus.

"You sure are a lucky girl," The driver commented even though his passenger was still fast asleep.

He took one glimpse at the girl and admired her beauty from the rearview mirror. However, he returned his gaze back on the road to drive towards the main building as he was instructed.

The sound and sudden jolt of a car door opening and slamming shut brought the sleeping beauty out of her slumber. Her light silvery-grey eyes adjusted to the sunlight and focused on her new surroundings. Her eyes widened and her jaw nearly dropped to the flow when she realized how beautiful the campus was.

Before her was a massive stone building. An extravagant water fountain was placed in the middle of the driveway to show the importance of the building. Within the fountain, the water was crystal clear and glistened even more due to the gorgeous sunny day.

Around her, she could see the cobblestones lining the pathway. She caught sight of luscious green grass and tall shadowing bearing trees. This place belonged in a fairy tale or a Hollywood movie, but no, this is where she was going to be living and she couldn't believe how lucky she was.

Students were walking around the building, brandishing different colored uniforms. Murmurs and whispers started to ensue as students tried to get a glimpse of the VIP guest behind the tinted windows. When the girl started to notice the attention she was acquiring, it reminded her of the reason behind her new living situation. This wasn't a privilege. This was a bargain. A replacement to where she was supposed to be.

It was then that she remembered she was an outsider. No matter where she was.

The door opened and she stepped out of the vehicle. Her long dark locks draped down her back and hid part of her face. Her hair swayed due the gust of wind rushing around her. Her light sun-kissed skin peaked through the holes and gaps of her baggy, rundown clothes. Her silvery-grey eyes gleamed bright as it caught the sunlight.

She was definitely a sight, even though she would never believe it herself.

"Get to class everyone," A voice bellowed as the sound of heels clicked against the stone ground.

A tall woman with short red hair walked up to the car and smiled brightly at the girl. Her dimples imprinted on her cheeks and her pearly white teeth on full display.

"Melinda, hi, and welcome to Beacon Academy," The woman greeted. "My name is Nicole, Nicole Haught. I am the headmistress here at this establishment."

"Scarlett," The teen spoke in a very low tone as her gaze was fixated on the floor.

Nicole leaned down a bit more, to the discomfort of the teen, and tried to hear a bit better.

"I'm sorry?"

"Scarlett... Please call me Scarlett."

"Oh, I apologize. I forgot that was mentioned by your social worker. I just find Melinda to be such a beautiful name," Nicole replied. "Well, you can call me Nicole. Most of the students here do. Having the last name Haught does have its disadvantages, especially when I decided to take up the headmistress position here. Teens just have to tease about the name. It is like an obligation."

Nicole chuckled, but stopped shortly after when she noticed that Scarlett remained silent as she told her joke.

"Tough crowd," Nicole muttered under her breath. "Come on. Let me show you around while we have the campus to ourselves. The students should all be in class by now."

Nicole turned her attention towards the man who had driven Scarlett. He had just finished unloading all of Scarlett's things, which she noticed was not a lot. All Scarlett had were 2 suitcases and a small pack.

"Thank you for your assistance," Nicole addressed as she waved over a group of faculty members. "They will deal with the luggage." She handed the driver an envelope filled with a hefty amount of money.

The driver's eyes nearly popped when he gazed down at the stack of cash. He quickly thanked Nicole and paused a bit to stare towards Scarlett before jumping into his car and disappearing through the iron gate. Once the car was out of sight and Scarlett's things were gathered, Nicole brought her attention back onto the teen to start the tour.

"Let's begin, shall we?" Nicole smiled as they began to walk through the campus.

As they walked through a number of hallways and pathways, Nicole took the time to observe and analyze Scarlett's appearance and demeanor. She already knew about Scarlett's timidness and fear towards others. She had seen it first hand the day she met Scarlett in Ohio. She recalled the time that a simple outstretched hand had caused Scarlett to have a full blown panic attack. Nicole had to wait a full day in order to revisit Scarlett after that.

Nicole also took note of Scarlett's mannerisms. The way the teen would tug at her sleeves and would scan her surroundings like someone was going to attack her from behind.

This didn't surprise Nicole since she already knew about Scarlett's past. Nicole couldn't fathom how much pain and suffering Scarlett had endured in the past, but she hoped that this would be a new beginning for the teen and that a brighter future was in store for Scarlett and the world.

"This building over here," Nicole stopped in front of a small stone building, though not the same size as the main office building, it was still magnificent. "This is the administration office. This is where you will go if you need any assistance regarding your classes or extracurricular activities. If you need to talk to your teachers, or have classes changed as well. In addition, this is where you will find my office. Usually students come here for issues they have caused, but feel free to visit me any time. I have an open door policy with all of the students."

Scarlett nodded and gazed around.

Nicole continued to show Scarlett the different buildings such as the jaw dropping library, the Grand Hall where everyone gathers for announcements and eats their meals, the indoor and outdoor pool, the track field, gymnasium and outdoor fields. The campus appeared to cater all needs and wants for the students and Scarlett was in complete awe of the layout and the vast amount of land. She never imagined that she would be attending a place like this.

"And down here, we have the Vulcan dorm-"

"Fire," Scarlett muttered as she read the small characters underneath the building name.

Nicole smirked as she saw Scarlett focusing on the latin inscription. She knew Scarlett was quite intelligent and she was hoping that would sway people on her decision to allow Scarlett into the school.

"That is correct. The dorm buildings are represented by the Earth's elements. This dorm is represented by fire. Some of the students will call it Vulcan, or Hephaestus, depending on their preference. The students that live in this building wear the red school uniforms. The color coding helps us organize the students based upon their... educational specialties."

Scarlett nodded in response, curious about the educational specialties. However, she didn't dare question it.

Nicole continued on, explaining the colors and dorms. Mercury was for the students in white. Artemis was for the students in green. Neptune was for the students in blue. It was a well organized academy and Scarlett wondered what color she would be placed into. Thinking about this made her wonder how her new peers will perceive her. Most of her peers in her previous school never tolerated her existence. They would also try to attack her out of jealousy or lust. She was praying that this place would be different. She needed it to be different for she could no longer take the abuse or pain.

Just thinking about her past brought up the unsettling feeling of fear and paranoia. She subconsciously grabbed onto herself, cowering away. She started to shake and a familiar feeling of nausea started to creep in. She closed her eyes, completely forgetting about the world around her and felt the cold wash over her. She was becoming weak and let the feeling overcome her.

The next time Scarlett opened her eyes, she was no longer in the beautiful campus of Beacon Academy.

The stone buildings and luscious green landscapes were no more. Instead, Scarlett was standing in the middle of a dampened wooded area. The only light that brought her little comfort was the light coming from the sky above. Looking down at her feet, fallen sticks and leaves were sticking to the mudded floor beneath her sneakers. Her shoes squeaked with each step she took.

She definitely did not like the feeling that the area was giving her. However, like many of her visions, she had to play out the scene.

A few meters away, Scarlett could hear the faint sound of something, or someone, rushing through the area. Squinting her eyes, she was able to focus on the thing rushing towards her.

It was a woman.

A young, beautiful and utterly terrified woman.

She was running with purpose, ignoring the pain as the sharp branches scraped against her bare and raw skin. Her disheveled blonde hair stuck to her pale white skin due to the sweat and blood caking her face. Her arms and legs were covered with dirt, blood and cuts. It was clear that this woman was attacked and suffering.

The woman ran past Scarlett with haste. Something within Scarlett knew that she had to follow, and so she did. Even though she was the one wearing shoes in the forest, the woman was running faster than Scarlett ever could. It made Scarlett wonder what was causing the woman to run in such a hurry. Soon, Scarlett got her answer when she heard the menacing growl from a beast running close behind. Mistakingly, Scarlett turned her head only to be met by yellow glowing eyes that belonged to a large grey wolf.

Scarlett quickly dove to the ground as she saw the wolf prepare to pounce. The wolf soared over Scarlett's body and went straight for its target. The woman skidded to the floor, barely stopping by the cliff's edge. Beneath the cliff was the harsh and thrashing waves of the ocean, ready to swallow the woman whole.

"You've got nowhere else to run," The wolf's thoughts echoed in the cold winds. "Tell me where the others are. If you do, I'll make sure your death is quick and painless."

The woman's fear vanished as she gazed up at the wolf. As the woman stood up from the ground, Scarlett could see that there was a new confidence and power within the woman. She was no longer afraid. She was... relieved.

"You're not getting me today, wolf. And your kind, nor any Elysians, will ever get its power. This war will soon be over and your demise will come with it," She said with such certainty and firmness that the wolf snarled in reply.

The woman smiled with satisfaction as she grasped onto her pendant. Before Scarlett could conclude what the woman was going to do to escape, the woman in question leaned back and fell down the cliff without hesitation.

"NO!" Scarlett rushed forward but was immediately pulled back to reality.


Scarlett was gasping as air filled into her lungs. Her hands trembled and her body felt like it was encased in an ice block. The experience was taking its toll on Scarlett's mind and body and she soon collapsed into Nicole's arms. This brought worry and concern to the headmistress as she stared down at the teenage girl.

Nicole swiftly and effortlessly picked up the teen and brought the teen to the infirmary before any of the other students could get out of classes and see the scene.


While Scarlett was being treated at the infirmary, the buzz of her presence was running through the campus like wildfire. Each faction and grade were all wondering and gossiping about who she was. It was extremely rare for a transfer to happen. In fact, it was practically unheard of. Most of the students attended the academy at an early age, basically when they start to show signs of their talent. No one has ever entered the academy so late in age.

Whoever the girl was, she was the first in history.

"Did you hear about the new girl? Octavia said that she was able to get a look at her when she was headed to class and said that the girl was drop dead gorgeous, minus the wardrobe choice," Lauren stated as she picked at her food.

Lauren was sitting in the center of the Grand Hall with her small, very tight-knit group of friends. Her group was coined the "Untouchable Queens" due to their high status and lineage. The five were considered the most powerful and influential teens within the academy and everyone knew not to mess with them. Not only because of what they can to their reputation, but because they were well trained in their abilities and skills. If needed, they knew how to stand up for themselves, both verbally and physically.

Camila huffed loudly, glaring at her green-eyed girlfriend. Though their relationship was hidden within their small group, Camila couldn't hide her jealousy and anger.

"Babe, I was only repeating what Octavia said to me," Lauren coaxed. "You know you're the only girl for me," She nudged her stubborn-headed girlfriend. She placed her hand underneath the table to rub Camila's thigh soothingly.

"Whatever," Camila rolled her eyes, knocking away Lauren's touch. "So, do you think she will be a student here? Or just visiting?"

"Doesn't really matter to me. The main thing I want to know is, which faction sent her," Normani jumped into the conversation. "I know it wasn't ours. We would have heard from Dinah's father if he had sent someone," She looked over at Dinah, who agreed with her.

"Well, she is definitely not from mine," Camila said bitterly. "My mom would have told me she was sending another student over."

"How about yours, Ally?" Normani looked to the oldest one in the group.

"If she was, it would be news to me. I haven't visited in awhile, let alone talk to my mother. I could ask my brother though," Ally stated.

"It's all good. I'm sure we'll figure out everything eventually," Dinah shrugged. "Not like they can hide her away from us if she does enroll. She will have to attend our classes and stay in the dorms."

They continued with their lunch and small talk before being called to finish the day. A lingering thought of the mystery girl remained in everyone's mind as they walked through the halls in hopes of bumping into her.

Too bad that was not going to happen since she was still recovering in the infirmary, which was now off limits for students.

"What is she?" A woman in a white lab coat addressed the much taller headmistress as they stood in the infirmary room awaiting for the teen to wake up. "I've treated countless Elysians and I've never seen a pattern like hers."


"Don't Waves me, Nicole. What... Is... She?" She repeated again.

"Trust is... I'm not entirely sure... Yet," Nicole timidly gave. "I just know that if she had stayed out there with the Terras, she would have caused more harm than good. I just knew that she had to be here."

"She could cause more harm in here, Nicole," Waverly hissed. "She could be a Terra for all we know. She can expose everything about us if she learns the truth about the academy. The Council needs to be informed about this."

"No, Waverly, come on." Nicole held onto Waverly's hand desperately as the latter tried to take out her phone. "You said it yourself. You have never seen a pattern like hers before. She is no Terra and you know it."

"And I also know that she is not like any Elysian that I have met, and I know of all of the Elysians. I'm a doctor for crying out loud," Waverly shot back. "And once the others find out about her, just know that you will be getting in a lot of trouble with the Council."

"I'll handle them when, and if, it comes to it. Just... Watch over her. I have to talk with the staff about arrangements for her class schedule."

Waverly sigh, but nodded. She was not able to say no to Nicole, especially when Nicole was giving her those eyes. Nicole smiled brightly and brought Waverly into a comforting hug, knowing that the doctor was already overly stressed with the whole thing. She chuckled when she noticed that Waverly was not reciprocating the hug.

"You worry too much."

"Because someone has to."

Nicole pulled away, her dimples showing as she smiled down at Waverly.

"Everything will be fine," Nicole bent down and captured Waverly's lips with her own. "I will be right back."

"Good luck," Waverly called out when Nicole was heading towards the door. "You are going to need it."

Nicole was soon in the staff room, surrounded by her peers and employees. After she explained everything about Scarlett, she waited for the questions to start pouring in.

"What do you mean she isn't one of us? That means that she is Terra then, right?" Kara relayed her concerns.

"She isn't Terra either. What I mean is, she is not one of our typical Elysians that we know of today," Nicole expressed.

"So you think. She could just be another mentally unstable individual who shares similarities with our brain patterns," Oliver retorted.

"Can the mentally unstable shatter glass by sheer thought and will? Can they knock someone back fifteen feet across the room with a single touch? Can they cause an entire house to fall apart and then burst into flames within seconds?" Nicole laid out copies of Scarlett's records. "If that's the case, then I think they should really increase security for all of the psychiatric facilities in the Terra world."

All of the staff members read through the copies. Their eyes widened as they read about the incidents, astonished by what Scarlett was capable of.

"That is not possible," Felicity gaped.

"She is showing signs of ALL elemental abilities," Caitlin placed. "How is that possible?"

"As you can see, Scarlett is no Terra, but she is no Elysian either. She is something entirely new to us. She is strong and extremely powerful. She is too powerful to be left in the Terra world without the proper training and observation that we can provide."

"She could also be too powerful for our world as well," Barry pointed out.

And deep down, Nicole could not disagree with Barry's concern.

Scarlett was a very powerful being indeed.

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